\title{Compute the kernel given the parameters and X.}
  Compute the kernel given the parameters and X.
K <- kernCompute(kern, X)
K <- kernCompute(kern, X1, X2)
Kd <- kernDiagCompute(kern, X)
  \item{kern}{kernel structure to be computed.}
  \item{X}{input data matrix (rows are data points) to the kernel computation.}
  \item{X1}{first input matrix to the kernel computation (forms the rows of the kernel).}
  \item{X2}{second input matrix to the kernel computation (forms the columns of the kernel).}
  \code{K <- kernCompute(kern, X)}
  computes a kernel matrix for the given kernel type given an input data matrix.

  \code{K <- kernCompute(kern, X1, X2)}
  computes a kernel matrix for the given kernel type given two input data matrices, one for the rows and one for the columns.
  \code{K <- kernDiagCompute(kern, X)}
  computes the diagonal of a kernel matrix for the given kernel.
  \code{K <- *X*kernCompute(kern1, kern2, X)}
  \code{K <- *X*kernCompute(kern1, kern2, X1, X2)}
  same as above, but for cross combinations of two kernels, \code{kern1} and \code{kern2}.
  \item{K}{computed elements of the kernel structure.}
  \item{Kd}{vector containing computed diagonal elements of the kernel structure.}
kern <- kernCreate(1, 'rbf')
K <- kernCompute(kern, as.matrix(3:8))