KWIC index for UKTeX V90, issues 01--43
	created Tue Jun  1 17:04:19 BST 1993 by

0.03:  the level 0 draft standard (v *) -- request for comments (uktex.24)
000011d6_0016d788.00934072aff84800$1_1:  re: your <*@ (uktex.09)
1-aug-1990:  aston tex mail server log analysis at * 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
1.0:  dvitovdu, c version * for unix (uktex.06)
1.1:  dvitops * available (uktex.27)
2-up:  * output with postscrip & dvips (uktex.32)
2-up:  re: * output with postscrip & dvips (uktex.33)
2-up:  re: * output with postscript & dvips (uktex.35)
2.0:  tex memory capacity; new errata; mf * changes; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
2.0:  amstex version * in the archive (uktex.27)
2.3:  new version of german.sty (*) (uktex.27)
2.x:  lplain and splain for tex * and tex 3.0 (uktex.23)
24-pin:  is there a dvi driver for * printers for unix? (uktex.41)
3.0:  [for uktex please] web2c version of tex * released (uktex.10)
3.0:  new e-cm virtual fonts for tex * (uktex.12)
3.0:  re: new e-cm virtual fonts for tex * (uktex.13)
3.0:  (258) tex * change file for vms available (uktex.17)
3.0:  (263) tex * changes for vms--just a note (uktex.17)
3.0:  tex * change file for vms available (uktex.17)
3.0:  tex * changes for vms--just a note (uktex.17)
3.0:  problems with unix tex * makefiles, xdvi, new font selection scheme (uktex.19)
3.0:  lplain and splain for tex 2.x and tex * (uktex.23)
3.0:  new version of emtex, with tex * (uktex.27)
3.0:  tex * on the hp9000/300 workstation family (uktex.35)
3.0:  latex version * (uktex.37)
3.1:  tex memory capacity; new errata; mf 2.0 changes; weave * (uktex.13)
4/60:  bibtex on a sun * (uktex.32)
7-bit:  * encodings (uktex.38)
7-bit:  * encodings (uktex.41)
7-bit:  reasons for having a new * encoding scheme (uktex.43)
\@donoparitem:  latex enumerate environment, and * yet again (uktex.06)
\@noparitem's:  epileptic * in latex list envts (uktex.05)
\errorcontextlines:  * setting in latex (uktex.24)
\ifthenelse:  * and enumerate (uktex.36)
\ifthenelse:  * and enumerate problems (uktex.36)
\label:  trailing * in latex (uktex.37)
\label:  trailing * and n of nn (uktex.38)
\ldots:  where can find $*$ (uktex.04)
\markboth:  problems using * in latex (uktex.16)
\marks:  * in latex double column documents (uktex.18)
\newlanguage:  knuth has provided * (uktex.02)
\noalign:  * in latex eqnarray envt (uktex.05)
\pmod:  * (uktex.24)
\pmod:  re: * (uktex.25)
\special:  re: use of * to include postscript (uktex.21)
\special:  use of * to include postscript (uktex.21)
\special{include:  * file.dvi} ??? (uktex.07)
\typeout:  * problems (uktex.27)
\typeout:  how to get * to ... (uktex.27)
aborted:  mail delivery failure to - * (fwd) (uktex.17)
acorn:  re: tex for * r140 (uktex.21)
acorn:  tex for * r140 (uktex.21)
adaweb:  comments of * (uktex.40)
added:  new files * to archive: metafont and web (+ utilities) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
added:  new files * to archive: washington state university ipa (uktex.38)
addition:  [uktex] * to the archive for msdos & os/2 (uktex.14)
additions:  new directory structure for mainz * to latex in uk tex archive (uktex.19)
address:  font encoding: * correction for norbert schwarz (uktex v90 #31) (uktex.32)
advanced:  * design approach ltd (uktex.02)
advice:  amiga tex - *, please (uktex.04)
afm:  tfm to *? (uktex.25)
again:  latex enumerate environment, and \@donoparitem yet * (uktex.06)
agenda:  the uk tex users group first annual general meeting draft * (uktex.34)
agendas:  latex style files for minutes and *: (uktex.42)
agfa:  mode_def for * p400ps sought. (uktex.23)
agm:  announcing the uk tex users' group * and archive meeting (uktex.34)
agm:  the uk tex users' group * (uktex.34)
algorithim:  specification of * for handling rounding to device units (uktex.24)
algorithms:  program.sty for typesetting * (uktex.41)
aligned:  top * matrices with brackets (uktex.38)
alignment:  matrix * (uktex.37)
alignment:  matrix * (uktex.38)
all:  postscript previewer for vaxstation 3100 (and * vax vms ...) (uktex.27)
along:  courses * sgml-tex meeting 31 aug 1990 (uktex.05)
amiga:  * tex - advice, please (uktex.04)
amiga:  re: which tex for the *? (uktex.07)
ams:  * fonts in the archive (uktex.21)
ams:  * fonts and metafont (uktex.26)
amstex:  msym and * fonts (uktex.21)
amstex:  * version 2.0 in the archive (uktex.27)
analysis:  aston tex mail server log * at 1-aug-1990 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
announcement:  * sgml-tex meeting 31 aug 1990, groningen (uktex.05)
announcement:  * of the forthcoming meeting on the aston archive (uktex.34)
announcing:  *** * metafont v1.9 for vax/vms (and a bug) *** (uktex.02)
announcing:  *** * tex v2.993 for vax/vms (real version!) *** (uktex.02)
announcing:  for uk-tex: ``* tex v3.0 for ms/dos systems'' (uktex.16)
announcing:  * the uk tex users' group agm and archive meeting (uktex.34)
annual:  the uk tex users group first * general meeting draft agenda (uktex.34)
another:  re: yet * message about emtex (uktex.17)
another:  yet * message about emtex (uktex.17)
any:  * x previewers support colour? (uktex.28)
apollo/aegis:  tex for * ? (uktex.33)
appeal:  [uktex] emtex - caveat on texcad, and * for translator (uktex.14)
approach:  advanced design * ltd (uktex.02)
archimedes:  (722) tex for * (uktex.21)
archimedes:  re: (722) tex for * (uktex.21)
archimedes:  here is tex for * (riscos) (uktex.22)
archimedes:  tex and the * (uktex.23)
archimedes:  tex for *? (uktex.43)
archive:  inaccessibility of makeindex.tex_z in aston * (uktex.02)
archive:  * maintainers, please note! (uktex.03)
archive:  *** updated metafont, .bug files available from aston * *** (uktex.03)
archive:  problems with _z files in the * (uktex.06)
archive:  dvi to laserjet driver in the * (uktex.07)
archive:  postscript cmr fonts on aston * (uktex.07)
archive:  re: problems with _z files in the * (uktex.07)
archive:  [uktex] addition to the * for msdos & os/2 (uktex.14)
archive:  [uktex] ilatex and tie in aston * (uktex.14)
archive:  emtex in uk tex * (correction) (uktex.14)
archive:  tex * contribution (uktex.14)
archive:  (104) * query (uktex.16)
archive:  storing unix archives in the uk tex * (uktex.18)
archive:  new directory structure for mainz additions to latex in uk tex * (uktex.19)
archive:  ams fonts in the * (uktex.21)
archive:  funnies in the aston * (uktex.23)
archive:  further funnies in the *. (uktex.24)
archive:  re: funnies in the aston * (uktex.24)
archive:  'idiosyncracies of the *' column (uktex.25)
archive:  amstex version 2.0 in the * (uktex.27)
archive:  uk tex * sweatshirts (uktex.28)
archive:  aston * 00* listing files (uktex.30)
archive:  aston * - loss of service (uktex.32)
archive:  announcement of the forthcoming meeting on the aston * (uktex.34)
archive:  announcing the uk tex users' group agm and * meeting (uktex.34)
archive:  * submissions (uktex.35)
archive:  new files added to *: metafont and web (+ utilities) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
archive:  new files added to *: washington state university ipa (uktex.38)
archive:  pk files from the * (uktex.39)
archive:  re: pk files from the * (uktex.39)
archive:  tex * at (uktex.43)
archives:  storing unix * in the uk tex archive (uktex.18)
archives:  building tex v3 from aston * (uktex.27)
array/tabular:  (287) bug/feature in p-column in * (uktex.17)
array/tabular:  (287) bug/feature in p-column in * (uktex.17)
array/tabular:  bug/feature in p-column in * (uktex.17)
article:  style files for authors submitting * to tugboat (uktex.02)
aston:  inaccessibility of makeindex.tex_z in * archive (uktex.02)
aston:  *** updated metafont, .bug files available from * archive *** (uktex.03)
aston:  postscript cmr fonts on * archive (uktex.07)
aston:  enhancement to texserver at * university (uktex.08)
aston:  [uktex] ilatex and tie in * archive (uktex.14)
aston:  new for *: dvimswin, xfig, seetex, cyrillic (uktex.18)
aston:  funnies in the * archive (uktex.23)
aston:  re: funnies in the * archive (uktex.24)
aston:  * tex mail server log analysis at 1-aug-1990 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
aston:  building tex v3 from * archives (uktex.27)
aston:  * archive 00* listing files (uktex.30)
aston:  * archive - loss of service (uktex.32)
aston:  announcement of the forthcoming meeting on the * archive (uktex.34)
aston:  a report of the uk tug meeting at * (uktex.36)
atari:  latex on an * st (uktex.05)
atari:  tex laser printer driver for an * (uktex.12)
atari:  re: * driver (uktex.13)
atari:  dvi driver for * st (uktex.30)
atari:  * tex (uktex.32)
atari:  re: * tex (uktex.39)
atari:  tex for * st (uktex.43)
aug:  announcement sgml-tex meeting 31 * 1990, groningen (uktex.05)
aug:  courses along sgml-tex meeting 31 * 1990 (uktex.05)
aug:  program sgml-tex seminar groningen, 31 * 1990 (uktex.22)
authors:  style files for * submitting article to tugboat (uktex.02)
availability:  pictex * (uktex.03)
babel:  (115) * system of style options, beta-testers sought (uktex.16)
bars:  change * in latex (uktex.25)
bars:  re: change * in latex (uktex.26)
batch:  vms v3.0 tex in * (uktex.32)
batch:  re: vms v3.0 tex in * (uktex.33)
batch:  re: vms v3.0 tex in * (uktex.33)
bcs:  * epsg meeting sep 27 (uktex.26)
beta-testers:  (115) babel system of style options, * sought (uktex.16)
better:  texserver has had a hiccup :-< but is * now :-) (uktex.11)
between:  difference * "fuzz" and "zed" styles (uktex.39)
bibtex:  about to port * (uktex.02)
bibtex:  *, and tex v3 in web2c (uktex.03)
bibtex:  making * for sun-4/60 (uktex.07)
bibtex:  *: writing bst files for european conventions (uktex.09)
bibtex:  problem with * for vms (uktex.15)
bibtex:  problem with * under vms (uktex.16)
bibtex:  (257) new * change file for vms available (uktex.17)
bibtex:  new * change file for vms available (uktex.17)
bibtex:  * (uktex.24)
bibtex:  re: * (uktex.25)
bibtex:  latex and * styles for citations and reference-lists (uktex.30)
bibtex:  * on a sun 4/60 (uktex.32)
bigtex:  * (uktex.29)
binary:  * boo files (uktex.40)
bit:  (262) eight * input for tex (uktex.17)
bit:  eight * input for tex (uktex.17)
bitmap:  * to pxl converter (uktex.26)
boo:  binary * files (uktex.40)
book:  latex * style (uktex.24)
book:  the tex * (soft cover) (uktex.42)
