Back to the "Multiple platform build/check report"
                                       Version  Built
a4                                       1.1.1 2.14.0
a4Base                                   1.1.1 2.14.0
a4Classif                                1.1.1 2.14.0
a4Core                                   1.1.1 2.14.0
a4Preproc                                1.1.1 2.14.0
a4Reporting                              1.1.1 2.14.0
ABarray                                 1.21.0 2.14.0
abind                                    1.3-0 2.13.0
acepack                                1.3-3.0 2.14.0
aCGH                                    1.31.0 2.14.0
ACME                                     2.9.0 2.14.0
actuar                                   1.1-2 2.13.0
ada                                      2.0-2 2.13.0
ADaCGH2                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
ade4                                    1.4-17 2.14.0
ade4TkGUI                                0.2-5 2.14.0
adSplit                                 1.23.0 2.14.0
AER                                      1.1-7 2.14.0
affxparser                              1.25.0 2.14.0
affy                                    1.31.1 2.14.0
affycomp                                1.29.0 2.14.0
AffyCompatible                          1.13.0 2.14.0
affycompData                            0.99.0 2.14.0
affyContam                              1.11.0 2.14.0
affycoretools                           1.25.0 2.14.0
affydata                               1.11.11 2.14.0
AffyExpress                             1.19.0 2.14.0
affyILM                                  1.5.0 2.14.0
affyio                                  1.21.1 2.14.0
affylmGUI                               1.27.0 2.14.0
AffymetrixDataTestFiles                  0.1.2 2.14.0
affyPara                                1.13.0 2.14.0
affypdnn                                1.27.0 2.14.0
affyPLM                                 1.29.1 2.14.0
affyQCReport                            1.31.0 2.14.0
AffyTiling                              1.11.0 2.14.0
Agi4x44PreProcess                       1.13.1 2.14.0
AgiMicroRna                              2.3.1 2.14.0
akima                                    0.5-4 2.14.0
AlgDesign                                1.1-2 2.14.0
ALL                                      1.4.7 2.14.0
ALLMLL                                   1.2.8 2.14.0
alr3                                     2.0.3 2.14.0
altcdfenvs                              2.15.0 2.14.0
amap                                     0.8-5 2.14.0
AmpAffyExample                           1.2.5 2.14.0
annaffy                                 1.25.0 2.14.0
annotate                                1.31.0 2.14.0
AnnotationDbi                           1.15.2 2.14.0
AnnotationFuncs                          1.1.2 2.14.0
annotationTools                         1.27.0 2.14.0
anota                                    1.1.0 2.14.0
apComplex                               2.19.0 2.14.0
ape                                      2.7-1 2.14.0
aplpack                                  1.2.3 2.14.0
aroma.light                             1.21.0 2.14.0
ArrayExpress                            1.13.0 2.14.0
arrayMvout                              1.11.0 2.14.0
arrayQuality                            1.31.0 2.14.0
arrayQualityMetrics                      3.9.0 2.14.0
ArrayTools                              1.13.0 2.14.0
ash                                     1.0-12 2.14.0
ath1121501cdf                            2.8.0 2.14.0
attract                                  1.5.0 2.14.0
aws                                      1.6-2 2.14.0
BAC                                     1.13.0 2.14.0
base                                    2.14.0 2.14.0
BayesPeak                                1.5.0 2.14.0
baySeq                                   1.7.0 2.14.0
BCRANK                                  1.15.0 2.14.0
bdsmatrix                                  1.0 2.14.0
beadarray                                2.3.1 2.14.0
beadarraySNP                            1.19.0 2.14.0
BeadDataPackR                            1.5.0 2.14.0
beta7                                    1.0.0 2.14.0
betr                                     1.9.0 2.14.0
bgafun                                  1.15.0 2.14.0
BGmix                                   1.13.0 2.14.0
bgmm                                       1.2 2.14.0
bgx                                     1.17.0 2.14.0
BHC                                      1.5.0 2.14.0
BiasedUrn                                 1.03 2.14.0
BicARE                                  1.11.0 2.14.0
biclust                                  1.0.1 2.14.0
biglm                                      0.7 2.14.0
Biobase                                 2.13.2 2.14.0
BiocCaseStudies                         1.15.0 2.14.0
biocGraph                               1.15.0 2.14.0
Bioconductor                             1.1.4 2.14.0
biocViews                               1.21.2 2.14.0
bioDist                                 1.25.0 2.14.0
biomaRt                                  2.9.1 2.14.0
BioMVCClass                             1.21.0 2.14.0
BioNet                                  1.10.1 2.14.0
BioSeqClass                             1.11.0 2.14.0
Biostrings                              2.21.1 2.14.0
bit                                      1.1-7 2.13.0
bitops                                 1.0-4.1 2.13.0
BMA                                       3.14 2.14.0
boot                                    1.2-43 2.14.0
bootstrap                               1.0-22 2.14.0
bpca                                     1.0-8 2.14.0
breastCancerMAINZ                       0.99.0 2.14.0
breastCancerNKI                         0.99.0 2.14.0
breastCancerTRANSBIG                    0.99.0 2.14.0
breastCancerUNT                         0.99.0 2.14.0
breastCancerUPP                         0.99.0 2.14.0
breastCancerVDX                         0.99.0 2.14.0
brew                                     1.0-6 2.14.0
bridge                                  1.17.0 2.14.0
bronchialIL13                            1.0-6 2.14.0
BSgenome                                1.21.0 2.14.0
BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2              1.3.17 2.14.0
BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3         1.3.17 2.14.0
BSgenome.Ecoli.NCBI.20080805            1.3.17 2.14.0
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18             1.3.17 2.14.0
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19             1.3.17 2.14.0
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9             1.3.17 2.14.0
BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer2       1.3.17 2.14.0
BufferedMatrix                          1.17.0 2.14.0
BufferedMatrixMethods                   1.17.0 2.14.0
