title: "Visualizing and Distances Using GO"
- name: "R. Gentleman"
- name: "Sonali Kumari"
affiliation: "Vignette translation from Sweave to Rmarkdown / HTML"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d , %Y')`"
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Visualizing and Distances Using GO}
%\VignetteKeywords{EDA, graphs, ontology, visualization}
bibliography: GOstats.bib
link-citations: yes
csl: bioinformatics.csl
# Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
The basic characteristics of the GO [@GO] data are described in @GO and the
interested reader is referred there for more details. In this paper we assume
that readers are familiar with the basic DAG structure of GO and with the
mappings of genes to GO terms that are provide by GOA [@GOA]. We examine some
of the different visualization problems and data analytic problems that can be
addressed using these data. To make some of the concepts concrete and to provide
extensive, but related examples we will make use of a microarray data set
We begin with brief descriptions and reminders of some of the important
concepts, as well as of our example data. Once that has been done we will then
consider several different bioinformatic tasks that are of interest and show how
these tasks can be carried out using software from the Bioconductor Project.
```{r Setup, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE}
The results reported in this document are based on `r pkg_ver("hgu95av2.db")`
version of the `r Biocpkg("hgu95av2.db")` data package and on `r pkg_ver("GO.db")`
of the `r Biocpkg("GO.db")` package. If you have different versions your results
will probably be different.
## Graphs
The relationships between different GO terms, within a specific ontology are
represented in the form of a directed acyclic graph. The leaves of this graph
represent the most specific terms and their are edges from a specific term
(child) to all less specific terms (each is a parent). The *induced* GO graph
is the graph that obtains from taking a set of GO terms and finding all parents
of those terms, and so on until the root node has been obtained. Given any set
of genes one may use the mappings provided by GOA [@GOA] to find the most
specific set of GO terms associated with those genes and hence, from those,
to the induced GO graph. Thus we can speak of the induced GO graph either from
the perspective of selected genes or from the perspective of selected terms.
We note that there is a form of algebra possible on these induced GO graphs. If
$G_1$ and $G_2$ are two different GO graphs from the same ontology then we can
form their union, $G_1 \cup G_2$ which is the union of the nodes in the two
graphs together with the union of the edge sets. We note that this is a bit
different than the usual mathematical definition of the union of two graphs.
Other set operations such as intersection and complement are also easy to define
and implement and they will play a role in our subsequent discussions.
## Some problems
One should be aware that our state of biological knowledge is constantly
changing and that the terms, their relationships and the genes mapped to them
are constantly changing and being updated. The meta-data used to prepare this
report will likely be out of date in less than one year. Hence, one must try to
ensure that the mappings being used are up to date (Bioconductor meta-data
packages are built quarterly).
Another practical issue that needs some attention is consideration of the
incompleteness of the data. Not all genes (or all transcripts) are assayed and
not all genes are well enough understood to accurately annotate them at the
existing GO nodes; to say nothing of the issues regarding the evolving nature of
GO discussed above. For each problem the data analyst will need to consider
what, if any, biases these issues might raise.
In all comparisons and gene list developments reported in the remainder of this
paper we restrict attention to those genes which satisfy two conditions first
they were included on the chip being used and second they have a GO annotation
for the ontology of interest.
## An Example {#sec:example}
To demonstrate some of the tools that are included in the `r Biocpkg("GOstats")`
package we consider expression data from 79 samples from patients with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) that were investigated using HGU95AV2 Affymetrix
GeneChip arrays [@Chiaretti2004]. The data were normalized using quantile
normalization and expression estimates were computed using RMA [@Irizarry2003].
We will consider the subset of these patients that have B-cell ALL and within
those we will further restrict our interest to comparing three groups. Those
with BCR/ABL (this is a translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22), those with
ALL1/AF4 (this is a translocation between chromosomes 4 and 11) and those with
no detected cytogenetic abnormalities (labeled NEG). There are 37 patients with
BCR/ABL, 10 with ALL1/AF4 and 42 from the NEG group.
We will examine genes that are differentially expressed between these different
phenotypes and then make use of GO and other meta-data resources to help
understand the genes that were selected. The actual method of determining
differentially expressed genes is in some sense irrelevant to the subsequent
analysis using GO and readers can easily substitute their own favorite methods.
We refer readers to @WileyEncy for a general discussion of some of the issues
involved in gene filtering.
