Changes in version 1.2.0:

    o   Dynamically resizes legends depending upon the number of batches in

    o   A custom prcomp function to get the appropriate scores. The standard
	 R prcomp function did not work in instances where the number of
	 samples (matrix columns) was greater than the number of assays
	 (matrix rows), so a special case is needed for less assays than
	 samples. We need to use u' instead of v from the SVD. Presently,
	 this is under developement, so an error is thrown if rows < cols.

    o   prcompPlot now has an argument for scaling, which defaults to FALSE.
	 Previously, scaling was always TRUE. This new default makes
	 prcompPlots plots agree with the 'original' plots of plotting
	 harmanresults objects.

    o   Extensive updating of the vignette with a new comparison to ComBat
	 from sva.

Changes in version 1.0.2:

    o   First public version on Bioconductor.