\name{readIdatFiles} \alias{readIdatFiles} \title{Reads Idat Files from Infinium II Illumina BeadChips} \description{ Reads intensity information for each bead type from .idat files of Infinium II genotyping BeadChips} \usage{ readIdatFiles(sampleSheet=NULL, arrayNames=NULL, ids=NULL, path="", arrayInfoColNames=list(barcode="SentrixBarcode_A", position="SentrixPosition_A"), highDensity=FALSE, sep="_", fileExt=list(green="Grn.idat", red="Red.idat"), saveDate=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{sampleSheet}{\code{data.frame} containing Illumina sample sheet information (for required columns, refer to BeadStudio Genotyping guide - Appendix A).} \item{arrayNames}{character vector containing names of arrays to be read in. If \code{NULL}, all arrays that can be found in the specified working directory will be read in.} \item{ids}{vector containing ids of probes to be read in. If \code{NULL} all probes found on the first array are read in.} \item{path}{character string specifying the location of files to be read by the function} \item{arrayInfoColNames}{(used when \code{sampleSheet} is specified) list containing elements 'barcode' which indicates column names in the \code{sampleSheet} which contains the arrayNumber/barcode number and 'position' which indicates the strip number. In older style sample sheets, this information is combined (usually in a column named 'SentrixPosition') and this should be specified as \code{list(barcode=NULL, position="SentrixPosition")}} \item{highDensity}{logical (used when \code{sampleSheet} is specified). If \code{TRUE}, array extensions '\_A', '\_B' in sampleSheet are replaced with 'R01C01', 'R01C02' etc.} \item{sep}{character string specifying separator used in .idat file names.} \item{fileExt}{list containing elements 'Green' and 'Red' which specify the .idat file extension for the Cy3 and Cy5 channels.} \item{saveDate}{logical. Should the dates from each .idat be saved with sample information?} } \details{ The summarised Cy3 (G) and Cy5 (R) intensities (on the orginal scale) are read in from the .idat files. Where available, a \code{sampleSheet} data.frame, in the same format as used by BeadStudio (columns 'Sample\_ID', 'SentrixBarcode\_A' and 'SentrixPosition\_A' are required) which keeps track of sample information can be specified. Thanks to Keith Baggerly who provided the code to read in the binary .idat files. } \value{ NChannelSet with intensity data (\code{R}, \code{G}), and indicator for SNPs with 0 beads (\code{zero}) for each bead type. } \references{ Ritchie ME, Carvalho BS, Hetrick KN, Tavar\'{e} S, Irizarry RA. R/Bioconductor software for Illumina's Infinium whole-genome genotyping BeadChips. Bioinformatics. 2009 Oct 1;25(19):2621-3. } \author{Matt Ritchie} \examples{ #RG = readIdatFiles() } \keyword{IO}