\name{gi2007} \alias{gi2007} \alias{gi2007.metadata} \docType{data} \title{ Synthetic Genetic Interaction data from Collins et al} \description{ The data \code{gi2007} are a 754 by 754 set of genetic interactions that were tested pairwise by either deletion or decreased abundance messenger RNA perturbation. } \usage{ data(gi2007) data(gi2007.metadata) } \format{ The \code{gi2007} data are a 754 by 754 matrix where values indicate a score for a synthetic genetic interaction. An \code{NA} indicates that the genetic interaction was not measured. \code{gi2007.metadata} is a data.frame of dimensions 754 rows and two columns. The columns are the systematic names and the mutation (which is typically either \code{DAMP}, \code{DELETION} or the name of the alternate allele that was tested. In 11 cases an alternative allele was tested. } \references{ Collins et al. Nature, 2007, Vol 446, p. 806-810. Data are available as supplementary material. } \examples{ data(gi2007) data(gi2007.metadata) } \keyword{datasets}