\name{medianRILib} \alias{medianRILib} \title{ Median RI library correction } \description{ Return a \code{tsLib} object with the median RI of the selective masses across samples. } \usage{ medianRILib(samples, Lib, makeReport = FALSE, pdfFile = "medianLibRep.pdf", columns = c("SPECTRUM", "RETENTION_TIME_INDEX"), showProgressBar = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{samples}{ A \code{tsSample} object created by \code{\link{ImportSamples}} function. } \item{Lib}{ A \code{tsLib} object created by \code{\link{ImportLibrary}} function. } \item{makeReport}{ Logical. If \code{TRUE} will report the RI deviations for every metabolite in the library. } \item{pdfFile}{ The file name where the report will be saved. } \item{columns}{ A numeric vector with the positions of the columns \code{SPECTRUM} and \code{RETENTION_TIME_INDEX} or a character vector with the header names of those columns. } \item{showProgressBar}{Logical. Should the progress bar be displayed?} } \value{ A \code{tsLib} object. It will update the slot \code{med_RI} which contains the median RI of every searched metabolite. } \examples{ require(TargetSearchData) data(TargetSearchData) # get RI file path RI.path <- file.path(.find.package("TargetSearchData"), "gc-ms-data") # update RI file path RIpath(sampleDescription) <- RI.path # Import Library refLibrary <- ImportLibrary(file.path(RI.path,'library.txt')) # update median RI refLibrary <- medianRILib(sampleDescription, refLibrary) # perhaps you need to adjust the library RI of one metabolite and the allowed time # deviation (first time deviation window) libRI(refLibrary)[5] <- 306500 RIdev(refLibrary)[5,1] <- 2000 refLibrary <- medianRILib(sampleDescription, refLibrary) } \author{Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza, Matthew Hannah, Henning Redestig } \seealso{ \code{\link{ImportSamples}}, \code{\link{ImportLibrary}}, \code{\link{tsLib-class}} }