books:  * for roumania (uktex.02)
boxedminipage:  * (was tex/latex query) (uktex.20)
brackets:  top aligned matrices with * (uktex.38)
breakup:  cm font * problem (uktex.29)
breakup:  re: cm font * problem (uktex.32)
british:  * standard for theses: 1990 edition is now available (uktex.32)
bsi:  proposed new * (and iso) work on sgml (uktex.25)
bst:  bibtex: writing * files for european conventions (uktex.09)
bug:  *** announcing metafont v1.9 for vax/vms (and a *) *** (uktex.02)
bug:  *** updated metafont, .* files available from aston archive *** (uktex.03)
bug:  re: * in enumerate or ifthen.sty? (uktex v90 #35) (uktex.36)
bug:  * in latex or in tex? (uktex.38)
bug/feature:  (287) * in p-column in array/tabular (uktex.17)
bug/feature:  (287) * in p-column in array/tabular (uktex.17)
bug/feature:  * in p-column in array/tabular (uktex.17)
bug/problem:  * in spaceing with plain tex & cmr fonts (uktex.18)
building:  * tex fonts using the emtex mfjob program (uktex.20)
building:  * tex v3 from aston archives (uktex.27)
building:  * tex under dos extender (uktex.30)
building:  re: * tex under dos extender (uktex.32)
but:  texserver has had a hiccup :-< * is better now :-) (uktex.11)
byte:  re: * ordering in cm fonts (uktex.10)
call:  1991 tug * for papers (uktex.38)
capacity:  tex memory *; new errata; mf 2.0 changes; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
capitals:  re: dropped *. (uktex.07)
caps:  re: gentle intro, and dropped * (uktex.23)
caveat:  [uktex] emtex - * on texcad, and appeal for translator (uktex.14)
change:  (257) new bibtex * file for vms available (uktex.17)
change:  (258) tex 3.0 * file for vms available (uktex.17)
change:  my postings on the vms * files and the follow-up posting which i (uktex.17)
change:  new bibtex * file for vms available (uktex.17)
change:  tex 3.0 * file for vms available (uktex.17)
change:  vms * file to tex v3.0 (last version) (uktex.17)
change:  * bars in latex (uktex.25)
change:  re: * bars in latex (uktex.26)
changes:  tex memory capacity; new errata; mf 2.0 *; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
changes:  (263) tex 3.0 * for vms--just a note (uktex.17)
changes:  tex 3.0 * for vms--just a note (uktex.17)
changes:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms * files for these (uktex.34)
character:  a nestable verbatim environment, with escape * (3) (uktex.07)
chemical:  * formulae and structures. (uktex.13)
chemical:  chemtex -- macros for * structure diagrams (uktex.15)
chemtex:  * -- macros for chemical structure diagrams (uktex.15)
citations:  latex and bibtex styles for * and reference-lists (uktex.30)
citations:  long * (uktex.30)
citations:  re: long * (uktex.32)
citations:  re: long * (uktex.32)
clarification:  macros for genetics pedigrees (* of previous message) (uktex.32)
cmr:  postscript * fonts on aston archive (uktex.07)
cmr:  bug/problem in spaceing with plain tex & * fonts (uktex.18)
cmssbxsl:  in need of * font (uktex.26)
cmssbxsl:  * font (uktex.27)
co-ordination:  * of non-english use of tex (uktex.15)
codes:  list of iso country * (somewhat outdated) (uktex.01)
colour:  * printing in slitex (uktex.12)
colour:  any x previewers support *? (uktex.28)
column:  \marks in latex double * documents (uktex.18)
column:  'idiosyncracies of the archive' * (uktex.25)
commands:  fundamental tendencies of latex sectioning * (uktex.34)
commands:  re: fundamental tendencies of latex sectioning * (uktex.35)
comments:  the level 0 draft standard (v 0.03) -- request for * (uktex.24)
comments:  extended tex font encoding scheme - latin; request for * (uktex.31)
comments:  * of adaweb (uktex.40)
compiler:  modula-2 *? (uktex.14)
compiler:  modula-2 *? (uktex.14)
compiler:  re: modula-2 *? (uktex.14)
complex:  re: real and * signs (uktex.21)
complex:  real and * signs (uktex.21)
computer:  formatting * output in latex/subscription to uktex (uktex.04)
computer:  producing latin-1 extended * modern vpl files (uktex.12)
contribution:  tex archive * (uktex.14)
conventions:  bibtex: writing bst files for european * (uktex.09)
conventions:  (129) latex page header * (uktex.16)
conventions:  naming * for font files? (uktex.37)
converter:  bitmap to pxl * (uktex.26)
corporation:  dvi is a trademark of intel * (uktex.13)
corporation:  re: dvi is a trademark of intel * (uktex.13)
correct:  * 'pounds' symbol. (uktex.01)
correction:  emtex in uk tex archive (*) (uktex.14)
correction:  font encoding: address * for norbert schwarz (uktex v90 #31) (uktex.32)
correction:  * to mf [vms pd v2.1c] (uktex.35)
country:  list of iso * codes (somewhat outdated) (uktex.01)
course:  latex * - help needed! (uktex.28)
courses:  re: tug * (uktex.02)
courses:  * along sgml-tex meeting 31 aug 1990 (uktex.05)
cover:  the tex book (soft *) (uktex.42)
creation:  font * problems in euler and mtex (uktex.38)
creation:  re: font * problems in euler and mtex (uktex.39)
crop:  * marks (uktex.27)
cuts:  dying the death of a 1000 * from twocolumn (uktex.19)
cweb:  xdvi, *, ps drivers (uktex.10)
cweb:  levy's * system ported to ms-dos and vax/vms (uktex.41)
cyrillic:  new for aston: dvimswin, xfig, seetex, * (uktex.18)
death:  dying the * of a 1000 cuts from twocolumn (uktex.19)
dec:  dvi to hp desk jet - * windows previewer (uktex.02)
decwindows:  * tex-preview (uktex.09)
delays:  reasons for * with the service (uktex.32)
delivery:  mail * failure to - aborted (fwd) (uktex.17)
design:  advanced * approach ltd (uktex.02)
desk:  dvi to hp * jet - dec windows previewer (uktex.02)
deskjet:  uktug and * driver. (uktex.19)
deskjet:  drivers for hp * (uktex.22)
deskjet:  dvi driver for hp *+ (uktex.23)
deskjet:  re: drivers for hp * (uktex.23)
deskjet:  re: drivers for hp * (uktex.23)
deskjet:  hp * driver (dvidjp.c) (uktex.24)
deskjet:  re: dvi driver for hp *+ (uktex.24)
device:  specification of algorithim for handling rounding to * units (uktex.24)
diagrams:  drawing feynman * in tex/metafont or postscript (uktex.10)
diagrams:  drawing feynman * in tex/metafont or postscript (uktex.11)
diagrams:  re: feynman * (uktex.12)
diagrams:  chemtex -- macros for chemical structure * (uktex.15)
diagrams:  inputting (postscript) * into latex documents (uktex.43)
difference:  * between "fuzz" and "zed" styles (uktex.39)
directories:  * for fonts (uktex.03)
directory:  new * structure for mainz additions to latex in uk tex archive (uktex.19)
discuss:  *: french language. (uktex.22)
discussion:  (151) hebrew tex * list (uktex.16)
discussion:  edmac * group (uktex.21)
displays:  non-centred * (uktex.35)
displays:  re: non-centred * (uktex.36)
distribution:  emtex * (uktex.37)
document:  emtex---english texcad *? (uktex.21)
documentation:  english * for emtex [for uktex] (uktex.16)
documentation:  english * for emtex [for uktex] (uktex.16)
documentation:  english * for emtex (uktex.21)
documentation:  re: english * for emtex (uktex.21)
documentation:  english * for mtex (uktex.27)
documents:  \marks in latex double column * (uktex.18)
documents:  inputting (postscript) diagrams into latex * (uktex.43)
domain:  getting public * software dvips (uktex.38)
dos:  building tex under * extender (uktex.30)
dos:  re: building tex under * extender (uktex.32)
dos:  (230) dvips on * and vms (uktex.37)
dos:  japanese tex for * (uktex.42)
dostex:  * (uktex.12)
double:  \marks in latex * column documents (uktex.18)
dpi:  for uk-tex: ``generating the 75 cm fonts for a 75 * vga'' (uktex.16)
draft:  the level 0 * standard (v 0.03) -- request for comments (uktex.24)
draft:  the uk tex users group first annual general meeting * agenda (uktex.34)
drawing:  * feynman diagrams in tex/metafont or postscript (uktex.10)
drawing:  * feynman diagrams in tex/metafont or postscript (uktex.11)
driver:  ln03 * source wanted? (uktex.04)
driver:  dvi to laserjet * in the archive (uktex.07)
driver:  hp lj * (uktex.07)
driver:  tex laser printer * for an atari (uktex.12)
driver:  re: atari * (uktex.13)
driver:  uktug and deskjet *. (uktex.19)
driver:  24 pin epson printer * (uktex.23)
driver:  dvi * for hp deskjet+ (uktex.23)
driver:  landscape mode for hp laserjet *? (uktex.23)
driver:  hp deskjet * (dvidjp.c) (uktex.24)
driver:  re: 24 pin epson printer * (uktex.24)
driver:  re: dvi * for hp deskjet+ (uktex.24)
driver:  re: landscape mode for hp laserjet *? (uktex.24)
driver:  re: landscape mode for hp laserjet *? (uktex.25)
driver:  dvi * for panasonic kxp1124? (uktex.27)
driver:  hp laserjet * for hp 300 workstations? (uktex.28)
driver:  re: hp laserjet * for hp 300 workstations? (uktex.28)
driver:  re: hp laserjet * for hp 300 workstations? (uktex.28)
driver:  dvi * for atari st (uktex.30)
driver:  is there a dvi * for 24-pin printers for unix? (uktex.41)
drivers:  xdvi, cweb, ps * (uktex.10)
drivers:  (for uktex) re: dvi to postscript * (uktex.11)
drivers:  * for hp deskjet (uktex.22)
drivers:  re: * for hp deskjet (uktex.23)
drivers:  re: * for hp deskjet (uktex.23)
drivers:  pctex * (uktex.37)
dropped:  re: * capitals. (uktex.07)
dropped:  re: gentle intro, and * caps (uktex.23)
duerer:  hoenig's * fonts (uktex.26)
dvi:  * to hp desk jet - dec windows previewer (uktex.02)
dvi:  * to laserjet driver in the archive (uktex.07)
dvi:  (for uktex) re: * to postscript drivers (uktex.11)
dvi:  msdos * to postscript, with virtual fonts (uktex.12)
dvi:  * is a trademark of intel corporation (uktex.13)
dvi:  re: * is a trademark of intel corporation (uktex.13)
dvi:  * driver for hp deskjet+ (uktex.23)
dvi:  re: * driver for hp deskjet+ (uktex.24)
dvi:  * driver for panasonic kxp1124? (uktex.27)
dvi:  * driver for atari st (uktex.30)
dvi:  is there a * driver for 24-pin printers for unix? (uktex.41)
dvi-->ps:  (301) unix * that uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
dvi-->ps:  (301) unix * that uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
dvi-->ps:  unix * that uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
dvi2hplj:  *? (uktex.19)
dvi2lj:  [ neumann *] (uktex.02)
dvi2lj:  reply to * on unix (uktex.20)
dvi2lj:  * for sun 4 (uktex.40)
dvican.exe:  (197) urgently need * (uktex.17)
dvican.exe:  urgently need * (uktex.17)
dvicopy:  e-cm fonts; a * processor; (uktex.13)
dvidjp.c:  hp deskjet driver (*) (uktex.24)
dvihplj:  landscape * --- forwarded message from eberhard mattes (uktex.26)