BUS                                      1.9.0 2.14.0
ca                                        0.33 2.14.0
Cairo                                    1.4-9 2.13.0
cairoDevice                               2.15 2.13.0
CALIB                                   1.19.0 2.14.0
CAMERA                                   1.9.1 2.14.0
car                                     2.0-10 2.14.0
caroline                                 0.4.8 2.14.0
Category                                2.19.1 2.14.0
caTools                                   1.11 2.14.0
cba                                      0.2-6 2.14.0
CCl4                                     1.0.9 2.14.0
ccTutorial                              1.0.17 2.14.0
cellHTS                                 1.23.0 2.14.0
cellHTS2                                2.17.0 2.14.0
ceu1kg                                  0.0.23 2.14.0
ceuhm3                                   0.0.6 2.14.0
CGEN                                     1.5.0 2.14.0
CGHbase                                 1.11.0 2.14.0
CGHcall                                 2.13.0 2.14.0
cghMCR                                  1.11.0 2.14.0
CGHnormaliter                            1.7.0 2.14.0
CGHregions                              1.11.0 2.14.0
charm                                    1.5.4 2.14.0
charmData                               0.99.3 2.14.0
ChemmineR                                2.5.0 2.14.0
ChIPpeakAnno                             1.9.0 2.14.0
chipseq                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
ChIPseqR                                 1.7.0 2.14.0
ChIPsim                                  1.7.0 2.14.0
chopsticks                              1.17.1 2.14.0
ChromHeatMap                             1.7.0 2.14.0
chron                                   2.3-39 2.14.0
class                                    7.3-3 2.14.0
clinfun                                  0.9.7 2.14.0
clippda                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
CLL                                      1.2.8 2.14.0
Clonality                                1.1.0 2.14.0
clst                                     1.1.0 2.14.0
clstutils                                1.1.0 2.14.0
clue                                    0.3-39 2.14.0
cluster                                 1.13.3 2.14.0
clusterProfiler                          1.1.3 2.14.0
clusterStab                             1.25.1 2.14.0
CMA                                     1.11.0 2.14.0
cMAP                                    1.15.1 2.14.0
cn.farms                                 1.1.1 2.14.0
CNTools                                  1.9.0 2.14.0
CNVtools                                1.47.0 2.14.0
CoCiteStats                             1.25.0 2.14.0
coda                                    0.14-2 2.14.0
codelink                                1.21.0 2.14.0
codetools                                0.2-8 2.14.0
coin                                    1.0-18 2.14.0
colonCA                                  1.4.5 2.14.0
colorspace                               1.0-1 2.14.0
combinat                                 0.0-8 2.14.0
compiler                                2.14.0 2.14.0
compositions                            1.10-1 2.14.0
CompQuadForm                               1.3 2.14.0
ConsensusClusterPlus                     1.5.0 2.14.0
convert                                 1.29.0 2.14.0
copa                                    1.21.0 2.14.0
coRNAi                                   1.3.0 2.14.0
corpcor                                  1.5.7 2.14.0
CORREP                                  1.19.0 2.14.0
cosmo                                   1.19.0 2.14.0
cosmoGUI                                1.19.0 2.14.0
coxme                                      2.0 2.14.0
CPE                                      1.4.1 2.14.0
CRImage                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
crlmm                                   1.11.2 2.14.0
crossdes                                 1.0-9 2.14.0
CSAR                                     1.5.0 2.14.0
ctc                                     1.27.0 2.14.0
cubature                                   1.0 2.14.0
cycle                                    1.7.0 2.14.0
DAAG                                      1.06 2.14.0
daMA                                    1.25.0 2.14.0
datasets                                2.14.0 2.14.0
DAVIDQuery                              1.13.0 2.14.0
davidTiling                             1.2.12 2.14.0
DBI                                      0.2-5 2.13.0
ddCt                                     1.7.0 2.14.0
DEDS                                    1.27.0 2.14.0
DEGraph                                  1.5.0 2.14.0
degreenet                                  1.1 2.14.0
DEGseq                                   1.7.0 2.14.0
deldir                                  0.0-13 2.14.0
DESeq                                    1.5.1 2.14.0
Design                                   2.3-0 2.14.0
DFP                                     1.11.0 2.14.0
DierckxSpline                            1.1-4 2.14.0
diffGeneAnalysis                        1.35.0 2.14.0
digest                                   0.4.2 2.13.0
diptest                                 0.25-3 2.14.0
DLBCL                                    1.3.1 2.14.0
dmt                                     0.7.06 2.14.0
DNAcopy                                 1.27.0 2.14.0
doBy                                     4.3.1 2.14.0
domainsignatures                        1.13.0 2.14.0
drc                                      2.1-4 2.14.0
dressCheck                               0.1.1 2.14.0
drosgenome1.db                           2.5.0 2.14.0
drosophila2probe                         2.8.0 2.14.0
dualKS                                  1.13.0 2.14.0
dyebias                                 1.11.0 2.14.0
dyebiasexamples                          1.0.6 2.14.0
DynDoc                                  1.31.0 2.14.0
dynlm                                    0.3-0 2.14.0
e1071                                   1.5-25 2.14.0
EatonEtAlChIPseq                         0.0.2 2.14.0
EBarrays                                2.17.0 2.14.0
EBImage                                  3.9.0 2.14.0
Ecdat                                  0.1-6.1 2.14.0
ecodist                                  1.2.3 2.14.0
ecolicdf                                 2.8.0 2.14.0
ecoliLeucine                             1.2.5 2.14.0
ecolitk                                 1.25.0 2.14.0
edd                                     1.31.0 2.14.0
edgeR                                   2.3.13 2.14.0
effects                                 2.0-12 2.14.0
eisa                                     1.5.0 2.14.0
elasticnet                               1.0-5 2.14.0
ellipse                                  0.3-5 2.14.0
encoDnaseI                               0.1.7 2.14.0
