
Methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays

Bioconductor version: Release (2.7)

The package contains functions for exploratory oligonucleotide array analysis. The dependence on tkWidgets only concerns few convenience functions. 'affy' is fully functional without it.

Author: Rafael A. Irizarry, Laurent Gautier , Benjamin Milo Bolstad , and Crispin Miller with contributions from Magnus Astrand , Leslie M. Cope , Robert Gentleman, Jeff Gentry, Conrad Halling, Wolfgang Huber, James MacDonald, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Christopher Workman, John Zhang

Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry

To install this package, start R and enter:



PDF R Script 1. Primer
PDF R Script 2. Built-in Processing Methods
PDF R Script 3. Custom Processing Methods
PDF R Script 4. Import Methods

Reference Manual


biocViews Microarray, OneChannel, Preprocessing
Depends R, Biobase
Imports affyio, Biobase, graphics, grDevices, methods, preprocessCore, stats, utils
Suggests tkWidgets, affydata
System Requirements
License LGPL (>= 2.0)
Depends On Me AffyExpress, AgiMicroRna, ArrayTools, LMGene, LVSmiRNA, RPA, RefPlus, Starr, affyContam, affyPLM, affyPara, affyQCReport, affycoretools, affylmGUI, affypdnn, altcdfenvs, arrayMvout, bgx, dualKS, exonmap, farms, gcrma, logitT, maDB, panp, plw, puma, qpcrNorm, rHVDM, simpleaffy, sscore, webbioc
Imports Me AffyTiling, ArrayExpress, ArrayTools, GEOsubmission, HTqPCR, Harshlight, affyILM, affyQCReport, arrayQualityMetrics, farms, frmaTools, frma, gcrma, lumi, makecdfenv, plier, plw, puma, simpleaffy, tilingArray, vsn
Suggests Me AnnotationDbi, BiocCaseStudies, Biostrings, BufferedMatrixMethods, ExpressionView, GeneRegionScan, beadarraySNP, beadarray, factDesign, hexbin, limma, made4, oneChannelGUI, siggenes
Version 1.28.1

Package Downloads

Package Source affy_1.28.1.tar.gz
Windows Binary (32- & 64-bit)
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary affy_1.28.0.tgz
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