dvimswin:  new for aston: *, xfig, seetex, cyrillic (uktex.18)
dvips:  * (uktex.03)
dvips:  2-up output with postscrip & * (uktex.32)
dvips:  re: 2-up output with postscrip & * (uktex.33)
dvips:  re: 2-up output with postscript & * (uktex.35)
dvips:  (230) * on dos and vms (uktex.37)
dvips:  getting public domain software * (uktex.38)
dvips:  where can i find a manual for rokicki's * program? (uktex.41)
dvitops:  * under vms (uktex.02)
dvitops:  * on vms and vm/cms (uktex.03)
dvitops:  * under vm/cms (uktex.23)
dvitops:  * 1.1 available (uktex.27)
dvitops:  * for vms ?? (uktex.27)
dvitovdu:  *, c version 1.0 for unix (uktex.06)
dvitovdu:  * in c (uktex v90 #06) (uktex.07)
dvitovdu:  * in c (uktex v90 #06) (uktex.08)
dvitovdu:  * in c (uktex v90 #06) (uktex.08)
dvitty:  new versions of * and xdvi (uktex.07)
dying:  * the death of a 1000 cuts from twocolumn (uktex.19)
e-cm:  new * virtual fonts for tex 3.0 (uktex.12)
e-cm:  * fonts; a dvicopy processor; (uktex.13)
e-cm:  re: new * virtual fonts for tex 3.0 (uktex.13)
eberhard:  forwarded message from * mattes (uktex.14)
eberhard:  landscape dvihplj --- forwarded message from * mattes (uktex.26)
edition:  british standard for theses: 1990 * is now available (uktex.32)
edmac:  * discussion group (uktex.21)
eight:  (262) * bit input for tex (uktex.17)
eight:  * bit input for tex (uktex.17)
emtex:  * in uk tex archive (correction) (uktex.14)
emtex:  [uktex] * - caveat on texcad, and appeal for translator (uktex.14)
emtex:  [uktex] more notes on * (uktex.14)
emtex:  * (summary ) [for uktex] (uktex.15)
emtex:  * (uktex.15)
emtex:  english documentation for * [for uktex] (uktex.16)
emtex:  english documentation for * [for uktex] (uktex.16)
emtex:  re: yet another message about * (uktex.17)
emtex:  yet another message about * (uktex.17)
emtex:  building tex fonts using the * mfjob program (uktex.20)
emtex:  english documentation for * (uktex.21)
emtex:  re: english documentation for * (uktex.21)
emtex:  * (uktex.22)
emtex:  q & a for * (uktex.23)
emtex:  * warning - get new version (uktex.27)
emtex:  new version of *, with tex 3.0 (uktex.27)
emtex:  * distribution (uktex.37)
emtex---english:  * texcad document? (uktex.21)
encoding:  extended tex font * scheme - latin; request for comments (uktex.31)
encoding:  font *: address correction for norbert schwarz (uktex v90 #31) (uktex.32)
encoding:  reasons for having a new 7-bit * scheme (uktex.43)
encodings:  7-bit * (uktex.38)
encodings:  7-bit * (uktex.41)
ends:  (153) odds and * (uktex.17)
ends:  latex footnotes at section * (uktex.32)
english:  * documentation for emtex [for uktex] (uktex.16)
english:  * documentation for emtex [for uktex] (uktex.16)
english:  * documentation for emtex (uktex.21)
english:  re: * documentation for emtex (uktex.21)
english:  * documentation for mtex (uktex.27)
enhancement:  * to texserver at aston university (uktex.08)
enumerate:  latex * environment, and \@donoparitem yet again (uktex.06)
enumerate:  \ifthenelse and * (uktex.36)
enumerate:  \ifthenelse and * problems (uktex.36)
enumerate:  re: bug in * or ifthen.sty? (uktex v90 #35) (uktex.36)
environment:  latex enumerate *, and \@donoparitem yet again (uktex.06)
environment:  a nestable verbatim *, with escape character (3) (uktex.07)
environment:  proof * (uktex.08)
envt:  \noalign in latex eqnarray * (uktex.05)
envts:  epileptic \@noparitem's in latex list * (uktex.05)
epileptic:  * \@noparitem's in latex list envts (uktex.05)
epsg:  bcs * meeting sep 27 (uktex.26)
epson:  24 pin * printer driver (uktex.23)
epson:  re: 24 pin * printer driver (uktex.24)
epson:  tex output on * lq500 (uktex.42)
epson:  * lq500, and other things (uktex.43)
eqnarray:  \noalign in latex * envt (uktex.05)
errata:  tex memory capacity; new *; mf 2.0 changes; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
error:  (261) * in information on retrieving files via mailserv information (uktex.17)
error:  * in information on retrieving files via mailserv information (uktex.17)
escape:  a nestable verbatim environment, with * character (3) (uktex.07)
etc:  porting web,tex * (uktex.21)
etc:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, *; vms changes files for these (uktex.34)
eufmxx.tfm:  * (uktex.25)
euler:  * tfm files (uktex.21)
euler:  * fonts (uktex.25)
euler:  * fonts in strange sizes (uktex.28)
euler:  re: * fonts in strange sizes / new font selection (uktex.30)
euler:  font creation problems in * and mtex (uktex.38)
euler:  re: font creation problems in * and mtex (uktex.39)
european:  bibtex: writing bst files for * conventions (uktex.09)
eve:  problem invoking * from tex v3 (uktex.38)
examples:  * as per latex manual (uktex.07)
extended:  producing latin-1 * computer modern vpl files (uktex.12)
extended:  * tex font encoding scheme - latin; request for comments (uktex.31)
extender:  building tex under dos * (uktex.30)
extender:  re: building tex under dos * (uktex.32)
extra:  * maths tex fonts (uktex.04)
failure:  mail delivery * to - aborted (fwd) (uktex.17)
families:  workshop on fonts and font *: a few places left (uktex.19)
family:  tex 3.0 on the hp9000/300 workstation * (uktex.35)
family/inheritance:  macros for genetics * trees (uktex.32)
family/inheritance:  re: macros for genetics * trees (uktex.32)
few:  workshop on fonts and font families: a * places left (uktex.19)
feynman:  drawing * diagrams in tex/metafont or postscript (uktex.10)
feynman:  drawing * diagrams in tex/metafont or postscript (uktex.11)
feynman:  re: * diagrams (uktex.12)
figures:  placement of * (uktex.23)
figures:  re: placement of * (uktex.24)
file:  texserver now permits wildcards in * requests (uktex.09)
file:  (257) new bibtex change * for vms available (uktex.17)
file:  (258) tex 3.0 change * for vms available (uktex.17)
file:  new bibtex change * for vms available (uktex.17)
file:  tex 3.0 change * for vms available (uktex.17)
file:  vms change * to tex v3.0 (last version) (uktex.17)
file:  phd style * (uktex.40)
file.dvi:  \special{include *} ??? (uktex.07)
files:  style * for authors submitting article to tugboat (uktex.02)
files:  *** updated metafont, .bug * available from aston archive *** (uktex.03)
files:  problems with _z * in the archive (uktex.06)
files:  re: problems with _z * in the archive (uktex.07)
files:  bibtex: writing bst * for european conventions (uktex.09)
files:  producing latin-1 extended computer modern vpl * (uktex.12)
files:  (261) error in information on retrieving * via mailserv information (uktex.17)
files:  error in information on retrieving * via mailserv information (uktex.17)
files:  my postings on the vms change * and the follow-up posting which i (uktex.17)
files:  euler tfm * (uktex.21)
files:  problems with tfm * (uktex.24)
files:  renaming large numbers of * (uktex.26)
files:  tex * (uktex.27)
files:  aston archive 00* listing * (uktex.30)
files:  pc latex * via ftp (uktex.33)
files:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes * for these (uktex.34)
files:  naming conventions for font *? (uktex.37)
files:  new * added to archive: metafont and web (+ utilities) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
files:  new * added to archive: washington state university ipa (uktex.38)
files:  pk * from the archive (uktex.39)
files:  re: pk * from the archive (uktex.39)
files:  binary boo * (uktex.40)
files:  latex style * for minutes and agendas: (uktex.42)
find:  where can * $\ldots$ (uktex.04)
find:  where can i * a manual for rokicki's dvips program? (uktex.41)
finds:  tex * its way into the real world ... (uktex.15)
first:  the uk tex users group * annual general meeting draft agenda (uktex.34)
follow-up:  my postings on the vms change files and the * posting which i (uktex.17)
font:  problems with unix tex 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new * selection scheme (uktex.19)
font:  workshop on fonts and * families: a few places left (uktex.19)
font:  in need of cmssbxsl * (uktex.26)
font:  cmssbxsl * (uktex.27)
font:  cm * breakup problem (uktex.29)
font:  re: euler fonts in strange sizes / new * selection (uktex.30)
font:  extended tex * encoding scheme - latin; request for comments (uktex.31)
font:  * encoding: address correction for norbert schwarz (uktex v90 #31) (uktex.32)
font:  re: cm * breakup problem (uktex.32)
font:  naming conventions for * files? (uktex.37)
font:  * creation problems in euler and mtex (uktex.38)
font:  re: * creation problems in euler and mtex (uktex.39)
fonts:  pk * (uktex.02)
fonts:  directories for * (uktex.03)
fonts:  extra maths tex * (uktex.04)
fonts:  postscript cmr * on aston archive (uktex.07)
fonts:  re: byte ordering in cm * (uktex.10)
fonts:  msdos dvi to postscript, with virtual * (uktex.12)
fonts:  new e-cm virtual * for tex 3.0 (uktex.12)
fonts:  e-cm *; a dvicopy processor; (uktex.13)
fonts:  ligatures in postscript * (uktex.13)
fonts:  re: new e-cm virtual * for tex 3.0 (uktex.13)
fonts:  postscript * and ligatures (uktex.15)
fonts:  [for uk-tex] re: postscript * and ligatures (uktex.16)
fonts:  for uk-tex: ``generating the 75 cm * for a 75 dpi vga'' (uktex.16)
fonts:  (193) forwarded message about metafont and slitex * (uktex.17)
fonts:  forwarded message about metafont and slitex * (uktex.17)
fonts:  bug/problem in spaceing with plain tex & cmr * (uktex.18)
fonts:  workshop on * and font families: a few places left (uktex.19)
fonts:  building tex * using the emtex mfjob program (uktex.20)
fonts:  ams * in the archive (uktex.21)
fonts:  msym and amstex * (uktex.21)
fonts:  typografica * (uktex.21)
fonts:  euler * (uktex.25)
fonts:  ams * and metafont (uktex.26)
fonts:  hoenig's duerer * (uktex.26)
fonts:  euler * in strange sizes (uktex.28)
fonts:  re: euler * in strange sizes / new font selection (uktex.30)
fonts:  help needed for * (i told him i forwarded this here) (uktex.35)
fonts:  wasy * (uktex.42)
footnote:  * problem in latex (uktex.26)
footnotes:  latex * at section ends (uktex.32)
formatting:  * computer output in latex/subscription to uktex (uktex.04)
formulae:  chemical * and structures. (uktex.13)
formulae:  multiline math * (uktex.23)
formulas:  re: multiline math * (uktex.25)
formulas:  re: multiline math * (uktex.26)
forthcoming:  announcement of the * meeting on the aston archive (uktex.34)
fortran:  fweb - * web (uktex.25)