energy                                   1.3-0 2.14.0
entropy                                  1.1.6 2.14.0
ENVISIONQuery                            1.1.2 2.14.0
ergm                                       2.3 2.14.0
estrogen                                 1.8.5 2.14.0
evaluate                                   0.3 2.13.0
ExiMiR                                   1.1.0 2.14.0
explorase                               1.17.0 2.14.0
ExpressionView                           1.5.0 2.14.0
externalVector                          1.19.0 2.14.0
faahKO                                   1.2.6 2.14.0
fabia                                    1.5.0 2.14.0
facsDorit                                1.4.2 2.14.0
factDesign                              1.29.0 2.14.0
farms                                    1.5.0 2.14.0
fBasics                                2110.79 2.14.0
fCalendar                             270.78.3 2.14.0
fda                                      2.2.6 2.14.0
fdrame                                  1.25.0 2.14.0
fdrtool                                  1.2.7 2.14.0
feature                                  1.2.7 2.14.0
fEcofin                                 290.76 2.14.0
ff                                       2.2-2 2.13.0
fibroEset                                1.4.4 2.14.0
fields                                     6.3 2.13.0
flagme                                   1.9.0 2.14.0
flexclust                                1.3-1 2.14.0
flexmix                                  2.3-5 2.14.0
flowClust                               2.11.0 2.14.0
flowCore                                1.19.1 2.14.0
flowFlowJo                              1.11.0 2.14.0
flowFP                                   1.9.0 2.14.0
flowMeans                                1.5.0 2.14.0
flowPhyto                                1.5.0 2.14.0
flowPlots                                1.1.0 2.14.0
flowQ                                   1.13.0 2.14.0
flowStats                               1.11.0 2.14.0
flowTrans                                1.5.0 2.14.0
flowUtils                               1.13.0 2.14.0
flowViz                                 1.17.0 2.14.0
foreach                                  1.3.0 2.13.0
foreign                                 0.8-44 2.14.0
Formula                                  1.0-0 2.14.0
forward                                  1.0.3 2.14.0
frma                                     1.5.0 2.14.0
frmaExampleData                         0.99.0 2.14.0
frmaTools                                1.5.0 2.14.0
fSeries                               270.76.3 2.14.0
fts                                      0.7.6 2.14.0
fUtilities                             2110.78 2.14.0
gaga                                     1.2.0 2.14.0
gage                                     2.3.2 2.14.0
gageData                                 1.1.1 2.14.0
gaggle                                  1.21.0 2.14.0
gaia                                     1.1.1 2.14.0
gam                                       1.04 2.14.0
gaschYHS                                 1.0.3 2.14.0
gatingMLData                             1.0.2 2.14.0
gbm                                    1.6-3.1 2.14.0
gclus                                      1.3 2.14.0
gcrma                                   2.25.2 2.14.0
gcspikelite                              1.0.4 2.14.0
gdata                                    2.8.2 2.14.0
gee                                    4.13-16 2.14.0
geepack                                 1.0-18 2.14.0
genArise                                1.29.0 2.14.0
gene2pathway                             2.3.0 2.14.0
GeneAnswers                              1.9.0 2.14.0
genefilter                              1.35.0 2.14.0
genefu                                   1.3.0 2.14.0
geneLenDataBase                         0.99.7 2.14.0
GeneMeta                                1.25.0 2.14.0
geneplotter                             1.31.0 2.14.0
GeneR                                   2.23.0 2.14.0
geneRecommender                         1.25.0 2.14.0
GeneRegionScan                           1.9.0 2.14.0
GeneSelectMMD                            1.9.0 2.14.0
GeneSelector                             2.3.0 2.14.0
GeneSpring                              2.27.0 2.14.0
genetics                                 1.3.6 2.14.0
GeneticsDesign                          1.21.0 2.14.0
GeneticsPed                             1.15.0 2.14.0
GeneTraffic                             1.25.0 2.14.0
GenKern                                 1.1-10 2.14.0
genoCN                                   1.5.0 2.14.0
GenomeGraphs                            1.13.0 2.14.0
genomeIntervals                          1.9.0 2.14.0
genomes                                  1.9.0 2.14.0
genomewidesnp5Crlmm                      1.0.4 2.14.0
genomewidesnp6Crlmm                      1.0.4 2.14.0
GenomicFeatures                          1.5.5 2.14.0
GenomicRanges                            1.5.6 2.14.0
Genominator                              1.7.0 2.14.0
genoset                                  1.1.0 2.14.0
GEOmetadb                               1.13.0 2.14.0
GEOquery                                2.19.0 2.14.0
geoR                                    1.6-34 2.14.0
geoRglm                                 0.8-33 2.14.0
GEOsubmission                            1.5.0 2.14.0
GGBase                                  3.13.0 2.14.0
GGdata                                  1.0.11 2.14.0
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1.db              1.4.0 2.14.0
ggplot2                                  0.8.9 2.14.0
GGtools                                3.11.18 2.14.0
girafe                                   1.5.0 2.14.0
GLAD                                    2.15.0 2.14.0
glmnet                                     1.6 2.14.0
GlobalAncova                            3.21.0 2.14.0
globaltest                               5.7.2 2.14.0
gmodels                                 2.15.1 2.14.0
GO.db                                    2.5.0 2.14.0
golubEsets                               1.4.7 2.14.0
goProfiles                              1.15.0 2.14.0
GOSemSim                                1.11.0 2.14.0
goseq                                    1.5.0 2.14.0
GOstats                                 2.19.0 2.14.0
goTools                                 1.27.0 2.14.0
gpclib                                   1.5-1 2.14.0
gplots                                   2.8.0 2.14.0
gpls                                    1.25.0 2.14.0
graph                                   1.31.1 2.14.0
GraphAlignment                          1.15.0 2.14.0
GraphAT                                 1.25.0 2.14.0
graphics                                2.14.0 2.14.0
grDevices                               2.14.0 2.14.0
grid                                    2.14.0 2.14.0
