title: "Creating CompoundDb annotation resources"
package: CompoundDb
toc_float: true
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating CompoundDb annotation resources}
%\VignetteKeywords{Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics, Infrastructure, Bioinformatics}
```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'}
**Authors**: Johannes Rainer
**Modified**: `r file.info("create-compounddb.Rmd")$mtime`
**Compiled**: `r date()`
# Introduction
Chemical compound annotation and information can be retrieved from a variety of
sources including [HMDB](http://www.hmdb.ca),
[LipidMaps](http://www.lipidmaps.org) or
[ChEBI](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi). The `CompoundDb` package provides
functionality to extract data relevant for (chromatographic) peak annotations in
metabolomics/lipidomics experiments from these sources and to store it into a
common format (i.e. an `CompDb` object/database). This vignette describes how
such `CompDb` objects can be created exemplified with package-internal test
files that represent data subsets from some annotation resources.
The R object to represent the compound annotation is the `CompDb` object. Each
object (respectively its database) is supposed to contain and provide
annotations from a single source (e.g. HMDB or LipidMaps) but it is also
possible to create cross-source databases too.
# Creating `CompDb` databases
The `CompDb` package provides the `compound_tbl_sdf` and the
`compound_tbl_lipidblast` functions to extract relevant compound annotation from
files in SDF (structure-data file) format or in the json files from LipidBlast
(http://mona.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/downloads). `CompoundDb` allows to process SDF
files from:
- Human Metabolome Database (HMDB), http://www.hmdb.ca
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI): https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi
- LIPID MAPS Structure Database (LMSD): http://www.lipidmaps.org
- PubChem: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- MoNa (Massbank of North America): http://mona.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu (for MoNa
import see the next section).
Note however that it is also possible to define such a table manually and use
that to create the database. As simple example for this is provided in the
section *`CompDb` from custom input* below or the help page of
`createCompDb` for more details on that.
## `CompDb` from HMDB data
Below we use the `compound_tbl_sdf` to extract compound annotations from a SDF
file representing a very small subset of the HMDB database. To generate a
database for the full HMDB we would have to download the *structures.sdf* file
containing all metabolites and load that file instead.
```{r compound_tbl, message = FALSE, warnings = FALSE}
## Locate the file
hmdb_file <- system.file("sdf/HMDB_sub.sdf.gz", package = "CompoundDb")
## Extract the data
cmps <- compound_tbl_sdf(hmdb_file)
The function returns by default a (`data.frame`-equivalent) `tibble` (from the
*tidyverse*'s `tibble` package).
```{r cmps}
The `tibble` contains columns
- `compound_id`: the resource-specific ID of the compound.
- `name`: the name of the compound, mostly a generic or common name.
- `inchi`: the compound's inchi.
- `inchikey`: the INCHI key.
- `formula`: the chemical formula of the compound.
- `exactmass`: the compounds (monoisotopic) mass.
- `synonyms`: a `list` of aliases/synonyms for the compound.
- `smiles`: the SMILES of the compound.
To create a simple compound database, we could pass this `tibble` along with
additional required metadata information to the `createCompDb` function. In the
present example we want to add however also MS/MS spectrum data to the
database. We thus load below the MS/MS spectra for some of the compounds from
the respective xml files downloaded from HMDB. To this end we pass the path to
the folder in which the files are located to the `msms_spectra_hmdb`
function. The function identifies the xml files containing MS/MS spectra based
on their their file name and loads the respective spectrum data. The folder can
therefore also contain other files, but the xml files from HMDB should not be
renamed or the function will not recognice them. Note also that at present only
MS/MS spectrum xml files from HMDB are supported (one xml file per spectrum);
these could be downloaded from HMDB with the *hmdb_all_spectra.zip* file.
```{r msms_spectra, message = FALSE}
## Locate the folder with the xml files
xml_path <- system.file("xml", package = "CompoundDb")
spctra <- msms_spectra_hmdb(xml_path)
Also here, spectra information can be manually provided by adhering to the
expected structure of the `data.frame` (see `?createCompDb` for details).
At last we have to create the metadata for the resource. The metadata
information for a `CompDb` resource is crucial as it defines the origin of the
annotations and its version. This information should thus be carefully defined
by the user. Below we use the `make_metadata` helper function to create a
`data.frame` in the expected format. The organism should be provided in the
format e.g. `"Hsapiens"` for human or `"Mmusculus"` for mouse, i.e. capital
first letter followed by lower case characters without whitespaces.