```{r Example, results='hide', echo=FALSE}
## subset of interest: 37+42 samples
eset <- ALL[, intersect(
grep("^B", as.character(ALL$BT)),
which(as.character(ALL$mol) %in% c("BCR/ABL", "NEG", "ALL1/AF4"))
MB <- factor(eset$mol.bio)
## intensities above 100 in at least 7 of the samples
f1 <- kOverA(7, log2(100))
f2 <- function(x) {
gps <- split(2^x, MB)
mns <- sapply(gps, mean)
if (max(mns) - min(mns) < 100) FALSE else TRUE
ff <- filterfun(f1, f2)
selected <- genefilter(eset, ff)
esetSub <- eset[selected, ]
Our approach is fairly simplistic. First, we require that genes be expressed in
a reasonable set of the samples. Since our smallest group, those with ALL1/AF4,
has only 10 samples we will require that a gene be expressed in at least 7
samples to be deemed interesting. For our purposes we consider a gene to be
expressed if its value is greater than 100. We also introduce a second selection
criteria that is based on differences between the group means. We require that
the difference between the smallest group mean and the largest be larger than
100 units. Applying both of these transformations yielded `r sum(selected)`
probes that were differentially expressed.
```{r mtFstats, results='hide', echo=FALSE}
pvCutOff <- 0.05
Fstats <- mt.maxT(exprs(esetSub), as.numeric(MB) - 1,
B = 1000, test = "f"
eSet <- esetSub[Fstats$index[Fstats$adjp < pvCutOff], ]
gN <- featureNames(eSet)
lls <- unlist(mget(gN, hgu95av2ENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA))
eS <- eSet[!duplicated(lls), ]
gN <- featureNames(eS)
lls <- unlist(mget(gN, hgu95av2ENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA))
lls <- as.character(lls[!is.na(lls)])
syms <- unlist(mget(gN, hgu95av2SYMBOL, ifnotfound = NA))
Next restricting attention to just these `r sum(selected)` probes we
use the `r Rpackage("mt.maxT")` function from the `r Biocpkg("multtest")`
package to compute adjusted $p$-values for F-test comparisons. We found
`r sum(Fstats$adjp < pvCutOff)` of these to have adjusted $p$-values less
than `r round(pvCutOff, 2)`. We will deem these to be the differentially
expressed genes and will now turn our attention to using GO to gain a
better understanding of the associated genes. Before going further
though, we note that these `r sum(Fstats$adjp < pvCutOff)` probes map to
`r sum(!duplicated(lls))` distinct Entrez Gene identifiers and since
our GO mappings are based on Entrez Gene we further reduce our attention
to these. We kept the first (in index order) of each of the duplicated
probes for any analyses or computations that require gene expression
data and note that others may want to use different conventions.
# Visualization
Using the genes selected in Section \@ref(sec:example) we can construct the
induced GO graph for any one of the three different Ontologies. In Figures
[1](#fig:mf), [2](#fig:bp) and [3](#fig:cc) we present these three different
graphs. Of course one would like to add some of the experimental data and
information to these plots.
```{r inducedGO, echo=FALSE, results='hide'}
gMF <- makeGOGraph(lls, "MF", chip = "hgu95av2")
gBP <- makeGOGraph(lls, "BP", chip = "hgu95av2")
gCC <- makeGOGraph(lls, "CC", chip = "hgu95av2")
nMF <- list()
lbs <- rep("", length(nodes(gMF)))
names(lbs) <- nodes(gMF)
nMF$label <- lbs
nBP <- list()
lbs <- rep("", length(nodes(gBP)))
names(lbs) <- nodes(gBP)
nBP$label <- lbs
nCC <- list()
lbs <- rep("", length(nodes(gCC)))
names(lbs) <- nodes(gCC)
nCC$label <- lbs
if (require("Rgraphviz")) {
gMFlo <- agopen(gMF, "gMF")
gBPlo <- agopen(gBP, "gBP")
gCClo <- agopen(gCC, "gCC")
The nodes in these different graphs can be colored according to different
criteria. In @Storch they considered using color for the nodes. The studied
differences in gene expression between heart and liver in mice. Their Figure 2
presents data that were assembled in roughly the following manner. Genes of
interest were mapped to terms in the Biological Process arm of GO @GO. They then
colored the nodes in this tree red if the associated genes were expressed in
heart, green if they were expressed in liver and yellow if they were expressed
in both. The figure itself is quite helpful and clearly displays the data
This is an interesting idea and we amplify it a bit here. In our example we have
three groups and we might want to consider coloring the nodes differently. For
each node in the induced graph there is one or more genes from our list of
interesting genes annotated at that node (due to the way we constructed the
graph). We could color the nodes according to the phenotype (ALL1/AF4, BCR/ABL,
or NEG) that had the highest mean (if there is more than one gene then we might
use the multiplicity of highest means). Or, possibly of more interest would be
to categorize the genes (again we could use which phenotype had the highest
mean) and render the nodes using pie charts.
