\name{bellman.ford.sp} \alias{bellman.ford.sp} \title{ Bellman-Ford shortest paths using boost C++ } \description{ Algorithm for the single-source shortest paths problem for a graph with both positive and negative edge weights. } \usage{ bellman.ford.sp(g,start=nodes(g)[1]) } \arguments{ \item{g}{ instance of class graph } \item{start}{ character: node name for start of path } } \details{ This function interfaces to the Boost graph library C++ routines for Bellman-Ford shortest paths. Choose the appropriate algorithm to calculate the shortest path carefully based on the properties of the given graph. See documentation on Bellman-Ford algorithm in Boost Graph Library for more details. } \value{ A list with elements: \item{all edges minimized}{true if all edges are minimized, false otherwise. } \item{distance}{The vector of distances from \code{start} to each node of \code{g}; includes \code{Inf} when there is no path from \code{start}.} \item{penult}{A vector of indices (in \code{nodes(g)}) of predecessors corresponding to each node on the path from that node back to \code{start}}. For example, if the element one of this vector has value \code{10}, that means that the predecessor of node \code{1} is node \code{10}. The next predecessor is found by examining \code{penult[10]}. \item{start}{The start node that was supplied in the call to \code{bellman.ford.sp}.} } \references{ Boost Graph Library ( www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/index.html ) The Boost Graph Library: User Guide and Reference Manual; by Jeremy G. Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, and Andrew Lumsdaine; (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education Inc., 2002), xxiv+321pp. ISBN 0-201-72914-8 } \author{ Li Long