%\VignetteKeywords{real-time, quantitative, PCR, qPCR}
pdftitle={EasyqpcR: low-throughput real-time quantitative PCR data analysis},%
pdfauthor={Sylvain Le Pape},%
pdfkeywords={real-time, quantitative, PCR, qPCR},%
\markboth{\sl Package ``{\tt EasyqpcR}''}{\sl Package ``{\tt EasyqpcR}''}
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\newcommand{\code}[1]{{\tt #1}}
\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\tt "#1"}}
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\title{EasyqpcR: low-throughput real-time quantitative PCR data analysis}
\author{Sylvain Le Pape\\
IRTOMIT-INSERM U1082 (Poitiers, France)\medskip\\
The package \pkg{EasyqpcR} has been created to facilitate the analysis of
 real-time quantitative RT-PCR data. This package contains five functions
 (\code{badCt, nrmData, calData, totData, slope}). In this manuscript, we
 describe and demonstrate how we can use this package. The last section presents
 how we can use the free R GUI \code{RStudio} and the \code{gWidgets} package
 created by John Verzani in order to facilitate the qPCR data analysis by a
 graphical user interface.

\section{Amplification efficiency calculation}
In this section, we describe how we can use the \code{slope} function of this
 package. As an example, we have 2 genes (gene 1 and gene 2) and 5 samples in
 triplicates (control group 1 and control group 2, treatment group 1 and
 treatment group 2, calibrator). We want to calculate the amplification
 efficiency of these two genes:

<<first, comment=NA>>=



slope(data=Efficiency_calculation, q=c(1000, 100 ,10, 1, 0.1),
    r=3, na.rm=TRUE)


You can put the returned values into a vector to use it (without the need to
 type every amplification efficiency) in the next functions.

<<step1, comment=NA>>=

efficiency <- slope(data=Efficiency_calculation, q=c(1000, 100 ,10, 1, 0.1),
    r=3, na.rm=TRUE)

\section{Calculation of the expression values from one or multiple qPCR run(s)}
We describe the calculation of the normalization factors, the relative
 quantities, the normalized relative quantities, and the normalized relative
 quantities scaled to the control group of your choice using the method of
 Hellemans et al (2007) \cite{qbase}. We have a set of three qPCR runs, each run
 representing an independent biological replicate. The raw data of these runs
 can be found in the \code{data} folder of this package. The no template control
 and no amplification control have been discarded in order to facilitate the
 understanding of the workflow. The limiting step is that you need to put the
 control samples on the top of the data frame otherwise, the algorithm will not
 work correctly. Firstly, we load the datasets:

<<step2, comment=NA>>=


Each dataset contains 15 observations: 5 samples (2 control groups, 2 treatment
 groups, 1 calibrator) in triplicates. There are 4 genes: 2 reference genes
 (RG1 and RG2) and 2 target genes (TG and Tgb).
In order to facilitate the
 understanding of the \code{nrmData} function, I suggest you to read its man
 page by typing \code{?nrmData} in your R session.

Concerning the reference genes, I suggest you to use the \code{selectHKgenes}
 function of the \code{SLqPCR} package from Matthias Kohl \cite{SLqPCR}.

In order to avoid the inter-run variations, we have used a calibrator (one is
 the minimum recommended, more is better). Thus, we have to calculate the
 calibration factor for each gene. We have to include the normalized relative
 quantities of our calibrator in an object:

<<step3, comment=NA>>=

## Isolate the calibrator NRQ values of the first biological replicate

aa <- nrmData(data=qPCR_run1 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=c(1, 1, 1, 1), CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)[[3]]

## Isolate the calibrator NRQ values of the first biological replicate

bb <- nrmData(data=qPCR_run2 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
	   Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
	   nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
	   CF=c(1, 1, 1, 1), CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)[[3]]

## Isolate the calibrator NRQ values of the first biological replicate

cc <- nrmData(data=qPCR_run3 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=c(1, 1, 1, 1), CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)[[3]]


Now, we have to run the \code{calData} function.

