KWIC index for UKTeX V89, issues 01--44
	created Fri Dec 22 16:24:46 GMT 1989 by

0.99c:  pd bibtex * for vms (uktex89.06)
0.99c:  uktex submission (bibtex * problem?) (uktex89.19)
000directory.list:  * (uktex89.12)
1.1:  oztex * (uktex89.24)
1.1:  upgrade to oztex * (uktex89.25)
1.7:  tex 2.95, mf *, changes to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
1.7:  tex 2.95, mf *, changes to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
1.7:  unix tex 2.99/ metafont * tape (uktex89.44)
1mb:  textures on * mac (uktex89.14)
2.9:  tex 2.95, mf 1.7, changes to cm fonts, tangle * (uktex89.01)
2.9:  tex 2.95, mf 1.7, changes to cm fonts, tangle * (uktex89.01)
2.93a:  problems installing dostex * (uktex89.37)
2.95:  tex *, mf 1.7, changes to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
2.95:  tex *, mf 1.7, changes to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
2.95:  vms tex * change-file, latex letter.sty problem, change-bar answer. (uktex89.15)
2.99:  tex * (uktex89.35)
2.99:  tex * (uktex89.38)
2.99:  unix tex */ metafont 1.7 tape (uktex89.44)
3.0:  dvipage * (uktex89.09)
3.0:  web *; tex change, same version; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
3.0:  web *; tex change, same version; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
3rd:  * uktug meeting (uktex89.16)
3rd:  * uktug meeting (uktex89.17)
3rd:  * uktug meeting details and booking form (uktex89.18)
5.0:  tex/latex with wordperfect * (uktex89.26)
8th:  * summer school (uktex89.25)
\bracevert:  plain, lplain and art! or how to delimit a *? (uktex89.42)
\cite:  latex * bug (uktex89.10)
\csname:  *, \endcsname, etc (uktex89.20)
\csname...\endcsname,etc:  * (uktex89.21)
\endcsname:  \csname, *, etc (uktex89.20)
\enumerate:  * and \itemize within \newtheorems (uktex89.11)
\everypage:  * (as it were) (uktex89.17)
\everypage:  re: * (as it were (uktex89.18)
\everypage:  re: uk-tex v89 #17 (*; mode_def for linotronic-300) (uktex89.18)
\everypage:  *, offeecial macros, oztex (uktex89.19)
\input:  * on a portion of a file: (uktex89.15)
\input:  tracing * s (uktex89.20)
\input:  re: tracing * s (uktex89.21)
\input:  verbatim listing from an * file (uktex89.39)
\itemize:  \enumerate and * within \newtheorems (uktex89.11)
\newdimen:  * (uktex89.11)
\newdimen:  re: * (uktex89.12)
\newdimen:  * (uktex89.13)
\newdimen:  local * (uktex89.13)
\newenvironment:  verbatim listing and a problem with * (uktex89.39)
\newtheorems:  \enumerate and \itemize within * (uktex89.11)
\pounds:  * in latex (uktex89.14)
\rm:  redefining * (uktex89.16)
\tex:  trigonometry in * ! (uktex89.32)
aaareadme.txt:  * missing from [tex-archive.drivers.ln03.rmcs] (uktex89.19)
access:  * to the european texserver at aston (uktex89.37)
accessing:  * the tex archives (uktex89.08)
accessing:  some common problems with * the aston archive (uktex89.38)
account:  public * at aston university (uktex89.11)
acorn:  tex for the * workstation & st-tex (uktex89.23)
acorn:  * acw lives :-) (uktex89.24)
active:  * characters, and glossaries (uktex89.38)
active:  * characters (uktex89.39)
active:  re: * characters (uktex89.39)
active:  using * characters (uktex89.39)
actual:  a question about tex: the * program!! (uktex89.28)
acw:  acorn * lives :-) (uktex89.24)
addition:  archive *: dvi previewer for ms windows (uktex89.41)
addition:  archive *: ipa fonts (uktex89.41)
additions:  * to archive (uktex89.19)
additions:  new * to archive (uktex89.19)
additions:  recent * to the archive (uktex89.30)
additions:  archive *: dvi2ps strikes again (uktex89.41)
address:  change of email * (uktex89.10)
address:  change of email * (uktex89.10)
address:  unitex systems' * (uktex89.17)
address:  userid's in return * for aston mail server (uktex89.23)
address:  re: userid's in return * for aston mail server (uktex89.24)
address:  new * of rainer rupprecht (uktex89.25)
adobe:  bug in elwell tfms for * fonts? (uktex89.28)
adobe:  * file-server found. (uktex89.31)
advanced:  * tex and metafont courses (uktex89.30)
afm:  getting * files from laser? (uktex89.21)
afms:  mac vs psfig, truesizes, getting *, oz.config (uktex89.22)
afms:  varityper 400 * anyone? (uktex89.26)
again:  bibtex style files (*) (uktex89.37)
again:  archive additions: dvi2ps strikes * (uktex89.41)
aids:  teaching * workshop (uktex89.31)
alignments:  *: where does tex find the glue if none occurs ? (uktex89.43)
all:  citing * refs in bibtex (uktex89.30)
all:  re: calling * grand wizards (uktex89.40)
ams:  * fonts (uktex89.40)
amsfonts:  *, and linotron mode_def (uktex89.18)
amstex:  * query (uktex89.31)
amstex:  information on *? (uktex89.38)
amstex:  re: information on *? (uktex89.39)
andrew:  * trevorrow's dvitovdu previewer for vax/vms (uktex89.23)
announcement:  european tex conference, final * (uktex89.28)
announcement:  gutenberg'90, * and call for papers (uktex89.41)
announcing:  * spell v2.1 for vms (uktex89.28)
announcing:  *** * a new version of wayne sullivan's sbtex *** (uktex89.28)
announcing:  ** * a public domain screen previewer for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.30)
announcing:  * dvitoln03 v3.1-1 (uktex89.31)
announcing:  ** * dostex v2.93a for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
announcing:  ** * dvi2xx - an hp laserjet / ibm 3812 dvi driver for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
announcing:  ** * dvivga - an ega/vga previewer for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
announcing:  ** * pubtex v0.9 for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
announcing:  ** * sb26tex for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
announcing:  ** * web for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
announcing:  * * tex v2.991-10 for vax/vms * (uktex89.37)
announcing:  * * weave v3.0-2 for vax/vms * (uktex89.37)
announcing:  * tex v2.992 (pre-release v3) for vax/vms (uktex89.40)
announcing:  ***** * tex v2.993 for vax/vms ***** (uktex89.44)
another:  * implementation of bibtex v0.99c for ms-dos (uktex89.25)
another:  * tex for the archimedes (uktex89.40)
answer:  some * to dominik's queries on dvi to postscript (uktex89.01)
answer:  vms tex 2.95 change-file, latex letter.sty problem, change-bar *. (uktex89.15)
answers:  miscellaneous * to qs in uktex v89 #35 (uktex89.36)
anyone:  does * have texx2.4 ? (uktex89.11)
anyone:  varityper 400 afms *? (uktex89.26)
anything:  * you like, it's ignored (uktex89.31)
apollo:  tex for *, pd tex, xdvi (uktex89.05)
apollo:  tex on * (uktex89.06)
apparent:  * bug in art11.sty and art12.sty (uktex89.31)
appendices:  * at the end of chapters (uktex89.17)
appendices:  dave cook's request for a way of putting * in chapters. (uktex89.17)
apple:  filters for the * laserwriter (uktex89.16)
apple:  * laserwriter drivers (uktex89.37)
apr\'es-tug:  * touring in california (uktex89.28)
archimedes:  tex for * available. (uktex89.34)
archimedes:  another tex for the * (uktex89.40)
archimedes:  tex for the * (uktex89.44)
archive:  non-text files in the * (uktex89.08)
archive:  encoding non-text files from the *. (uktex89.09)
archive:  binary files in the tex * (uktex89.10)
archive:  gnutex and spidery web in the * (uktex89.15)
archive:  tex * (uktex89.15)
archive:  important - changes in the format of the aston *. (uktex89.16)
archive:  important - changes in the format of the aston *. (uktex89.17)
