%\VignetteIndexEntry{PDInfo Package Building Affymetrix Mapping Chips}
%\VignetteKeywords{SNP, Mapping}


\title{Building a PDInfo Package for an Affymetrix Mapping Chip}
\date{November, 2006}
\author{Seth Falcon \and Benilton Carvalho}

<<setup, echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
options(continue=" ")
options(prompt="R> ")


Users are asked to download the packages for Affymetrix SNP chips from the BioConductor website!

The contents of this vignette explain the essence of the builder for SNP chips.

\section{What you will need}

Aside from the \Rpackage{pdInfoBuilder} package and its dependencies,
you will need the following files in order to follow along and build a
``PDInfo'' package for the Affymetrix Mapping 250K NSP chip.

\item \verb+Mapping250K_Nsp.cdf+: The binary CDF file from Affymetrix
  containing feature-level annotation.

\item \verb+Mapping250K_Nsp_annot.csv+: Delimited text file from
  Affymetrix containing featureSet-level annotation.

\item \verb+Mapping250K_Nsp_probe_tab+: Delimited text file from
  Affymetrix containing probe sequence information for all PM probes.

\section{Building a PDInfo package}

Assuming the source files described above are in your current working
directory, the following commands will produce a PDInfo package.

<<build1, eval=FALSE>>=
cdfFile <- "Mapping250K_Nsp.cdf"
csvAnno <- "Mapping250K_Nsp_annot.csv"
csvSeq <- "Mapping250K_Nsp_probe_tab"

pkg <- new("AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed", 
           author="Seth Falcon", email="sfalcon@fhcrc.org",
           genomebuild="NCBI Build 35, May 2004",
           cdfFile=cdfFile, csvAnnoFile=csvAnno, csvSeqFile=csvSeq)

makePdInfoPackage(pkg, destDir=".")


We are able to complete the above step on a dual-CPU dual-core 3GHz
Xeon box with 8GB RAM in about 20 minutes.  The only step that
requires a significant amount of RAM is generating the coded sequence
matrix.  I haven't yet looked carefully at it, but I think it should
run on a 4GB system.
