Changes in version 3.3.3                        

  - geom_striplab() that supports aes() mapping (2022-04-22, Fri, #493)
  - to.bottom parameter introduced in geom_hilight() to allow the
    highlight layer was added into the lowest layer stack (2022-04-22,
    Fri, #492)

                        Changes in version 3.3.2                        

  - mv identify() method to 'ggfun' (2022-04-01, Fri)
  - update to support 'ggplot' object and +xlim()
  - update man files (2022-03-23, Wed, #489)

                        Changes in version 3.3.1                        

  - use graph layouts to visualize tree (2021-12-10, Fri, #460, #461)
      - igraph layout
      - graphlayouts:
  - scale_color_subtree and scale_colour_subtree to color subtree via
    taxa group information (e.g., cutree, or kmeans) (2021-12-01, Wed)
  - set na.value = 'white' in msaplot() (2021-10-29, Fri)

                        Changes in version 3.2.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.14 release

                        Changes in version 3.1.6                        

  - geom_cladelab now supports extend parameter as in geom_cladelabel
    (2021-10-14, Thu, @xiangpin, #446)
  - geom_hilight supports fill linear gradient colour and round rect
    background (2021-10-11, Mon; @xiangpin, #449, #444)
  - work with negative edge lengths (hclust may generate negative tree
    heights) (2021-09-29, Wed; @xiangpin, #441, #445)

                        Changes in version 3.1.5                        

  - ggdensitree with sets max x to 0 (2021-09-26, Sun;
    @brj1, #437, #439)
  - custom column headers for gheatmap (2021-09-15, Wed,
    @matt-sd-watson, #434)
  - bug fixed of nudge_x parameter in geom_segment2 (2021-09-03, Fri;
    @xiangpin, #433)

                        Changes in version 3.1.4                        

  - introduce align parameter in geom_hilight (2021-08-30, Mon;
    @xiangpin, #431)
  - the data parameter in geom_facet now accepts function as input
    (2021-08-22, Sun; @xiangpin, #430)
  - import ggfun and yulab.utils (2021-08-20, Fri)
  - allow using options(layout.radial.linetype) to set linetype of
    radial layout (either 'strainght' or 'curved') (2021-08-13, Fri;
    @xiangpin, #427)

                        Changes in version 3.1.3                        

  - data argument in geom_tiplab and position argument in geom_tree
    (2021-08-10, Tue; #426, @xiangpin)
  - geom_hilight and geom_cladelab supports function as input data
    (2021-07-28, Wed; #421, @xiangpin)
  - td_mutate for mutating tree data
  - geom_tiplab supports fontface aesthetic (2021-07-06, Tue; @xiangpin)

                        Changes in version 3.1.2                        

  - calculate branch mid point for unrooted layout tree (2021-06-11,
      - branch.y and branch.x
  - geom_range supports aes mapping (2021-06-04, Fri)

                        Changes in version 3.1.1                        

  - bug fixed in geom_range (2021-06-01, Tue)
  - now geom_nodelab has a node="internal" parameter. (2021-05-31, Mon)
      - if node = "external", it equivalent to `geom_tiplab
      - if node = "all", it equivalent to list(geom_tiplab(),

                        Changes in version 3.0.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.13 relese

                        Changes in version 2.5.3                        

  - optimize text angle in geom_cladelab (2021-05-10, Mon)

                        Changes in version 2.5.2                        

  - extend 'continuous' parameter to support 4 possible values, i.e.,
    'none' to disable continuous transition, 'color' (or 'colour') to
    enable continuous color transition, 'size' to enable continuous size
    (branch thickness) transition and 'all' to enable continuous color
    and size transition (2021-04-07, Wed)
  - extendto argument for geom_hilight now compatible with
    'inward_circular' and 'dendrogram' layouts (2021-02-25, Thu)

                        Changes in version 2.5.1                        

  - update man file of geom_rootpoint (2021-01-08, Fri)
  - label and offset.label introduced in geom_treescale layer
    (2020-12-23, Wed)
  - geom_rootedge supports reversed x (2020-12-17, Thu)
  - geom_nodelab() now supports circular layout (2020-11-26, Thu)
  - branch size can be grandualy changed (2020-10-29, Thu)

                        Changes in version 2.4.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.12 release (2020-10-28, Wed)