```{r metadata, message = FALSE}
metad <- make_metadata(source = "HMDB", url = "http://www.hmdb.ca",
source_version = "4.0", source_date = "2017-09",
organism = "Hsapiens")
With all the required data ready we create the SQLite database for the HMDB
subset. With `path` we specify the path to the directory in which we want to
save the database. This defaults to the current working directory, but for this
example we save the database into a temporary folder.
```{r createCompDb}
db_file <- createCompDb(cmps, metadata = metad, msms_spectra = spctra,
path = tempdir())
The variable `db_file` is now the file name of the SQLite database. We can pass
this file name to the `CompDb` function to get the `CompDb` objects acting as
the interface to the database.
```{r CompDb}
cmpdb <- CompDb(db_file)
To extract all compounds from the database we can use the `compounds`
function. The parameter `columns` allows to choose the database columns to
return. Any columns for any of the database tables are supported. To get an
overview of available database tables and their columns, the `tables` function
can be used:
Below we extract only selected columns from the *compounds* table.
```{r compounds}
compounds(cmpdb, columns = c("name", "formula", "exactmass"))
Analogously we can use the `Spectra` function to extract spectrum data from the
database. The function returns by default a `Spectra` object from the
`r Biocpkg("Spectra")` package with all spectra metadata available as
*spectra variables*.
```{r spectra, message = FALSE}
sps <- Spectra(cmpdb)
The available *spectra variables* for the `Spectra` object can be retrieved with
```{r spectraVariables}
Individual spectra variables can be accessed with the `$` operator:
And the actual m/z and intensity values with `mz` and `intensity`:
## m/z of the 2nd spectrum
Note that it is also possible to retrieve specific spectra, e.g. for a provided
compound, or add compound annotations to the `Spectra` object. Below we use the
filter expression `~ compound_id == "HMDB0000001"`to get only MS/MS spectra for
the specified compound. In addition we ask for the `"name"` and
`"inchikey"` of the compound.
```{r spectra-selected}
sps <- Spectra(cmpdb, filter = ~ compound_id == "HMDB0000001",
columns = c(tables(cmpdb)$msms_spectrum, "name",
The available spectra variables:
The compound's name and INCHI key have thus also been added as spectra
To share or archive the such created `CompDb` database, we can also create a
dedicated R package containing the annotation. To enable reproducible research,
each `CompDb` package should contain the version of the originating data source
in its file name (which is by default extracted from the metadata of the
resource). Below we create a `CompDb` package from the generated database
file. Required additional information we have to provide to the function are the
package creator/maintainer and its version.
```{r createCompoundDbPackage, warning = FALSE}
db_file, version = "0.0.1", author = "J Rainer", path = tempdir(),
maintainer = "Johannes Rainer ")
The function creates a folder (in our case in a temporary directory) that can be
build and installed with `R CMD build` and `R CMD INSTALL`.
Special care should also be put on the license of the package that can be passed
with the `license` parameter. The license of the package and how and if the
package can be distributed will depend also on the license of the originating
## `CompDb` from custom data
A `CompDb` database can also be created from custom, manually defined
annotations. To illustrate this we create below first a `data.frame` with some
arbitrary compound annotations. According to the `?createCompDb` help page, the
data frame needs to have columns `"compound_id"`, `"name"`, `"inchi"`,
`"inchikey"`, `"formula"`, `"exactmass"`, `"synonyms"`. All columns except
`"compound_id"` can also contain missing values. It is also possible to define
additional columns. Below we thus create a `data.frame` with some compound
annotations as well as additional columns. Note that all these annotations in
this example are for illustration purposes only and are by no means
*real*. Also, we don't provide any information for columns `"inchi"`,
`"inchikey"` and `"formula"` setting all values for these to `NA`.
cmps <- data.frame(
compound_id = c("CP_0001", "CP_0002", "CP_0003", "CP_0004"),
name = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
inchi = NA_character_,
inchikey = NA_character_,
formula = NA_character_,
exactmass = c(123.4, 234.5, 345.6, 456.7),
compound_group = c("G01", "G02", "G01", "G03")
Next we add also *synonyms* for each compound. This columns supports multiple
values for each row.
cmps$synonyms <- list(
c("a", "AA", "aaa"),
c("C", "c"),
We also need to define the *metadata* for our database, which we do with the
`make_metadata` function. With this information we can already create a first
rudimentary `CompDb` database that contains only compound annotations. We thus
create below our custom `CompDb` database in a temporary directory. We also
manually specify the name of our database with the `dbFile` parameter - if not
provided, the name of the database will be constructed based on information from
the `metadata` parameter. In a real-case scenario, `path` and `dbFile` should be
changed to something more meaningful.
