\name{bg.adjust} \alias{bg.adjust} \alias{bg.parameters} \title{Background adjustment (internal function)} \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{bg.correct.rma}}. } \usage{ bg.adjust(pm, n.pts = 2^14, ...) bg.parameters(pm, n.pts = 2^14) } \arguments{ \item{pm}{a pm matrix} \item{n.pts}{number of points to use in call to \code{density}.} \item{\dots}{extra arguments to pass to bg.adjust.} } \details{Assumes PMs are a convolution of normal and exponential. So we observe X+Y where X is background and Y is signal. \code{bg.adjust} returns E[Y|X+Y, Y>0] as our background corrected PM. \code{bg.parameters} provides ad hoc estimates of the parameters of the normal and exponential distributions.} \value{a matrix} \seealso{\code{\link{bg.correct.rma}}} \keyword{manip}