\section{Calculation of the calibration factors}
Here, we describe how to use the \code{calData} function. In the continuation of
 what has been done before, we have three objects containing the NRQ values of
 the calibrator(s) and we now have to calculate the calibration factors for each

<<step4, comment=NA>>=

## Calibration factor calculation

e <- calData(aa)

f <- calData(bb)

g <- calData(cc)


\section{Attenuation of inter-run variations}
Now, we have the calibration factors, we can calculate the expression value
 without the obsession of the inter-run variability:

<<step5, eval=FALSE, comment=NA>>=

nrmData(data=qPCR_run1 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=e, CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)

nrmData(data=qPCR_run2 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=f, CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)

nrmData(data=qPCR_run3 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=g, CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)


{\bf Remark:} The validity of IRCs must be interpreted with care: two or more
 IRCs must be used to control if the IRCs measure the technical variation
 between the runs with the same extent the \code{calData} value divided by each
 calibrator NRQ value must be sensitively equal). If this ratio is really
 different, you must exclude the highly variable IRC in \textbf{all} the qPCR

\section{Aggregation of multiple independent biological replicates from the same
In this section, we will discuss about the final function of this package
 \code{totData}. In some research fields, the reproducibility of an observation
 can be tough (notably in the stem cells field). An algorithm published by
 Willems et al. (2008) \cite{standardization} attenuates the high variations
 between independent biological replicates which have the same tendency in order
 to draw relevant statistical conclusions. This algorithm has been inputed in
 this function for the scientists experiencing this kind of issue.

<<step6, comment=NA>>=

## Isolate the NRQs scaled to control of the first biological replicate

a1 <- nrmData(data=qPCR_run1 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=e, CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)[1]

## Isolate the NRQs scaled to control of the second biological replicate

b1 <- nrmData(data=qPCR_run2 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=f, CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)[1]

## Isolate the NRQs scaled to control of the third biological replicate

c1 <- nrmData(data=qPCR_run3 , r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2, 2),
       Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=5,
       nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=2,
       CF=g, CalPos=5, trace=FALSE, geo=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)[1]

## Data frame transformation

a2 <- as.data.frame(a1)
b2 <- as.data.frame(b1)
c2 <- as.data.frame(c1)

## Aggregation of the three biological replicates

d2 <- rbind(a2, b2, c2)


Finally, we use the final function \code{totData} and indicate that we want to
 use the transformation algorithm published by Willems et al. (2008)
 \cite{standardization} followed by the linearization process:

<<step7, comment=NA>>=

totData(data=d2, r=3, geo=TRUE, logarithm=TRUE, base=2,
       transformation=TRUE, nSpl=5, linear=TRUE,


\section{RStudio and gWidgets: tools to facilitate your qPCR data analysis}
To facilitate the use of R, a free software named \emph{RStudio} has been
 created \cite{RStudio}. This interface allows (among other things) easy data
 importation/exportation. In the same spirit of having an interface for using R,
 John Verzani has published a package \code{gWidgets} which has the great
 advantage to easily create a graphical user interface \cite{gWidgets} for the
 function you want. In this last section, we will present how we can use these
 tools to facilitate the qPCR data analysis.

To begin, we must choose our workspace directory by typing this in your R
 session: \textbf{setwd(gfile(type=\textquotesingle selectdir \textquotesingle)
 )}. You will see the opening of a window and you will just need to define your
 workspace directory. Then, we have to import some datasets in our R session.
 \emph{RStudio} allows an easy data importation (see \ref{fig:dataimport}).

  \caption{\it Data importation in RStudio}

This can be done by following these steps:

	\item{uncompress the csv file (qPCR$\_$run1.csv) in the data folder}
	\item{move it to inst$/$extdata}

Then, you just need to type this in your R session:

<<step8, eval=TRUE, comment=NA>>=

file <- system.file("extdata", "qPCR_run1.csv", package="EasyqpcR")

qPCR_run1 <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep="", dec=".")

After data importation, you must control if your qPCR technical replicates
 satisfy your threshold variation value (0.5 classically):

<<step9, comment=NA>>=

badCt(data=qPCR_run1, r=3, threshold=0.5, na.rm=TRUE)


Here, there is no bad replicates, but as an example, we will set the threshold
 value to 0.2 and see what it returns:

<<step10, comment=NA>>=

badCt(data=qPCR_run1, r=3, threshold=0.2, na.rm=TRUE)


There are some bad replicates (according to the example threshold value). Now,
 we want to easily remove technical error (no more than one in qPCR technical
 triplicates), we just need to use the \code{gdfnotebook} function of the
 \code{gWidgets} package by typing this in the R session:
 \textbf{gdfnotebook(cont=TRUE)}, and then choose which dataset you want to edit
 (qPCR\_run1, here). After saving it (on an other name in order to easily reproduce
 your analysis with the same raw data, by example: qPCR\_run1 is the raw dataset,
 and after removing technical replicates you can save it under the name
 qPCR\_run1\_cor). Or, you can edit your dataset directly in your spreadsheet and
 save it under an other name.

