\name{cghSeg} \docType{class} \alias{class:cghSeg} \alias{cghSeg} \alias{cghSeg-class} \alias{copynumber,cghSeg-method} \alias{copynumber<-,cghSeg,matrix-method} \alias{segmented,cghSeg-method} \alias{segmented<-,cghSeg,matrix-method} \alias{chromosomes,cghSeg-method} \alias{bpstart,cghSeg-method} \alias{bpend,cghSeg-method} \alias{initialize,cghSeg-method} \alias{plot,cghSeg,missing-method} \title{ Class to contain and describe segmented array comparative genomic hybridization data. } \description{ Container for aCGH data and experimental metadata. \code{cghSeg} class is derived from \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}, and requires a matrix named \code{copynumber} as well as a matrix named \code{segmented} as assayData members of equal dimensions. Furthermore, columns named \code{Chromosome}, \code{Start}, and \code{End} are required as featureData members, containing feature position information. } \section{Extends}{ Directly extends class \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}. } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{new('cghSeg', phenoData = [AnnotatedDataFrame], experimentData = [MIAME], annotation = [character], copynumber = [matrix], segmented = [matrix], featureData = [AnnotatedDataFrame], ...) } An object of class \code{cghSeg} is generally obtained as output from \code{\link{segmentData}}. } \section{Slots}{ Inherited from \code{eSet}: \describe{ \item{\code{assayData}:}{Contains matrices with equal dimensions, and with column number equal to \code{nrow(phenoData)}. \code{assayData} must contain matrices \code{copynumber} and \code{segmented} with rows represening array probes and columns representing samples. Additional matrices of identical size (e.g., representing measurement errors) may also be included in \code{assayData}. Class:\code{\link[Biobase:class.AssayData]{AssayData-class}}} \item{\code{phenoData}:}{See \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}} \item{\code{featureData}:}{An \code{\link[Biobase:class.AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame}} with columns \code{Chromosome}, \code{Start}, and \code{End} containing array element position data.} \item{\code{experimentData}:}{See \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}} \item{\code{annotation}:}{See \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}} } } \section{Methods}{ Class-specific methods. \describe{ \item{\code{copynumber(cghSeg)}, \code{copynumber(cghSeg,matrix)<-}}{Access and set elements named \code{copynumber} in the \code{AssayData-class} slot.} \item{\code{segmented(cghSeg)}, \code{segmented(cghSeg,matrix)<-}}{Access and set elements named \code{segmented} in the \code{AssayData-class} slot.} \item{\code{chromosomes}, \code{bpstart}, \code{bpend}}{Access the chromosomal positions stored in \code{featureData}} \item{plot}{Create a plot containing log2ratios and segments ordered by chromosomal position. TWO EXTRA OPTIONS PLUS DEFAULTS: dotres=10. Every dotres-th log2-ratio is plotted. dotres=1 plots all data. However, higher values save a lot of space and allow quicker browsing of the plots. ylimit=c(-2,5): limits of the y-axis} } See \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}} for derived methods. } \author{Sjoerd Vosse} \seealso{ \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet-class}}, \code{\link{cghRaw-class}}, \code{\link{cghCall-class}} } \examples{ # create an instance of cghSeg new("cghSeg") # create an instance of cghSeg through 'segmentData' \dontrun{ data(Wilting) rawcgh <- make_cghSeg(Wilting) normalized <- normalize(rawcgh) segmented <- segmentData(normalized) # plot the first sample. Default only every 10th log2-ratio is plotted (dotres=10). Adjust using dotres= option below. plot(segmented[,1]) # first three chromosomes plot(segmented[chromosomes(segmented)<=3,1]) # get the copynumber values of the third and fourth sample log2ratios <- copynumber(segmented[,3:4]) # get the names of the samples sampleNames(segmented) # get the names of the array elements featureNames(segmented) } } \keyword{classes}