\name{getDataset-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{getDataset-methods} \alias{getDataset} \alias{getDataset,assessment-method} \title{getDataset Method to access the attributes of a dataset from an assessment} \description{ This method provides an easy interface to access the attributes of a dataset directly from an object assessment. The argument \code{topic} specifies which part of the dataset is of interest. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "assessment"}{The method is only applicable on objects of class assessment.} }} \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{Object of class assessment}. Object assessment of interest} \item{topic}{\code{character}. Optional argument that specifies which attribute of the dataset is requested, the possible values are \code{"dataId"} (slot dataId of the dataset), \code{"dataPath"} (slot dataPath of the dataset), \code{"geneExprFile"} (slot geneExprFile of the dataset), \code{"classesFile"} (slot classesFile of the dataset), \code{"eset"} (slot eset of the dataset) if the \code{"topic"} is missing then the whole dataset object is returned.} } \value{ The value returned by the method changes accordingly to the \code{"topic"} argument. If \code{"topic"} is missing \code{object of class dataset} the dataset corresponding to the assessment of interest If \code{"topic"} is \code{"dataId"} \code{object of class character} corresponding to the \code{dataId} of the dataset If \code{"topic"} is \code{"dataPath"} \code{object of class character} corresponding to the \code{dataPath} of the dataset If \code{"topic"} is \code{"geneExprFile"} \code{object of class character} corresponding to the \code{geneExprFile} of the dataset If \code{"topic"} is \code{"classesFile"} \code{object of class character} corresponding to the \code{classesFile} of the dataset If \code{"topic"} is \code{"eset"} \code{object of class ExpressionSetOrNull} corresponding to the \code{eset} of the dataset } \author{ Camille Maumet } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{assessment}} } \examples{ #dataPath <- file.path("C:", "Documents and Settings", "c.maumet", "My Documents", "Programmation", "Sources", "SVN", "R package", "data") #aDataset <- new("dataset", dataId="vantVeer_70", dataPath=dataPath) #aDataset <- loadData(aDataset) data('vV70genesDataset') expeOfInterest <- new("assessment", dataset=vV70genes, noFolds1stLayer=10, noFolds2ndLayer=9, classifierName="svm", typeFoldCreation="original", svmKernel="linear", noOfRepeat=2, featureSelectionOptions=new("geneSubsets", optionValues=c(1,2,3,4,5,6))) getDataset(expeOfInterest) } \keyword{methods}