archive:  new * changes (uktex89.18)
archive:  additions to * (uktex89.19)
archive:  directory structure of uk tex * (uktex89.19)
archive:  new additions to * (uktex89.19)
archive:  maintaining large files in the tex *. (uktex89.20)
archive:  re: maintaining large files in the tex *. (uktex89.20)
archive:  re: maintaining large files in the tex * (uktex89.21)
archive:  tex * on span (uktex89.21)
archive:  compressed * files, uncompressing (uktex89.25)
archive:  re: sun 3 binaries in *. (uktex89.26)
archive:  recent additions to the * (uktex89.30)
archive:  pubtex: is it on the * yet? (uktex89.35)
archive:  help on contents of uk tex * (uktex89.38)
archive:  problems whith big files in the * (uktex89.38)
archive:  some common problems with accessing the aston * (uktex89.38)
archive:  * addition: dvi previewer for ms windows (uktex89.41)
archive:  * addition: ipa fonts (uktex89.41)
archive:  * additions: dvi2ps strikes again (uktex89.41)
archive:  *** new sources for tex (v2.992) and mf (v1.8) now in * *** (uktex89.41)
archives:  accessing the tex * (uktex89.08)
arguments:  empty macro * (uktex89.35)
arguments:  re: empty macro * (uktex89.36)
array.sty:  * etc (uktex89.20)
art:  plain, lplain and *! or how to delimit a \bracevert? (uktex89.42)
art11.sty:  apparent bug in * and art12.sty (uktex89.31)
art12.sty:  apparent bug in art11.sty and * (uktex89.31)
articles:  kwic index for 1988 uktex * (uktex89.01)
aston:  public account at * university (uktex89.11)
aston:  important - changes in the format of the * archive. (uktex89.16)
aston:  important - changes in the format of the * archive. (uktex89.17)
aston:  where is the oztex config file on * (uktex89.21)
aston:  userid's in return address for * mail server (uktex89.23)
aston:  re: userid's in return address for * mail server (uktex89.24)
aston:  tex stuff at *. (uktex89.25)
aston:  niftp from * to ibm (uktex89.35)
aston:  access to the european texserver at * (uktex89.37)
aston:  help on using * mail server from the usa (uktex89.37)
aston:  some common problems with accessing the * archive (uktex89.38)
aston:  *** normal `where am i?' service has been resumed at * *** (uktex89.40)
aston.last30days:  the * files (uktex89.07)
atari:  tex for * st (uktex89.19)
atari:  tex on the * st (uktex89.20)
atari:  font schemes, and * tex (uktex89.29)
atari:  tex on the * st (uktex89.34)
atari:  tex on the * st - some experiences (uktex89.37)
author:  latex style-file * wanted (uktex89.26)
availability:  * of msdos versions of tex (uktex89.06)
axis:  re: ``should fractions be centered on the maths * ...'' (uktex89.44)
barbara:  forwarded mail from * beeton (uktex89.23)
bars:  change * (uktex89.13)
beebe's:  re: * gnu emacs macros (uktex89.15)
beebes:  * dvijep and site licence for pc-tex (uktex89.24)
been:  *** normal `where am i?' service has * resumed at aston *** (uktex89.40)
beeton:  forwarded mail from barbara * (uktex89.23)
beta:  looking for * testers for new latex verbatim (uktex89.41)
bib:  refer to * conversion (uktex89.24)
bibliography:  speakers for uk tex users group on * and indexing (uktex89.44)
bibtex:  * sources (uktex89.03)
bibtex:  * v0.99 for the ibm pc (uktex89.05)
bibtex:  pd * 0.99c for vms (uktex89.06)
bibtex:  * v0.99c for ms-dos machines (uktex89.12)
bibtex:  * for ms/dos (uktex89.13)
bibtex:  uktex submission (* 0.99c problem?) (uktex89.19)
bibtex:  * (uktex89.20)
bibtex:  * bug? (uktex89.20)
bibtex:  * v0.99c for ms-dos (uktex89.23)
bibtex:  another implementation of * v0.99c for ms-dos (uktex89.25)
bibtex:  c version of *? (uktex89.27)
bibtex:  * in c (uktex89.28)
bibtex:  citing all refs in * (uktex89.30)
bibtex:  * (uktex89.36)
bibtex:  * style files (uktex89.36)
bibtex:  * style files (again) (uktex89.37)
bibtex:  refer vs * formats (uktex89.38)
big:  "*" tex for cms (uktex89.19)
big:  re: "*" tex for vm/cms (uktex89.20)
big:  problems whith * files in the archive (uktex89.38)
big:  re : dostex too * (uktex89.40)
binaries:  sun 3 * (uktex89.25)
binaries:  re: sun 3 * in archive. (uktex89.26)
binaries:  sun * (uktex89.27)
binary:  * files in the tex archive (uktex89.10)
binary:  problem hhcp'ing * files from tex-archive (uktex89.21)
binary:  * files (uktex89.35)
bitnet:  in going from janet to * and curly brackets. (uktex89.02)
bits:  re. modula-2 and vms tex * (uktex89.21)
blackboard:  * bold font (uktex89.40)
blutex:  * history (uktex89.37)
board:  re. tex bulletin * (uktex89.40)
bold:  blackboard * font (uktex89.40)
book:  plea for return of lost david kindersley * (uktex89.38)
book-bug:  re: mike piff's *. (uktex89.16)
booking:  3rd uktug meeting details and * form (uktex89.18)
booking:  uktex users group membership form, notice of & * form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
books:  tex * (uktex89.35)
books:  re: tex * (uktex89.36)
books:  tex * (uktex89.37)
bored:  ...and if you're still * (uktex89.23)
brackets:  in going from janet to bitnet and curly *. (uktex89.02)
bs4821:1972:  thesis.sty complying to * (uktex89.37)
bug:  latex \cite * (uktex89.10)
bug:  to be a * or not to be a bug? (uktex89.10)
bug:  to be a bug or not to be a *? (uktex89.10)
bug:  uktex newsletter + latex *? (uktex89.10)
bug:  re: to be a * or not to be a bug? (uktex89.11)
bug:  re: to be a bug or not to be a *? (uktex89.11)
bug:  inimf * cured, missing vms change-files, mf bug found... (uktex89.14)
bug:  inimf bug cured, missing vms change-files, mf * found... (uktex89.14)
bug:  bibtex *? (uktex89.20)
bug:  * in elwell tfms for adobe fonts? (uktex89.28)
bug:  apparent * in art11.sty and art12.sty (uktex89.31)
bug:  latex * or feature? (uktex89.32)
bugs:  * in chen's makeindex program (uktex89.13)
bulletin:  re. tex * board (uktex89.40)
byte:  dvi id * for ivd (uktex89.22)
california:  apr\'es-tug touring in * (uktex89.28)
call:  tug '90 * for papers in texas (uktex89.40)
call:  gutenberg'90, announcement and * for papers (uktex89.41)
calling:  finland *... (uktex89.05)
calling:  re: * all grand wizards (uktex89.40)
calling:  * metafont programmers (uktex89.42)
cdvi:  wayne sullivan's * tex previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.15)
cdvi:  wayne sullivan's * tex previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.16)
centered:  re: ``should fractions be * on the maths axis ...'' (uktex89.44)
challenge:  latex * (uktex89.10)
change:  gf-to-pk * file for vax/vms wanted... (uktex89.07)
change:  * of email address (uktex89.10)
change:  * of email address (uktex89.10)
change:  * bars (uktex89.13)
change:  web 3.0; tex *, same version; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
change:  web 3.0; tex *, same version; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
change:  * file for tex (uktex89.15)
change:  how to * the paper "size" ? (uktex89.20)
change:  re: how to * the paper "size" ? (uktex89.21)
change-bar:  vms tex 2.95 change-file, latex letter.sty problem, * answer. (uktex89.15)
change-file:  vms tex 2.95 *, latex letter.sty problem, change-bar answer. (uktex89.15)
change-files:  inimf bug cured, missing vms *, mf bug found... (uktex89.14)
changed:  why has lplain.tex * to direct opposite of plain.tex? (uktex89.41)
changes:  tex 2.95, mf 1.7, * to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
changes:  tex 2.95, mf 1.7, * to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
