Version 0.99.1: Original

Version 0.99.2: 
                    - Example ERROR fixed, generates ERROR message when no change points are identified.
Version 0.99.3: 
                    - Example ERROR fixed, generates ERROR message when no change points are identified.

Version 0.99.4: 
                    - Example ERROR fixed, generates ERROR message when no change points are identified.

Version 1.1.0
	      First Release version

Version 1.1.1:
              New Features:
		                - For more than 3 genes, standard zscore is computed instead of GSVA enrichment scores
		                - For sample size less than 3, zscore can not be computed, program generates an error
		                - SISPA can now run on a single data type or any combination of two numeric data types
		                - changepoint R method options as input parameters
		                - implemented ggplot to create barplot in the freqplot function
		                - Updated vignettes as pdf file to perform 1D and 2D SISPA analysis
			         	    - SISPA.R numeric ERROR fixed

Version 1.1.2:
              New Features:
			       - cptSamples.R changepoint ERROR fixed

Version 1.1.3:
              New Features:
			       - cptSamples.R Example ERROR fixed
			       - Description File Formatted
			       - Modified Y-axis Label in the function generating the Waterfall Plot
			       - Modified SISPA.R code to input data frame for genes and samples of interest only.
				     - Added change point method option using mean and variance (cpt.meanvar) data
				     - updated SISPA manual

Bhakti Dwivedi and Jeanne Kowalski
The Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University