\name{aqmobj.qcs-class} \docType{class} \alias{aqmobj.qcs-class} \alias{aqmobj.qcs} \alias{class.aqmobj.qcs} \title{ Class to contain data generated from aqm.qcs. } \description{ Class to contain data generated from aqm.qcs. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{plot}:}{ An object of class \code{\link[lattice:trellis.object]{trellis.object}}. } \item{\code{section}:}{ A character string with a name for the section the plot belongs to in the report. } \item{\code{title}:}{ A character string with the title of the plot to be written in the report. } \item{\code{legend}:}{ A character string with the legend of the plot to be written in the report. } \item{\code{shape}:}{ A character "square" or "rect" depending on the aspect ratio desired in the report. } } } \details{ See the aqm.qcstats help or the aqm Vignette for example of this object. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann <kauffmann@bergonie.org> } \seealso{ \code{aqm.qcstats}, \code{aqm.plot} } \keyword{classes}