                        Changes in version 2.3.7                        

  - add label_pad() function to add padding characters to taxa labels
    (2020-10-09, Fri)
  - add family parameter to geom_tiplab()

                        Changes in version 2.3.6                        

  - new layouts, roundrect and ellipse
  - fortify() method for treedataList object (2020-09-20, Sun)
  - vexpand() and ggexpand() to expand plot limit by ratio of plot range
    (2020-09-18, Fri)
  - geom_cladelab(), an updated version of geom_cladelabel that supports
    aes mapping (2020-09-17, Thu)

                        Changes in version 2.3.5                        

  - td_unnest() which return a function to flatten ggtree plot data
    (2020-09-14, Mon)
  - update geom_hilight to support geom_hilight(data = mydata, node =
    selected_node) (2020-09-03, Thu)
  - Defunct geom_nodelab2() (2020-09-02, Wed)
  - geom_tiplab() and geom_nodelab() support geom = "shadowtext"
  - td_filter() which return a function to subset ggtree plot data in
    geom layers (2020-08-29, Sat)
  - update man files of geom_rootedge and geom_point2
  - update geom_hilight to support geom_hilight(data = tbl_tree, node =
    selected_node). (2020-09-03, Thu)

                        Changes in version 2.3.4                        

  - zoomClade and geom_zoom_clade to zoom in selected clade (2020-08-04,
      - these two functions are wrapper function of ggforce::facet_zoom
  - update facet_labeller according to the change of ggplot2
    (2020-07-28, Tue)
  - defunct set_hilight_legend as now geom_hilight supports aesthetic
    mapping and can generate legend automotically
  - remove annotation_image, phylopic and subview as they were defunct
    for quite a long time. Users should refer to the ggimage package if
    they want to annotate tree with image or subplots.
  - as_ylab parameter added in geom_tiplab(), which supports displaying
    tip labels as y-axis label and only works for rectangular and
    dendrogram layouts
  - hexpand to expand x limits by ratio of x range and supports both
    direction (1 for rhs and -1 for lhs) (2020-07-27, Mon)

                        Changes in version 2.3.3                        

  - add type parameter in geom_hilight, default is auto, optional rect
    to rectangular layer, encircle to encircle layer and comment
    original geom_hilight, and support subset in aesthetic. (2020-07-23,
  - update geom_hilight to support aesthetic mapping (2020-07-22, Wed)
  - update geom_taxalink to support aesthetic mapping (2020-07-20, Mon)
  - layout_inward_circular for layout_circular() + scale_x_reverse()
    (2020-07-16, Thu)

                        Changes in version 2.3.2                        

  - update geom_taxalink to support circular layout tree (2020-07-13,

                        Changes in version 2.3.1                        

  - fortify method for pvclust object (2020-06-21, Mon)
  - add dot parameters for color or size of geom_hilight and more detail
    messages of warnings for extendto. (2020-06-16, Tue)
  - modified the angle of clade labels. Added horizontal parameter to
    control whether set clade labels to horizontal. When the parameter
    was set to FALSE, it will be useful for the layouts in coord_polar,
    such as circular, fan, radial. To better view the clade labels,
    their angles has been adjusted. (2020-06-15, Mon)
  - bug fixed in getYcoord_scale_category (2020-05-13, Wed)

                        Changes in version 2.2.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.11 release

                        Changes in version 2.1.6                        

  - Now geom_tiplab() works with unrooted layouts (ape, equal_angle and
    daylight) (2020-04-23, Thu)
  - bug fixed of layoutEqualAngle (2020-04-09, Thu)
      - in tibble v=3.0.0, df$x = NA will store df$x as lgl variable and
        assign numeric value to df$x will throw error. Now change to
        df$x = 0 in layoutEqualAngle.

                        Changes in version 2.1.5                        

  - bug fixed of calculating inset width and height

                        Changes in version 2.1.4                        

  - import aplot::xrange

                        Changes in version 2.1.3                        

  - move xlim2 and ylim2 to aplot package (2020-03-30, Mon)
  - remove mutate_ as it was deprecated in dplyr (2020-03-25, Wed)
  - fixed mutate bug caused by new version of dplyr and tidytree in
    daylight layout (2020-03-16, Mon)

                        Changes in version 2.1.2                        

  - expand_scale was deprecated in ggplot2 v=3.3.0, import expansion
    instead (2020-03-12, Thu)
  - bug fixed of determined layout for ggplot(tree) + geom_tiplab()
    (2020-01-26, Sun)
  - set unrooted layout to use coord_fixed by default (2020-01-25, Sat)
  - if layout = "ape", use ape unrooted layout

