Changes in version 2.0.1                        

  - Fix bug in logLogisticRegression causing tests to fail in
    Bioconductor 3.16 daily builds

                        Changes in version 2.0.0                        

  - The @cell slot has become the @sample slot. Associated generics and
    accessor methods have been renamed, then aliased to their old names.
    As such, old code should still work as expected, but will in fact be
    calling different S4 methods.
  - Added the @treatment slot to the CoreSet-class
  - Renamed @sensitity slot to @treatmentResponse

                        Changes in version 1.5.8                        

  - Fixed imports for the CoreSet2 constructor to resolve errors in
    downstream package PharmacoGx

                        Changes in version 1.5.7                        

  - Add TreatmentResponseExperiment class, a simple wrapper around
    LongTable to make the class syntax more domain specific
  - Add CoreSet2 structure to support creation of CoreSets with the
    modified class structure introducted in BioC 3.13
  - CoreSets can now be made with treatment combination experiments via
    the TreatmentResponseExperiment class!

                        Changes in version 1.5.6                        

  - Fix bug in LongTable -> data.table coerce method that was causing
    rows of some assays to be dropped (closes issue #)

                        Changes in version 1.5.5                        

  - Fix bug in .distancePointLine where function fails with no intercept
    specified (Issue #120)
  - Added support for aggregating an assay inside of a LongTable class
  - Some in-progress updates to the CoreSet constructor which will be
    completed for the Fall release
  - Fixed an error in treatmentNames example
  - Fixed roxygen2 documentation warnings about S4 method documentation
  - Overhauled LongTable coerce methods to use the LongTableDataMapper
    class instead of the deprecated 'LongTable.config' attribute

                        Changes in version 1.5.4                        

  - Fix bug in $<- and [[<- methods where value was returned instead of
    updated object
  - Fix bug in .sanitize input caused by length > 1 coercing to logical

                        Changes in version 1.5.3                        

  - Fix bug in connectivityScore caused by length > 1 coercing to
    logical vector; this should fix errors in RadioGx and PharmacoGx
    vignettes that were caused by failed R CMD build

                        Changes in version 1.5.2                        

  - Add subsetBySample method for CoreSet object; this is the first step
    in modularizing the subset methods for reuse in dependent packages
  - Added a CoreSet-utils documentation section to document subset,
    intersect, combine and other set operations for a CoreSet object.

                        Changes in version 1.5.1                        

  - Fixed some spelling errors and incorrect code chunk configurations
    in the LongTable vignette
  - Fix bug in .rebuildProfiles where the function fails if replicate_id
    is assigned as a rowID column in the LongTable in @sensitivity

                        Changes in version 1.5.0                        

  - Bioconductor spring 2021 release
  - Added the DataMapper abstract class
  - Added the LongTableDataMapper concrete class
  - Added the metaConstruct method, for making an S4 object from a
    sub-class of DataMapper
  - Updated LongTable vignette with documentation for the DataMapper and
  - Refactored various methods to work with a LongTable in @sensititivty
  - Refactored various methods to work with a MultiAssayExperiment in

                        Changes in version 1.1.5                        

  - Implemented a new class, the LongTable, to store the results of a
    treatment response experiment. This class provides a flexible and
    fast data storage object which can be subclassed for use in other R
  - Added vignette documenting LongTable accessors and usage of the new

                        Changes in version 1.0.2                        

  - Bug fix: suppress warnings thrown by piano::runGSA inside the
    connectivitScore function

                        Changes in version 1.0.1                        

  - Updated the CoreGx vignette to include more information on extending
    the CoreSet class for use in other treatment-response experiments.

                        Changes in version 1.0.0                        

  - Implemented molecularProfiles as SummarizedExperiments instead of
  - Modifying generic implementation to add ...; allows for additional
    arguments in setMethods() for CoreGx generics
  - Removing package from CRAN
  - Submitting package to Bioconductor