--- title: |- DNAfusion \vspace{0.5in} author: - name: Christoffer Trier Maansson affiliation: Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark email: ctm@clin.au.dk - name: Emma Roger Andersen affiliation: Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %b %Y')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: yes toc_depth: 3 number_sections: yes highlight: haddock subtitle: |- https://github.com/CTrierMaansson/DNAfusion \vspace{0.3in} abstract: "Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) containing somatic mutations can be found in blood plasma. \nThis includes DNA fusions, such as the EML4-ALK, which can be an oncogenic driver in non-small cell lung cancer. This is an introduction to the **DNAfusion** package for R, which can be used to evaluate whether EML4-ALK is present in blood plasma. \n" vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to DNAfusion} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff=100), tidy = FALSE, message = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` \newpage # Introduction This package was created in order to increase the sensitivity of EML4-ALK detection from commercially available NGS products such as the AVENIO (Roche) pipeline. Paired-end sequencing of cfDNA generated BAM files can be used as input to discover EML4-ALK variants. This package was developed using position deduplicated BAM files generated with the AVENIO Oncology Analysis Software. These files are made using the AVENIO ctDNA surveillance kit and Illumina Nextseq 500 sequencing. This is a targeted hybridization NGS approach and includes ALK-specific but not EML4-specific probes. The package includes six functions. The output of the first function, `EML4_ALK_detection()`, is used to determine whether EML4-ALK is detected and serves as input for the next four exploratory functions characterizing the EML4-ALK variant. The last function `EML4_ALK_analysis()` combines the output of the exploratory functions. To serve as examples, this package includes BAM files representing the EML4-ALK positive cell line H3122 and the EML4-ALK negative cell line, HCC827. # Installation Use **Bioconductor** to install the most recent version of **DNAfusion** ```{r pull_DNAfusion, message=FALSE, results = 'hide', echo = FALSE} library(DNAfusion) library(devtools) ``` ```{r setup_bioconductor, message=FALSE, results = 'hide', eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("DNAfusion") library(DNAfusion) ``` # Package data BAM files from the cell lines, H3122 and HCC827, are included in the package and can be used as examples to explore the functions. ```{r examples} H3122_bam <- system.file("extdata", "H3122_EML4.bam", package = "DNAfusion") HCC827_bam <- system.file("extdata", "HCC827_EML4.bam", package = "DNAfusion") ``` \newpage # Functions ## `EML4_ALK_detection()` This function looks for EML4-ALK mate pair reads in the BAM file. **Input:** $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`file`** The name of the file which the data are to be read from. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`genome`** character representing the reference genome. Can either be "hg38" or "hg19". Default = "hg38". $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`mates`** integer, the minimum number EML4-ALK mate pairs needed to be detected in order to call a variant. Default = 2. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **Output:** A `GAlignments` object with soft-clipped reads representing EML4-ALK is returned. If no EML4-ALK is detected the the `GAlignments` is empty. **Examples:** \scriptsize ```{r EML4_ALK_detection2} H3122_result <- EML4_ALK_detection(file = H3122_bam, genome = "hg38", mates = 2) head(H3122_result) ``` \normalsize ```{r EML4_ALK_detection3} HCC827_result <- EML4_ALK_detection(file = HCC827_bam, genome = "hg38", mates = 2) HCC827_result ``` ## `EML4_sequence()` This function identifies the basepairs leading up to the EML4 breakpoint. **Input:** $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`reads`** GAlignments object returned by EML4_ALK_detection(). $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`basepairs`** integer, number of basepairs identified from the EML4-ALK fusion. Default = 20. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **Output:** If EML4-ALK is detected, returns a `table` of identified EML4 basepairs with the number of corresponding reads for each sequence. If no EML4-ALK is detected "No EML4-ALK was detected" is returned. **Examples:** ```{r EML4_sequence} EML4_sequence(H3122_result, basepairs = 20) EML4_sequence(HCC827_result, basepairs = 20) ``` ## `ALK_sequence()` This function identifies the basepairs following the ALK breakpoint. **Input:** $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`reads`** GAlignments object returned by EML4_ALK_detection(). $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`basepairs`** integer, number of basepairs identified from the EML4-ALK fusion. Default = 20. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **Output:** If EML4-ALK is detected, returns a `table` of identified ALK basepairs with the number of corresponding reads for each sequence. If no EML4-ALK is detected "No EML4-ALK was detected" is returned. **Examples:** ```{r ALK_sequence} ALK_sequence(H3122_result, basepairs = 20) ALK_sequence(HCC827_result, basepairs = 20) ``` ## `break_position()` This function identifies the genomic position in EML4 where the breakpoint has happened. **Input:** $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`reads`** GAlignments object returned by EML4_ALK_detection(). $$\\[0.1in]$$ **Output:** If EML4-ALK is detected, returns a `table` of genomic positions with the number of corresponding reads for each sequence. If no EML4-ALK is detected "No EML4-ALK was detected" is returned. **Examples:** ```{r break_position} break_position(H3122_result) break_position(HCC827_result) ``` ## `break_position_depth()` This function identifies the read depth at the basepair before the breakpoint in EML4. **Input:** $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`file`** The name of the file which the data are to be read from. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`reads`** GAlignments returned by EML4_ALK_detection(). $$\\[0.1in]$$ **Output:** If EML4-ALK is detected a single `integer` corresponding to the read depth at the breakpoint is returned. If no EML4-ALK is detected "No EML4-ALK was detected" is returned. **Examples:** ```{r break_position_depth} break_position_depth(H3122_bam, H3122_result) break_position_depth(HCC827_bam, HCC827_result) ``` ## `EML4_ALK_analysis()` This functions collects the results from the other functions of the package. **Input:** $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`file`** The name of the file which the data are to be read from. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`genome`** character representing the reference genome. Can be either "hg38" or "hg19". Default = "hg38". $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`mates`** integer, the minimum number EML4-ALK mate pairs needed to be detected in order to call a variant. Default = 2. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **`basepairs`** integer, number of basepairs identified from the EML4-ALK fusion. Default = 20. $$\\[0.1in]$$ **Output:** A `list` object with clipped_reads corresponding to `EML4_ALK_detection()`, last_EML4 corresponding to `EML4_sequence()`, first_ALK corresponding to `ALK_sequence()`, breakpoint corresponding to `break_position()`, and read_depth corresponding to `break_position_depth()`. If no EML4-ALK is detected an empty `GAlignments` is returned. **Examples:** ```{r EML4_ALK_analysis_results, message=FALSE} H3122_results <- EML4_ALK_analysis(file = H3122_bam, genome = "hg38", mates = 2, basepairs = 20) HCC827_results <- EML4_ALK_analysis(file = HCC827_bam, genome = "hg38", mates = 2, basepairs = 20) ``` \scriptsize ```{r EML4_ALK_analysis_output1} head(H3122_results$clipped_reads) ``` \normalsize ```{r EML4_ALK_analysis_output2} H3122_results$last_EML4 H3122_results$first_ALK H3122_results$breakpoint H3122_results$read_depth HCC827_results ``` \newpage # Session info ```{r session, echo = FALSE} sessioninfo::session_info( pkgs = "attached", include_base = FALSE, dependencies = NA, to_file = FALSE ) ```