Changes in version 1.27.2                        

  - moved createTCGA() out of the package

                       Changes in version 1.27.1                        

  - Fixed http and https calls to

                       Changes in version 1.23.1                        

  - Merged Bioconductor git repo with GitHub git repo

                        Changes in version 1.7.1                        

  - New version of RTCGA website -, based
    on pkgdown

  - Improved RTCGA workflow graph -

  - Added createTCGA function which can now create
    RTCGA.dataType.releaseDate-like data packages. Most of the function
    result will be published in ExperimentHub on Bioconductor.

  - Check new data packages with datasets from 2016-01-28 release date
    from TCGA

  - readTCGA now has a method for CNV datasets.

  - You can now download packages from .20160128 release with
    installTCGA function, which downloads them all by default.

  - Improved documentation titles.

  - Improved manual page of installTCGA after adding packages from

  - Provided wider explanation for ?datasetsTCGA after adding packages
    from 2016-01-08.

  - Extended biocViews.

  - Shortened examples and improved their code appearance.

  - Subsitute old URLs in manual pages with new ones - RTCGA website has
    new architecture.

                        Changes in version 1.3.3                        

  - Fixed examples in expressionsTCGA that broke after changes in dplyr,
    while moving to tibbles.

                       Changes in version 1.1.15                        

  - New functions heatmapTCGA, boxplotTCGA, kmTCGA, pcaTCGA, theme_RTCGA
    for plotting
  - New functions mutationsTCGA, expressionsTCGA, survivalTCGA for data
  - New website

                         Changes in version 1.1                         

  - New parameter allDataSets for downloadTCGA that allows to download
    all files matching string in the dataSet parameter.
  - New documentation page ?datasetsTCGA.
  - readTCGA has now new method for below files
      - RPPA (reverse phase protein array),
      - mRNA (Merge transcriptome agilent),
      - miRNASeq
      - methylation (methylation datasets)
  - datasetsTCGA documentation has been extended with new datasets for
    rppa and mrna
  - downloadTCGA now gives a warning when more than one file matches
    dataSet parameter, and downloads the first matched dataset without
    FFPE in the name. If all matching datasets have FFPE in the name
    then the first of them is downloaded.
  - checkTCGA now downloads also sizes with datasets names when one
    specifies what parameter to DatSets.
  - Updated tests for checkTCGA
  - Added new installTCGA function that can install all packages from
    RTCGA family.
  - Added new convertTCGA function that converts data.frames from RTCGA
    family to Bioconductor classes.
  - New examples in readTCGA function documentation concerning the
    following datasets:
      - methylation
      - RPPA
      - mRNA
      - miRNASeq
      - isoforms

                         Changes in version 1.0                         


  - readTCGA
  - infoTCGA
  - checkTCGA
  - downloadTCGA