changes:  more errata; corrections to tex82.bug and cm * (uktex89.02)
changes:  more errata; corrections to tex82.bug and cm *, etc. (uktex89.02)
changes:  important - * in the format of the aston archive. (uktex89.16)
changes:  important - * in the format of the aston archive. (uktex89.17)
changes:  new archive * (uktex89.18)
changes:  [ re: tabbing, font * (re: uktex v89 #43)] (uktex89.44)
chapters:  appendices at the end of * (uktex89.17)
chapters:  dave cook's request for a way of putting appendices in *. (uktex89.17)
character:  texmag * set (uktex89.04)
character:  * mangling coming in from earn (uktex89.05)
character:  * translation errors in uktex (uktex89.19)
character:  gateway * smashing (uktex89.20)
character:  255 * fonts on hp lj ii (uktex89.44)
characters:  skipping * at high speed with mf (uktex89.16)
characters:  uktex * codes (uktex89.18)
characters:  re: uktex * codes (uktex89.19)
characters:  active *, and glossaries (uktex89.38)
characters:  active * (uktex89.39)
characters:  re: active * (uktex89.39)
characters:  using active * (uktex89.39)
cheap:  * tex (uktex89.34)
chen's:  bugs in * makeindex program (uktex89.13)
chess:  postscript * font (uktex89.26)
chinese:  * and korean coding schemes (uktex89.16)
citing:  * all refs in bibtex (uktex89.30)
cm85.bug:  web 3.0; tex change, same version; * (uktex89.14)
cm85.bug:  web 3.0; tex change, same version; * (uktex89.14)
cmr:  truesized * (uktex89.20)
cms:  "big" tex for * (uktex89.19)
codes:  uktex characters * (uktex89.18)
codes:  re: uktex characters * (uktex89.19)
coding:  chinese and korean * schemes (uktex89.16)
collecting:  * driver information (uktex89.06)
color:  * printer drivers for tex. (uktex89.05)
coming:  character mangling * in from earn (uktex89.05)
commands:  a latex style file to track size-changing * using cyrillic (uktex89.37)
committee:  first report from the tug dvi driver standards * (uktex89.05)
committee:  second report from the tug dvi driver standards * (uktex89.17)
common:  * tex (uktex89.05)
common:  some * problems with accessing the aston archive (uktex89.38)
companion:  k-talk's "publishing *" (uktex89.02)
companion:  ktalk publishing * (uktex89.04)
compatible:  epson lq * (uktex89.17)
compiler:  modula-2 * for pc-unix (uktex89.23)
compiler:  re: modula-2 * for pc-unix (uktex89.23)
compilers:  modula-2 * (uktex89.21)
complying:  thesis.sty * to bs4821:1972 (uktex89.37)
compressed:  * archive files, uncompressing (uktex89.25)
computer:  * modern redivivus (uktex89.22)
computer:  increasing the `meta-ness' of * modern. (uktex89.40)
computer:  re: increasing the `meta-ness' of * modern. (uktex89.41)
concrete:  * fonts in latex (uktex89.17)
concrete:  re: * fonts in latex (uktex89.18)
concrete:  macros for * mathematics (uktex89.25)
conference:  european tex *, final announcement (uktex89.28)
conference:  workshops, european tex * (uktex89.31)
config:  where is the oztex * file on aston (uktex89.21)
contents:  help on * of uk tex archive (uktex89.38)
control:  numerals in * word names (uktex89.21)
conversion:  refer to bib * (uktex89.24)
converter:  new release of pc-writex * driver (uktex89.01)
converter:  hpgl to dec sixels * wanted (uktex89.33)
cook's:  dave * request for a way of putting appendices in chapters. (uktex89.17)
corrections:  more errata; * to tex82.bug and cm changes (uktex89.02)
corrections:  more errata; * to tex82.bug and cm changes, etc. (uktex89.02)
cost:  the * of joining uk-tug (uktex89.38)
courses:  material for (la)tex * (uktex89.16)
courses:  european tex * at exeter 1989 (uktex89.17)
courses:  advanced tex and metafont * (uktex89.30)
crashing:  save stack * (uktex89.29)
critical:  plain/raw tex: tolerance & pretolerance - how * are they ? (uktex89.04)
cured:  inimf bug *, missing vms change-files, mf bug found... (uktex89.14)
curly:  in going from janet to bitnet and * brackets. (uktex89.02)
current:  re: the * uk-tex (miscellaneous) (uktex89.21)
cyrillic:  a latex style file to track size-changing commands using * (uktex89.37)
danish:  help now in *, too (uktex89.07)
dante:  * (uktex89.18)
dave:  * cook's request for a way of putting appendices in chapters. (uktex89.17)
david:  plea for return of lost * kindersley book (uktex89.38)
dcitty:  * for a pc (uktex89.31)
dcitty:  * for a pc (uktex89.31)
dec:  * ln03r + sun (uktex89.11)
dec:  hpgl to * sixels converter wanted (uktex89.33)
decus:  * tex (uktex89.37)
decwindows:  previewer for * (uktex89.24)
delimit:  plain, lplain and art! or how to * a \bracevert? (uktex89.42)
deliver: refusing to * uucp mail to unregistered sites (uktex89.29)
delivery:  mail * failure to - timeout (uktex89.17)
dependencies:  needed: program to trace file * in tex/latex (uktex89.19)
details:  * of the stanford meeting (uktex89.18)
details:  3rd uktug meeting * and booking form (uktex89.18)
determining:  * the document style in latex (uktex89.03)
determining:  * the document style (uktex89.04)
diagrams:  syntax * in tex and latex (uktex89.24)
different:  footers * width from text (uktex v89 #43) (uktex89.44)
dina.sty:  * or dina4.sty? (uktex89.34)
dina4.sty:  * (uktex89.28)
dina4.sty:  dina.sty or *? (uktex89.34)
dina4.sty:  * (uktex89.37)
direct:  why has lplain.tex changed to * opposite of plain.tex? (uktex89.41)
directory:  * structure of uk tex archive (uktex89.19)
distribution:  unmoderated tex e-mail * now available. (uktex89.15)
distribution:  tex-euro * list (uktex89.22)
distribution:  texhax * (uktex89.23)
distribution:  oztex * in the us and elsewhere... (uktex89.27)
distribution:  dos tex * (uktex89.37)
document:  including whole files in a latex * (uktex89.02)
document:  determining the * style in latex (uktex89.03)
document:  determining the * style (uktex89.04)
document:  essential latex * (uktex89.10)
document:  sgml and * interchange (uktex89.28)
does:  * anyone have texx2.4 ? (uktex89.11)
does:  do you eat tex or * tex eat you? (uktex89.15)
does:  alignments: where * tex find the glue if none occurs ? (uktex89.43)
domain:  oztex, public * tex for the mac (uktex89.03)
domain:  ** announcing a public * screen previewer for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.30)
dominik's:  some answer to * queries on dvi to postscript (uktex89.01)
dos:  * tex distribution (uktex89.37)
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driver:  second report from the tug dvi * standards committee (uktex89.17)
driver:  * for 4014 (uktex89.23)
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drivers:  color printer * for tex. (uktex89.05)
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drivers:  re: vax/vms * (uktex89.12)
drivers:  summary of * (uktex89.12)
drivers:  tex * (uktex89.13)
drivers:  hp laserjet ii *? (uktex89.36)
drivers:  apple laserwriter * (uktex89.37)
drivers:  hp laserjet ii *? (uktex89.37)
drivers:  re: hp laserjet ii *? (uktex89.37)
dunstan:  fao * vavasour, re. tex-unmoderated (uktex89.17)
dvi:  some answer to dominik's queries on * to postscript (uktex89.01)
dvi:  first report from the tug * driver standards committee (uktex89.05)
dvi:  ibm 3812 * driver for the ibm pc (uktex89.07)
dvi:  * drivers for vax/vms (uktex89.11)
dvi:  re: * drivers for vax/vms (uktex89.12)
dvi:  * to ps programs (uktex89.17)
dvi:  second report from the tug * driver standards committee (uktex89.17)
