Apache Flex FlexUnit 4.2

Apache Flex FlexUnit 4.2 is an update to FlexUnit 4.1 and first release under Apache. 

Differences from FlexUnit 4.1 include:

- Automated sonatype OSS deployment of the Apache Flex (FlexUnit) artifacts
- Implemented the url property in FlexUnit Ant task to allow use of remote swfs

Bug Fixes
 Below is a complete list of all the bug fixes that have been included since
 the last release, FlexUnit 4.1
 If you would like specific information about any of the items below, go to
 https://issues.apache.org and search for the JIRA Issue Number by using the
 Quick Search.  Details of the bug and its fix will be included on the
 resulting page.

JIRA Issue Number  Summary                                                                                        
FLEX-33572 further implemented the automated sonatype OSS deployment of the FlexUnit artifacts

Please report new issues to our bugbase at:


The Apache Flex Project