                        Changes in version 2.1.1                        

  - export geom_highlight as an alias of geom_hilight (2020-01-08, Wed)
  - set clip="off" for all layouts (2019-12-06, Fri)
  - not passing fontface if geom is image or phylopic in geom_tiplab and
    geom_nodelab (2019-11-29, Fri)
  - import and re-export guide_legend, scale_colour_manual,
    scale_color_manual, scale_fill_manual and margin from ggplot2
  - offspring method for ggtree object (2019-11-21, Thu)
  - fixed revts to work with collapse (2019-11-18, Mon)
  - convert roxygen documents using markdown (2019-11-01, Fri)
  - extend xlim2 and ylim2 to support discrete scale.
  - xlim2 and ylim2 to uniformize axis limits of ggplot objects
    (2019-10-31, Thu)
  - fixed fontface warning message when align=TRUE in geom_tiplab
    (2019-10-30, Wed)

                        Changes in version 2.0.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.10 release (2019-10-30, Wed)

                       Changes in version 1.99.1                        

  - bug fixed of geom_hilight for tree$edge.length = NULL (2019-10-16,
  - fortify method for igraph (only work with tree graph) (2019-09-28,
  - ggdensitree (2019-09-11, Wed)

                       Changes in version 1.99.0                        

  - prepare for ggtree v=2.0.0

                       Changes in version 1.17.5                        

  - fortify methods for hierarchical clustering objects, including
    agnes, diana and twins (2019-08-30, Fri)
  - now geom_hilight supports unrooted and daylight layouts (2019-08-28,
      - by calling geom_hilight_encircle
  - update geom_motif according to the change of gggenes and allow
    labeling genes (2019-08-27, Tue)
  - re-implement geom_strip with more robust support of labelling strip,
    either input taxa using name or id.
  - support phylog defined in ade4 package (2019-08-14, Wed)

                       Changes in version 1.17.4                        

  - now geom_cladelabel supports unrooted and daylight layouts
    (2019-08-14, Wed)
      - by integrating geom_cladelabel2
  - defined nodelab method for ggtree to convert node number to label
    (2019-08-09, Fir)
  - redefined nodeid as S3 generic in tidytree v=0.2.6
      - change the original function as a method for ggtree
      - move the nodeid function for tree object to treeio
  - defunct gzoom function
  - introduce rootnode parameter in geom_tree with default = TRUE and
    behave as previous version (2019-08-08, Thu)
      - the invisible root to itself line segment have advantage for the
        number of line segments is consistent with the number of nodes.
      - if rootnode = FALSE, there will be no line segment of root to
  - extend gheatmap to support collapsed node (2019-08-06, Tue)
  - support hclust and dendrogram (2019-07-31, Wed)

                       Changes in version 1.17.3                        

  - remove re-export treeio parser function, user now need to load
    treeio explictly (2019-07-24, Wed)
  - export layout_circular, layout_fan and layout_rectangular
  - layout_dendrogram and theme_dendrogram
  - scale_x_range for adding second x-axis for geom_range (2019-07-23,
  - change branch.length parameter to center for geom_range

                       Changes in version 1.17.2                        

  - extend expand according to the change of collapse (2019-07-11, Thu)
  - mode parameter in collapse
  - geom_tiplab now works with 'circular' and 'fan' layouts (2019-07-05,
  - geom_inset for adding subplots to specific nodes (see also the inset
    function introduced in v=1.3.8)

                       Changes in version 1.17.1                        

  - facet_data to extract data used in facet_plot or geom_facet
    (2019-07-02, Tue)
  - continuous parameter in geom_tree to to continuous color edge from
    parent to child (2019-09-25, Tue)
  - root.position parameter for fortify and ggtree (2019-05-27, Mon)
  - geom_facet, a geom layer version of facet_plot (2019-05-23, Thu)
  - update scale_x_ggtree, now we can use gheatmap() + scale_x_ggtree()
    (2019-05-22, Wed)
  - extend xlim_expand to work with ggplot2 (2019-05-20, Tue)
  - add legend_title variable in gheatmap (2019-05-16, Thu)

                       Changes in version 1.16.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.9 release

                       Changes in version 1.15.6                        

  - compatible with range is NULL in geom_range (2019-04-27, Sat)
  - remove getChild, getChild.df, getParent, getParent.df, getSibling,
    getAncestor and getAncestor.df, instead use child, parent, sibling
    and ancestor methods implemented in tidytree and treeio (2019-01-30,
  - remove get.offspring.df and get.offspring.tip and instead use
    tidytree::offspring (2019-01-28, Mon)
  - facet_widths function to set relative widths of facet panels
    (2019-01-28, Mon)
      - the output is ggplotify::as.ggplot(grid_object), so it is not
        the original ggtree object.