metad <- make_metadata(source = "manually defined", url = "",
source_version = "1.0.0", source_date = "2022-03-01",
organism = NA_character_)
db_file <- createCompDb(cmps, metadata = metad, path = tempdir(),
dbFile = "CompDb.test.sqlite")
We can now load this toy database using the `CompDb` function providing the full
path to the database file. Note that we load the database in read-write mode by
specifying `flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RW` - by default `CompDb` will load
databases in read-only mode hence ensuring that the data within the database can
not be compromised. In our case we would however like to add more information to
this database later and hence we load it in read-write mode.
cdb <- CompDb(db_file, flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RW)
We can now retrieve annotations from the database with the `compound` function.
Or also search and filter the annotations.
compounds(cdb, filter = ~ name %in% c("B", "A"))
Next we would like to add also MS2 spectra data to the database. This could be
either done directly in the `createCompDb` call with parameter `msms_spectra`,
or with the `insertSpectra` function that allows to add MS2 spectra data to an
existing `CompDb` which can be provided as a `Spectra` object. We thus below
manually create a `Spectra` object with some arbitrary MS2 spectra -
alternatively, `Spectra` can be imported from a variety of input sources,
including MGF or MSP files using e.g. the `r Biocpkg("MsBackendMgf")` or
`r Biocpkg("MsBackendMsp")` packages.
#' Define basic spectra variables
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = 2L, precursorMz = c(124.4, 124.4, 235.5))
#' Add m/z and intensity information for each spectrum
df$mz <- list(
c(3, 20, 59.1),
c(2, 10, 30, 59.1),
c(100, 206, 321.1))
df$intensity <- list(
c(10, 13, 45),
c(5, 8, 9, 43),
c(10, 20, 400))
#' Create the Spectra object
sps <- Spectra(df)
The `Spectra` object needs also to have a variable (column) called
`"compound_id"` which provides the information with which existing compound in
the database the spectrum is associated.
compounds(cdb, "compound_id")
sps$compound_id <- c("CP_0001", "CP_0001", "CP_0002")
We can also add additional information to the spectra, such as the instrument.
sps$instrument <- "AB Sciex TripleTOF 5600+"
And we can now add these spectra to our existing toy `CompDb`. Parameter
`columns` allows to specify which of the *spectra variables* should be stored
into the database.
cdb <- insertSpectra(cdb, spectra = sps,
columns = c("compound_id", "msLevel",
"precursorMz", "instrument"))
We have thus now a `CompDb` database with compound annotations and 3 MS2
spectra. We could for example also retrieve the MS2 spectra for the compound
with the name *A* from the database with:
Spectra(cdb, filter = ~ name == "A")
## `CompDb` from MoNA data
MoNa (Massbank of North America) provides a large SDF file with all spectra
which can be used to create a `CompDb` object with compound information and
MS/MS spectra. Note however that MoNa is organized by spectra and the annotation
of the compounds is not consistent and normalized. Spectra from the same
compound can have their own compound identified and data that e.g. can differ in
their chemical formula, precision of their exact mass or other fields.
Similar to the example above, compound annotations can be imported with the
`compound_tbl_sdf` function while spectrum data can be imported with
`msms_spectra_mona`. In the example below we use however the `import_mona_sdf`
that wraps both functions to reads both compound and spectrum data from a SDF
file without having to import the file twice. As an example we use a small
subset from a MoNa SDF file that contains only 7 spectra.
```{r mona-import, message = FALSE}
mona_sub <- system.file("sdf/MoNa_export-All_Spectra_sub.sdf.gz",
package = "CompoundDb")
mona_data <- import_mona_sdf(mona_sub)
As a result we get a `list` with a data.frame each for compound and spectrum
information. These can be passed along to the `createCompDb` function to create
the database (see below).
```{r mona-metadata}
metad <- make_metadata(source = "MoNa",
url = "http://mona.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/",
source_version = "2018.11", source_date = "2018-11",
organism = "Unspecified")
mona_db_file <- createCompDb(mona_data$compound, metadata = metad,
msms_spectra = mona_data$msms_spectrum,
path = tempdir())
We can now load and use this database, e.g. by extracting all compounds as shown
```{r mona-compounds}
mona <- CompDb(mona_db_file)
As stated in the introduction of this section the `compound` information
contains redundant information and the table has essentially one row per
spectrum. Feedback on how to reduce the redundancy in the ms_compound table is
highly appreciated.
# Session information
```{r sessioninfo, echo=FALSE}