
Principal Coordinates and Hotelling's T-Square method

Bioconductor version: Development (2.8)

PCOT2 is a permutation-based method for investigating changes in the activity of multi-gene networks. It utilizes inter-gene correlation information to detect significant alterations in gene network activities. Currently it can be applied to two-sample comparisons.

Author: Sarah Song, Mik Black

Maintainer: Sarah Song

To install this package, start R and enter:



PDF HowToUseGeneLocator.pdf
PDF R Script PCOT2 Vignette

Reference Manual


biocViews Microarray, DifferentialExpression
Depends R, grDevices, Biobase, amap
Suggests multtest, hu6800.db, KEGG.db, mvtnorm
System Requirements
License GPL (>= 2)
Depends On Me
Imports Me
Suggests Me
Version 1.19.0

Package Downloads

Package Source pcot2_1.19.0.tar.gz
Windows Binary pcot2_1.19.0.zip (32- & 64-bit)
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary pcot2_1.19.0.tgz
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Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center