--- title: "Functional analysis of mouse mammary gland RNA-Seq using fgsea instead of topGO" author: - name: Aurelien Brionne affiliation: "Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)" - name: Amelie Juanchich affiliation: "Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)" - name: Christelle Hennequet-Antier affiliation: "Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: highlight: tango vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{3: fgsea_alternative} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} bibliography: "`r system.file('extdata/','bibliography.bib',package='ViSEAGO')`" csl: "`r system.file('extdata/','bmc-genomics.csl',package='ViSEAGO')`" --- ```{r setup,include=FALSE} # load ViSEAGO and mouse db package library(ViSEAGO) # knitr document options knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval=FALSE,echo=TRUE,fig.pos = 'H', fig.width=6,message=FALSE,comment=NA,warning=FALSE ) ``` # Introduction{-} In this vignette, we perform a functional Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) from differential Expression analysis from genes of luminal cells in the mammary gland. (see `utils::vignette("mouse_bioconducor", package ="ViSEAGO")`) # Genes of interest We load examples files from `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("ViSEAGO")` package using `system.file` from the locally installed package. We read gene identifiers (GeneID) and corresponding statistical values (BH padj) for all results. in this example, gene identifiers were **ranked** based on the BH padj from Differential expression analysis. ```{r geneList_input,eval=TRUE} # load gene identifiants and padj test results from Differential Analysis complete tables PregnantvsLactate<-data.table::fread( system.file( "extdata/data/input", "pregnantvslactate.complete.txt", package = "ViSEAGO" ), select = c("Id","padj") ) VirginvsLactate<-data.table::fread( system.file( "extdata/data/input", "virginvslactate.complete.txt", package = "ViSEAGO" ), select = c("Id","padj") ) VirginvsPregnant<-data.table::fread( system.file( "extdata/data/input", "virginvspregnant.complete.txt", package = "ViSEAGO" ), select = c("Id","padj") ) # rank Id based on statistical value (BH padj in this example) data.table::setorder(PregnantvsLactate,padj) data.table::setorder(VirginvsLactate,padj) data.table::setorder(VirginvsPregnant,padj) ``` Here, we display the header from the *PregnantvsLactate* **ranked** data.table. ```{r geneList_input-head,echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE} # show the ten first lines of genes_DE (same as genes_ref) PregnantvsLactate ``` # GO annotation of genes In this study, we build a `myGENE2GO` object using the Bioconductor `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("org.Mm.eg.db")` database package for the mouse species. This object contains all available GO annotations for categories Molecular Function (MF), Biological Process (BP), and Cellular Component (CC). <u>NB</u>: Don't forget to check if the last current annotation database version is installed in your R session! See `ViSEAGO::available_organisms(Bioconductor)`. ```{r Genomic-ressources} # connect to Bioconductor Bioconductor<-ViSEAGO::Bioconductor2GO() # load GO annotations from Bioconductor myGENE2GO<-ViSEAGO::annotate( "org.Mm.eg.db", Bioconductor ) ``` </br> ```{r Genomic-ressources_show} # display summary myGENE2GO ``` </br> ```{r Genomic-ressources_display,echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE} cat( "- object class: gene2GO - database: Bioconductor - stamp/version: 2019-Jul10 - organism id: org.Mm.eg.db GO annotations: - Molecular Function (MF): 22707 annotated genes with 91986 terms (4121 unique terms) - Biological Process (BP): 23210 annotated genes with 164825 terms (12224 unique terms) - Cellular Component (CC): 23436 annotated genes with 107852 terms (1723 unique terms)" ) ``` # Functional GO enrichment ## GO enrichment tests We perform a functional Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) from differential Expression analysis from genes of luminal cells in the mammary gland. Here, gene list were **ranked** based on the BH padj from Differential expression analysis. The enriched **Biological process** (BP) are obtained using a GSEA test with `ViSEAGO::runfgsea`, which is a wrapper from algorithms developped in `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("fgsea")` package @fgsea. we perform the GO enrichment tests for BP category with `fgseaMultilevel`algorithm. ```{r Enrichment_data} # perform fgseaMultilevel tests BP_PregnantvsLactate<-ViSEAGO::runfgsea( geneSel=PregnantvsLactate, ont="BP", gene2GO=myGENE2GO, method ="fgseaMultilevel", params = list( scoreType = "pos", minSize=5 ) ) BP_VirginvsLactate<-ViSEAGO::runfgsea( geneSel=VirginvsLactate, gene2GO=myGENE2GO, ont="BP", method ="fgseaMultilevel", params = list( scoreType = "pos", minSize=5 ) ) BP_VirginvsPregnant<-ViSEAGO::runfgsea( geneSel=VirginvsPregnant, gene2GO=myGENE2GO, ont="BP", method ="fgseaMultilevel", params = list( scoreType = "pos", minSize=5 ) ) ``` ## Combine enriched GO terms We combine the results of the three GSEA tests into an object using `ViSEAGO::merge_enrich_terms` method. ```{r Enrichment_merge} # merge fgsea results BP_sResults<-ViSEAGO::merge_enrich_terms( cutoff=0.01, Input=list( PregnantvsLactate="BP_PregnantvsLactate", VirginvsLactate="BP_VirginvsLactate", VirginvsPregnant="BP_VirginvsPregnant" ) ) ``` </br> ```{r Enrichment_merge_show} # display a summary BP_sResults ``` </br> ```{r Enrichment_merge_display,echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE} cat( "- object class: enrich_GO_terms - ontology: BP - method: fgsea - summary: PregnantvsLactate method : fgseaMultilevel sampleSize : 101 minSize : 5 maxSize : Inf eps : 0 scoreType : pos nproc : 0 gseaParam : 1 BPPARAM : fgseaMultilevel absEps : 101 VirginvsLactate method : fgseaMultilevel sampleSize : 101 minSize : 5 maxSize : Inf eps : 0 scoreType : pos nproc : 0 gseaParam : 1 BPPARAM : fgseaMultilevel absEps : 101 VirginvsPregnant method : fgseaMultilevel sampleSize : 101 minSize : 5 maxSize : Inf eps : 0 scoreType : pos nproc : 0 gseaParam : 1 BPPARAM : fgseaMultilevel absEps : 101- enrichment pvalue cutoff: PregnantvsLactate : 0.01 VirginvsLactate : 0.01 VirginvsPregnant : 0.01 - enrich GOs (in at least one list): 184 GO terms of 3 conditions. PregnantvsLactate : 67 terms VirginvsLactate : 58 terms VirginvsPregnant : 64 terms" ) ``` </br> Now you can follow mouse bioconductor vignette for next steps beginning with *3.3 Graphs of GO enrichment tests* section (`utils::vignette("mouse_bioconducor", package ="ViSEAGO")`). # References{-}