Changes in version 1.5.1                        

  - Development version

                        Changes in version 1.4.1                        

  - Bug fix in PCA plot variance

                        Changes in version 1.4.0                        

  - BioC release 3.14

                        Changes in version 1.3.1                        

  - Bug fixes in the vignette

                        Changes in version 1.3.0                        

  - Bioconductor development version

                        Changes in version 1.2.1                        

  - Included Cell Report citation
  - rainbow colour palette is used for plotQC function

                        Changes in version 1.2.0                        

  - Bioconductor release version

                        Changes in version 1.1.9                        

  - Fixes in documentation, examples and styles to meet BioC

                        Changes in version 1.1.8                        

  - Fixes in documentation and examples to meet BioC requirements

                        Changes in version 1.1.7                        

  - Fixed getSPS to expect residue information.

                        Changes in version 1.1.6                        

  - Included warning signs to creating PhosphoExperiment object without

                        Changes in version 1.1.5                        

  - Fixed the warning message generated in plotQC for dendrograms.
    (Warning message: Vectorized input to element_text() is not
    officially supported.).

                        Changes in version 1.1.4                        

  - Fixed the parameter of plotQC from cols to grps

                        Changes in version 1.1.3                        

  - Fixed a bug in ptImpute function
  - Edited medianScaling documentation to be more specific

                        Changes in version 0.1.5                        

  - Significant updates and addition to the documentation
  - Major changes to code writing style to comply with BioC
  - Updated TC example data