class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Interactive exploratory analysis with iSEE ] .author[ ###
Charlotte Soneson
] .institute[ ### Computational Biology Platform, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research ] .date[ ### June 20, 2022 ] --- layout: true --- background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,#images/why-interactive-visualization/why-interactive-visualization.001.jpeg") background-position: center background-size: cover # Why (interactive) visualization? <div class="my-footer"><span>Images from Pixabay, available for commercial use, no attribution required</span></div> --- # What is iSEE? * An open-source R/Bioconductor package that allows you to easily create customized interactive interfaces for exploring your data and visualize any **pre-calculated** results.  <div class="my-footer"><span></span></div> --- # What is iSEE? * An open-source R/Bioconductor package that allows you to easily create customized interactive interfaces for exploring your data and visualize any **pre-calculated** results. * Essentially data type agnostic - any rectangular data can be explored (but it was designed with high-throughput biological data in mind). -- * Easy to run (for a suitably formatted data set, more on that shortly): ```r library(iSEE) iSEE(sce) ``` -- * Highly configurable, flexible interface. -- * Strong focus on reproducibility, all code to generate displayed figures can be downloaded. --- # What about other tools?  ??? Over 130 entries --- # With what data can iSEE be used? * Any form of (numeric) rectangular-shaped data (measurements for some form of **features** across a range of **samples**). * Both features and samples can come with **annotations**/additional information. * Data must be stored in a [**`SummarizedExperiment`**]( container (or one of its derivatives, including [`SingleCellExperiment`]( or `DESeqDataSet`). <center>  </center> <div class="my-footer"><span>Modified from</span></div> --- # With what data can iSEE be used? * Any form of (numeric) rectangular-shaped data (measurements for some form of **features** across a range of **samples**). * Both features and samples can come with **annotations**/additional information. * Data must be stored in a [`SummarizedExperiment`]( container (or one of its derivatives, including [**`SingleCellExperiment`**]( or `DESeqDataSet`). <center>  </center> <div class="my-footer"><span>Modified from</span></div> --- # How to get to a SummarizedExperiment/SingleCellExperiment object? * Use the constructor functions: `SummarizedExperiment()`, `SingleCellExperiment()`, `DESeqDataSet()`, `DESeqDataSetFromMatrix()`, ... * Many Bioconductor packages directly import data into a `SingleCellExperiment` object (e.g., `DropletUtils::read10xCounts()`) or a `SummarizedExperiment` object (e.g., `tximeta::tximeta()`). * From an `AnnData` object: use e.g. the [zellkonverter]( Bioconductor package. * From a `Seurat` object: use e.g. `Seurat::as.SingleCellExperiment()`. --- # Default panels         --- # Some additional iSEEu panels (1) <center>   </center> --- # Some additional iSEEu panels (2) <center>   </center> --- # Some additional iSEEu panels (3) <center>  </center> --- # Some additional iSEEu panels (4) <center>  </center> --- # Additional resources * The bookdown book on _Extending iSEE_: * Bioconductor landing page: * Publication (F1000Research, 2018): * Deployed examples:, code at * Further deployments in the repo * `iSEE` in production:,, * Development version (bug reports etc): * The `#iSEE` channel in the [Bioconductor slack workspace]( * Additional panels and modes in `iSEEu`: <br> <center>     <br> Kevin Rue-Albrecht, Federico Marini, Charlotte Soneson, Aaron Lun </center>