Registration and Abstract Submission Open for
GBCC2025: Joint Galaxy/Bioconductor Conference
Early registration discount pricing ends March 31!


caBIG® is a National Cancer Institute initiative to facilitate data sharing between members of the cancer research community. caGrid is infrastructure to support data and analysis ‘services’.

Work flows

Several Bioconductor work flows are available as caGrid analytic services; instances of these services are discoverable on the caGrid portal as those services that are hosted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center here in Seattle.

Service documentation is available under ‘02 Bioconductor caGrid Services’. The functionality provided by the services is documented in the Service Documentation archive; the Installation Guide provides instruction on establishing your own instances.

The code for the services is in gforge.

The RWebServices package has a vignette on enabling web services on additional packages, including how these are combined with the caGrid introduce infrastructure, to create custom caGrid services from Bioconductor scripts.

Using services

caGrid services are SOAP-based, and are most easily accessed through a java-based client built using caGrid introduce infrastructure. Each service in gforge contains a demonstration client. Our local instance is no longer available.