%\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{fullpage} % \usepackage{times} %\usepackage{mathptmx} %\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[pdftex, bookmarks, bookmarksopen, pdfauthor={David Clayton}, pdftitle={TDT and snpMatrix Vignette}] {hyperref} \title{TDT vignette\\Use of snpMatrix in family--based studies} \author{David Clayton} \date{\today} \usepackage{Sweave} \SweaveOpts{echo=TRUE, pdf=TRUE, eps=FALSE} \begin{document} \setkeys{Gin}{width=1.0\textwidth} %\VignetteIndexEntry{TDT tests} %\VignettePackage{snpMatrix} \maketitle \section*{Pedigree data} The {\tt snpMatrix} package contains some tools for analysis of family-based studies. These assume that a subject support file provides the information necessary to reconstruct pedigrees in the well-known format used in the {\it LINKAGE} package. Each line of the support file must contain an identifier of the {\em pedigree} to which the individual belongs, together with an identifier of subject within pedigree, and the within-pedigree identifiers for the subject's father and mother. Usually this information, together with phenotype data, will be contained in a dataframe with rownames which link to the rownames of the {\tt snp.matrix} containing the genotype data. The following commands read some illustrative data on 3,017 subjects and 43 (autosomal) SNPs\footnote{These data are on a much smaller scale than would arise in genome-wide studies, but serve to illustrate the available tools. Note, however, that execution speeds are quite adequate for genome-wide data.}. The data consist of a dataframe containing the subject and pedigree information ({\tt pedfile}) and a {\tt snp.matrix} containing the genotype data ({\tt genotypes}): <>= require(snpMatrix) data(families) head(genotypes) head(pedfile) @ The first family comprises four individuals: two parents and two sibling offspring. The parents are ``founders'' in the pedigree, {\it i.e.} there is no data for their parents, so that their {\tt father} and {\tt mother} identifiers are set to {\tt NA}. This differs from the convention in the {\it LINKAGE} package, which would code these as zero. Otherwise coding is as in {\it LINKAGE}: {\tt sex} is coded 1 for male and 2 for female, and disease status ({\tt affected}) is coded 1 for unaffected and 2 for affected. \section*{Checking for mis-inheritances} The function {\tt misinherits} counts non-Mendelian inheritances in the data. It returns a logical matrix with one row for each subject who has any mis-inheritances and one column for each SNP which was ever mis-inherited. <>= mis <- misinherits(data=pedfile, snp.data=genotypes) dim(mis) @ Thus, 114 of the subjects and 37 of the SNPs had at least one mis-inheritance. The following commands count mis-inheritances per subject and plot its frequency distribution, and similarly, for mis-inheritances per SNP: <>= per.subj <- apply(mis, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) per.snp <- apply(mis, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) hist(per.subj,main='Histogram per Subject', xlab='Subject') hist(per.snp,main='Histogram per SNP', xlab='SNP') @ Note that mis-inheritances must be ascribed to offspring, although the error may lie with the parent data. The following commands first extract the pedigree identifiers for mis-inheriting subjects and go on to chart the numbers of mis-inheritances per family: <>= fam <- pedfile[rownames(mis), "familyid"] per.fam <- tapply(per.subj, fam, sum) par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) hist(per.fam, main='Histogram per Family', xlab='Family') @ None of the above analyses suggest serious problems with the data, although there are clearly a few genotyping errors. \section*{TDT tests} At present, the package only allows testing of discrete disease phenotypes in case--parent trios --- basically the Transmission/Disequilibrium Test (TDT). This is carried out by the function {\tt tdt.snp}, which returns the same class of object as that returned by {\tt single.snp.tests}; allelic (1 df) and genotypic (2~df) tests are computed. The following commands compute the tests, display the $p$-values, and plot quantile--quantile plots of the 1~df tests chi-squared statistics: <>= tests <- tdt.snp(data = pedfile, snp.data = genotypes) cbind(p.values.1df = p.value(tests, 1), p.values.2df = p.value(tests, 2)) qq.chisq(chi.squared(tests, 1), df = 1) @ Since these SNPs were all in a region of known association, the overdispersion of test statistics is not surprising. Note that, because each family had two affected offspring, there were twice as many parent-offspring trios as families. In the above tests, the contribution of the two trios in each family to the test statistic have been assumed to be independent. When there is {\em linkage} between the genetic locus and disease trait, this assumption is incorrect and an alternative variance estimate can be used by specifying {\tt robust=TRUE} in the call. However, in practice, linkage is very rarely strong enough to require this correction. \end{document}