gridBase                                 0.4-3 2.14.0
GSEABase                                1.15.0 2.14.0
GSEAlm                                  1.13.0 2.14.0
GSRI                                     2.1.0 2.14.0
gsubfn                                   0.5-5 2.14.0
GSVA                                     1.1.1 2.14.0
GSVAdata                                0.99.0 2.14.0
gtools                                   2.6.2 2.14.0
gWidgets                                0.0-44 2.13.0
gWidgetsRGtk2                           0.0-74 2.14.0
gWidgetstcltk                           0.0-43 2.13.0
haplo.stats                              1.4.4 2.14.0
hapmap100khind                          1.3.32 2.14.0
hapmap100kxba                            1.3.3 2.14.0
hapmap500knsp                            1.3.3 2.14.0
hapmap500ksty                            1.3.3 2.14.0
hapmapsnp5                               1.3.3 2.14.0
hapmapsnp6                               1.3.3 2.14.0
harbChIP                                 1.0.6 2.14.0
Harshlight                              1.25.0 2.14.0
hdrcde                                    2.15 2.14.0
Heatplus                                1.23.0 2.14.0
HEEBOdata                                1.0.0 2.14.0
HELP                                    1.11.0 2.14.0
HEM                                     1.25.0 2.14.0
hergm                                    1.3-4 2.14.0
hexbin                                  1.27.0 2.14.0
hgfocuscdf                               2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu133a.db                               2.5.0 2.14.0
hgu133abarcodevecs                       1.0.1 2.14.0
hgu133acdf                               2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu133afrmavecs                          1.1.6 2.14.0
hgu133aprobe                             2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu133atagcdf                            2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu133atagprobe                          2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu133plus2.db                           2.5.0 2.14.0
hgu133plus2barcodevecs                   1.0.1 2.14.0
hgu133plus2cdf                           2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu133plus2frmavecs                      1.1.6 2.14.0
hgu133plus2probe                         2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu2beta7                                1.2.2 2.14.0
hgu95a.db                                2.5.0 2.14.0
hgu95acdf                                2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu95av2                                 2.2.0 2.14.0
hgu95av2.db                              2.5.0 2.14.0
hgu95av2cdf                              2.8.0 2.14.0
hgu95av2probe                            2.8.0 2.14.0
hgug4112a.db                             2.5.0 2.14.0
HilbertVis                              1.11.1 2.14.0
HilbertVisGUI                           1.11.0 2.14.0
HIVcDNAvantWout03                        1.2.3 2.14.0
Hmisc                                    3.8-3 2.14.0
hmyriB36                                0.99.8 2.14.0
hom.Dm.inp.db                            2.5.0 2.14.0
hom.Hs.inp.db                            2.5.0 2.14.0
hom.Mm.inp.db                            2.5.0 2.14.0
hom.Rn.inp.db                            2.5.0 2.14.0
hom.Sc.inp.db                            2.5.0 2.14.0
hopach                                  2.13.0 2.14.0
HSAUR                                    1.2-4 2.14.0
HTqPCR                                   1.7.0 2.14.0
HTSanalyzeR                              2.5.0 2.14.0
hu6800.db                                2.5.0 2.14.0
HuExExonProbesetLocation                 0.0.3 2.14.0
hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db           7.0.1 2.14.0
human.db0                                2.5.0 2.14.0
humanStemCell                            0.2.3 2.14.0
hwriter                                    1.3 2.14.0
hyperdraw                                1.5.0 2.14.0
hypergraph                              1.25.0 2.14.0
ibh                                      1.1.0 2.14.0
Icens                                   1.25.0 2.14.0
iChip                                    1.7.0 2.14.0
ICS                                      1.2-2 2.14.0
ICSNP                                    1.0-7 2.14.0
idiogram                                1.29.0 2.14.0
IDPmisc                                 1.1.10 2.14.0
igraph                                 0.5.5-2 2.13.0
illuminaHumanv1.db                      1.10.0 2.14.0
imageHTS                                 1.3.0 2.14.0
impute                                  1.27.0 2.14.0
ind1KG                                   0.1.8 2.14.0
ineq                                     0.2-9 2.14.0
infotheo                                 1.1.0 2.14.0
inline                                   0.3.8 2.14.0
intervals                               0.13.3 2.14.0
inveRsion                                1.1.0 2.14.0
IPPD                                     1.1.0 2.14.0
ipred                                   0.8-11 2.14.0
IRanges                                 1.11.1 2.14.0
isa2                                     0.3.0 2.14.0
iSeq                                     1.5.0 2.14.0
Iso                                      0.0-8 2.14.0
IsoGene                                 1.0-18 2.14.0
IsoGeneGUI                               1.5.0 2.14.0
ITALICS                                 2.13.0 2.14.0
ITALICSData                              2.0.2 2.14.0
iterativeBMA                            1.11.0 2.14.0
iterativeBMAsurv                        1.11.0 2.14.0
iterators                                1.0.3 2.13.0
itertools                                0.1-1 2.13.0
its                                      1.1.8 2.14.0
Iyer517                                  1.4.5 2.14.0
joda                                     1.1.0 2.14.0
KCsmart                                 2.11.0 2.14.0
KEGG.db                                  2.5.0 2.14.0
KEGGgraph                                1.9.0 2.14.0
keggorthology                            2.5.0 2.14.0
KEGGSOAP                                1.27.0 2.14.0
kernlab                                 0.9-12 2.14.0
KernSmooth                              2.23-5 2.13.0
kidpack                                  1.5.7 2.14.0
klaR                                     0.6-5 2.14.0
kohonen                                  2.0.7 2.14.0
ks                                       1.8.1 2.14.0
lapmix                                  1.19.0 2.14.0
lars                                     0.9-8 2.14.0
latentnet                                2.4-1 2.14.0
lattice                                0.19-26 2.14.0
latticeExtra                            0.6-14 2.14.0
LBE                                     1.21.0 2.14.0
