% -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: R-mode; -*-
%\VignetteIndexEntry{affydata primer}
%\VignetteKeywords{Preprocessing, Affymetrix}
%documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}




\title{Textual description of affydata}

This is a simple {\it data package}.
It provides an example dataset drawn from an actual Dilution
experiment done by Gene Logic
The full Dilution dataset is available on request
({info@genelogic.com} or +1-800-GENELOGIC).
The help file \verb+?Dilution+ describes the example dataset.

\section{Normalization of Dilution Data}
We start by loading the library and the data.


This will create the \verb+Dilution+ object of class \Robject{AffyBatch}.
As described in the \verb+affy+ vignette, \Rfunction{print} (or \Rfunction{show}) will display summary information. 
These objects represent data from one
experiment. The \Robject{AffyBatch} class combines the
information of various {\it CEL} files with a common {\it CDF} file. This
class is designed to keep information of one experiment. The probe
level data is contained in this object.


The data in \verb+Dilution+ is a small sample of probe sets from 2
sets of duplicate arrays hybridized with different concentrations of the
same RNA.  This information is part of the \Robject{AffyBatch} and can be
accessed with the \verb+phenoData+ and \verb+pData+ methods:

Various researchers have pointed out the need for normalization of Affymetrix
arrays. Let's look at an  example.
The first two arrays in \verb+Dilution+ are technical replicates (same RNA),
so the intensities obtained from these should be about the same. The
second 2 are also replicates. The second arrays are hybridized to
twice as much RNA so the intensities should be in general
bigger. However, notice that the scanner effect is stronger than
the RNA concentration effect.

pData(Dilution) ##notice the scanner covariate

The \Rfunction{boxplot} method for the \verb+AffyBatch+ class, shown in
Figure~\ref{f4},  shows this is the case.

The method \Rfunction{boxplot} can be used to show $PM$, $MM$ or both intensities.

\caption{Boxplot of arrays in dilution data.}
As discussed in the next section this plot shows that we need to
normalize these arrays.

Figure~\ref{f4} shows the need for normalization. For example arrays
scanned using scanner 1 are
globally larger than those scanned with 2.

Another way to see that normalization is needed is by looking at log ratio
versus average log intensity (MVA) plots. The method \verb+mva.pairs+ will
show all MVA plots of each pairwise comparison on the top right half and
the interquartile range (IQR) of the log ratios on the bottom left half.
For replicates and cases where most genes are not differentially expressed,
we want the cloud of points to be around 0 and the IQR to be small.
gn <- sample(geneNames(Dilution),100) ##pick only a few genes
pms <- pm(Dilution[,3:4], gn)
\caption{MVA pairs for first two arrays in dilution data}

The method \verb+normalize+ lets one normalize the data.
normalized.Dilution <- Biobase::combine(normalize(Dilution[, 1:2]),
                             normalize(Dilution[, 3:4]))
We normalize the two concentration groups separately.
Notice the function \verb+merge+ permits us to put together two
\verb+AffyBatch+ objects.

Various methods are available for normalization (see the help
file). The default is quantile normalization.
All the available methods are obtained using this function:
and can be called using the \verb+method+ argument of the normalize

Figures~\ref{f4.2} and~\ref{f5.2} show the boxplot and mva pairs plot after
normalization. The normalization routine seems to correct the boxplots
and mva plots.

boxplot(normalized.Dilution, col=c(2,2,3,3), main="Normalized Arrays")
\caption{Boxplot of first arrays in normalized
dilution data.}

pms <- pm(normalized.Dilution[, 3:4],gn)
\caption{MVA pairs for first two replicate arrays in normalized
dilution data}