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dvi:  re: previewing * files (uktex89.21)
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dvi:  vga mono * previewer requested (uktex89.34)
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dvi:  * driver wanted for sperry model 37 (uktex89.38)
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dvi2ps:  archive additions: * strikes again (uktex89.41)
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dvitovdu:  c version of * (uktex89.39)
dvitps:  * (uktex89.36)
dvitps:  * (uktex89.37)
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earn:  character mangling coming in from * (uktex89.05)
easier:  tex output on the ulcc l300 made * (uktex89.18)
eat:  do you * tex or does tex eat you? (uktex89.15)
eat:  do you eat tex or does tex * you? (uktex89.15)
ega/vga:  ** announcing dvivga - an * previewer for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
electronic:  landmarks in * publishing (uktex89.03)
elsewhere:  oztex distribution in the us and *... (uktex89.27)
elwell:  bug in * tfms for adobe fonts? (uktex89.28)
emacs:  * functions for latex mode (uktex89.03)
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etc:  \csname, \endcsname, * (uktex89.20)
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etc:  re: mf/inimf *. for the pc (uktex v89 #32) (uktex89.33)
etc:  uktex, uktug, *.. (uktex89.34)
euro-tex:  * digest volume 1 number 1 (uktex89.23)
euro-tex:  * digest --- issue 2 (uktex89.24)
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european:  * tex conference, final announcement (uktex89.28)
european:  workshops, * tex conference (uktex89.31)
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exabyte:  re: * tape (uktex89.24)
exabyte:  * (uktex89.38)
exclusion:  (lack of) subject lines in uktex leads to * from synopsis ! (uktex89.17)
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feature:  latex bug or *? (uktex89.32)
file:  more on verbatim * listings (uktex89.06)
file:  gf-to-pk change * for vax/vms wanted... (uktex89.07)
file:  rnototex: missing * (uktex89.08)
file:  \input on a portion of a *: (uktex89.15)
file:  change * for tex (uktex89.15)
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file:  where is the oztex config * on aston (uktex89.21)
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files:  including whole * in a latex document (uktex89.02)
files:  the aston.last30days * (uktex89.07)
files:  non-text * in the archive (uktex89.08)
files:  encoding non-text * from the archive. (uktex89.09)
files:  sun previewer using pk * (uktex89.09)
files:  binary * in the tex archive (uktex89.10)
files:  maintaining large * in the tex archive. (uktex89.20)
files:  previewing dvi * (uktex89.20)
files:  re: maintaining large * in the tex archive. (uktex89.20)
files:  getting afm * from laser? (uktex89.21)
files:  problem hhcp'ing binary * from tex-archive (uktex89.21)
files:  re: maintaining large * in the tex archive (uktex89.21)
files:  re: previewing dvi * (uktex89.21)
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files:  thesis style * (uktex89.34)
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files:  bibtex style * (again) (uktex89.37)
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filter:  transscript - postscript * for unix spoolers. (uktex89.42)
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filters:  postscript * for unix spoolers. (uktex89.40)
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final:  european tex conference, * announcement (uktex89.28)
find:  alignments: where does tex * the glue if none occurs ? (uktex89.43)
finland:  * calling... (uktex89.05)
first:  * report from the tug dvi driver standards committee (uktex89.05)
first:  sb26tex - * impressions favourable (uktex89.37)
flowed:  generating "*" tables in latex (uktex89.20)
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flush:  re: * right for text (uktex89.37)
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font:  latex and slitex * list and some questions about vms tex (uktex89.13)
font:  * selection in latex (uktex89.24)
font:  postscript and latex, * encoding (uktex89.25)
font:  postscript chess * (uktex89.26)
font:  * substitution with texsun? (uktex89.28)
font:  * schemes, and atari tex (uktex89.29)
font:  * for musical notes (uktex89.40)
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fonts:  re: merging mf fonts with postscript * (uktex89.02)
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fonts:  re: merging mf fonts with postscript * (uktex89.03)
fonts:  re: raw tex: staticisation of * (uktex89.03)
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fonts:  missing slitex * (uktex89.07)
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fonts:  music * (uktex89.23)
fonts:  240 dpi * for dvieps (uktex89.26)
fonts:  bug in elwell tfms for adobe *? (uktex89.28)
fonts:  new ways of selecting * (uktex89.29)
fonts:  lucida maths * (uktex89.30)
fonts:  japanese * (uktex89.32)
fonts:  ams * (uktex89.40)
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fonts:  255 character * on hp lj ii (uktex89.44)
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footnote:  * symbols (uktex89.40)
footnotes:  * (uktex89.39)
footnotes:  * (uktex89.39)
form:  3rd uktug meeting details and booking * (uktex89.18)
form:  screen version of tug *... (uktex89.18)
form:  uktex users group membership *, notice of & booking form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
form:  uktex users group membership form, notice of & booking * for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
format:  re: vm/cms * for tapes (uktex89.12)
format:  important - changes in the * of the aston archive. (uktex89.16)
format:  important - changes in the * of the aston archive. (uktex89.17)
format:  microsoft `rich text *' (uktex89.22)
formats:  refer vs bibtex * (uktex89.38)
fortran:  web-like system for *? (uktex89.02)
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found:  inimf bug cured, missing vms change-files, mf bug *... (uktex89.14)
found:  adobe file-server *. (uktex89.31)
fractions:  re: ``should * be centered on the maths axis ...'' (uktex89.44)
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getting:  mac vs psfig, truesizes, * afms, oz.config (uktex89.22)
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glossaries:  active characters, and * (uktex89.38)
glossaries:  latex * (uktex89.39)
glossaries:  latex * (uktex89.39)
glue:  alignments: where does tex find the * if none occurs ? (uktex89.43)
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gnu:  re: beebe's * emacs macros (uktex89.15)
gnutex:  * and spidery web in the archive (uktex89.15)
going:  in * from janet to bitnet and curly brackets. (uktex89.02)
going:  who is * to get oztex for the macintosh ? (uktex89.16)
goldberg:  jacques * (uktex89.16)
grand:  re: calling all * wizards (uktex89.40)
graphics:  re: * in tex (uktex89.24)
group:  tex user * (uktex89.21)
group:  tex user * (uktex89.21)
group:  tex users * (uktex89.23)
group:  uktex users * membership form, notice of & booking form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
group:  uktex users * (uktex89.37)
group:  speakers for uk tex users * on bibliography and indexing (uktex89.44)