forwarded:  * message from eberhard mattes (uktex.14)
forwarded:  (193) * message about metafont and slitex fonts (uktex.17)
forwarded:  * message about metafont and slitex fonts (uktex.17)
forwarded:  landscape dvihplj --- * message from eberhard mattes (uktex.26)
forwarded:  help needed for fonts (i told him i * this here) (uktex.35)
forwrd:  to * please (uktex.04)
founts:  * for qms printer (uktex.23)
fractions:  typsetting * (uktex.41)
french:  discuss: * language. (uktex.22)
ftp:  pc latex files via * (uktex.33)
fundamental:  * tendencies of latex sectioning commands (uktex.34)
fundamental:  re: * tendencies of latex sectioning commands (uktex.35)
funnies:  * in the aston archive (uktex.23)
funnies:  further * in the archive. (uktex.24)
funnies:  re: * in the aston archive (uktex.24)
further:  * funnies in the archive. (uktex.24)
future:  oztex * (uktex.04)
future:  oztex * (uktex.05)
fuzz:  difference between "*" and "zed" styles (uktex.39)
fwd:  mail delivery failure to - aborted (*) (uktex.17)
fweb:  * - fortran web (uktex.25)
gains:  texserver * reverse-address sanity (uktex.24)
general:  the uk tex users group first annual * meeting draft agenda (uktex.34)
generating:  for uk-tex: ``* the 75 cm fonts for a 75 dpi vga'' (uktex.16)
genetics:  macros for * family/inheritance trees (uktex.32)
genetics:  macros for * pedigrees (clarification of previous message) (uktex.32)
genetics:  macros for * trees (uktex.32)
genetics:  re: macros for * family/inheritance trees (uktex.32)
gentle:  re: * introduction to tex. (uktex.22)
gentle:  re: * intro, and dropped caps (uktex.23)
german:  tenth meeting of the * speaking tex users in vienna (uktex.42)
german.sty:  new version of * (2.3) (uktex.27)
getting:  * public domain software dvips (uktex.38)
gftodvi:  * for pc (uktex.16)
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gnu:  texinfo.tex from * (uktex.07)
gnu:  (for uktex) * plot version 2 (uktex.08)
graphics:  hp lj ii for latex with * ? (uktex.23)
groningen:  announcement sgml-tex meeting 31 aug 1990, * (uktex.05)
groningen:  program sgml-tex seminar *, 31 aug 1990 (uktex.22)
group's:  the uk tex users * newsletter (uktex.25)
group:  edmac discussion * (uktex.21)
group:  announcing the uk tex users' * agm and archive meeting (uktex.34)
group:  the uk tex users * first annual general meeting draft agenda (uktex.34)
group:  the uk tex users' * agm (uktex.34)
had:  texserver has * a hiccup :-< but is better now :-) (uktex.11)
handling:  specification of algorithim for * rounding to device units (uktex.24)
has:  knuth * provided \newlanguage (uktex.02)
has:  texserver * had a hiccup :-< but is better now :-) (uktex.11)
hash:  oztex * size increase (uktex.24)
hash:  re: oztex * size increase (uktex.25)
hash:  re: oztex * size increase (uktex.26)
hash:  re: oztex * size increase (uktex.26)
having:  reasons for * a new 7-bit encoding scheme (uktex.43)
header:  (129) latex page * conventions (uktex.16)
headers:  right * (uktex.25)
hebrew:  (151) * tex discussion list (uktex.16)
help:  plea for tex * (uktex.07)
help:  latex course - * needed! (uktex.28)
help:  * needed for fonts (i told him i forwarded this here) (uktex.35)
here:  * is tex for archimedes (riscos) (uktex.22)
here:  help needed for fonts (i told him i forwarded this *) (uktex.35)
hiccup:  texserver has had a * :-< but is better now :-) (uktex.11)
him:  help needed for fonts (i told * i forwarded this here) (uktex.35)
hinting:  latex * (uktex.27)
hints:  how to output * to latex user. (uktex.26)
hitch:  texnical * with texserver --- normal service now resumed (uktex.16)
hoenig's:  * duerer fonts (uktex.26)
hp9000/300:  tex 3.0 on the * workstation family (uktex.35)
ibm:  mode_def for * 4216 printer? (uktex.24)
ibm:  vt100 previewing for * vm/sp ? (uktex.32)
idiosyncracies:  '* of the archive' column (uktex.25)
ifthen.sty:  re: bug in enumerate or *? (uktex v90 #35) (uktex.36)
iii:  mode_def for hp laserjet * (uktex.32)
ilatex:  [uktex] * and tie in aston archive (uktex.14)
imagen/ultrascript/dvips:  * lossage (uktex.38)
inaccessibility:  * of makeindex.tex_z in aston archive (uktex.02)
include:  re: use of \special to * postscript (uktex.21)
include:  use of \special to * postscript (uktex.21)
increase:  oztex hash size * (uktex.24)
increase:  re: oztex hash size * (uktex.25)
increase:  re: oztex hash size * (uktex.26)
increase:  re: oztex hash size * (uktex.26)
info:  re: tex * wanted (uktex.43)
info-tex:  * from gnu (uktex.06)
information:  (261) error in * on retrieving files via mailserv information (uktex.17)
information:  (261) error in information on retrieving files via mailserv * (uktex.17)
information:  error in * on retrieving files via mailserv information (uktex.17)
information:  error in information on retrieving files via mailserv * (uktex.17)
input:  (262) eight bit * for tex (uktex.17)
input:  eight bit * for tex (uktex.17)
input:  testing for numeric-only * (uktex.41)
inputting:  * (postscript) diagrams into latex documents (uktex.43)
intel:  dvi is a trademark of * corporation (uktex.13)
intel:  re: dvi is a trademark of * corporation (uktex.13)
into:  tex finds its way * the real world ... (uktex.15)
into:  inputting (postscript) diagrams * latex documents (uktex.43)
intro:  re: gentle *, and dropped caps (uktex.23)
introduction:  re: gentle * to tex. (uktex.22)
invoking:  problem * eve from tex v3 (uktex.38)
ipa:  new files added to archive: washington state university * (uktex.38)
iso:  list of * country codes (somewhat outdated) (uktex.01)
iso:  proposed new bsi (and *) work on sgml (uktex.25)
item:  * for uktex (uktex.04)
its:  tex finds * way into the real world ... (uktex.15)
japanese:  * tex on ms-dos (uktex.39)
japanese:  * tex for dos (uktex.42)
jet:  dvi to hp desk * - dec windows previewer (uktex.02)
keep:  need to * text together on a page (uktex.17)
keep:  need to * text on one page (uktex.18)
keywords:  underlined * (uktex.41)
knuth:  * has provided \newlanguage (uktex.02)
kxp1124:  dvi driver for panasonic *? (uktex.27)
l]plain.tex:  versions of [* (uktex.26)
lambda.sty:  * (uktex.22)
landscape:  * mode for hp laserjet driver? (uktex.23)
landscape:  re: * mode for hp laserjet driver? (uktex.24)
landscape:  re: * mode for hp laserjet driver? (uktex.25)
landscape:  * dvihplj --- forwarded message from eberhard mattes (uktex.26)
landscape:  re: * mode for hp laserjet (uktex.28)
language:  discuss: french *. (uktex.22)
large:  renaming * numbers of files (uktex.26)
laser:  tex * printer driver for an atari (uktex.12)
laserjet:  dvi to * driver in the archive (uktex.07)
laserjet:  landscape mode for hp * driver? (uktex.23)
laserjet:  re: landscape mode for hp * driver? (uktex.24)
laserjet:  re: landscape mode for hp * driver? (uktex.25)
laserjet:  hp * driver for hp 300 workstations? (uktex.28)
laserjet:  re: hp * driver for hp 300 workstations? (uktex.28)
laserjet:  re: hp * driver for hp 300 workstations? (uktex.28)
laserjet:  re: landscape mode for hp * (uktex.28)
laserjet:  mode_def for hp * iii (uktex.32)
last:  vms change file to tex v3.0 (* version) (uktex.17)
last30days.files:  * stuck? (uktex.28)
latest:  * versions of tex and mf available for vms (uktex.30)
latex:  * letter style. (uktex.01)
latex:  * on an atari st (uktex.05)
latex:  \noalign in * eqnarray envt (uktex.05)
latex:  epileptic \@noparitem's in * list envts (uktex.05)
latex:  * enumerate environment, and \@donoparitem yet again (uktex.06)
latex:  * to ms word? (uktex.06)
latex:  * previewers (uktex.07)
latex:  examples as per * manual (uktex.07)
latex:  * on a4 paper. (uktex.13)
latex:  re: * on a4 paper. (uktex.13)
latex:  sideways printing in * (uktex.13)
latex:  * on a4 paper (uktex.14)
latex:  * on a4 paper (uktex.14)
latex:  * on a4 paper (uktex.15)
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latex:  * for toshiba portable 1600 (uktex.16)
latex:  problems using \markboth in * (uktex.16)
latex:  \marks in * double column documents (uktex.18)
latex:  * page-headings (uktex.19)
latex:  new directory structure for mainz additions to * in uk tex archive (uktex.19)
latex:  re: * page-headings (uktex.19)
latex:  tex v3.0 and * (uktex.21)
latex:  * styles from mainz (updates) (uktex.22)
latex:  hp lj ii for * with graphics ? (uktex.23)
latex:  * book style (uktex.24)
latex:  \errorcontextlines setting in * (uktex.24)
latex:  change bars in * (uktex.25)
latex:  footnote problem in * (uktex.26)
latex:  how to output hints to * user. (uktex.26)
latex:  re: change bars in * (uktex.26)
latex:  wordperfect to * (uktex.26)
latex:  * hinting (uktex.27)
latex:  * course - help needed! (uktex.28)
latex:  * and bibtex styles for citations and reference-lists (uktex.30)
latex:  * footnotes at section ends (uktex.32)
latex:  pc * files via ftp (uktex.33)
latex:  fundamental tendencies of * sectioning commands (uktex.34)
latex:  re: fundamental tendencies of * sectioning commands (uktex.35)
latex:  resent: * (uktex.36)
latex:  * version 3.0 (uktex.37)
latex:  trailing \label in * (uktex.37)
latex:  vdm and z in * (uktex.37)
latex:  bug in * or in tex? (uktex.38)
latex:  re: vdm and z in * (uktex.38)
latex:  * style files for minutes and agendas: (uktex.42)
latex:  inputting (postscript) diagrams into * documents (uktex.43)
latex/subscription:  formatting computer output in * to uktex (uktex.04)
latin:  extended tex font encoding scheme - *; request for comments (uktex.31)
latin-1:  producing * extended computer modern vpl files (uktex.12)
left:  workshop on fonts and font families: a few places * (uktex.19)
letter:  latex * style. (uktex.01)
level:  the * 0 draft standard (v 0.03) -- request for comments (uktex.24)
levy's:  * cweb system ported to ms-dos and vax/vms (uktex.41)
ligatures:  missing postscript * / psprint (uktex.12)
ligatures:  * in postscript fonts (uktex.13)
ligatures:  postscript fonts and * (uktex.15)
ligatures:  [for uk-tex] re: postscript fonts and * (uktex.16)
line:  phd thesis regulations on * spacing (uktex.41)
list:  * of iso country codes (somewhat outdated) (uktex.01)
list:  epileptic \@noparitem's in latex * envts (uktex.05)
list:  (151) hebrew tex discussion * (uktex.16)
listing:  aston archive 00* * files (uktex.30)
ln03:  * driver source wanted? (uktex.04)
log:  aston tex mail server * analysis at 1-aug-1990 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
