KWIC index for UKTeX V91, issues 01--48 created Tue Jun 1 16:35:16 BST 1993 by 0.4: version * of metafont (uktex.13) 0.8: version * released (uktex.42) 0.8: re: version * released (uktex.42) 1-jun-1991: aston tex mail server log analysis at * 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) 1.2: re: dvitops * on vms, anyone (uktex.12) 1270dpi: * output (uktex.06) 1270dpi: re: * output (uktex.06) 2-columns: large table, *, plaintex (uktex.47) 2.0: recent mailings concerning hyphenation exceptions in ams-tex * (uktex.27) 2.2d: changebar.sty * in aston archive (uktex.25) 24-dot: problems with eufm fonts on * printers (uktex.26) 24-pin: dvi to * (uktex.09) 24th: training day at rhbnc; * july, 1991 (this week!) (uktex.29) 3.01: crudetype * on aston archive. (uktex.19) 3.01: crudetype * not only on aston archive. (uktex.20) 30-jun-1991: (1156) aston tex mail server log analysis at * 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) 30-nov-1991: aston tex mail server log analysis at * 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) 31-aug-1991: aston tex mail server log analysis at * 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) 31-oct-1991: aston tex mail server log analysis at * 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) 360x360: using bj10e with emtex at * dpi (uktex.30) 3b2: * (uktex.47) 3b2: re: * (uktex.47) 5.4-2: re: vms * version of latmaster (uktex.43) 5.4-2: vms * version of latmaster (uktex.43) 5.41: pound signs, dollar signs, dvips * (uktex.26) 5.47: dvips version * (uktex.05) 5.47: dvips *, pc executable, in aston archive (uktex.06) 6th: * european tex conference & gutenberg'91 (uktex.02) 7-bit: why a new * encoding scheme is unnecessary (uktex.08) \@outputpage: sb30tex, tex, initex, latex, * problem (uktex.06) \footnotemark: use of * (uktex.18) \footnotemark: re: use of * (uktex.19) \footnotemark: re: use of * (uktex.19) \footnotemark: re: use of * (uktex.19) \footnotemark: re: use of * (uktex.19) \halign: can one use a \loop...\repeat to contribute columns to an *? (uktex.34) \input's: running out of pool space when doing lots of * (uktex.25) \input: tib and * (uktex.24) \language: french hyphenation and the * command (uktex.11) \language: re: french hyphenation and the * command (uktex.11) \loop...\repeat: can one use a * to contribute columns to an \halign? (uktex.34) ability: texcad' * not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.26) ability: re: texcad' * not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.27) abstract: re: single-col * and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) abstract: re: single-col * and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) abstract: re: single-col * and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) abstract: single-col * and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) access: interactive *? (uktex.07) access: * to aston archive (uktex.37) accessible: uk tex archive now * from uucp sites (uktex.21) account: some info on the public * at (uktex.05) acorn: tex on the * archimedes (uktex.17) added: ega2mf has been * to the archive (uktex.21) added: ghostscript v2.2 * to archive (uktex.23) added: fli files * to emtex suite (uktex.47) addition: cyrillicgothic font : * to uk tex archive (uktex.05) addition: dvips: * to uk tex archive (uktex.05) addition: dvitops: * to uk tex archive (uktex.05) addition: endnotes.sty : * to uk tex archive (uktex.05) additions: * to archive (uktex.09) additions: * and changes to listserv and dante ftp server (uktex.11) additions: * to latex.contrib (uktex.15) additions: * to aston archive (uktex.25) adobe: oztex and * expert sets tfms (uktex.19) adobe: re: oztex and * expert sets tfms (uktex.19) again: bibtex (*) (uktex.30) again: tex-ps integration * (uktex.43) agfa: * p400ps as tex output device (uktex.35) aix: re: tex for rs/6000 *? (uktex.25) aix: tex for rs/6000 *? (uktex.25) all: (latex) changing header and footer when page is * figures (uktex.10) all: (latex) changing header and footer when page is * figures (uktex.11) all: psprint to run on an hp laserjet iiid (with * the nice bits). (uktex.18) almost: bug in *plain.tex (* in <* everything>) (uktex.26) american: hyphenation, *, english and amsian (uktex.26) amiga: * tex? (uktex.03) amiga: tex and latex for the cbm * 500 (uktex.37) amiga: tex on a commodore * (uktex.42) ams: * blackboard font. (uktex.16) ams: re: * blackboard font. (uktex.16) ams: re: source for * fonts ? (uktex.19) ams: source for * fonts ? (uktex.19) ams-latex: new versions of ams-tex, *, and amsfonts (uktex.27) ams-tex: new versions of *, ams-latex, and amsfonts (uktex.27) ams-tex: recent mailings concerning hyphenation exceptions in * 2.0 (uktex.27) ams-tex: lams-tex for users of * (uktex.41) amsfonts: * - tfm files incorrect? (uktex.27) amsfonts: new versions of ams-tex, ams-latex, and * (uktex.27) amsfonts: re: * - tfm files incorrect? (uktex.27) amsfonts: * for textures posted to e-math (uktex.42) amsian: hyphenation, american, english and * (uktex.26) amslatex: is pf in * defined incorrectly? (uktex.03) amslatex: new font loading mechanism, *, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) amslatex: re: new font loading mechanism, *, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) amslatex: re: new font loading mechanism, *, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) amslatex: re: new font loading mechanism, *, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) amslatex: *, theorem.sty, etc, etc (uktex.23) amslatex: re: new font loading mechanism, *, emtex and other matters (uktex.23) amstex: hyphenation exceptions in * (uktex.27) amstex: * beginner (uktex.34) amstex: re: * beginner (uktex.34) amstex: re: * beginner (uktex.34) amstex.sty: * (uktex.18) amstex.sty: re: * (uktex.18) amstex2-1: * (uktex.46) analysis: aston tex mail server log * at 1-jun-1991 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) analysis: (1156) aston tex mail server log * at 30-jun-1991 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) analysis: aston tex mail server log * at 31-aug-1991 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) analysis: aston tex mail server log * at 31-oct-1991 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) analysis: aston tex mail server log * at 30-nov-1991 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) announcement: uk tex users' group: * of forthcoming meeting (uktex.13) announcement: meeting *: desktop publishing in astronomy & space sciences (uktex.18) announcement: `training day' * (uktex.27) announcing: * dvitoln03 v4.0 for vax/vms (uktex.09) announcing: * the babel system of style options (uktex.21) any: upright cm greek glyphs: * offers? (uktex.24) any: re: upright cm greek glyphs: * offers? (uktex.25) anyone: rnotolatex, *? (uktex.11) anyone: re: dvitops 1.2 on vms, * (uktex.12) anyone: `helvetica.afm' *? (uktex.24) anyone: re: `helvetica.afm' *? (uktex.24) anyone: re: `helvetica.afm' *? (uktex.25) anyone: re: `helvetica.afm' *? (uktex.25) anyone: * tried the `newgen turbops series' laser printers? (uktex.48) apologies: * for loss of service (uktex.08) apologies: * to uucp clients of texserver (uktex.09) apologies: * for lack of service (uktex.36) applications: institute of mathematics and its * (uktex.35) arabic: tex package for *? (uktex.28) arabic: * in tex (uktex.29) arbitrary: texcad' ability not to draw vectors of * slope (uktex.26) arbitrary: re: texcad' ability not to draw vectors of * slope (uktex.27) archimedes: tex on * (uktex.02) archimedes: tex on the acorn * (uktex.17) archimedes: * tex (uktex.27) archive: uk tex * now has its own dedicated host (uktex.04) archive: chess fonts in uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: cyrillicgothic font : addition to uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: dvips: addition to uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: dvitops: addition to uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: edmac macros in uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: endnotes.sty : addition to uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: vax/vms contributions to the uk tex * (uktex.05) archive: dvips 5.47, pc executable, in aston * (uktex.06) archive: ftp-access to the * from the internet? (uktex.07) archive: re: ftp-access to the * from the internet? (uktex.07) archive: additions to * (uktex.09) archive: uk tex * directory listings (uktex.09) archive: eijkhout's tex ruler in uk tex * (uktex.10) archive: c++2latex in uk * (uktex.11) archive: revised version of berry's in aston * (uktex.17) archive: crudetype 3.01 on aston *. (uktex.19) archive: crudetype 3.01 not only on aston *. (uktex.20) archive: ega2mf has been added to the * (uktex.21) archive: revtex (v2.0) in the * (uktex.21) archive: uk tex * now accessible from uucp sites (uktex.21) archive: current release of unix tex in uk * (uktex.22) archive: example.sty in uk tex * (uktex.22) archive: midnight macros in uk tex * (uktex.22) archive: texdraw in uk tex * (uktex.22) archive: ghostscript v2.2 added to * (uktex.23) archive: additions to aston * (uktex.25) archive: changebar.sty 2.2d in aston * (uktex.25) archive: new items in aston * (uktex.25) archive: * contribution: longtable.sty (uktex.26) archive: dial-up lines to uk tex *? (uktex.26) archive: re: the aston * (uktex.33) archive: re: the aston * (uktex.33) archive: the aston * (uktex.33) archive: upgrading of the uk tex * at aston university (uktex.35) archive: ginotosix program is now in the * (uktex.36) archive: tex and the aston * (uktex.36) archive: access to aston * (uktex.37) archived: mltex v3 change file * (uktex.03) arguments: passing variable * to an environment (uktex.23) arguments: re: passing variable * to an environment (uktex.23) arguments: optional * to environments (uktex.24) aring: * and {dvips,dvi3ps} (uktex.18) aring: re: * and {dvips,dvi3ps} (uktex.18) arithmetic: * in tex -- a contribution (uktex.22) arithmetic: re: * in tex -- a contribution (uktex.22) arithmetic: re: * in tex -- a contribution (uktex.22) arithmetic: re: * in tex -- a contribution (uktex.23) around: black borders * pages (uktex.05) arrangements: font * in directory trees (uktex.16) arrangements: re: font * in directory trees (uktex.17) arrangements: re: font * in directory trees (uktex.34) array.doc: * - index error (uktex.10) array.doc: re: * - index error (uktex.10) art: computers & typesetting: the state of the * (uktex.41) art: re: computers & typesetting: the state of the * (uktex.42) articles: * data (uktex.11) articles: re: * data (uktex.11) articles: re: * data (uktex.11) articles: re: * data (uktex.11) articles: re: * data (uktex.11) ascii: hp pcl * escape sequences. (uktex.42) asian: * languages (uktex.42) asian: re: * languages (uktex.43) asian: re: * languages (uktex.43) aston: dvips 5.47, pc executable, in * archive (uktex.06) aston: emtex distribution from * (uktex.09) aston: would clients of * texserver please check disk quotas! (uktex.09) aston: re: emtex distribution from * (uktex.11) aston: revised version of berry's in * archive (uktex.17) aston: crudetype 3.01 on * archive. (uktex.19) aston: crudetype 3.01 not only on * archive. (uktex.20) aston: tex v3.14 availability at * (uktex.22) aston: * tex mail server log analysis at 1-jun-1991 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) aston: msdos executable for ghostscript held at * (uktex.24) aston: additions to * archive (uktex.25) aston: changebar.sty 2.2d in * archive (uktex.25) aston: new items in * archive (uktex.25) aston: texinfo at * (uktex.25) aston: (1156) * tex mail server log analysis at 30-jun-1991 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) aston: re: dial in lines to * (uktex.28) aston: re: the * archive (uktex.33) aston: re: the * archive (uktex.33) aston: the * archive (uktex.33) aston: * tex mail server log analysis at 31-aug-1991 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) aston: upgrading of the uk tex archive at * university (uktex.35) aston: tex and the * archive (uktex.36) aston: access to * archive (uktex.37) aston: * tex mail server log analysis at 31-oct-1991 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) aston: * tex mail server log analysis at 30-nov-1991 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) astronomy: desktop publishing in * and space sciences (uktex.11) astronomy: meeting announcement: desktop publishing in * & space sciences (uktex.18) atari: m. joswig and * tex (uktex.10) atari: * st/mega/tt (tos): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option (uktex.11) atari: latex for * st? (uktex.18) atari: re: latex for * st? (uktex.18) atari: latex for * st? (uktex.19) atari: * tex (uktex.45) atari: re: * tex (uktex.46) atari-st: tex for the *? (uktex.28) atari-st: re: tex for the *? (uktex.29) availability: tex v3.14 * at aston (uktex.22) babel: announcing the * system of style options (uktex.21) babel: the * system (uktex.24) babel: update to the * system of style files (uktex.27) baselinestretch: * when using m & s font selection scheme (uktex.07) baselinestretch: * when using m & s font selection scheme (uktex.09) basic: * question: where can i get some