Changes in version 1.6.1                        

    o   Updates for Bioconductor 3.11: new function: hl_plot, fixed
	decay_plot bugs, rewrote cols function.

                        Changes in version 1.0.0                        

    o   RNAdecay is accepted to Bioconductor.

                       Changes in version 0.99.11                       

    o   Added a Makefile so compilation occurs on install using
	TMB::compile, and fixed a major error in the
	constraint_fun_list_maker for two and three treatment analysis.

                       Changes in version 0.99.10                       

    o   10th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.9                        

    o   9th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.8                        

    o   8th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.7                        

    o   7th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.6                        

    o   6th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.5                        

    o   5th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.4                        

    o   4th set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.3                        

    o   3rd set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.2                        

    o   second set of changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.1                        

    o   changes made to be compatible with Bioconductor requirements.