long:  * citations (uktex.30)
long:  re: * citations (uktex.32)
long:  re: * citations (uktex.32)
loss:  aston archive - * of service (uktex.32)
lossage:  imagen/ultrascript/dvips * (uktex.38)
lost:  * message (uktex.29)
lplain:  * and splain for tex 2.x and tex 3.0 (uktex.23)
lplain:  * and splain for tex 3 (uktex.23)
lplain.tex:  updated versions of * and splain.tex (uktex.41)
lps-20:  mode_def for *? (uktex.28)
lq500:  tex output on epson * (uktex.42)
lq500:  epson *, and other things (uktex.43)
ltd:  advanced design approach * (uktex.02)
macros:  chemtex -- * for chemical structure diagrams (uktex.15)
macros:  * for genetics family/inheritance trees (uktex.32)
macros:  * for genetics pedigrees (clarification of previous message) (uktex.32)
macros:  * for genetics trees (uktex.32)
macros:  re: * for genetics family/inheritance trees (uktex.32)
mail:  * delivery failure to - aborted (fwd) (uktex.17)
mail:  aston tex * server log analysis at 1-aug-1990 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
mailserv:  (261) error in information on retrieving files via * information (uktex.17)
mailserv:  error in information on retrieving files via * information (uktex.17)
main:  pctex * memory problems (uktex.14)
main:  pctex * memory problems (uktex.14)
maintainers:  archive *, please note! (uktex.03)
mainz:  new directory structure for * additions to latex in uk tex archive (uktex.19)
mainz:  latex styles from * (updates) (uktex.22)
makefiles:  problems with unix tex 3.0 *, xdvi, new font selection scheme (uktex.19)
makeindex.tex_z:  inaccessibility of * in aston archive (uktex.02)
making:  * bibtex for sun-4/60 (uktex.07)
manual:  examples as per latex * (uktex.07)
manual:  where can i find a * for rokicki's dvips program? (uktex.41)
marks:  crop * (uktex.27)
math:  multiline * formulae (uktex.23)
math:  re: multiline * formulas (uktex.25)
math:  re: multiline * formulas (uktex.26)
mathematics:  * (uktex.21)
maths:  extra * tex fonts (uktex.04)
matrices:  top aligned * with brackets (uktex.38)
matrix:  * alignment (uktex.37)
matrix:  * alignment (uktex.38)
mattes:  forwarded message from eberhard * (uktex.14)
mattes:  landscape dvihplj --- forwarded message from eberhard * (uktex.26)
meeting:  announcement sgml-tex * 31 aug 1990, groningen (uktex.05)
meeting:  courses along sgml-tex * 31 aug 1990 (uktex.05)
meeting:  seeking questionnaires from the tug '90 * in texas... (uktex.24)
meeting:  bcs epsg * sep 27 (uktex.26)
meeting:  announcement of the forthcoming * on the aston archive (uktex.34)
meeting:  announcing the uk tex users' group agm and archive * (uktex.34)
meeting:  the uk tex users group first annual general * draft agenda (uktex.34)
meeting:  a report of the uk tug * at aston (uktex.36)
meeting:  tenth * of the german speaking tex users in vienna (uktex.42)
mega:  * tex runs out? (uktex.28)
mem_max:  re: (34) * > 65534 (uktex.26)
memory:  tex * capacity; new errata; mf 2.0 changes; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
memory:  pctex main * problems (uktex.14)
memory:  pctex main * problems (uktex.14)
message:  * (uktex.08)
message:  forwarded * from eberhard mattes (uktex.14)
message:  (193) forwarded * about metafont and slitex fonts (uktex.17)
message:  forwarded * about metafont and slitex fonts (uktex.17)
message:  re: yet another * about emtex (uktex.17)
message:  yet another * about emtex (uktex.17)
message:  landscape dvihplj --- forwarded * from eberhard mattes (uktex.26)
message:  lost * (uktex.29)
message:  macros for genetics pedigrees (clarification of previous *) (uktex.32)
metafont:  * for msdos (uktex.01)
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metafont:  forwarded message about * and slitex fonts (uktex.17)
metafont:  ams fonts and * (uktex.26)
metafont:  new files added to archive: * and web (+ utilities) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
mfjob:  building tex fonts using the emtex * program (uktex.20)
mfware.eng:  (117) * (uktex.16)
minutes:  latex style files for * and agendas: (uktex.42)
misplaced:  re: * text (uktex.36)
missing:  * postscript ligatures / psprint (uktex.12)
missing:  * texhax v90 #52 (uktex.27)
mode:  landscape * for hp laserjet driver? (uktex.23)
mode:  re: landscape * for hp laserjet driver? (uktex.24)
mode:  re: landscape * for hp laserjet driver? (uktex.25)
mode:  re: landscape * for hp laserjet (uktex.28)
mode_def:  * for agfa p400ps sought. (uktex.23)
mode_def:  * for ibm 4216 printer? (uktex.24)
mode_def:  * for lps-20? (uktex.28)
mode_def:  * for hp laserjet iii (uktex.32)
modern:  producing latin-1 extended computer * vpl files (uktex.12)
modula-2:  * compiler? (uktex.14)
modula-2:  * compiler? (uktex.14)
modula-2:  re: * compiler? (uktex.14)
modula-2:  * versions of tangle and weave? (uktex.20)
modula-2:  re: * versions of tangle and weave? (uktex.21)
modular:  * tex? (uktex.07)
more:  [uktex] * notes on emtex (uktex.14)
ms-dos:  new files added to archive: metafont and web (+ utilities) for * (uktex.38)
ms-dos:  japanese tex on * (uktex.39)
ms-dos:  levy's cweb system ported to * and vax/vms (uktex.41)
ms/dos:  for uk-tex: ``announcing tex v3.0 for * systems'' (uktex.16)
msdos:  metafont for * (uktex.01)
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msdos:  [uktex] addition to the archive for * & os/2 (uktex.14)
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mtex:  english documentation for * (uktex.27)
mtex:  font creation problems in euler and * (uktex.38)
mtex:  re: font creation problems in euler and * (uktex.39)  * - `n up' postscript printing (uktex.25)
multiline:  * math formulae (uktex.23)
multiline:  re: * math formulas (uktex.25)
multiline:  re: * math formulas (uktex.26)
musictex:  * (uktex.39)
n-up:  * printing of tex output (uktex.02)
naming:  * conventions for font files? (uktex.37)
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neumann:  [ * dvi2lj] (uktex.02)
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new:  tex memory capacity; * errata; mf 2.0 changes; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
new:  * unix tex tape <uktex> (uktex.15)
new:  (257) * bibtex change file for vms available (uktex.17)
new:  * bibtex change file for vms available (uktex.17)
new:  * for aston: dvimswin, xfig, seetex, cyrillic (uktex.18)
new:  * directory structure for mainz additions to latex in uk tex archive (uktex.19)
new:  problems with unix tex 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, * font selection scheme (uktex.19)
new:  re: * version of tex (uktex.24)
new:  * release of seetex (uktex.25)
new:  proposed * bsi (and iso) work on sgml (uktex.25)
new:  * version of emtex, with tex 3.0 (uktex.27)
new:  * version of german.sty (2.3) (uktex.27)
new:  emtex warning - get * version (uktex.27)
new:  re: euler fonts in strange sizes / * font selection (uktex.30)
new:  * tape from washington (uktex.32)
new:  * files added to archive: metafont and web (+ utilities) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
new:  * files added to archive: washington state university ipa (uktex.38)
new:  reasons for having a * 7-bit encoding scheme (uktex.43)
newsletter:  the uk tex users group's * (uktex.25)
non-centred:  * displays (uktex.35)
non-centred:  re: * displays (uktex.36)
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normal:  texnical hitch with texserver --- * service now resumed (uktex.16)
note:  archive maintainers, please *! (uktex.03)
note:  (263) tex 3.0 changes for vms--just a * (uktex.17)
note:  tex 3.0 changes for vms--just a * (uktex.17)
number:  uktex digest volume 90 * 14 (uktex.14)
number:  uktex digest volume 90 * 15 (uktex.15)
number:  uktex digest volume 90 * 16 (uktex.16)
number:  uktex digest volume 90 * 17 (uktex.17)
numbers:  renaming large * of files (uktex.26)
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odds:  (153) * and ends (uktex.17)
one:  need to keep text on * page (uktex.18)  re: [oren patashnik <*>: (uktex.27)
options:  (115) babel system of style *, beta-testers sought (uktex.16)
ordering:  re: byte * in cm fonts (uktex.10)
oren:  re: [* patashnik <>: (uktex.27)
os/2:  [uktex] addition to the archive for msdos & * (uktex.14)
other:  epson lq500, and * things (uktex.43)
out:  mega tex runs *? (uktex.28)
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output:  n-up printing of tex * (uktex.02)
output:  formatting computer * in latex/subscription to uktex (uktex.04)
output:  how to * hints to latex user. (uktex.26)
output:  translators for xfig * wanted (uktex.29)
output:  2-up * with postscrip & dvips (uktex.32)
output:  re: 2-up * with postscrip & dvips (uktex.33)
output:  re: 2-up * with postscript & dvips (uktex.35)
output:  tex * on epson lq500 (uktex.42)
oztex:  * future (uktex.04)
oztex:  * future (uktex.05)
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oztex:  re: * hash size increase (uktex.26)
oztex:  re: * hash size increase (uktex.26)
oztex:  * (uktex.27)
p-column:  (287) bug/feature in * in array/tabular (uktex.17)
p-column:  (287) bug/feature in * in array/tabular (uktex.17)
p-column:  bug/feature in * in array/tabular (uktex.17)
p400ps:  mode_def for agfa * sought. (uktex.23)
page:  (129) latex * header conventions (uktex.16)
page:  need to keep text together on a * (uktex.17)
page:  need to keep text on one * (uktex.18)
page-headings:  latex * (uktex.15)
page-headings:  latex * (uktex.19)
page-headings:  re: latex * (uktex.19)
panasonic:  dvi driver for * kxp1124? (uktex.27)
paper:  latex on a4 *. (uktex.13)
paper:  re: latex on a4 *. (uktex.13)
paper:  latex on a4 * (uktex.14)
paper:  latex on a4 * (uktex.14)
paper:  latex on a4 * (uktex.15)
paper:  (301) unix dvi-->ps that uses a4 *. (uktex.17)
paper:  (301) unix dvi-->ps that uses a4 *. (uktex.17)
paper:  unix dvi-->ps that uses a4 *. (uktex.17)
papers:  1991 tug call for * (uktex.38)
patashnik:  re: [oren * <>: (uktex.27)
pcdot:  previewer for hp pc? and problems with * (uktex.25)
pcdot:  * (uktex.26)
pctex:  * main memory problems (uktex.14)
pctex:  * main memory problems (uktex.14)
pctex:  * drivers (uktex.37)
pctex:  * problem (uktex.37)
pedigrees:  macros for genetics * (clarification of previous message) (uktex.32)
per:  examples as * latex manual (uktex.07)
permits:  texserver now * wildcards in file requests (uktex.09)
persian:  * in tex. (uktex.07)