```{r GOMF, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap = " The induced MF GO graph for the selected genes."}
if (require("Rgraphviz")) {
plot(gMFlo, nodeAttrs = nMF, main = "Molecular Function")
```{r GOBP, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap = " The induced BP GO graph for the selected genes."}
if (require("Rgraphviz")) {
plot(gBPlo, nodeAttrs = nBP, main = "Biological Process")
```{r GOCC, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap = "The induced CC GO graph for the selected genes."}
if (require("Rgraphviz")) {
plot(gCClo, nodeAttrs = nCC, main = "Cellular Component")
The computations are quite straightforward. First we find the maximum mean for
each gene. We see that BCR/ABL has the most maxima, followed by the ALL1/AF4
samples and finally the NEGs.
```{r findhigestmeans}
mns <- apply(exprs(eS), 1, function(x) sapply(split(x, MB), mean))
whismax <- apply(mns, 2, function(x) match(max(x), x))
maxNames <- names(mns[, 1])[whismax]
names(maxNames) <- names(whismax)
We next need to associate each GO term with the set of these genes and
classify them according to which phenotype has the highest mean. Since
the CC ontology has the fewest nodes in the induced graph we will use it
for the examples here -- the reader may want to adapt the code to deal
with the other two ontologies.
```{r genesToGO}
CCnodes <- nodes(gCC)
nodes2affy <- mget(CCnodes, hgu95av2GO2ALLPROBES, ifnotfound = NA)
cts <- sapply(nodes2affy, function(x) {
wh <- names(whismax) %in% x
all1cts <- sapply(cts, function(x) x["ALL1/AF4"])
all1cts <- ifelse(is.na(all1cts), 0, all1cts)
## put nice names on
names(all1cts) <- names(cts)
bcrcts <- sapply(cts, function(x) x["BCR/ABL"])
bcrcts <- ifelse(is.na(bcrcts), 0, bcrcts)
names(bcrcts) <- names(cts)
negcts <- sapply(cts, function(x) x["NEG"])
negcts <- ifelse(is.na(negcts), 0, negcts)
names(negcts) <- names(cts)
ctmat <- cbind(all1cts, bcrcts, negcts)
Now that we have assembled the requisite counts we are now ready to layout and
render the graph. The code in the following code chunk does this. We first do a
layout to get the node positions and then write a function that will draw each
node as a piechart and color the components the requested colors.
```{r layoutandrender, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results="hide"}
if (require(Rgraphviz)) {
opar <- par(xpd = NA)
plotPieChart <- function(curPlot, counts, main) {
renderNode <- function(x) {
y <- x * 100 + 1
function(node, ur, attrs = list(), radConv = 1) {
nodeCenter <- getNodeCenter(node)
xpos = getX(nodeCenter),
ypos = getY(nodeCenter),
radius = getNodeRW(node),
col = c("blue", "green", "red")
drawing <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(counts))
for (i in 1:length(drawing)) {
drawing[[i]] <- renderNode(counts[i, ])
if (missing(main)) {
main <- "Example Pie Chart Plot"
plot(curPlot, drawNode = drawing, main = main)
x = "bottomleft", legend = c("ALL1/AF4", "BCR/ABL", "NEG"),
fill = c("blue", "green", "red")
plotPieChart(gCClo, ctmat)
We can see a number of interesting features in this plot. For example, long
sequences of single colored nodes - as set of blue nodes on the right and
another set of red nodes on the left. We might want to investigate these and see
what cellular components they are related to.
We can make use of the `imageMap` function to provide tool tips for our graph.
```{r imageMap, message=FALSE, results='hide'}
getNodeBB <- function(ingraph) {
xypos <- getNodeXY(ingraph)
hts <- getNodeHeight(ingraph)
wdsR <- getNodeRW(ingraph)
wdsL <- getNodeLW(ingraph)
llx <- xypos$x - wdsL
lly <- xypos$y - (hts / 2)
urx <- xypos$x + wdsR
ury <- xypos$y + (hts / 2)
cbind(llx, lly, urx, ury)
CCbb <- getNodeBB(gCClo)
## now we need to adjust the graphBB to the plot region
bbG <- boundBox(gCClo)
llx <- getX(botLeft(bbG))
lly <- getY(botLeft(bbG))
urx <- getX(upRight(bbG))
ury <- getY(upRight(bbG))
## FIXME: work in progress here - we need to do a bit of mapping
## to get the right user coords on the jpg file...
if (interactive()) {
jpeg("mygraph.jpg", quality = 100, width = urx - llx, height = ury - lly)
opar <- par(plt = c(0, 1, 0, 1), xpd = NA)
plotPieChart(gCClo, ctmat)
## FIXME (wh 20.1.2005): better to use imageMap function for Ragraph objects
## in the package Rgraphviz instead.
if (require("geneplotter")) {
con <- openHtmlPage("example", "An Image Map")
imageMap(CCbb, con,
tags = list(
TITLE = getNodeNames(gCClo),
HREF = rep("", length(nodes(gCC)))
imgname = "mygraph.jpg"
# GO induced Distances
Another idea that has seen some exploration is the notion of defining distances
between two genes in terms of the similarity of their GO annotations. We explore
some of the suggestions and provide some guidance for those who would like to
explore these ideas.