guides:  tex / latex introductory * (uktex89.11)
gutenberg'90:  *, announcement and call for papers (uktex89.41)
gutenberg:  meeting * (uktex89.04)
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hack:  is tex a *? (uktex89.26)
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have:  does anyone * texx2.4 ? (uktex89.11)
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help:  * on using aston mail server from the usa (uktex89.37)
help:  * on contents of uk tex archive (uktex89.38)
help:  metafont * (uktex89.41)
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history:  rewriting * and the naked truth (uktex89.42)
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ibm:  bibtex v0.99 for the * pc (uktex89.05)
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ibm:  ibm 3812 dvi driver for the * pc (uktex89.07)
ibm:  tex for * pc (uktex89.10)
ibm:  wayne sullivan's cdvi tex previewer for the * pc (uktex89.15)
ibm:  wayne sullivan's cdvi tex previewer for the * pc (uktex89.16)
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ibm:  niftp from aston to * (uktex89.35)
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ibm:  ** announcing dvi2xx - an hp laserjet / * 3812 dvi driver for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
ibm:  ** announcing dvi2xx - an hp laserjet / ibm 3812 dvi driver for the * pc ** (uktex89.36)
ibm:  ** announcing dvivga - an ega/vga previewer for the * pc ** (uktex89.36)
ibm:  ** announcing pubtex v0.9 for the * pc ** (uktex89.36)
ibm:  ** announcing sb26tex for the * pc ** (uktex89.36)
ibm:  ** announcing web for the * pc ** (uktex89.36)
ibm:  ** new software for the * pc ** (uktex89.36)
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impressions:  sb26tex - first * favourable (uktex89.37)
including:  * whole files in a latex document (uktex89.02)
incoming:  re: refusing * mail (uktex89.30)
increasing:  * the `meta-ness' of computer modern. (uktex89.40)
increasing:  re: * the `meta-ness' of computer modern. (uktex89.41)
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indexing:  speakers for uk tex users group on bibliography and * (uktex89.44)
info:  fonts and general * (uktex89.09)
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info:  * on writing style (uktex89.31)
info:  * on tex please (uktex89.35)
info:  re: * on tex please (uktex89.36)
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information:  * (uktex89.21)
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information:  * on amstex? (uktex89.38)
information:  re: * on amstex? (uktex89.39)
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input:  wanted: hypertext/hypermedia product with (la)tex * (uktex89.33)
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irremovable:  * penalties of 10000 (uktex89.29)
issue:  euro-tex digest --- * 2 (uktex89.24)
it's:  anything you like, * ignored (uktex89.31)
item:  * for uktex digest. (uktex89.38)
itemised:  * lists in slitex (uktex89.02)
ivd:  dvi id byte for * (uktex89.22)
jacques:  * goldberg (uktex89.16)
james:  thanks, * (uktex89.25)
janet:  in going from * to bitnet and curly brackets. (uktex89.02)
japanese:  * fonts (uktex89.32)
japanese:  * tex (uktex89.32)
joining:  the cost of * uk-tug (uktex89.38)
just:  * starting with tex (uktex89.16)
k-talk's:  * "publishing companion" (uktex89.02)
k-talk:  * (uktex89.05)
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kindersley:  plea for return of lost david * book (uktex89.38)
korean:  chinese and * coding schemes (uktex89.16)
ktalk:  * publishing companion (uktex89.04)
kwic:  * index for 1988 uktex articles (uktex89.01)
l300:  tex output on the ulcc * made easier (uktex89.18)
la)tex:  material for (* courses (uktex89.16)
la)tex:  wanted: hypertext/hypermedia product with (* input (uktex89.33)
label:  * printing (uktex89.27)
labels:  sticky * (uktex89.21)
lack:  (* of) subject lines in uktex leads to exclusion from synopsis ! (uktex89.17)
landmarks:  * in electronic publishing (uktex89.03)
language:  help requested with parallel * setting (uktex89.21)
large:  maintaining * files in the tex archive. (uktex89.20)
large:  re: maintaining * files in the tex archive. (uktex89.20)
large:  re: maintaining * files in the tex archive (uktex89.21)
laser:  getting afm files from *? (uktex89.21)
laser:  tex on the lzr 1260 * printer (uktex89.40)
laserjet:  font useage on hp *+ type printers. (uktex89.07)
laserjet:  ** announcing dvi2xx - an hp * / ibm 3812 dvi driver for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.36)
laserjet:  hp * ii drivers? (uktex89.36)
laserjet:  hp * ii drivers? (uktex89.37)
laserjet:  re: hp * ii drivers? (uktex89.37)
laserwriter:  * filters (uktex89.13)
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laserwriter:  apple * drivers (uktex89.37)
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latex:  uktex newsletter + * bug? (uktex89.10)
latex:  tex / * introductory guides (uktex89.11)
latex:  * and slitex font list and some questions about vms tex (uktex89.13)
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latex:  \pounds in * (uktex89.14)
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latex:  starting in * (uktex89.14)
latex:  re: an interesting * feature (uktex89.15)
latex:  vms tex 2.95 change-file, * letter.sty problem, change-bar answer. (uktex89.15)
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latex:  font selection in * (uktex89.24)
latex:  syntax diagrams in tex and * (uktex89.24)
latex:  tex & * for vax vms version 5 ... (uktex89.24)
latex:  postscript and *, font encoding (uktex89.25)
latex:  * problems (uktex89.26)
latex:  * style-file author wanted (uktex89.26)
latex:  oostrum's dvi2ps and * (uktex89.26)
latex:  * (uktex89.29)
latex:  * (uktex89.31)
latex:  * bug or feature? (uktex89.32)
latex:  * and theses (uktex89.35)
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latex:  re: * vs troff (uktex89.36)
latex:  a * style file to track size-changing commands using cyrillic (uktex89.37)
latex:  thesis styles, * ... (uktex89.37)
latex:  * glossaries (uktex89.39)
latex:  * glossaries (uktex89.39)
latex:  * for hp9000/800 (uktex89.40)
latex:  * section titles (uktex89.41)
latex:  looking for beta testers for new * verbatim (uktex89.41)
latex:  * problem - lost text. (uktex89.43)
latex:  * style query (uktex89.43)
latex:  * style query (uktex89.43)
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letter.sty:  pagenumbering in * (uktex89.44)
licence:  beebes dvijep and site * for pc-tex (uktex89.24)
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line:  tex output on * printer. (uktex89.29)
lines:  (lack of) subject * in uktex leads to exclusion from synopsis ! (uktex89.17)
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listing:  verbatim * from an \input file (uktex89.39)
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lives:  acorn acw * :-) (uktex89.24)
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lost:  latex problem - * text. (uktex89.43)
lplain:  plain, * and art! or how to delimit a \bracevert? (uktex89.42)
lplain.tex:  why has * changed to direct opposite of plain.tex? (uktex89.41)
lucida:  * maths (uktex89.29)
lucida:  * maths fonts (uktex89.30)
lumberjacks:  *, etc. (uktex89.21)
lzr:  tex on the * 1260 laser printer (uktex89.40)
