\name{crlmmCopynumber} \alias{crlmmCopynumber} \alias{crlmmCopynumber2} \title{Locus- and allele-specific estimation of copy number} \description{ Locus- and allele-specific estimation of copy number. } \usage{ crlmmCopynumber(object, chromosome = 1:23, which.batches, MIN.SAMPLES = 10, SNRMin = 5, MIN.OBS = 3, DF.PRIOR = 50, bias.adj = FALSE, prior.prob = rep(1/4, 4), seed = 1, verbose = TRUE, GT.CONF.THR = 0.99, PHI.THR = 2^6, nHOM.THR = 5, MIN.NU = 2^3, MIN.PHI = 2^3, THR.NU.PHI = TRUE, thresholdCopynumber = TRUE) crlmmCopynumber2(object, which.batches, MIN.SAMPLES = 10, SNRMin = 5, MIN.OBS = 1, DF.PRIOR = 50, bias.adj = FALSE, prior.prob = rep(1/4, 4), seed = 1, verbose = TRUE, GT.CONF.THR = 0.99, PHI.THR = 2^6, nHOM.THR = 5, MIN.NU = 2^3, MIN.PHI = 2^3, THR.NU.PHI = TRUE, thresholdCopynumber = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class \code{SnpSuperSet}. } \item{which.batches}{ Character vector with length equal to the number of samples. Used to adjust for batch effects. Chemistry plate or date often work well. See examples. Ignored in crlmmCopynumber2. } \item{chromosome}{Numeric vector indicating which chromosomes to process (length <= 23). For chromosome X, use 23. A copy number method for chromosome Y is not yet available. } \item{MIN.SAMPLES}{ 'Integer'. The minimum number of samples in a batch. Bathes with fewer than MIN.SAMPLES are skipped. Therefore, samples in batches with fewer than MIN.SAMPLES have NA's for the allele-specific copy number and NA's for the linear model parameters. } \item{SNRMin}{ Samples with low signal to noise ratios are excluded. } \item{MIN.OBS}{ For genotypes with fewer than \code{MIN.OBS}, the within-genotype median is imputed from the observed genotypes. For example, assume at at a given SNP genotypes AA and AB were observed and BB is an unobserved genotype. For SNPs in which all 3 genotypes were observed, we fit the model E(mean_BB) = beta0 + beta1*mean_AA + beta2*mean_AB, obtaining estimates; of beta0, beta1, and beta2. The imputed mean at the SNP with unobserved BB is then beta0hat + beta1hat * mean_AA of beta2hat * mean_AB. } \item{DF.PRIOR}{ The 2 x 2 covariance matrix of the background and signal variances is estimated from the data at each locus. This matrix is then smoothed towards a common matrix estimated from all of the loci. DF.PRIOR controls the amount of smoothing towards the common matrix, with higher values corresponding to greater smoothing. Currently, DF.PRIOR is not estimated from the data. Future versions may estimate DF.PRIOR empirically. } \item{bias.adj}{ If \code{TRUE}, initial estimates of the linear model are updated after excluding samples that have a low posterior probability of normal copy number. Excluding samples that have a low posterior probability can be helpful at loci in which a substantial fraction of the samples have a copy number alteration. For additional information, see Scharpf et al., 2009. This argument is ignored in crlmmCopynumber2. } \item{prior.prob}{ A numerical vector providing prior probabilities for copy number states corresponding to homozygous deletion, hemizygous deletion, normal copy number, and amplification, respectively. } \item{seed}{ Seed for random number generation.} \item{verbose}{ Logical. } \item{GT.CONF.THR}{ Confidence threshold for genotype calls (0, 1). Calls with confidence scores below this theshold are not used to estimate the within-genotype medians. } \item{PHI.THR}{ SNPs with slopes (phi values) below this value are flagged. Flagged SNPs are not used in a regression to impute background and slope coefficients at nonpolymorphic loci. } \item{nHOM.THR}{ If fewer than \code{nHOM.THR} homozygous genotypes (AA or BB) are observed, the SNPs is flagged. Flagged SNPs are not used in a regression to impute background and slope coefficients at nonpolymorphic loci. } \item{MIN.NU}{ numeric. Minimum threshold for background. Ignored if \code{THR.NU.PHI} is \code{FALSE}. } \item{MIN.PHI}{numeric. Minimum threshold for slope. Ignored if \code{THR.NU.PHI} is \code{FALSE}. } \item{THR.NU.PHI}{ If \code{THR.NU.PHI} is \code{FALSE}, \code{MIN.NU} and \code{MIN.PHI} are ignored. } \item{thresholdCopynumber}{ If \code{TRUE}, allele-specific number estimates are truncated. Values less than 0.05 are assigned the value 0.05; values exceeding 5 are assigned the value 5. Ignored in crlmmCopynumber2. Extreme values are automatically truncated. } } \details{ The function crlmmCopynumber uses matrices instead of ff objects if the ff library is not loaded. The function crlmmCopynumber2 allows parallel processing via and requires large data support via the ff package. We plan to phase out crlmmCopynumber and replace this function by crlmmCopynumber2. } \author{R. Scharpf} \examples{ ## data(example.callSet) ## cnSet <- crlmmCopynumber2(example.callSet) ## total copy number ## cn <- copyNumber(cnSet) ## allele-specific copy number ## ca <- CA(cnSet)/100 ## A dosage ## cb <- CB(cnSet)/100 ## B dosage } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{manip}