\name{batch} \alias{batch} \alias{batch,eSet-method} \title{ Function to extract batch information. } \description{ Checks the phenoData and protocolData for a variable named batch and, if present, returns the vector. } \usage{ batch(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object extending the \code{eSet} class. } } \details{ For copy number estimation, a batch variable must be specified. Currently, we suggest storing this variable in the protocolData. Batch represents groups of samples that were processed (DNA preparation and collection, PCR amplification, scan date) at similar times. Often, the 96 well chemistry plate or scan date is a useful surrogate for batch. } \value{ Vector indicating batch. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{genotype}}, \code{\link{genotype2}} } \keyword{manip}