phd:  * style file (uktex.40)
phd:  * thesis regulations on line spacing (uktex.41)
pictex:  * for the pc (uktex.02)
pictex:  * availability (uktex.03)
pictex:  re: * for the pc (uktex.03)
pictex:  (127) * (uktex.16)
pictex:  re: `therefore' symbol, spellcheckers, * (uktex.32)
pin:  24 * epson printer driver (uktex.23)
pin:  re: 24 * epson printer driver (uktex.24)
placement:  * of figures (uktex.23)
placement:  re: * of figures (uktex.24)
places:  workshop on fonts and font families: a few * left (uktex.19)
plain:  bug/problem in spaceing with * tex & cmr fonts (uktex.18)
plea:  * for tex help (uktex.07)
please:  archive maintainers, * note! (uktex.03)
please:  amiga tex - advice, * (uktex.04)
please:  to forwrd * (uktex.04)
please:  [for uktex *] web2c version of tex 3.0 released (uktex.10)
plot:  (for uktex) gnu * version 2 (uktex.08)
port:  about to * bibtex (uktex.02)
portable:  latex for toshiba * 1600 (uktex.16)
ported:  levy's cweb system * to ms-dos and vax/vms (uktex.41)
porting:  * web,tex etc (uktex.21)
posting:  my postings on the vms change files and the follow-up * which i (uktex.17)
postings:  my * on the vms change files and the follow-up posting which i (uktex.17)
postscrip:  2-up output with * & dvips (uktex.32)
postscrip:  re: 2-up output with * & dvips (uktex.33)
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postscript:  * preview (uktex.08)
postscript:  drawing feynman diagrams in tex/metafont or * (uktex.10)
postscript:  (for uktex) re: dvi to * drivers (uktex.11)
postscript:  drawing feynman diagrams in tex/metafont or * (uktex.11)
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postscript:  * fonts and ligatures (uktex.15)
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postscript:  use of \special to include * (uktex.21)
postscript:  * previewer for vaxstation 3100? (uktex.24)
postscript: - `n up' * printing (uktex.25)
postscript:  * previewer for vaxstation 3100 (and all vax vms ...) (uktex.27)
postscript:  re: 2-up output with * & dvips (uktex.35)
postscript:  inputting (*) diagrams into latex documents (uktex.43)
pounds:  correct '*' symbol. (uktex.01)
preview:  tex * (uktex.06)
preview:  postscript * (uktex.08)
previewer:  dvi to hp desk jet - dec windows * (uktex.02)
previewer:  postscript * for vaxstation 3100? (uktex.24)
previewer:  * for hp pc? and problems with pcdot (uktex.25)
previewer:  postscript * for vaxstation 3100 (and all vax vms ...) (uktex.27)
previewers:  latex * (uktex.07)
previewers:  query on * (uktex.12)
previewers:  x * (uktex.20)
previewers:  * (re: uktex v90#20) (uktex.21)
previewers:  re: * (uktex.21)
previewers:  re: x * (uktex.21)
previewers:  any x * support colour? (uktex.28)
previewing:  vt100 * for ibm vm/sp ? (uktex.32)
previous:  macros for genetics pedigrees (clarification of * message) (uktex.32)
printer:  tex laser * driver for an atari (uktex.12)
printer:  24 pin epson * driver (uktex.23)
printer:  founts for qms * (uktex.23)
printer:  mode_def for ibm 4216 *? (uktex.24)
printer:  re: 24 pin epson * driver (uktex.24)
printers:  is there a dvi driver for 24-pin * for unix? (uktex.41)
printing:  n-up * of tex output (uktex.02)
printing:  colour * in slitex (uktex.12)
printing:  sideways * in latex (uktex.13)
printing:  texbook seventeenth * (uktex.20)
printing:  re: texbook seventeenth * (uktex.21)
printing:  texbook seventeenth * (uktex.21)
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printing:  a3 * (uktex.32)
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producing:  * latin-1 extended computer modern vpl files (uktex.12)
program:  building tex fonts using the emtex mfjob * (uktex.20)
program:  * sgml-tex seminar groningen, 31 aug 1990 (uktex.22)
program:  where can i find a manual for rokicki's dvips *? (uktex.41)
program.sty:  * for typesetting algorithms (uktex.41)
proof:  * environment (uktex.08)
proposed:  * new bsi (and iso) work on sgml (uktex.25)
provided:  knuth has * \newlanguage (uktex.02)
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public:  getting * domain software dvips (uktex.38)
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qeury:  * for uktex (uktex.17)
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query:  (187) tex/latex * (uktex.17)
query:  (187) tex/latex * (uktex.17)
query:  boxedminipage (was tex/latex *) (uktex.20)
query:  re: uktex * (uktex.23)
query:  uktex * (uktex.23)
questionnaires:  seeking * from the tug '90 meeting in texas... (uktex.24)
r140:  re: tex for acorn * (uktex.21)
r140:  tex for acorn * (uktex.21)
rather:  some * superannuated texserver requests (uktex.23)
real:  *** announcing tex v2.993 for vax/vms (* version!) *** (uktex.02)
real:  tex finds its way into the * world ... (uktex.15)
real:  * and complex signs (uktex.21)
real:  re: * and complex signs (uktex.21)
reasons:  * for delays with the service (uktex.32)
reasons:  * for having a new 7-bit encoding scheme (uktex.43)
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registered:  re: [*] trade{mark,name}s (uktex.13)
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regulations:  thesis * (uktex.41)
regulations:  thesis * (uktex.43)
release:  new * of seetex (uktex.25)
released:  [for uktex please] web2c version of tex 3.0 * (uktex.10)
renaming:  * large numbers of files (uktex.26)
reply:  * to dvi2lj on unix (uktex.20)
report:  non-delivery * (re: (227)) (uktex.17)
report:  a * of the uk tug meeting at aston (uktex.36)
request:  the level 0 draft standard (v 0.03) -- * for comments (uktex.24)
request:  extended tex font encoding scheme - latin; * for comments (uktex.31)
requests:  texserver now permits wildcards in file * (uktex.09)
requests:  some rather superannuated texserver * (uktex.23)
resent:  *: latex (uktex.36)
resumed:  texnical hitch with texserver --- normal service now * (uktex.16)
retrieving:  (261) error in information on * files via mailserv information (uktex.17)
retrieving:  error in information on * files via mailserv information (uktex.17)
reverse-address:  texserver gains * sanity (uktex.24)
right:  * headers (uktex.25)
riscos:  here is tex for archimedes (*) (uktex.22)
rokicki's:  where can i find a manual for * dvips program? (uktex.41)
roumania:  books for * (uktex.02)
rounding:  specification of algorithim for handling * to device units (uktex.24)
runs:  mega tex * out? (uktex.28)
sanity:  texserver gains reverse-address * (uktex.24)
scheme:  problems with unix tex 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new font selection * (uktex.19)
scheme:  extended tex font encoding * - latin; request for comments (uktex.31)
scheme:  reasons for having a new 7-bit encoding * (uktex.43)
schwarz:  font encoding: address correction for norbert * (uktex v90 #31) (uktex.32)
sco:  re: tex for * xenix (uktex.16)
section:  latex footnotes at * ends (uktex.32)
sectioning:  fundamental tendencies of latex * commands (uktex.34)
sectioning:  re: fundamental tendencies of latex * commands (uktex.35)
seeking:  * questionnaires from the tug '90 meeting in texas... (uktex.24)
seetex:  new for aston: dvimswin, xfig, *, cyrillic (uktex.18)
seetex:  new release of * (uktex.25)
selection:  problems with unix tex 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new font * scheme (uktex.19)
selection:  re: euler fonts in strange sizes / new font * (uktex.30)
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sep:  bcs epsg meeting * 27 (uktex.26)
server:  aston tex mail * log analysis at 1-aug-1990 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
server:  (411) re: tex * problems (uktex.37)
server:  tex * problems (uktex.37)
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service:  aston archive - loss of * (uktex.32)
service:  reasons for delays with the * (uktex.32)
setting:  \errorcontextlines * in latex (uktex.24)
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seventeenth:  re: texbook * printing (uktex.21)
seventeenth:  texbook * printing (uktex.21)
sfb.sty:  typo in * (uktex.10)
sgml:  proposed new bsi (and iso) work on * (uktex.25)
sgml-tex:  announcement * meeting 31 aug 1990, groningen (uktex.05)
sgml-tex:  courses along * meeting 31 aug 1990 (uktex.05)
sgml-tex:  program * seminar groningen, 31 aug 1990 (uktex.22)
sideways:  * printing in latex (uktex.13)
signs:  re: real and complex * (uktex.21)
signs:  real and complex * (uktex.21)
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size:  re: oztex hash * increase (uktex.26)
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sizes:  re: euler fonts in strange * / new font selection (uktex.30)
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slitex:  (193) forwarded message about metafont and * fonts (uktex.17)
slitex:  forwarded message about metafont and * fonts (uktex.17)
soft:  the tex book (* cover) (uktex.42)
software:  getting public domain * dvips (uktex.38)
some:  * rather superannuated texserver requests (uktex.23)
somewhat:  list of iso country codes (* outdated) (uktex.01)
sought:  (115) babel system of style options, beta-testers * (uktex.16)
sought:  mode_def for agfa p400ps *. (uktex.23)
source:  ln03 driver * wanted? (uktex.04)
sources:  updates to web * of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for these (uktex.34)
spaceing:  bug/problem in * with plain tex & cmr fonts (uktex.18)
spacing:  phd thesis regulations on line * (uktex.41)
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speaking:  tenth meeting of the german * tex users in vienna (uktex.42)
specification:  * of algorithim for handling rounding to device units (uktex.24)
spellcheckers:  * (uktex.30)
spellcheckers:  re: * (uktex.32)
spellcheckers:  re: `therefore' symbol, *, pictex (uktex.32)
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splain:  lplain and * for tex 3 (uktex.23)
splain.tex:  updated versions of lplain.tex and * (uktex.41)
standard:  the level 0 draft * (v 0.03) -- request for comments (uktex.24)
standard:  british * for theses: 1990 edition is now available (uktex.32)
state:  new files added to archive: washington * university ipa (uktex.38)
storing:  * unix archives in the uk tex archive (uktex.18)
strange:  euler fonts in * sizes (uktex.28)
strange:  re: euler fonts in * sizes / new font selection (uktex.30)
structure:  chemtex -- macros for chemical * diagrams (uktex.15)
