# perl-rethinkdb [](https://travis-ci.org/njlg/perl-rethinkdb) [](https://coveralls.io/r/njlg/perl-rethinkdb?branch=coveralls-init) A Pure-Perl RethinkDB Driver ```perl package MyApp; use Rethinkdb; r->connect->repl; r->table('agents')->get('007')->update( r->branch( r->row->attr('in_centrifuge'), {'expectation': 'death'}, {} ) )->run; ``` ## Documentation See http://njlg.info/perl-rethinkdb/ ## Notes * This version is compatible with RethinkDB 1.16.2-1 * This is still in beta stage * For examples see the tests in `t/*.t` ## Todo * Add sugar syntax for `attr` (e.g. `$doc->{attr}`), `slice` (e.g. `$doc->[3..6]`), and `nth` (e.g. `$doc->[3]`) * Add sugar syntax for as many operators as possible (e.g. `+`, `-`, `/`, `*`) * Performance testing and fixes * Submit to [CPAN](http://www.cpan.org/) — Coming soon! * Look into non-blocking IO