leaps                                      2.9 2.14.0
leeBamViews                            0.99.11 2.14.0
les                                      1.3.0 2.14.0
limma                                    3.9.2 2.14.0
limmaGUI                                1.29.0 2.14.0
LiquidAssociation                        1.7.0 2.14.0
lme4                               0.999375-39 2.14.0
LMGene                                   2.9.0 2.14.0
lmtest                                  0.9-27 2.14.0
locfit                                   1.5-6 2.14.0
lodplot                                    1.1 2.14.0
logicFS                                 1.23.0 2.14.0
LogicReg                                1.4.10 2.14.0
logitT                                  1.11.0 2.14.0
logspline                                2.1.3 2.14.0
lol                                      1.1.0 2.14.0
LPE                                     1.27.0 2.14.0
LPEadj                                  1.13.0 2.14.0
lpSolve                                  5.6.6 2.14.0
lumi                                     2.5.1 2.14.0
lumiBarnes                               1.3.5 2.14.0
lumiHumanAll.db                         1.14.0 2.14.0
lumiHumanIDMapping                      1.10.0 2.14.0
lungExpression                          0.0.10 2.14.0
LVSmiRNA                                 1.3.1 2.14.0
maanova                                 1.23.0 2.14.0
macat                                   1.27.0 2.14.0
maCorrPlot                              1.23.0 2.14.0
made4                                   1.27.0 2.14.0
magic                                    1.4-6 2.14.0
maigesPack                              1.17.0 2.14.0
makecdfenv                              1.31.1 2.14.0
makePlatformDesign                      1.17.0 2.14.0
MANOR                                   1.25.0 2.14.0
MantelCorr                              1.23.0 2.14.0
mapdata                                  2.1-4 2.14.0
mapproj                                1.1-8.3 2.14.0
maps                                     2.1-6 2.14.0
maptools                                 0.8-7 2.13.0
maqcExpression4plex                      1.2.0 2.14.0
MAQCsubset                              1.0.22 2.14.0
MAQCsubsetAFX                            1.0.3 2.14.0
MAQCsubsetILM                            1.0.2 2.14.0
marray                                  1.31.0 2.14.0
maSigPro                                1.25.1 2.14.0
MASS                                    7.3-13 2.14.0
MassArray                                1.5.0 2.14.0
MassSpecWavelet                         1.19.0 2.14.0
Matrix                             0.999375-50 2.14.0
maxLik                                   1.0-0 2.14.0
MBCB                                     1.7.0 2.14.0
mboost                                  2.0-11 2.14.0
mBPCR                                    1.7.0 2.14.0
mcaGUI                                   1.1.0 2.14.0
mclust                                   3.4.8 2.13.0
MCMCpack                                1.0-11 2.13.0
MCRestimate                              2.9.0 2.14.0
mda                                      0.4-2 2.14.0
mdqc                                    1.15.0 2.14.0
MeasurementError.cor                    1.25.0 2.14.0
MEDIPS                                   1.3.0 2.14.0
MEDME                                   1.13.0 2.14.0
MEEBOdata                                1.0.0 2.14.0
MEMSS                                    0.9-0 2.14.0
MergeMaid                               2.25.0 2.14.0
metaArray                               1.29.0 2.14.0
metahdep                                1.11.0 2.14.0
methods                                 2.14.0 2.14.0
methVisual                               1.5.0 2.14.0
methylumi                                1.9.0 2.14.0
Mfuzz                                   2.11.0 2.14.0
mgcv                                     1.7-6 2.14.0
mgsa                                     1.1.1 2.14.0
mice                                       2.8 2.14.0
MiChip                                   1.7.0 2.14.0
microRNA                                1.11.0 2.14.0
minet                                    3.7.0 2.14.0
minpack.lm                               1.1-5 2.14.0
MiPP                                    1.25.0 2.14.0
miRNApath                               1.13.0 2.14.0
misc3d                                   0.7-1 2.14.0
miscTools                               0.6-10 2.14.0
mitools                                  2.0.1 2.14.0
mix                                      1.0-8 2.13.0
mlbench                                  2.1-0 2.14.0
MLInterfaces                            1.33.0 2.14.0
mlmRev                                   1.0-0 2.14.0
mlogit                                   0.2-1 2.14.0
MLP                                      1.1.0 2.14.0
mnormt                                   1.4-3 2.14.0
modeltools                              0.2-17 2.14.0
MoExExonProbesetLocation                 1.0.0 2.14.0
mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db           7.0.1 2.14.0
mosaics                                  1.0.1 2.14.0
mosaicsExample                          0.99.3 2.14.0
MotIV                                    1.7.0 2.14.0
mouse.db0                                2.5.0 2.14.0
mouse4302.db                             2.5.0 2.14.0
mouse4302barcodevecs                     1.0.1 2.14.0
mouse4302frmavecs                        1.1.6 2.14.0
mpm                                     1.0-17 2.14.0
MPV                                       1.25 2.14.0
msdata                                   0.1.5 2.14.0
MSnbase                                  1.1.7 2.14.0
Mulcom                                   1.3.0 2.14.0
multcomp                                 1.2-6 2.14.0
multiscan                               1.13.0 2.14.0
multtest                                 2.9.0 2.14.0
mutatr                                   0.1.2 2.13.0
MVCClass                                1.27.0 2.14.0
mvoutData                               0.99.5 2.14.0
mvoutlier                                  1.8 2.14.0
mvtnorm                                0.9-999 2.13.0
ncdf                                     1.6.5 2.13.0
NCIgraph                                 1.1.0 2.14.0
NCIgraphData                            0.99.1 2.14.0
nem                                     2.17.0 2.14.0
netresponse                              1.5.0 2.14.0
network                                    1.6 2.14.0
networksis                                 1.4 2.14.0
Neve2006                                0.1.10 2.14.0
nlcv                                     0.2-0 2.14.0
nleqslv                                  1.8.4 2.13.0
nlme                                   3.1-101 2.13.0
nnet                                     7.3-1 2.14.0
nnNorm                                  2.17.0 2.14.0
