############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /home/rapidbuild/bbs-3.21-bioc-rapid/R/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data Category ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * checking for file ‘Category/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * preparing ‘Category’: * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * installing the package to build vignettes ----------------------------------- * installing *source* package ‘Category’ ... ** this is package ‘Category’ version ‘2.73.0’ ** using staged installation ** R ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location Error in base::serialize(base::as.list(base::getNamespace("Category"), : error writing to connection Calls: -> withCallingHandlers -> Execution halted ERROR: loading failed * removing ‘/tmp/RtmpqiDtCf/Rinst2282d03fcabf41/Category’ ----------------------------------- ERROR: package installation failed