\name{pilotData} \alias{pilotData} \title{Creates an object of class "PilotData"} \description{The function \code{pilotData} initializes a \code{\linkS4class{PilotData}}-object. Information of the pilot data and the null distribution is stored e.g. name of pilot experiment, test statistics and number of samples used.} \usage{pilotData(name = "Unknown Experiment", testStatistics = double(1), sampleSizeA = double(1), sampleSizeB = double(1), dof = double(0), nullDist = c("normal", "student"))} \arguments{ \item{name}{character string giving the experiment name} \item{testStatistics}{vector of type numeric containing the set of test statistics} \item{sampleSizeA}{the samplesize of group A} \item{sampleSizeB}{the samplesize of group B} \item{dof}{degree of freedom for a Student t distribution} \item{nullDist}{distribution under the null hypothesis either one of: \itemize{ \item "normal", \item "student", (only in case of method="Ruppert" see \code{\link{sampleSize}}) }}} \details{Based on the given null distribution two-sided p-values are calculated from the test statistics. Some additional checks on the data are performed. Once an object of \code{\linkS4class{PilotData}} is created the \code{\link{sampleSize}}-function can be called. } \value{object of class \code{\linkS4class{PilotData}}} \author{Maarten van Iterson} \seealso{\code{hist}, \code{plot} and \code{\linkS4class{PilotData}} use \code{class?PilotData}} \examples{ library(multtest) data(golub) teststat <- mt.teststat(golub, golub.cl) table(golub.cl) pd <- pilotData(name="golub", testStatistics=teststat, sampleSizeA=11, sampleSizeB=27) } \keyword{classes}