structure:  new directory * for mainz additions to latex in uk tex archive (uktex.19)
structures:  chemical formulae and *. (uktex.13)
stuck:  last30days.files *? (uktex.28)
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style:  * files for authors submitting article to tugboat (uktex.02)
style:  (115) babel system of * options, beta-testers sought (uktex.16)
style:  latex book * (uktex.24)
style:  phd * file (uktex.40)
style:  latex * files for minutes and agendas: (uktex.42)
styles:  latex * from mainz (updates) (uktex.22)
styles:  latex and bibtex * for citations and reference-lists (uktex.30)
styles:  difference between "fuzz" and "zed" * (uktex.39)
submissions:  archive * (uktex.35)
submitting:  style files for authors * article to tugboat (uktex.02)
summary:  emtex (* ) [for uktex] (uktex.15)
sun:  bibtex on a * 4/60 (uktex.32)
sun:  dvi2lj for * 4 (uktex.40)
sun-4/60:  making bibtex for * (uktex.07)
superannuated:  some rather * texserver requests (uktex.23)
support:  any x previewers * colour? (uktex.28)
sweatshirts:  uk tex archive * (uktex.28)
symbol:  correct 'pounds' *. (uktex.01)
symbol:  re: `therefore' *, spellcheckers, pictex (uktex.32)
system:  (115) babel * of style options, beta-testers sought (uktex.16)
system:  levy's cweb * ported to ms-dos and vax/vms (uktex.41)
systems:  for uk-tex: ``announcing tex v3.0 for ms/dos *'' (uktex.16)
tangle:  modula-2 versions of * and weave? (uktex.20)
tangle:  re: modula-2 versions of * and weave? (uktex.21)
tape:  washington * (uktex.10)
tape:  re: washington * (uktex.13)
tape:  new unix tex * <uktex> (uktex.15)
tape:  new * from washington (uktex.32)
tendencies:  fundamental * of latex sectioning commands (uktex.34)
tendencies:  re: fundamental * of latex sectioning commands (uktex.35)
tenth:  * meeting of the german speaking tex users in vienna (uktex.42)
testing:  * for numeric-only input (uktex.41)
tex:  *** announcing * v2.993 for vax/vms (real version!) *** (uktex.02)
tex:  n-up printing of * output (uktex.02)
tex:  bibtex, and * v3 in web2c (uktex.03)
tex:  amiga * - advice, please (uktex.04)
tex:  extra maths * fonts (uktex.04)
tex:  * preview (uktex.06)
tex:  modular *? (uktex.07)
tex:  persian in *. (uktex.07)
tex:  plea for * help (uktex.07)
tex:  re: which * for the amiga? (uktex.07)
tex:  * (uktex.09)
tex:  [for uktex please] web2c version of * 3.0 released (uktex.10)
tex:  * laser printer driver for an atari (uktex.12)
tex:  new e-cm virtual fonts for * 3.0 (uktex.12)
tex:  * memory capacity; new errata; mf 2.0 changes; weave 3.1 (uktex.13)
tex:  re: new e-cm virtual fonts for * 3.0 (uktex.13)
tex:  * archive contribution (uktex.14)
tex:  emtex in uk * archive (correction) (uktex.14)
tex:  * finds its way into the real world ... (uktex.15)
tex:  co-ordination of non-english use of * (uktex.15)
tex:  new unix * tape <uktex> (uktex.15)
tex:  (151) hebrew * discussion list (uktex.16)
tex:  for uk-tex: ``announcing * v3.0 for ms/dos systems'' (uktex.16)
tex:  re: * for sco xenix (uktex.16)
tex:  (258) * 3.0 change file for vms available (uktex.17)
tex:  (262) eight bit input for * (uktex.17)
tex:  (263) * 3.0 changes for vms--just a note (uktex.17)
tex:  * 3.0 change file for vms available (uktex.17)
tex:  * 3.0 changes for vms--just a note (uktex.17)
tex:  eight bit input for * (uktex.17)
tex:  vms change file to * v3.0 (last version) (uktex.17)
tex:  bug/problem in spaceing with plain * & cmr fonts (uktex.18)
tex:  storing unix archives in the uk * archive (uktex.18)
tex:  new directory structure for mainz additions to latex in uk * archive (uktex.19)
tex:  problems with unix * 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new font selection scheme (uktex.19)
tex:  * tix (uktex.20)
tex:  building * fonts using the emtex mfjob program (uktex.20)
tex:  (722) * for archimedes (uktex.21)
tex:  * for acorn r140 (uktex.21)
tex:  * v3.0 and latex (uktex.21)
tex:  re: (722) * for archimedes (uktex.21)
tex:  re: * for acorn r140 (uktex.21)
tex:  spanish *? (uktex.21)
tex:  the texbook (for * 3) (uktex.21)
tex:  the texbook, for * 3 (uktex.21)
tex:  here is * for archimedes (riscos) (uktex.22)
tex:  re: gentle introduction to *. (uktex.22)
tex:  * and the archimedes (uktex.23)
tex:  lplain and splain for * 2.x and tex 3.0 (uktex.23)
tex:  lplain and splain for * 3 (uktex.23)
tex:  lplain and splain for tex 2.x and * 3.0 (uktex.23)
tex:  re: new version of * (uktex.24)
tex:  aston * mail server log analysis at 1-aug-1990 00:31:40.72 (uktex.25)
tex:  the uk * users group's newsletter (uktex.25)
tex:  * files (uktex.27)
tex:  building * v3 from aston archives (uktex.27)
tex:  new version of emtex, with * 3.0 (uktex.27)
tex:  mega * runs out? (uktex.28)
tex:  uk * archive sweatshirts (uktex.28)
tex:  building * under dos extender (uktex.30)
tex:  latest versions of * and mf available for vms (uktex.30)
tex:  extended * font encoding scheme - latin; request for comments (uktex.31)
tex:  atari * (uktex.32)
tex:  re: building * under dos extender (uktex.32)
tex:  vms v3.0 * in batch (uktex.32)
tex:  * for apollo/aegis ? (uktex.33)
tex:  re: vms v3.0 * in batch (uktex.33)
tex:  re: vms v3.0 * in batch (uktex.33)
tex:  announcing the uk * users' group agm and archive meeting (uktex.34)
tex:  the uk * users group first annual general meeting draft agenda (uktex.34)
tex:  the uk * users' group agm (uktex.34)
tex:  updates to web sources of *, mf, etc; vms changes files for these (uktex.34)
tex:  * 3.0 on the hp9000/300 workstation family (uktex.35)
tex:  (411) re: * server problems (uktex.37)
tex:  * server problems (uktex.37)
tex:  bug in latex or in *? (uktex.38)
tex:  problem invoking eve from * v3 (uktex.38)
tex:  japanese * on ms-dos (uktex.39)
tex:  re: atari * (uktex.39)
tex:  * (uktex.40)
tex:  re: * (uktex.40)
tex:  * output on epson lq500 (uktex.42)
tex:  japanese * for dos (uktex.42)
tex:  tenth meeting of the german speaking * users in vienna (uktex.42)
tex:  the * book (soft cover) (uktex.42)
tex:  * archive at (uktex.43)
tex:  * for archimedes? (uktex.43)
tex:  * for atari st (uktex.43)
tex:  re: * info wanted (uktex.43)
tex-preview:  decwindows * (uktex.09)
tex-scissors:  * (uktex.07)
tex/latex:  (187) * query (uktex.17)
tex/latex:  (187) * query (uktex.17)
tex/latex:  boxedminipage (was * query) (uktex.20)
tex/metafont:  drawing feynman diagrams in * or postscript (uktex.10)
tex/metafont:  drawing feynman diagrams in * or postscript (uktex.11)
tex88:  * (uktex.07)
tex88:  * proceedings (uktex.21)
texas:  seeking questionnaires from the tug '90 meeting in *... (uktex.24)
texbook:  * seventeenth printing (uktex.20)
texbook:  * seventeenth printing (uktex.21)
texbook:  re: * seventeenth printing (uktex.21)
texbook:  the * (for tex 3) (uktex.21)
texbook:  the *, for tex 3 (uktex.21)
texcad:  [uktex] emtex - caveat on *, and appeal for translator (uktex.14)
texcad:  emtex---english * document? (uktex.21)
texinfo.tex:  * from gnu (uktex.07)
texnical:  * hitch with texserver --- normal service now resumed (uktex.16)
texserver:  * problems (uktex.02)
texserver:  enhancement to * at aston university (uktex.08)
texserver:  * now permits wildcards in file requests (uktex.09)
texserver:  * has had a hiccup :-< but is better now :-) (uktex.11)
texserver:  texnical hitch with * --- normal service now resumed (uktex.16)
texserver:  (312) problems with * (uktex.17)
texserver:  some rather superannuated * requests (uktex.23)
texserver:  * gains reverse-address sanity (uktex.24)
text:  need to keep * together on a page (uktex.17)
text:  need to keep * on one page (uktex.18)
text:  re: misplaced * (uktex.36)
texware:  *. (uktex.32)
texware:  re: *. (uktex.33)
texware.eng:  (125) * (uktex.16)
tfm:  euler * files (uktex.21)
tfm:  problems with * files (uktex.24)
tfm:  * to afm? (uktex.25)
that:  (301) unix dvi-->ps * uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
that:  (301) unix dvi-->ps * uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
that:  unix dvi-->ps * uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
therefore:  re: `*' symbol, spellcheckers, pictex (uktex.32)
these:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for * (uktex.34)
theses:  british standard for *: 1990 edition is now available (uktex.32)
thesis:  * regulations (uktex.40)
thesis:  * regulations (uktex.41)
thesis:  phd * regulations on line spacing (uktex.41)
thesis:  * regulations (uktex.43)
things:  epson lq500, and other * (uktex.43)
this:  help needed for fonts (i told him i forwarded * here) (uktex.35)
tie:  [uktex] ilatex and * in aston archive (uktex.14)
tix:  tex * (uktex.20)
together:  need to keep text * on a page (uktex.17)
told:  help needed for fonts (i * him i forwarded this here) (uktex.35)
top:  * aligned matrices with brackets (uktex.38)
toshiba:  latex for * portable 1600 (uktex.16)
trademark:  dvi is a * of intel corporation (uktex.13)
trademark:  re: dvi is a * of intel corporation (uktex.13)
trade{mark,name}s:  re: [registered] * (uktex.13)
trade{mark,name}s:  re: [registered] * (uktex.13)
trailing:  * \label in latex (uktex.37)
trailing:  * \label and n of nn (uktex.38)
translator:  [uktex] emtex - caveat on texcad, and appeal for * (uktex.14)
translators:  * for xfig output wanted (uktex.29)
trees:  macros for genetics * (uktex.32)
trees:  macros for genetics family/inheritance * (uktex.32)
trees:  re: macros for genetics family/inheritance * (uktex.32)
tug:  re: * courses (uktex.02)
tug:  seeking questionnaires from the * '90 meeting in texas... (uktex.24)
tug:  a report of the uk * meeting at aston (uktex.36)
tug:  1991 * call for papers (uktex.38)
tugboat:  style files for authors submitting article to * (uktex.02)
twocolumn:  dying the death of a 1000 cuts from * (uktex.19)
typesetting:  program.sty for * algorithms (uktex.41)
typo:  * in sfb.sty (uktex.10)
typografica:  * fonts (uktex.21)
typsetting:  * fractions (uktex.41)  [*: neumann dvi2lj] (uktex.02)
uk-tex:  [for *] re: postscript fonts and ligatures (uktex.16)
uk-tex:  for *: ``announcing tex v3.0 for ms/dos systems'' (uktex.16)
uk-tex:  for *: ``generating the 75 cm fonts for a 75 dpi vga'' (uktex.16)  mail delivery failure to * - aborted (fwd) (uktex.17)
uktex:  re: * v90 #01 (uktex.02)
uktex:  re: * v90 #02 (uktex.03)
uktex:  formatting computer output in latex/subscription to * (uktex.04)