nor1mix                                  1.1-3 2.14.0
np                                      0.40-5 2.13.0
NTW                                      1.3.0 2.14.0
nudge                                   1.19.0 2.14.0
numDeriv                             2010.11-1 2.14.0
NuPoP                                    1.3.0 2.14.0
nws                           2.14.0
occugene                                1.13.0 2.14.0
OCplus                                  1.27.0 2.14.0
odesolve                                0.5-20 2.14.0
oligo                                   1.17.1 2.14.0
oligoClasses                            1.15.0 2.14.0
oligoData                                1.2.0 2.14.0
OLIN                                    1.31.0 2.14.0
OLINgui                                 1.27.0 2.14.0
oneChannelGUI                           1.19.3 2.14.0
ontoCAT                                  1.4.0 2.14.0
ontoTools                               1.31.0 2.14.0
OrderedList                             1.25.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0
org.At.tair.db                           2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                          2.5.0 2.14.0                        2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0
org.Hs.ipi.db                            1.3.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                            2.5.0 2.14.0
org.Pf.plasmo.db                         2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0
org.Sc.sgd.db                            2.5.0 2.14.0                            2.4.1 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0                             2.5.0 2.14.0
OTUbase                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
OutlierD                                1.17.0 2.14.0
outliers                                  0.14 2.14.0
oz                                      1.0-18 2.14.0
pamr                                    1.51.0 2.14.0
PAnnBuilder                             1.17.0 2.14.0
panp                                    1.23.0 2.14.0
parody                                  1.11.0 2.14.0
party                                0.9-99992 2.13.0
pathRender                              1.21.0 2.14.0
PatientGeneSets                          1.3.0 2.14.0
pbapply                                  1.0-3 2.14.0
PBSmapping                              2.61.9 2.14.0
pcaMethods                              1.37.0 2.14.0
pcaPP                                    1.8-3 2.14.0
pcot2                                   1.21.0 2.14.0
PCpheno                                 1.15.0 2.14.0
pd.2006.07.18.hg18.refseq.promoter       1.2.0 2.14.0
pd.charm.hg18.example                   0.99.2 2.14.0
pd.genomewidesnp.5                       1.2.2 2.14.0
pd.genomewidesnp.6                       1.2.2 2.14.0
pd.hg.u95av2                             1.2.0 2.14.0
pd.hg18.60mer.expr                       2.6.0 2.14.0                        3.2.0 2.14.0                      3.2.0 2.14.0
pd.mapping250k.nsp                       1.2.0 2.14.0
pd.mapping250k.sty                       1.2.0 2.14.0
pd.mapping50k.hind240                    1.2.0 2.14.0
pd.mapping50k.xba240                     1.2.0 2.14.0
pdInfoBuilder                           1.17.0 2.14.0
pdmclass                                1.25.0 2.14.0
penalized                               0.9-35 2.14.0
PGSEA                                   1.27.0 2.14.0
phenoDist                                1.1.0 2.14.0
phenoTest                                1.1.0 2.14.0
pickgene                                1.25.0 2.14.0
PICS                                     1.7.0 2.14.0
pint                                    1.5.07 2.14.0
pixmap                                  0.4-10 2.14.0
pkgDepTools                             1.19.0 2.14.0
plasmodiumanophelescdf                   2.8.0 2.14.0
plateCore                               1.11.0 2.14.0
plgem                                   1.25.0 2.14.0
plier                                   1.23.0 2.14.0
plm                                      1.2-7 2.14.0
plotrix                                    3.2 2.13.0
PLPE                                    1.13.0 2.14.0
pls                                      2.1-0 2.14.0
plsgenomics                              1.2-6 2.14.0
plw                                     1.13.0 2.14.0
plyr                                     1.5.2 2.14.0
png                                      0.1-2 2.14.0
PolynomF                                  0.94 2.14.0
ppiData                                 0.1.14 2.14.0
ppiStats                                1.19.0 2.14.0
prada                                   1.29.0 2.14.0
preprocessCore                          1.15.0 2.14.0
princurve                               1.1-10 2.14.0
PROcess                                 1.29.0 2.14.0
procoil                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
ProData                                  1.0.3 2.14.0
prodlim                                  1.2.1 2.13.0
PROMISE                                  1.5.0 2.14.0
proto                                  0.3-9.2 2.14.0
proxy                                    0.4-6 2.14.0
pscl                                   1.03.10 2.14.0
pspline                                 1.0-14 2.14.0
puma                                     2.5.0 2.14.0
pumadata                                 1.0.3 2.14.0
pvac                                     1.1.0 2.14.0
qpcrNorm                                1.11.0 2.14.0
qpgraph                                  1.9.0 2.14.0
qrqc                                     1.1.1 2.14.0
quadprog                                 1.5-3 2.14.0
quantreg                                  4.67 2.13.0
quantsmooth                             1.19.0 2.14.0
qvalue                                  1.27.0 2.14.0
R.matlab                                 1.3.7 2.14.0
R.methodsS3                              1.2.1 2.14.0
R.oo                                     1.8.0 2.14.0
R.utils                                  1.7.5 2.14.0
R2HTML                                     2.2 2.14.0
R2wd                                     1.3.0 2.14.0
R453Plus1Toolbox                         1.3.0 2.14.0
rae230a.db                               2.5.0 2.14.0
rae230aprobe                             2.8.0 2.14.0
RaExExonProbesetLocation                 1.0.0 2.14.0
ragene10sttranscriptcluster.db           6.0.1 2.14.0
rama                                    1.27.0 2.14.0
RandomFields                            2.0.45 2.14.0
randomForest                             4.6-2 2.14.0
RankProd                                2.25.0 2.14.0
RANN                                     2.1.2 2.14.0
RArcInfo                                0.4-10 2.14.0
rat.db0                                  2.5.0 2.14.0