It seems reasonable to treat the three ontologies separately. Even within an
ontology a single gene might be annotated at several GO terms. Some mechanisms
for dealing with this issue would be helpful. For each gene we could define the
graph to be that which is induced by all GO terms to which the gene is mapped,
within the ontology of interest. Then use the between graph distances as already
described. One could define distance as some combination of the annotation
specific distances. For example, if gene 1 is annotated at 2 terms and gene 2 is
annotated at three terms there are 6 distances to be computed and some
functional of these 6 distances will be reported.
There are two basic strategies that have been widely used to define distances,
or similarities, between genes based on GO annotation. One, is to make use of
the graph structure that is associated with each pair of genes. If the two
graphs are very similar then the two genes are presumed to also be quite
similar. The second general strategy is to use the information content in GO as
a basis for assigning similarity. Readers should consult @Lordetal for a general
review of the area and for some suggestions. Code contributions that implement
some of their methods would be most welcome.
Two methods based on graph similarity have been implemented in `r Biocpkg("GOstats")`
they are `simUI` and `simLP`. The first uses the number of nodes that the two
graphs have in common divided by the number of nodes in the union of the two node
sets. Hence these similarities are bounded between 0 and 1 with genes that are more
similar having values near one.
For `simLP` the similarity measure is the depth of the longest shared path from
the root node. Two genes that are both quite specific and similar should have
long shared paths, while those that have less in common should have relatively
short shared paths.
Of course neither is perfect and there are many cases where they seem to fail to
uncover similarity and others where they suggest a similarity that does not
exist. Further investigation and comparison with other methods is certainly
To compare different genes with respect to their GO annotation you may use
`simLL` which first computes the induced GO graph for each of its two, user
supplied, Entrez Gene IDs and then calls either `simLP` or `simUI`. Users can
restrict the mappings from Entrez Gene IDs to GO IDs based on evidence codes.
Some further work is needed to correctly address two outstanding issues. First,
in some cases an Entrez Gene identifier is mapped to several GO terms and in the
current implementation these are merely combined into one large graph. However,
there may be some benefits in considering the comparison of each induced graph
separately. For example, suppose that we have a gene, $G_1$ that performs a
specific molecular function and we want to know which other genes are reasonably
similar to it. We might not care if those other genes also do something else and
so in this case we would probably use each mapping separately.
The second issue that needs to be addressed at some time is to include
functionality that would allow the user to construct a GO graph based only on
*is-a* relationships or only on *partof* relationships.
In the next code chunk we take the first 10 genes selected and construct a set
of similarity measures between all pairs of genes with respect to the BP
```{r multip}
igenes <- unlist(mget(gN[1:10], hgu95av2ENTREZID))
igenes <- igenes[!is.na(igenes)]
igenes <- as.character(igenes)
psets <- mget(igenes, revmap(hgu95av2ENTREZID))
psets <- sapply(psets, function(x) x[1])
GOs <- mget(psets, hgu95av2GO, ifnotfound = NA)
gBP <- sapply(GOs, getOntology, "BP")
## how many terms
sum(sapply(gBP, length))
## drop those with no BP annotations
hasBP <- sapply(gBP, function(x) length(x) > 0 && !is.na(x[1]))
gBP <- gBP[hasBP]
ggs <- lapply(igenes[hasBP], makeGOGraph, "BP", chip = "hgu95av2.db")
## you could also do ggx = lapply(gBP, GOGraph, GOBPPARENTS)
## and should get the same thing
simatM1 <- matrix(1, nr = sum(hasBP), nc = sum(hasBP))
for (i in 1:sum(hasBP)) {
for (j in 1:sum(hasBP)) {
if (i == j) {
} else {
simatM1[i, j] <- simUI(ggs[[i]], ggs[[j]])
simatM2 <- matrix(1, nr = sum(hasBP), nc = sum(hasBP))
for (i in 1:sum(hasBP)) {
for (j in 1:sum(hasBP)) {
if (i == j) {
} else {
simatM2[i, j] <- simLP(ggs[[i]], ggs[[j]])
You can plot these two measures against each other and compare them. We hope
that the two measures are somewhat positively correlated.
# Operations on GO Graphs
You should refer to the documentation for the `r Biocpkg("graph")` and
`r Biocpkg("RBGL")` packages for details on how to manipulate *graph*
instances. Here we show how to identify the leaves of a GO graph.
```{r leavesEx}
gCC.leaves <- leaves(gCC, "in")
# References