                       Changes in version 1.15.5                        

  - bug fixed of theme_tree2 (2019-01-14, Mon)
  - mv rescale_tree to treeio (2019-01-11, Fri)

                       Changes in version 1.15.4                        

  - reimplement MRCA as a method inherited from tidytree (2019-01-10,
  - mv vignettes to treedata-book

                       Changes in version 1.15.3                        

  - move reroot method to treeio package and rename to root (2018-12-28,
  - bug fixed for setting branch.length="none" in unrooted layouts
    (2018-12-26, Wed)
      - bug introduced in

                       Changes in version 1.15.2                        

  - compatible with tibble v=2.0.0 (2018-11-29, Thu)

                       Changes in version 1.15.1                        

  - now revts also reverse the branch column (2018-11-11, Sun)
  - better msg when taxa name not consistent in sequence and tree files
    with msaplot. (2018-11-07, Wed)

                       Changes in version 1.14.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.8 release

                       Changes in version 1.13.6                        

  - set scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) for gheatmap when colnames
    = FALSE (2018-10-17, Wed)
  - made data usable with treedata in 'equal_angle' and 'daylight'
    layouts (2018-10-11, Thu)

                       Changes in version 1.13.5                        

  - enable additional parameters passed to geom_rootedge (2018-09-13,
  - facet_labeller to label panels of facet_plot output (2018-09-10,

                       Changes in version 1.13.3                        

  - update viewClade according to the change of ggplot2 (2018-08-07,

                       Changes in version 1.13.2                        

  - xmax_adjust in viewClade (2018-07-21, Sat)
  - update rd of facet_plot by adding description and example
    (2018-07-19, Thu)
  - order by y in facet_plot (2018-07-09, Mon)
  - extend parameter in geom_cladelabel and geom_strip supports
    specifying extension of both sides (2018-07-06, Fri)
  - geom_nodelab2 for circular layout (2018-07-03, Tue)
  - re-export ggplot2::fortify

                       Changes in version 1.13.1                        

  - geom_nodepoint & geom_tippoint now compatible with ggplot2 v 2.2.1 &
    3.0.0 (2018-06-26, Tue)
  - geom_rootedge (2018-06-13, Wed)
  - clade_name parameter added in collapse (2018-05-28, Mon)
  - bug fixed of gheatmap for rowname subsetting is partial match in R
    (2018-05-23, Wed)
  - compatible with ggplot2 for geom_text2(parse="emoji")
  - typo on vignettes (2018-05-08, Tue)
      -, thanks
  - compatible with ggplot2 (2018-05-02, Wed)
      - incorporate newly introduce parameter linejoin and arrow.fill in

                       Changes in version 1.12.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.7 release (2018-05-01, Tue)

                       Changes in version 1.11.6                        

  - reexport treeio::read.iqtree & treeio::read.astral(2018-04-17, Tue)
  - now geom_treescale will plot the text that can always be separated
    from the bar (2018-03-07, Wed)
  - optimize daylight layout
  - geom_tiplab2 works with mapping = aes(subset) defined by users
    (2018-02-24, Sta)
  - fixed overlapping branch after flip

                       Changes in version 1.11.5                        

  - support passing aes(subset) in geom_tippoint (2018-01-30, Tue)
  - support passing aes(subset) in geom_nodepoint (2018-01-26, Fri)
  - fine tune y position after flip; flip compatible with collapse

                       Changes in version 1.11.4                        

  - re-implement collapse as collapse.ggtree method by importing
    dplyr::collapse generic to prevent function name collision
    (2018-01-03, Wed)
  - update treeVisualization vignette, with more layout examples added
    (2017-12-22, Fri)
  - update vignette (2017-12-21, Thu)
      - remove ggtreeUtilities.Rmd
      - merge treeAnnotation and advanceTreeAnnotation