RbcBook1                                1.21.0 2.14.0
rbenchmark                                 0.3 2.14.0
RBGL                                    1.29.0 2.14.0
RBioinf                                 1.13.0 2.14.0
rbsurv                                  2.11.0 2.14.0
RColorBrewer                             1.0-2 2.14.0
rcom                                   2.2-3.1 2.14.0
Rcompression                          0.93-2.1 2.13.0
Rcpp                                     0.9.4 2.14.0
RCurl                                  1.5-0.1 2.13.0
RCytoscape                               1.3.0 2.14.0
rda                                      1.0.2 2.14.0
Rdbi                                    1.27.0 2.14.0
Rdisop                                  1.13.0 2.14.0
RDRToolbox                               1.3.0 2.14.0
reactome.db                             1.0.36 2.14.0
reb                                     1.29.0 2.14.0
RefPlus                                 1.23.0 2.14.0
relations                               0.5-10 2.13.0
relevent                                   1.0 2.14.0
relimp                                   1.0-2 2.14.0
reshape                                  0.8.4 2.13.0
Resourcerer                             1.27.0 2.14.0
rfcdmin                                 1.6.11 2.14.0
rflowcyt                                1.25.0 2.14.0
rGADEM                                   1.5.0 2.14.0
rggobi                                  2.1.17 2.13.0
rgl                                   0.92.798 2.13.0
Rglpk                                    0.3-5 2.14.0
Rgraphviz                               1.31.1 2.14.0
RGtk2                                  2.20.12 2.13.0
RH2                                    0.1-2.3 2.14.0
rHVDM                                   1.19.0 2.14.0
Ringo                                   1.17.0 2.14.0
rJava                                    0.8-8 2.13.0
RJDBC                                    0.1-6 2.14.0
rjson                                    0.2.3 2.14.0
RJSONIO                                  0.5-0 2.13.0
rlecuyer                                 0.3-1 2.14.0
Rlibstree                                0.3-2 2.11.0
RLMM                                    1.15.0 2.14.0
Rmagpie                                  1.9.0 2.14.0
RMAPPER                                  1.3.0 2.14.0
rmeta                                     2.16 2.14.0
RmiR                                     1.9.0 2.14.0
RmiR.Hs.miRNA                            1.0.6 2.14.0
RMySQL                                   0.7-5 2.14.0
RNAinteract                              1.1.0 2.14.0
RNAinteractMAPK                         0.99.5 2.14.0
RNAither                                 2.1.0 2.14.0
rnaSeqMap                                2.7.7 2.14.0
robCompositions                          1.5.0 2.14.0
robustbase                               0.7-3 2.14.0
ROC                                     1.29.0 2.14.0
ROCR                                     1.0-4 2.14.0
RODBC                                    1.3-2 2.13.0
Rolexa                                   1.9.0 2.14.0
RPA                                     1.9.03 2.14.0
rpanel                                   1.0-6 2.14.0
rpart                                   3.1-50 2.14.0
RpgSQL                                   0.1-4 2.14.0
RPostgreSQL                              0.1-7 2.14.0
RpsiXML                                 1.13.0 2.14.0
rrcov                                   1.3-00 2.14.0
Rsamtools                               1.5.12 2.14.0
rsbml                                   2.11.0 2.14.0
rscproxy                                 1.3-1 2.14.0
RSQLite                                  0.9-4 2.13.0
RSQLite.extfuns                          0.0.1 2.14.0
RSVGTipsDevice                           1.0-2 2.14.0
RTCA                                     1.5.0 2.14.0
RTools4TB                                1.9.0 2.14.0
rtracklayer                             1.13.0 2.14.0
Rtreemix                                1.15.0 2.14.0
RUnit                                   0.4.26 2.13.0
Ruuid                                   1.31.0 2.14.0
safe                                    2.13.0 2.14.0
sagenhaft                               1.23.0 2.14.0
SAGx                                    1.27.0 2.14.0
sampleSelection                         0.6-10 2.14.0
sampling                                   2.4 2.14.0
samr                                      1.28 2.14.0
SamSPECTRAL                              1.7.3 2.14.0
sandwich                                 2.2-6 2.14.0
SBMLR                                   1.49.0 2.14.0
scatterplot3d                           0.3-33 2.14.0
ScISI                                   1.25.0 2.14.0
scrime                                   1.2.5 2.14.0
sda                                      1.1.0 2.14.0
segmented                              0.2-7.3 2.14.0
segmentSeq                               1.5.0 2.14.0
sem                                     0.9-21 2.14.0
seqbias                                  1.1.0 2.14.0
seqinr                                   3.0-3 2.14.0
seqLogo                                 1.19.0 2.14.0
seriation                                1.0-3 2.14.0
setRNG                               2009.11-1 2.14.0
sets                                     1.0-8 2.13.0
sfsmisc                                 1.0-14 2.14.0
sgeostat                                1.0-23 2.14.0
shapes                                   1.1-3 2.14.0
ShortRead                               1.11.1 2.14.0
siggenes                                1.27.1 2.14.0
sigPathway                              1.21.0 2.14.0
SIM                                     1.21.0 2.14.0
simpIntLists                            0.99.0 2.14.0
simpleaffy                              2.29.0 2.14.0
simulatorAPMS                           1.25.0 2.14.0
sizepower                               1.23.0 2.14.0
slam                                    0.1-22 2.14.0
SLGI                                    1.13.0 2.14.0
SLqPCR                                  1.19.0 2.14.0
sm                                     2.2-4.1 2.14.0
SMAP                                    1.17.0 2.14.0
sna                                      2.2-0 2.14.0
SNAData                                  1.8.1 2.14.0
snapCGH                                 1.23.0 2.14.0
snm                                      1.1.0 2.14.0
snow                                     0.3-3 2.14.0
snowfall                                  1.84 2.14.0
snowFT                                   1.2-0 2.14.0
SNPchip                                 1.17.0 2.14.0
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617         0.99.1 2.14.0
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20090506         0.99.1 2.14.0
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20100427         0.99.2 2.14.0