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mac:  * vs psfig, truesizes, getting afms, oz.config (uktex89.22)
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macros:  z * (uktex89.21)
macros:  * for concrete mathematics (uktex89.25)
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mail:  * re dvijep. (uktex89.31)
mail:  help on using aston * server from the usa (uktex89.37)
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mail:  returned *: user unknown (uktex89.42)
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mailserver:  * info (uktex89.37)
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maintaining:  re: * large files in the tex archive. (uktex89.20)
maintaining:  re: * large files in the tex archive (uktex89.21)
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meeting:  3rd uktug * details and booking form (uktex89.18)
meeting:  details of the stanford * (uktex89.18)
meeting:  tug '89 * at stanford -- questionnaires, please. (uktex89.31)
membership:  uktex users group * form, notice of & booking form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
merging:  * mf fonts with postscript fonts (uktex89.02)
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microsoft:  * `rich text format' (uktex89.22)
mike:  re: * piff's book-bug. (uktex89.16)
miscellaneous:  re: the current uk-tex (*) (uktex89.21)
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modification:  re: suggested * regarding weave's philisophy (uktex89.27)
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modula-2:  re. * and vms tex bits (uktex89.21)
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msdos:  re: tex for * (uktex89.42)
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mtg:  re uktug *. (uktex89.40)
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multicol.sty:  re: mittelbach's * (uktex89.31)
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network:  pctex and novell * (uktex89.44)
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new:  * address of rainer rupprecht (uktex89.25)
new:  *** announcing a * version of wayne sullivan's sbtex *** (uktex89.28)
new:  * ways of selecting fonts (uktex89.29)
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news:  tex previewing under * (uktex89.27)
newsletter:  uktex * + latex bug? (uktex89.10)
nice:  making tex produce * pages (uktex89.31)
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not:  re: to be a bug or * to be a bug? (uktex89.11)
notice:  uktex users group membership form, * of & booking form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
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output:  tex * on line printer. (uktex89.29)
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oxtex:  * (uktex89.40)
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oztex:  * (uktex89.03)
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oztex:  * (uktex89.39)
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oztex:  re: * (uktex89.41)
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pages:  making tex produce nice * (uktex89.31)
pairs:  saving z * with mf (uktex89.16)
paper:  how to change the * "size" ? (uktex89.20)
paper:  re: how to change the * "size" ? (uktex89.21)
papers:  tug '90 call for * in texas (uktex89.40)
papers:  gutenberg'90, announcement and call for * (uktex89.41)
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path:  re: texserver return * (uktex89.25)
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pc-tex:  *? (uktex89.33)
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pictex:  * (uktex89.23)
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plain.tex:  why has lplain.tex changed to direct opposite of *? (uktex89.41)
plain/raw:  * tex: tolerance & pretolerance - how critical are they ? (uktex89.04)
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planets:  * (uktex89.15)
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please:  tug '89 meeting at stanford -- questionnaires, *. (uktex89.31)
please:  info on tex * (uktex89.35)
please:  re: info on tex * (uktex89.36)
points:  "saving" * in mf (uktex89.17)
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program:  bugs in chen's makeindex * (uktex89.13)
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program:  a question about tex: the actual *!! (uktex89.28)
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pubtex:  *: is it on the archive yet? (uktex89.35)
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query:  latex style * (uktex89.43)
query:  latex style * (uktex89.43)
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report:  second * from the tug dvi driver standards committee (uktex89.17)
request:  dave cook's * for a way of putting appendices in chapters. (uktex89.17)
requested:  help * with parallel language setting (uktex89.21)
requested:  vga mono dvi previewer * (uktex89.34)
requests:  why do * get rejected by the mail-server? (uktex89.05)
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return:  texserver * path (uktex89.24)
return:  re: texserver * path (uktex89.25)
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returned:  * mail: user unknown (uktex89.42)
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sbtex:  * (uktex89.11)
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screen:  * version of tug form... (uktex89.18)
screen:  ** announcing a public domain * previewer for the ibm pc ** (uktex89.30)
second:  * report from the tug dvi driver standards committee (uktex89.17)
section:  latex * titles (uktex89.41)
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server:  tex * (uktex89.37)
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should:  re: ``* fractions be centered on the maths axis ...'' (uktex89.44)
sign:  pound * in maths. in latex (uktex89.13)
simpson's:  rick * `unconventional uses of metafont' software (uktex89.03)
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size:  re: how to change the paper "*" ? (uktex89.21)
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software:  rick simpson's `unconventional uses of metafont' * (uktex89.03)
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some:  latex and slitex font list and * questions about vms tex (uktex89.13)
some:  * replies to questions in uktex v89 #20 (uktex89.21)
some:  tex on the atari st - * experiences (uktex89.37)
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spiderweb:  * (uktex89.42)
spiderweb:  re: * (uktex v89 #41) (uktex89.42)
spiderweb:  re: * (uktex89.43)
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standards:  first report from the tug dvi driver * committee (uktex89.05)
standards:  second report from the tug dvi driver * committee (uktex89.17)
stanford:  details of the * meeting (uktex89.18)
stanford:  tug '89 meeting at * -- questionnaires, please. (uktex89.31)
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suggested:  re: * modification regarding weave's philisophy (uktex89.27)
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sullivan's:  wayne * cdvi tex previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.16)
sullivan's:  *** announcing a new version of wayne * sbtex *** (uktex89.28)
summary:  * of drivers (uktex89.12)
summer:  8th * school (uktex89.25)
sun:  * previewer using pk files (uktex89.09)
