\name{sharedBy} \alias{sharedBy} \title{ Find the gene pairs that share a domain. } \description{ \code{sharedBy} finds whether the given domain is in each of the elements of the domain list. } \usage{sharedBy(domainL)} \arguments{ \item{domainL}{is a list, each element of the list is a vector of domains. } } \details{ \code{sharedBy} first remove all the elements with length 0 or have value 'NA'. Then apply the reverseSplit on the remaining list. } \value{ A list with each element represent a domain, and the values of the element are the pairs that share this domain. } \author{ Z. Jiang } \seealso{ \code{\link[Biobase]{reverseSplit}}, \code{\link{domainDist}}, \code{\link{getSharedDomains}} } \examples{ ## Load PFAM and SMART domains shared between Tong's Synthetic lethal data data(AtongFnDomain) ## Find pair that share identical domain sharedBy(AtongFnDomain$SharedPfam[1:20]) } \keyword{ methods }