\name{plot} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,ANY,Populations} \alias{plot,ANY,Populations-method} \alias{plot,flowFrame,Populations} \alias{plot,flowFrame,Populations-method} \docType{methods} \title{Scatterplot of Clustering Results} \description{ This method generates scatterplot revealing the cluster assignment. } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{ANY,Populations}(x, y, varNames=NULL, ...) \S4method{plot}{flowFrame,Populations}(x, y, varNames=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A matrix, data frame of observations, or object of class \code{flowFrame}. This is the object on which \code{flowClust} was performed.} \item{y}{Object returned from \code{\link{flowMeans}}.} \item{varNames}{A character vector specifying the variables (columns) to be included in the plot. When it is left unspecified, all the variables will be used.} \item{...}{Extra parameters that will be passed to the generic plot function} } \author{ Nima Aghaeepour <\email{naghaeep@bccrc.ca}> } \seealso{ \code{\link{flowMeans}} } \examples{ library(flowMeans) data(x) plot(data.frame(x)) } \keyword{graphs}