\name{get.pathways.by.genes} \alias{get.pathways.by.genes} \alias{get.pathways.by.enzymes} \alias{get.pathways.by.compounds} \alias{get.pathways.by.reactions} \title{Client-side interface to obtain the KEGG pathway ids} \description{ Given a set of KEGG gene/enzyme/compound/reation identifiers, the functions query the KEGG PATHWAY database for all the pathways in which items represented by the given set of identifers are involved } \usage{ get.pathways.by.genes(genes.id.list) get.pathways.by.enzymes(enzyme.id.list) get.pathways.by.compounds(compound.id.list) get.pathways.by.reactions(reaction.id.list) } \arguments{ \item{genes.id.list}{\code{genes.id.list} a vector of character strings for the ids used by KEGG to represent genes. An id normally consists of three letters followed by a colon and then several numbers. The three letters are from the first letter of the genus name and the first two letters of the species name of the scientific name of the organism of concern (e. g. hsa:111 for Homo Sapiens)} \item{enzyme.id.list}{\code{enzyme.id.list} a vector of character strings for enzyme commission numbers} \item{compound.id.list}{\code{compound.id.list} a vector of character strings for the ids used by KEGG to represent compounds. A compound id begins with cpd: followed by a combination of letters and numbers (e. g. cpd:C00579)} \item{reaction.id.list}{\code{reaction.id.list} a vector of character strings for the ids used by KEGG to represent reactions. A reaction id begins with rn: followed by a combination of letters and numbers (e. g. rn:R00268)} } \value{ The functions return a vector of KEGG pathway ids } \references{\url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{get.genes.by.pathway}}, \code{\link{get.enzymes.by.pathway}}, \code{\link{get.compounds.by.pathway}}, \code{\link{get.reactions.by.pathway}}} \examples{ # There seems to be some problem at the server side. Use try pathways <- try(get.pathways.by.genes(c("eco:b0077", "eco:b0078"))) pathways <- try(get.pathways.by.enzymes("ec:")) pathways <- try(get.pathways.by.compounds(c("cpd:C00033", "cpd:C00158"))) pathways <- try(get.pathways.by.reactions(c("rn:R00959", "rn:R02740", "rn:R00960", "rn:R01786"))) } \keyword{ datasets }