Finally, to easily analyze your qPCR data, you just will need to type this in
 your R session for each function of the package:
 \textbf{ggenericwidget(\code{function},cont=TRUE)}, where \code{function} has to
 be replaced by \code{nrmData}, \code{calData}, \code{totData}, or \code{badCt}.
This can also be done with the command lines described above.

\section{How to analyse qPCR data with EasyqpcR when samples and genes are
spread across runs ?}

All the previous examples showed how to perform qPCR data analysis when all the
 samples were present for each gene in each run. Here we present the procedure
 to follow when we have too much samples to be contained in each run, thus when
 samples and genes are spread across different runs.

Here are some examples of plate designs:


  \caption{\it Sample maximisation strategy}



  \caption{\it Gene maximisation strategy 1$/$3}



  \caption{\it Gene maximisation strategy 2$/$3}



  \caption{\it Gene maximisation strategy 3$/$3}

As described in the work of Hellemans et al (2007) \cite{qbase}, the sample
 maximisation strategy does not need inter-run calibration factor because there
 is no samples spread over runs (all the samples for each gene are contained
 in one plate). Unless you have to many samples to be contained in one run even
 with sample maximisation strategy, you will have to perform the inter-run
 variation correction presented below.

In gene maximisation strategy the samples and genes are spread across
 runs. Thus, it is necessary to calibrate the NRQs with a run-specific and
 gene-specific calibration factor.

We will now describe how to handle this issue. Follow these steps:

	\item{uncompress the csv file (Gene$\_$maximisation.csv) in the data folder}
	\item{move it to inst$/$extdata}

Then, you just have to do this:

<<step11, eval=TRUE, comment=NA>>=

filebis <- system.file("extdata", "Gene_maximisation.csv", package="EasyqpcR")

Gene_maximisation <- read.table(filebis, header=TRUE, sep=";", dec=",")


First, you have to analyze if there are some bad replicates:

<<step12, eval=TRUE, comment=NA>>=

badCt(data=Gene_maximisation, r=3, threshold=0.5, na.rm=FALSE)[1]


Do not worry about the NTC (no template control), they are not needed in qPCR
 data analysis (but they have to present at least a Ct difference > 5 Ct
 compared to the samples). Here, you can use the \code{gdfnotebook} function of
 the \code{gWidgets} package.

After having removed the two aberrant values (RG2, Sample 15, Ct = 22.0691567571
 ; and RG3, Sample 18, Ct = 19.0232804823), rename the data frame as

Now, we remove the NTC values:

<<step13, eval=FALSE, comment=NA>>=

fileter <- system.file("extdata", "Gene_maximisation_cor.csv",

Gene_maximisation_cor <- read.table(fileter, header=TRUE, sep=";", dec=",")

Gene_maximisation_cor1 <- Gene_maximisation_cor[-c(106:108, 118:120, 130:132,
 142:144, 154:156, 166:168, 178:180, 190:192),]

rownames(Gene_maximisation_cor1) <- c(1:168)


Now, we will calculate run-specific calibration factors:

<<step14, eval=FALSE, comment=NA>>=

calr1 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2,
    nCTL=16, CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][1:3,]

calr2 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][4:6,]

calr3 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][7:9,]

calr4 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2,
    nCTL=16, CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][10:12,]

calr5 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][13:15,]

calr6 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][16:18,]

calr7 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2,
    nCTL=16, CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][19:21,]

calr8 <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=c(1, 1, 1), CalPos=c(33:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[3]][22:24,]

e <- calData(calr1)

f <- calData(calr2)

g <- calData(calr3)

h <- calData(calr4)

i <- calData(calr5)

j <- calData(calr6)

k <- calData(calr7)

l <- calData(calr8)


To respect the calculation of the NRQs which need the whole samples to take into
 account the whole variability, we have to apply the \code{nrmData} function
 on the whole samples. But we will do it for each run with the correction by the
 run-specific calibration factor and after each inter-run variation
 correction we isolate the corresponding CNRQs (\emph{i.e.} the NRQs corrected
 by the specific CF), for example:

We perform inter-run variation correction on the whole samples by the CF of the
 first run, which corresponds to the samples 1 to 4 and IRC 1.1, 2.1, 3.1. But,
 the CF of the first is not the correct CF for the second run and for any other
 run. Thus, we isolate (after inter-run variation correction on the whole
 samples by the CF of the first run) the samples concerned by this specific CF
 which are the samples 1 to 4 and IRC 1.1, 2.1, 3.1. And we do it for each
 run-specific CF. Then we isolate the NRQs of the samples 5 to 8 and IRC 1.2,
 2.2, 3.2 corrected by the CF of the second run, etc...

