\name{perWindow} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{perWindow} \title{Investigate aligned reads in genome intervals with sliding windows} \description{ Investigate aligned reads in genome intervals with sliding windows. } \usage{ perWindow(object, chr, winsize, step, organism = "Mm") } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class \code{AlignedGenomeIntervals}} \item{chr}{string; which chromosome to investigate with sliding windows} \item{winsize}{integer; size of the sliding window in base-pairs} \item{step}{integer; offset between the start positions of two sliding windows} \item{organism}{string; with the data of which organism are we dealing here} } \details{ The windows are constructed from the first base position onto which a read has been mapped until the end of the chromosome. Chromosome lengths are obtained from organism annotation packages, such as \code{org.mm.eg.db}. } \value{ a \code{data.frame} with the following information for each sliding window on the chromosome \item{chr}{string; which chromosome the interval is on} \item{start}{integer; start coordinate of the windows on the chromosome} \item{end}{integer; end coordinate of the windows on the chromosome} \item{n.overlap}{integer; number of read match positions inside the window. Per match position there can be one or more reads mapped, so this number always is smaller than \code{n.reads}} \item{n.reads}{integer; number of reads which match positions inside this window} \item{n.unique}{integer; number of reads which each only have one match position in the genome and for which this position is contained inside this window} \item{max.reads}{integer; the maximal number of reads at any single one match position contained inside this window} %\item{score}{numeric; a custom score that should indicate how relevant % this window is for our analyses. This score is very preliminary and % not relevant for most users.} The result is of class \code{data.frame} and in addition of the (S3) class \code{slidingWindowSummary}, which may be utilized by follow-up functions. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{ \code{\link{AlignedGenomeIntervals-class}} } \examples{ exDir <- system.file("extdata", package="girafe") exA <- readAligned(dirPath=exDir, type="Bowtie", pattern="aravinSRNA_23_no_adapter_excerpt_mm9_unmasked.bwtmap") exAI <- as(exA, "AlignedGenomeIntervals") exPX <- perWindow(exAI, chr="chrX", winsize=1e5, step=0.5e5) head(exPX[order(exPX$n.overlap, decreasing=TRUE),]) } \keyword{manip}