uktex:  item for * (uktex.04)
uktex:  * (uktex.05)
uktex:  * v90 #04 (uktex.05)
uktex:  * v90 #06 (uktex.07)
uktex:  dvitovdu in c (* v90 #06) (uktex.07)
uktex:  (for *) gnu plot version 2 (uktex.08)
uktex:  * v90 #07 (uktex.08)
uktex:  dvitovdu in c (* v90 #06) (uktex.08)
uktex:  dvitovdu in c (* v90 #06) (uktex.08)
uktex:  [for * please] web2c version of tex 3.0 released (uktex.10)
uktex:  (for *) re: dvi to postscript drivers (uktex.11)
uktex:  * digest volume 90 number 14 (uktex.14)
uktex:  [*] addition to the archive for msdos & os/2 (uktex.14)
uktex:  [*] emtex - caveat on texcad, and appeal for translator (uktex.14)
uktex:  [*] ilatex and tie in aston archive (uktex.14)
uktex:  [*] more notes on emtex (uktex.14)
uktex:  * digest volume 90 number 15 (uktex.15)
uktex:  emtex (summary ) [for *] (uktex.15)
uktex:  new unix tex tape <*> (uktex.15)
uktex:  * digest volume 90 number 16 (uktex.16)
uktex:  english documentation for emtex [for *] (uktex.16)
uktex:  english documentation for emtex [for *] (uktex.16)
uktex:  (161) qeury for * (uktex.17)
uktex:  * digest volume 90 number 17 (uktex.17)
uktex:  qeury for * (uktex.17)
uktex:  previewers (re: * v90#20) (uktex.21)
uktex:  * query (uktex.23)
uktex:  * v90 #22 (uktex.23)
uktex:  for * (uktex.23)
uktex:  re: * query (uktex.23)
uktex:  re: for * (uktex.23)
uktex:  re: for * (uktex.24)
uktex:  re: * v90 #22 (uktex.27)
uktex:  re: * v90 #29 (uktex.30)
uktex:  font encoding: address correction for norbert schwarz (* v90 #31) (uktex.32)
uktex:  re: bug in enumerate or ifthen.sty? (* v90 #35) (uktex.36)
uktug:  * and deskjet driver. (uktex.19)
uktug:  * (uktex.20)
under:  dvitops * vms (uktex.02)
under:  problem with bibtex * vms (uktex.16)
under:  dvitops * vm/cms (uktex.23)
under:  building tex * dos extender (uktex.30)
under:  re: building tex * dos extender (uktex.32)
underlined:  * keywords (uktex.41)
units:  specification of algorithim for handling rounding to device * (uktex.24)
university:  enhancement to texserver at aston * (uktex.08)
university:  new files added to archive: washington state * ipa (uktex.38)
unix:  dvitovdu, c version 1.0 for * (uktex.06)
unix:  new * tex tape <uktex> (uktex.15)
unix:  (301) * dvi-->ps that uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
unix:  (301) * dvi-->ps that uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
unix:  * dvi-->ps that uses a4 paper. (uktex.17)
unix:  storing * archives in the uk tex archive (uktex.18)
unix:  problems with * tex 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new font selection scheme (uktex.19)
unix:  reply to dvi2lj on * (uktex.20)
unix:  is there a dvi driver for 24-pin printers for *? (uktex.41)
updated:  *** * metafont, .bug files available from aston archive *** (uktex.03)
updated:  * versions of lplain.tex and splain.tex (uktex.41)
updates:  latex styles from mainz (*) (uktex.22)
updates:  * to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for these (uktex.34)
upgrade:  xdvi * (uktex.19)
urgently:  (197) * need dvican.exe (uktex.17)
urgently:  * need dvican.exe (uktex.17)
use:  co-ordination of non-english * of tex (uktex.15)
use:  * of \special to include postscript (uktex.21)
use:  re: * of \special to include postscript (uktex.21)
user:  how to output hints to latex *. (uktex.26)
users:  the uk tex * group's newsletter (uktex.25)
users:  announcing the uk tex *' group agm and archive meeting (uktex.34)
users:  the uk tex * group first annual general meeting draft agenda (uktex.34)
users:  the uk tex *' group agm (uktex.34)
users:  tenth meeting of the german speaking tex * in vienna (uktex.42)
uses:  (301) unix dvi-->ps that * a4 paper. (uktex.17)
uses:  (301) unix dvi-->ps that * a4 paper. (uktex.17)
uses:  unix dvi-->ps that * a4 paper. (uktex.17)
utilities:  new files added to archive: metafont and web (+ *) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
v1.9:  *** announcing metafont * for vax/vms (and a bug) *** (uktex.02)
v2.1c:  correction to mf [vms pd *] (uktex.35)
v2.993:  *** announcing tex * for vax/vms (real version!) *** (uktex.02)
v3.0:  for uk-tex: ``announcing tex * for ms/dos systems'' (uktex.16)
v3.0:  vms change file to tex * (last version) (uktex.17)
v3.0:  tex * and latex (uktex.21)
v3.0:  vms * tex in batch (uktex.32)
v3.0:  re: vms * tex in batch (uktex.33)
v3.0:  re: vms * tex in batch (uktex.33)
v90#20:  previewers (re: uktex *) (uktex.21)
vax:  postscript previewer for vaxstation 3100 (and all * vms ...) (uktex.27)
vax/vms:  *** announcing metafont v1.9 for * (and a bug) *** (uktex.02)
vax/vms:  *** announcing tex v2.993 for * (real version!) *** (uktex.02)
vax/vms:  levy's cweb system ported to ms-dos and * (uktex.41)
vaxstation:  postscript previewer for * 3100? (uktex.24)
vaxstation:  postscript previewer for * 3100 (and all vax vms ...) (uktex.27)
vdm:  * and z in latex (uktex.37)
vdm:  re: * and z in latex (uktex.38)
verbatim:  a nestable * environment, with escape character (3) (uktex.07)
version:  *** announcing tex v2.993 for vax/vms (real *!) *** (uktex.02)
version:  dvitovdu, c * 1.0 for unix (uktex.06)
version:  (for uktex) gnu plot * 2 (uktex.08)
version:  [for uktex please] web2c * of tex 3.0 released (uktex.10)
version:  vms change file to tex v3.0 (last *) (uktex.17)
version:  re: new * of tex (uktex.24)
version:  amstex * 2.0 in the archive (uktex.27)
version:  emtex warning - get new * (uktex.27)
version:  new * of emtex, with tex 3.0 (uktex.27)
version:  new * of german.sty (2.3) (uktex.27)
version:  latex * 3.0 (uktex.37)
versions:  new * of dvitty and xdvi (uktex.07)
versions:  modula-2 * of tangle and weave? (uktex.20)
versions:  re: modula-2 * of tangle and weave? (uktex.21)
versions:  * of [l]plain.tex (uktex.26)
versions:  latest * of tex and mf available for vms (uktex.30)
versions:  updated * of lplain.tex and splain.tex (uktex.41)
vga:  for uk-tex: ``generating the 75 cm fonts for a 75 dpi *'' (uktex.16)
via:  (261) error in information on retrieving files * mailserv information (uktex.17)
via:  error in information on retrieving files * mailserv information (uktex.17)
via:  pc latex files * ftp (uktex.33)
vienna:  tenth meeting of the german speaking tex users in * (uktex.42)
virtual:  msdos dvi to postscript, with * fonts (uktex.12)
virtual:  new e-cm * fonts for tex 3.0 (uktex.12)
virtual:  re: new e-cm * fonts for tex 3.0 (uktex.13)
vm/cms:  dvitops on vms and * (uktex.03)
vm/cms:  dvitops under * (uktex.23)
vm/sp:  vt100 previewing for ibm * ? (uktex.32)
vms:  dvitops under * (uktex.02)
vms:  dvitops on * and vm/cms (uktex.03)
vms:  problem with bibtex for * (uktex.15)
vms:  problem with bibtex under * (uktex.16)
vms:  (257) new bibtex change file for * available (uktex.17)
vms:  (258) tex 3.0 change file for * available (uktex.17)
vms:  * change file to tex v3.0 (last version) (uktex.17)
vms:  my postings on the * change files and the follow-up posting which i (uktex.17)
vms:  new bibtex change file for * available (uktex.17)
vms:  tex 3.0 change file for * available (uktex.17)
vms:  dvitops for * ?? (uktex.27)
vms:  postscript previewer for vaxstation 3100 (and all vax * ...) (uktex.27)
vms:  latest versions of tex and mf available for * (uktex.30)
vms:  * v3.0 tex in batch (uktex.32)
vms:  re: * v3.0 tex in batch (uktex.33)
vms:  re: * v3.0 tex in batch (uktex.33)
vms:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; * changes files for these (uktex.34)
vms:  correction to mf [* pd v2.1c] (uktex.35)
vms:  (230) dvips on dos and * (uktex.37)
vms--just:  (263) tex 3.0 changes for * a note (uktex.17)
vms--just:  tex 3.0 changes for * a note (uktex.17)
volume:  uktex digest * 90 number 14 (uktex.14)
volume:  uktex digest * 90 number 15 (uktex.15)
volume:  uktex digest * 90 number 16 (uktex.16)
volume:  uktex digest * 90 number 17 (uktex.17)
vpl:  producing latin-1 extended computer modern * files (uktex.12)
vt100:  * previewing for ibm vm/sp ? (uktex.32)
warning:  emtex * - get new version (uktex.27)
washington:  * tape (uktex.10)
washington:  re: * tape (uktex.13)
washington:  new tape from * (uktex.32)
washington:  new files added to archive: * state university ipa (uktex.38)
wasy:  * fonts (uktex.42)
way:  tex finds its * into the real world ... (uktex.15)
weave:  tex memory capacity; new errata; mf 2.0 changes; * 3.1 (uktex.13)
weave:  modula-2 versions of tangle and *? (uktex.20)
weave:  re: modula-2 versions of tangle and *? (uktex.21)
web:  fweb - fortran * (uktex.25)
web:  updates to * sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for these (uktex.34)
web:  new files added to archive: metafont and * (+ utilities) for ms-dos (uktex.38)
web,tex:  porting * etc (uktex.21)
web2c:  bibtex, and tex v3 in * (uktex.03)
web2c:  [for uktex please] * version of tex 3.0 released (uktex.10)
web2c-5_0a:  * - problems (uktex.12)
web2c-5_0a:  * - problems (uktex.14)
web2c-5_0a:  * - problems (uktex.14)
who:  * wrote it? (uktex.07)
wildcards:  texserver now permits * in file requests (uktex.09)
windows:  dvi to hp desk jet - dec * previewer (uktex.02)
word:  latex to ms *? (uktex.06)
wordperfect:  * to latex (uktex.26)
work:  proposed new bsi (and iso) * on sgml (uktex.25)
workshop:  * on fonts and font families: a few places left (uktex.19)
workstation:  tex 3.0 on the hp9000/300 * family (uktex.35)
workstations:  hp laserjet driver for hp 300 *? (uktex.28)
workstations:  re: hp laserjet driver for hp 300 *? (uktex.28)
workstations:  re: hp laserjet driver for hp 300 *? (uktex.28)
world:  tex finds its way into the real * ... (uktex.15)
writing:  bibtex: * bst files for european conventions (uktex.09)
wrote:  who * it? (uktex.07)
xdvi:  new versions of dvitty and * (uktex.07)
xdvi:  *, cweb, ps drivers (uktex.10)
xdvi:  * upgrade (uktex.19)
xdvi:  problems with unix tex 3.0 makefiles, *, new font selection scheme (uktex.19)
xenix:  re: tex for sco * (uktex.16)
xfig:  new for aston: dvimswin, *, seetex, cyrillic (uktex.18)
xfig:  translators for * output wanted (uktex.29)
yet:  latex enumerate environment, and \@donoparitem * again (uktex.06)
yet:  * another message about emtex (uktex.17)
yet:  re: * another message about emtex (uktex.17)  tex archive at *? (uktex.43)
your:  re: * <000011d6_0016d788.00934072aff84800$1_1@ (uktex.09)
zed:  difference between "fuzz" and "*" styles (uktex.39)