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sun:  * binaries (uktex89.27)
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suntools:  re: * tex previewing with .pk fonts (uktex89.08)
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tex:  * 2.95, mf 1.7, changes to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
tex:  * 2.95, mf 1.7, changes to cm fonts, tangle 2.9 (uktex89.01)
tex:  * and postscript fonts. (uktex89.01)
tex:  raw *: staticisation of fonts (uktex89.02)
tex:  oztex, public domain * for the mac (uktex89.03)
tex:  re: raw *: staticisation of fonts (uktex89.03)
tex:  plain/raw *: tolerance & pretolerance - how critical are they ? (uktex89.04)
tex:  * for apollo, pd tex, xdvi (uktex89.05)
tex:  color printer drivers for *. (uktex89.05)
tex:  common * (uktex89.05)
tex:  tex for apollo, pd *, xdvi (uktex89.05)
tex:  * on apollo (uktex89.06)
tex:  availability of msdos versions of * (uktex89.06)
tex:  * drivers for ln03r postscript printer (uktex89.08)
tex:  accessing the * archives (uktex89.08)
tex:  re: suntools * previewing with .pk fonts (uktex89.08)
tex:  re: suntools * previewing with .pk fonts (uktex89.08)
tex:  suntools * previewing with .pk fonts (uktex89.08)
tex:  * for ibm pc (uktex89.10)
tex:  * thesis style (uktex89.10)
tex:  binary files in the * archive (uktex89.10)
tex:  postscript output from * (uktex89.10)
tex:  * / latex introductory guides (uktex89.11)
tex:  * (uktex89.13)
tex:  * drivers (uktex89.13)
tex:  latex and slitex font list and some questions about vms * (uktex89.13)
tex:  web 3.0; * change, same version; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
tex:  web 3.0; * change, same version; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
tex:  * (uktex89.15)
tex:  * archive (uktex89.15)
tex:  a warning for * implementors (uktex89.15)
tex:  change file for * (uktex89.15)
tex:  do you eat * or does tex eat you? (uktex89.15)
tex:  do you eat tex or does * eat you? (uktex89.15)
tex:  unmoderated * e-mail distribution now available. (uktex89.15)
tex:  vms * 2.95 change-file, latex letter.sty problem, change-bar answer. (uktex89.15)
tex:  wayne sullivan's cdvi * previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.15)
tex:  just starting with * (uktex89.16)
tex:  wayne sullivan's cdvi * previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.16)
tex:  european * courses at exeter 1989 (uktex89.17)
tex:  * output on the ulcc l300 made easier (uktex89.18)
tex:  * previewer for regis (uktex89.18)
tex:  "big" * for cms (uktex89.19)
tex:  * for atari st (uktex89.19)
tex:  * mail server (uktex89.19)
tex:  * support for scheme (uktex89.19)
tex:  directory structure of uk * archive (uktex89.19)
tex:  re: * previewer for regis (uktex89.19)
tex:  * for pcs (uktex89.20)
tex:  * on the atari st (uktex89.20)
tex:  * on the pc (uktex89.20)
tex:  freeware * (uktex89.20)
tex:  maintaining large files in the * archive. (uktex89.20)
tex:  re: "big" * for vm/cms (uktex89.20)
tex:  re: maintaining large files in the * archive. (uktex89.20)
tex:  * archive on span (uktex89.21)
tex:  * user group (uktex89.21)
tex:  * user group (uktex89.21)
tex:  pd version of * for msdos/pcdos (uktex89.21)
tex:  re. modula-2 and vms * bits (uktex89.21)
tex:  re: maintaining large files in the * archive (uktex89.21)
tex:  * for the acorn workstation & st-tex (uktex89.23)
tex:  * users group (uktex89.23)
tex:  is * a hack? (uktex89.23)
tex:  * & latex for vax vms version 5 ... (uktex89.24)
tex:  * for ibm rt 6150 (uktex89.24)
tex:  * for os-9 (uktex89.24)
tex:  re: * for os-9 (uktex89.24)
tex:  re: graphics in * (uktex89.24)
tex:  syntax diagrams in * and latex (uktex89.24)
tex:  * on ibm 6150 (rt) (uktex89.25)
tex:  * stuff at aston. (uktex89.25)
tex:  the future of * (uktex89.25)
tex:  the future of * (uktex89.25)
tex:  * is hacking? (uktex89.26)
tex:  is * a hack? (uktex89.26)
tex:  * previewing under news (uktex89.27)
tex:  postscript printing from * with oostrum (uktex89.27)
tex:  a question about *: the actual program!! (uktex89.28)
tex:  european * conference, final announcement (uktex89.28)
tex:  re uk-tex v89 #27 (postscript and *; was: psfig) (uktex89.28)
tex:  * for pc (uktex89.29)
tex:  * output on line printer. (uktex89.29)
tex:  font schemes, and atari * (uktex89.29)
tex:  advanced * and metafont courses (uktex89.30)
tex:  making * produce nice pages (uktex89.31)
tex:  workshops, european * conference (uktex89.31)
tex:  * and readability (uktex89.32)
tex:  japanese * (uktex89.32)
tex:  * (uktex89.33)
tex:  looking for pd * (uktex89.33)
tex:  * for archimedes available. (uktex89.34)
tex:  * on the atari st (uktex89.34)
tex:  cheap * (uktex89.34)
tex:  public-domain * for ms/dos (uktex89.34)
tex:  * 2.99 (uktex89.35)
tex:  * books (uktex89.35)
tex:  info on * please (uktex89.35)
tex:  re: * books (uktex89.36)
tex:  re: info on * please (uktex89.36)
tex:  * announcing * v2.991-10 for vax/vms * (uktex89.37)
tex:  * books (uktex89.37)
tex:  * for suns (uktex89.37)
tex:  * on the atari st - some experiences (uktex89.37)
tex:  * server (uktex89.37)
tex:  decus * (uktex89.37)
tex:  dos * distribution (uktex89.37)
tex:  * 2.99 (uktex89.38)
tex:  help on contents of uk * archive (uktex89.38)
tex:  re: re: * for msdos (uktex89.39)
tex:  * (uktex89.40)
tex:  * on the lzr 1260 laser printer (uktex89.40)
tex:  announcing * v2.992 (pre-release v3) for vax/vms (uktex89.40)
tex:  another * for the archimedes (uktex89.40)
tex:  re. * bulletin board (uktex89.40)
tex:  *** new sources for * (v2.992) and mf (v1.8) now in archive *** (uktex89.41)
tex:  re: * for msdos (uktex89.42)
tex:  alignments: where does * find the glue if none occurs ? (uktex89.43)
tex:  * for the archimedes (uktex89.44)
tex:  ***** announcing * v2.993 for vax/vms ***** (uktex89.44)
tex:  speakers for uk * users group on bibliography and indexing (uktex89.44)
tex:  unix * 2.99/ metafont 1.7 tape (uktex89.44)
tex-archive:  problem hhcp'ing binary files from * (uktex89.21)
tex-archive.drivers.ln03.rmcs:  aaareadme.txt missing from [*] (uktex89.19)
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tex/latex:  * (uktex89.19)
tex/latex:  needed: program to trace file dependencies in * (uktex89.19)
tex/latex:  * with wordperfect 5.0 (uktex89.26)
tex/vms:  * (uktex89.10)
tex2.8:  * (uktex89.11)
tex82.bug:  more errata; corrections to * and cm changes (uktex89.02)
tex82.bug:  more errata; corrections to * and cm changes, etc. (uktex89.02)
texas:  tug '90 call for papers in * (uktex89.40)
texmag:  * character set (uktex89.04)
texserver:  * return path (uktex89.24)
texserver:  re: * return path (uktex89.25)
texserver:  access to the european * at aston (uktex89.37)
texsun:  font substitution with *? (uktex89.28)
text:  microsoft `rich * format' (uktex89.22)
text:  flush right for * (uktex89.36)
text:  flush right for * (uktex89.37)
text:  re: flush right for * (uktex89.37)
text:  latex problem - lost *. (uktex89.43)
text:  footers different width from * (uktex v89 #43) (uktex89.44)
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tfms:  bug in elwell * for adobe fonts? (uktex89.28)
thanks:  *, james (uktex89.25)
theorems:  re: lists and * (uktex89.14)
theses:  latex and * (uktex89.35)
thesis:  tex * style (uktex89.10)
thesis:  * style files (uktex89.34)
thesis:  * styles, latex ... (uktex89.37)
thesis.sty:  * (uktex89.37)