<<step15, eval=FALSE, comment=NA>>=

m <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=e, CalPos=c(33:35), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(1:4,33:35),]

n <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=f, CalPos=c(36:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(5:8,36:38),]

o <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=g, CalPos=c(36:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(9:12,39:41),]

p <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=h, CalPos=c(33:35), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(13:16,42:44),]

q <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=i, CalPos=c(36:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(17:20,45:47),]

r <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=j, CalPos=c(36:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(21:24,48:50),]

s <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=k, CalPos=c(33:35), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(25:28,51:53),]

t <- nrmData(data = Gene_maximisation_cor1, r=3, E=c(2, 2, 2),
    Eerror=c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), nSpl=56, nbRef=2, Refposcol=1:2, nCTL=16,
    CF=l, CalPos=c(36:56), trace = FALSE, geo = TRUE,
    na.rm = TRUE)[[2]][c(29:32,54:56),]

## Aggregation of all the CNRQs

u <- rbind(m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t)


Explanation of what we have done before: we have isolated the corresponding NRQs
 corrected by the specific CF (remember that after correction by the specific CF
 , we talk in terms of CNRQs and not anymore of NRQs):

	\item{Samples 1 to 4 and IRC 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 are corrected by e}
    \item{Samples 5 to 8 and IRC 1.2, 2.2, 3.2 are corrected by f}
    \item{Samples 9 to 12 and IRC 1.3, 2.3, 3.3 are corrected by g}
	\item{Samples 13 to 16 and IRC 1.4, 2.4, 3.4 are corrected by h}
    \item{Samples 17 to 20 and IRC 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 are corrected by i}
    \item{Samples 21 to 24 and IRC 1.6, 2.6, 3.6 are corrected by j}
	\item{Samples 25 to 28 and IRC 1.7, 2.7, 3.7 are corrected by k}
    \item{Samples 29 to 32 and IRC 1.8, 2.8, 3.8 are corrected by l}

Do not worry about the \code{nCTL} parameter, because in gene maximisation (or
 sample maximisation if there are too many samples), the CTL samples are not
 present in all the runs, so you will have to perform the scaling to control

Note that in this case where the control samples are not present in all the
 runs, the nCTL parameter is not relevant and we only take into account the NRQs
 corrected by the calibration factor (CNRQs). Thus, to have nicer
 graphs, you will need to perform a scaling to your control group by doing a
 geometric mean of the CNRQs of your control samples and divide all the CNRQs
 by this geometric mean. Here the control group is composed by the samples 1 to
 16, thus:

<<step16, eval=FALSE, comment=NA>>=

ctlgroup <- u[c(1:4,8:11,15:18,22:25),]

ctlgeom <- colProds(ctlgroup)^(1/dim(ctlgroup)[1])
ctlgeom1 <- (as.data.frame(ctlgeom)[rep(1:(ncol(u)), each = nrow(u)), ])
ctlgeom2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(ctlgeom1, ncol = ncol(u), byrow = FALSE))

CNRQs_scaled_to_group <- u/ctlgeom2



Kohl, M.
\newblock{SLqPCR: Functions for analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data at
 SIRS-Lab GmbH}
\newblock{R package (2007)}
\newblock{SIRS-Lab GmbH, Jena}

Jan Hellemans, Geert Mortier, Anne De Paepe, Frank Speleman and Jo Vandesompele.
\newblock qBase relative quantification framework and software for management
 and automated analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data.
\newblock Genome Biology 2007, 8:R19 (doi:10.1186/gb-2007-8-2-r19)
\newblock http://genomebiology.com/2007/8/2/R19

Erik Willems Luc Leyns, Jo Vandesompele.
\newblock Standardization of real-time PCR gene expression data from independent
 biological replicates.
\newblock Analytical Biochemistry 379 (2008) 127-129
\newblock http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003269708002649

\newblock{RStudio: Integrated development environment for R (Version 0.96.330)
 [Computer software]. Boston, MA. Retrieved August 6, 2012.}

John Verzani. Based on the iwidgets code of Simon Urbanek and suggestions by
 Simon Urbanek and Philippe Grosjean and Michael Lawrence.\newblock{gWidgets:
 gWidgets API for building toolkit-independent, interactive GUIs}
\newblock{R package version 0.0-50 (2012)}
