\name{getRS-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{getRS} \alias{getRS-method} \alias{getRS,CNSeg-method} \alias{geneInfo} \title{method that convert segment data into reduced segment matrix} \description{ \code{getRS} takes a CNSeg object containing the output of the segment function of DNAcopy and format the data into a matrix based on overlapping chromosome region (by = region", gene (by = gene) or pair overlapping chromosome region (by = pair) } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "CNSeg"}{a reduced segment can be generated in three ways; by chromosomal regions that overlap across sample (by = region), by genes (by = gene), or by pair of samples with chromosome regions aligned (by = pair). User may choose to imput cells (by region or gene only) where a value can not be assigned by setting imput = TRUE. The X and Y chromosomes can dropped by stting XY = FALSE. } }} \keyword{methods}