Bioconductor version: Release (2.7)
The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) is a public repository of microarray data. Given the rich and varied nature of this resource, it is only natural to want to apply BioConductor tools to these data. GEOquery is the bridge between GEO and BioConductor.
Author: Sean Davis
Maintainer: Sean Davis
To install this package, start R and enter:
source("http:///biocLite.R") biocLite("GEOquery")
GEOquery.pdf |
biocViews | Microarray, DataImport, OneChannel, TwoChannel, SAGE |
Depends | methods, Biobase |
Imports | XML, RCurl |
Suggests | limma, RUnit |
System Requirements | |
License | GPL-2 |
URL | |
Depends On Me | GEOmetadb |
Imports Me | SRAdb |
Suggests Me | PGSEA, dyebias |
Version | 2.16.3 |
Package Source | GEOquery_2.16.3.tar.gz |
Windows Binary | (32- & 64-bit) |
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary | GEOquery_2.16.3.tgz |
Package Downloads Report | Download Stats |
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