1.6.3   - Updated rankedList argument in DEsubs() to receive gene identifiers
            in any of the supported mRNAnomenclatures.
1.6.2   - Removed 'Significance Analysis of Microarrays' (SAM) from 
            available differential expression analysis options due to the 
            removal of its package from the ecosystem.

1.3.4:  - Fixing (persistent) inconsistencies between vignette output within
			the package and the output in the landing page.
1.3.3:  - Replaced kable tables with pure markdown syntax.
        - Placed external figure importing within chunks.
1.3.2:  - Version-bump 
1.3.1:  - Minor compatibility update (igraph).

1.1.3:  - Minor compatibility update.
1.1.2:  - All visualization functions now return visualized data.
        - Added support for organism Danio rerio (zebrafish).
1.1.1:  - Update in User Guide/User Input
1.1.0:  - Initial version