\name{graphGenerator} \alias{graphGenerator} \title{Generate an undirected graph with adjustable clustering coefficient} \description{Generate an undirected graph with adjustable clustering coefficient } \usage{ graphGenerator(n, d, o) } \arguments{ \item{n}{no. of nodes in the generated graph} \item{d}{parameter for preferential attachment} \item{o}{parameter for triple generation} } \details{ The graph generator works according to the prefential attachment rule. It also generates graphs with adjustable clustering coefficient. Parameter \code{d} specifies how many preferred edges a new node has. Parameter \code{o} limits how many triples to add to a new node. See reference for details. } \value{ \item{no. of nodes}{No. of nodes in the generated graph} \item{no. of edges}{No. of edges in the generated graph} \item{edges}{Edges in the generated graph} } \references{ Approximating Clustering Coefficient and Transitivity, T. Schank, D. Wagner, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 2 (2005). } \author{Li Long