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20101109         0.99.2 2.14.0
snpMatrix                               1.17.2 2.14.0
snpStats                                 1.3.1 2.14.0
som                                      0.3-5 2.14.0
sp                                      0.9-80 2.14.0
spam                                    0.23-0 2.13.0
sparseLDA                                0.1-5 2.14.0
SparseM                                   0.89 2.14.0
spatial                                  7.3-3 2.14.0
spatstat                                1.22-0 2.14.0
spdep                                   0.5-32 2.14.0
SpeCond                                  1.7.1 2.14.0
SPIA                                     2.3.0 2.14.0
SpikeIn                                  1.4.4 2.14.0
SpikeInSubset                            1.2.8 2.14.0
spikeLI                                 2.13.0 2.14.0
spkTools                                 1.9.0 2.14.0
splancs                                2.01-27 2.14.0
splicegear                              1.25.0 2.14.0
splines                                 2.14.0 2.14.0
splots                                  1.19.0 2.14.0
spotSegmentation                        1.27.0 2.14.0
sqldf                                    0.3-5 2.14.0
SQN                                        1.0 2.14.0
SQUADD                                   1.3.0 2.14.0
SRAdb                                    1.7.0 2.14.0
sscore                                  1.25.0 2.14.0
ssize                                   1.27.0 2.14.0
SSOAP                                    0.5-7 2.13.0
SSPA                                     1.9.0 2.14.0
st                                       1.1.4 2.14.0
Starr                                    1.9.1 2.14.0
statmod                                 1.4.10 2.14.0
statnet                                    2.6 2.14.0
stats                                   2.14.0 2.14.0
stats4                                  2.14.0 2.14.0
stepNorm                                1.25.0 2.14.0
stjudem                                  1.2.2 2.14.0
stringr                                    0.4 2.13.0
strucchange                              1.4-3 2.14.0
subselect                               0.10-1 2.14.0
SuppDists                                1.1-8 2.14.0
survcomp                                 1.3.0 2.14.0
survey                                    3.24 2.14.0
survival                                2.36-9 2.14.0
survivalROC                              1.0.0 2.14.0
survJamda                                1.1.2 2.14.0                           1.0.1 2.14.0
SVGAnnotation                            0.9-0 2.14.0
svGUI                                   0.9-50 2.14.0
svMisc                                  0.9-61 2.14.0
svSocket                                0.9-51 2.14.0
svUnit                                   0.7-5 2.14.0
SwissAir                                1.1.00 2.14.0
systemfit                                1.1-8 2.14.0
TargetSearch                             1.9.0 2.14.0
TargetSearchData                         1.0.3 2.14.0
tcltk                                   2.14.0 2.14.0
tcltk2                                   1.1-5 2.13.0
TDARACNE                                 1.3.0 2.14.0
TeachingDemos                              2.7 2.14.0
tensorA                                   0.36 2.14.0
TEQC                                     1.1.1 2.14.0
test3cdf                                 2.8.0 2.14.0
testthat                                   0.4 2.13.0
tigre                                    1.7.1 2.14.0
tilingArray                             1.31.0 2.14.0
time                                       1.1 2.14.0
timecourse                              1.25.0 2.14.0
timeDate                               2130.93 2.14.0
timeSeries                             2130.92 2.14.0
timsac                                   1.2.1 2.14.0
tinesath1cdf                             1.0.3 2.14.0
tinesath1probe                           1.0.2 2.14.0
tis                                       1.17 2.14.0
tkrplot                                 0.0-20 2.13.0
tkWidgets                               1.31.0 2.14.0
tools                                   2.14.0 2.14.0
topGO                                    2.5.0 2.14.0
tree                                    1.0-28 2.14.0
tripack                                  1.3-4 2.14.0
truncreg                                 0.1-1 2.14.0
trust                                    0.1-2 2.14.0
TSA                                       0.98 2.14.0
tseries                                0.10-25 2.14.0
TSP                                      1.0-2 2.14.0
tspair                                  1.11.0 2.14.0
TTR                                     0.20-2 2.14.0
TurboNorm                                1.1.0 2.14.0
tweedie                                  2.0.7 2.14.0
twilight                                1.29.0 2.14.0
TypeInfo                                1.19.0 2.14.0
urca                                     1.2-5 2.14.0
utils                                   2.14.0 2.14.0
VanillaICE                              1.15.0 2.14.0
varSelRF                                 0.7-3 2.14.0
vbmp                                    1.21.0 2.14.0
vcd                                      1.2-9 2.14.0
Vega                                     1.1.0 2.14.0
vegan                                  1.17-10 2.14.0
VGAM                                     0.8-2 2.14.0
VIM                                      2.0.1 2.13.0
vsn                                     3.21.0 2.14.0
waveslim                                 1.6.4 2.14.0
weaver                                  1.19.0 2.14.0
webbioc                                 1.25.0 2.14.0
widgetTools                             1.31.0 2.14.0
WriteXLS                                 2.1.0 2.14.0
xcms                                    1.27.2 2.14.0
XDE                                     1.13.0 2.14.0
xgobi                                   1.2-14 2.14.0
XhybCasneuf                              1.0.6 2.14.0
xmapbridge                              1.11.0 2.14.0
xmapcore                                 1.7.0 2.14.0
XML                                    3.4-0.2 2.13.0
XMLRPC                                   0.2-4 2.13.0
XMLSchema                                0.1-6 2.13.0
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xtable                                   1.5-6 2.14.0
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yaqcaffy                                1.13.0 2.14.0
yeastCC                                 1.2.12 2.14.0
yeastExpData                            0.9.17 2.14.0
yeastGSData                              0.1.5 2.14.0
yeastRNASeq                              0.0.3 2.14.0
Zelig                                      3.5 2.14.0
zoo                                      1.6-5 2.14.0