thesis.sty:  * complying to bs4821:1972 (uktex89.37)
they:  plain/raw tex: tolerance & pretolerance - how critical are * ? (uktex89.04)
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titles:  latex section * (uktex89.41)
tolerance:  plain/raw tex: * & pretolerance - how critical are they ? (uktex89.04)
too:  help now in danish, * (uktex89.07)
too:  re : dostex * big (uktex89.40)
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tracing:  re: * \input s (uktex89.21)
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translation:  character * errors in uktex (uktex89.19)
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transscript:  * - postscript filter for unix spoolers. (uktex89.42)
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trevorrow's:  andrew * dvitovdu previewer for vax/vms (uktex89.23)
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tug:  second report from the * dvi driver standards committee (uktex89.17)
tug:  screen version of * form... (uktex89.18)
tug:  * '89 meeting at stanford -- questionnaires, please. (uktex89.31)
tug:  * '90 call for papers in texas (uktex89.40)
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type:  font useage on hp laserjet+ * printers. (uktex89.07)
typesetting:  <uktex> music * (uktex89.31)
ugh:  * (uktex89.27)
uk-tex:  re: * v89 #06 (uktex89.07)
uk-tex:  re: * v89 #17 (\everypage; mode_def for linotronic-300) (uktex89.18)
uk-tex:  re: the current * (miscellaneous) (uktex89.21)
uk-tex:  re * v89 #27 (postscript and tex; was: psfig) (uktex89.28)
uk-tug:  the cost of joining * (uktex89.38)  mail delivery failure to * - timeout (uktex89.17)  * refusing to deliver uucp mail to unregistered sites (uktex89.29)  re: * refusing incoming mail (uktex89.30)
uktex:  kwic index for 1988 * articles (uktex89.01)
uktex:  questions in * (uktex89.04)
uktex:  re: * v89 #07 (uktex89.08)
uktex:  * newsletter + latex bug? (uktex89.10)
uktex:  re: * v89 #10 (uktex89.11)
uktex:  * v89 #12 (uktex89.13)
uktex:  * v89 #15 (uktex89.16)
uktex:  (lack of) subject lines in * leads to exclusion from synopsis ! (uktex89.17)
uktex:  indexes to * and texhax (uktex89.17)
uktex:  * characters codes (uktex89.18)
uktex:  * submission (bibtex 0.99c problem?) (uktex89.19)
uktex:  character translation errors in * (uktex89.19)
uktex:  re: * characters codes (uktex89.19)
uktex:  some replies to questions in * v89 #20 (uktex89.21)
uktex:  * v89 #21 (uktex89.22)
uktex:  * v89 #22 (uktex89.22)
uktex:  re: * v89 #23 (uktex89.24)
uktex:  * users group membership form, notice of & booking form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
uktex:  <*> music typesetting (uktex89.31)
uktex:  *: dviselect for vm/cms wanted (uktex89.33)
uktex:  re: dyna.sty (* v89 #32) (uktex89.33)
uktex:  re: mf/inimf etc. for the pc (* v89 #32) (uktex89.33)
uktex:  *, uktug, etc.. (uktex89.34)
uktex:  re: * v89 #34 (uktex89.35)
uktex:  miscellaneous answers to qs in * v89 #35 (uktex89.36)
uktex:  * users group (uktex89.37)
uktex:  item for * digest. (uktex89.38)
uktex:  * v89 #41 (uktex89.42)
uktex:  re: spiderweb (* v89 #41) (uktex89.42)
uktex:  [ re: tabbing, font changes (re: * v89 #43)] (uktex89.44)
uktex:  footers different width from text (* v89 #43) (uktex89.44)
uktex:  re: * #43 (uktex89.44)
uktex89:  re: queries in * #35 (uktex89.36)
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uktug:  3rd * meeting (uktex89.17)
uktug:  3rd * meeting details and booking form (uktex89.18)
uktug:  uktex, *, etc.. (uktex89.34)
uktug:  re * mtg. (uktex89.39)
uktug:  re * mtg. (uktex89.40)
ulcc:  tex output on the * l300 made easier (uktex89.18)
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under:  tex previewing * news (uktex89.27)
undump:  * (uktex89.11)
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unix:  postscript filters for * spoolers. (uktex89.40)
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unix:  transscript - postscript filter for * spoolers. (uktex89.42)
unix:  * tex 2.99/ metafont 1.7 tape (uktex89.44)
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unknown:  returned mail: user * (uktex89.42)
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use:  help needed on wp systems (etc) in * (uktex89.11)
use:  do you * non-resident postscript fonts? (uktex89.41)
useage:  font * on hp laserjet+ type printers. (uktex89.07)
user:  tex * group (uktex89.21)
user:  tex * group (uktex89.21)
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user:  returned mail: * unknown (uktex89.42)
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userid's:  re: * in return address for aston mail server (uktex89.24)
users:  tex * group (uktex89.23)
users:  uktex * group membership form, notice of & booking form for oct 11 (uktex89.29)
users:  uktex * group (uktex89.37)
users:  speakers for uk tex * group on bibliography and indexing (uktex89.44)
uses:  rick simpson's `unconventional * of metafont' software (uktex89.03)
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v0.99c:  bibtex * for ms-dos (uktex89.23)
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vavasour:  fao dunstan *, re. tex-unmoderated (uktex89.17)
vax:  tex & latex for * vms version 5 ... (uktex89.24)
vax/vms:  gf-to-pk change file for * wanted... (uktex89.07)
vax/vms:  dvi drivers for * (uktex89.11)
vax/vms:  re: * drivers (uktex89.12)
vax/vms:  re: dvi drivers for * (uktex89.12)
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verbatim:  * listing and a problem with \newenvironment (uktex89.39)
verbatim:  * listing from an \input file (uktex89.39)
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version:  web 3.0; tex change, same *; cm85.bug (uktex89.14)
version:  screen * of tug form... (uktex89.18)
version:  pd * of tex for msdos/pcdos (uktex89.21)
version:  tex & latex for vax vms * 5 ... (uktex89.24)
version:  c * of bibtex? (uktex89.27)
version:  *** announcing a new * of wayne sullivan's sbtex *** (uktex89.28)
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vms:  latex and slitex font list and some questions about * tex (uktex89.13)
vms:  inimf bug cured, missing * change-files, mf bug found... (uktex89.14)
vms:  * tex 2.95 change-file, latex letter.sty problem, change-bar answer. (uktex89.15)
vms:  re: modula-2 for * dvitovdu. (uktex89.20)
vms:  modula-2 for * dvitovdu (uktex89.21)
vms:  re. modula-2 and * tex bits (uktex89.21)
vms:  tex & latex for vax * version 5 ... (uktex89.24)
vms:  announcing spell v2.1 for * (uktex89.28)
volume:  euro-tex digest * 1 number 1 (uktex89.23)
vt340:  re: previewer for a * (uktex89.19)
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warning:  a * for tex implementors (uktex89.15)
way:  dave cook's request for a * of putting appendices in chapters. (uktex89.17)
wayne:  * sullivan's cdvi tex previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.15)
wayne:  * sullivan's cdvi tex previewer for the ibm pc (uktex89.16)
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xdvi:  tex for apollo, pd tex, * (uktex89.05)
yet:  pubtex: is it on the archive *? (uktex89.35)
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you:  do * eat tex or does tex eat you? (uktex89.15)
you:  do you eat tex or does tex eat *? (uktex89.15)
you:  anything * like, it's ignored (uktex89.31)
you:  do * use non-resident postscript fonts? (uktex89.41)