mode_def entries? (uktex.08) baskerville: * (uktex.20) beebe: * device drivers (uktex.02) been: ega2mf has * added to the archive (uktex.21) beginner's: re: * guide to latex (uktex.37) beginner: amstex * (uktex.34) beginner: re: amstex * (uktex.34) beginner: re: amstex * (uktex.34) berry's: revised version of * in aston archive (uktex.17) bibcard: new version of *, an x interface for bibtex (uktex.11) bibliography: * style sorted by citation key (uktex.21) bibliography: re: * style sorted by citation key (uktex.21) bibliography: re: * style sorted by citation key (uktex.21) bibtex: x-based interface for * (uktex.05) bibtex: new version of bibcard, an x interface for * (uktex.11) bibtex: new version of * changes for vms released (uktex.18) bibtex: * (again) (uktex.30) bibtex: managing * databases? (uktex.40) bin: re: why are .boo files *? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) bin: why are .boo files *? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) binaries: * on vms - zapfile problems? (uktex.33) bits: psprint to run on an hp laserjet iiid (with all the nice *). (uktex.18) bj10e: using * with emtex at 360x360 dpi (uktex.30) black: * borders around pages (uktex.05) blackboard: ams * font. (uktex.16) blackboard: re: ams * font. (uktex.16) blank: `* space sign' in courier (uktex.12) bombs: metafont * out on (uktex.01) bombs: re: metafont * out on (uktex digest v91 #1) (uktex.07) boo: re: why are .* files bin? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) boo: why are .* files bin? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) book.sty: multiple indexes using latex * (uktex.33) books: fonts from j.r.r.tolkien * (uktex.44) books: re: fonts from j.r.r.tolkien * (uktex.44) booth: cathy * (uktex.27) borders: black * around pages (uktex.05) boston: information on july tug conference, etc in * (as in tea-party) (uktex.24) boxedepsf.tex: * (uktex.09) boxes: possible tex bug discovered -- * and rules (uktex.44) bracket: * sizes and nfls. (uktex.43) bracket: re: * sizes and nfls. (uktex.46) bstfile: * (uktex.22) bubblejet: dvidriver for canon * wanted (uktex.35) bubblejet: re: dvidriver for canon * wanted (uktex.35) bug: latex *?? (uktex.10) bug: re: latex *?? (uktex.10) bug: emtex dvihplj * (uktex.17) bug: re: emtex dvihplj * (uktex digest v91 #17) (uktex.18) bug: re: emtex dvihplj * (uktex.18) bug: i think this is a * in latex (uktex.22) bug: * in *plain.tex (* in <almost everything>) (uktex.26) bug: dvips for vax - * and suggested fix (uktex.41) bug: possible tex * discovered -- boxes and rules (uktex.44) but: convert msword to latex (crude * useful) (uktex.09) c++2latex: * in uk archive (uktex.11) call: * for papers, tug92 (uktex.37) calling: when * texserver, make sure you have enough room!! (uktex.34) cannot: * make tfm and pk files. (uktex.24) cannot: re: * make tfm and pk files. (uktex.25) canon: dvidriver for * bubblejet wanted (uktex.35) canon: re: dvidriver for * bubblejet wanted (uktex.35) caps: re: using dvips (under vms) - postscript small * (uktex.29) caps: using dvips (under vms) - postscript small * (uktex.29) caps: drop * (uktex.43) carriage: verbatim with * control (uktex.25) cathy: * booth (uktex.27) cauchy: re: * principal value integral operator (uktex.48) cbm: tex and latex for the * amiga 500 (uktex.37) change: mltex v3 * file archived (uktex.03) changebar: joachim schrod's * macros for plain tex (uktex.15) changebar.sty: * 2.2d in aston archive (uktex.25) changebars.sty: re: * (uktex.09) changebars.sty: re: * (uktex.09) changebars.sty: re: * (uktex.11) changes: additions and * to listserv and dante ftp server (uktex.11) changes: new version of bibtex * for vms released (uktex.18) changes: marking * to a document (uktex.21) changes: re: marking * to a document (uktex.21) changes: marking * to a document (uktex.22) changing: (latex) * header and footer when page is all figures (uktex.10) changing: (latex) * header and footer when page is all figures (uktex.11) chappesses: play fair! - come on, chaps and *! (uktex.25) chaps: play fair! - come on, * and chappesses! (uktex.25) chapter: * "references" (uktex.32) chapter: re: * ""references"" (uktex.32) chapter: * references (uktex.35) char: extended 256 * cm fonts (uktex.11) character: making encapsulated postscript of a *single* * (uktex.20) character: re: making encapsulated postscript of a *single* * (uktex.20) check: would clients of aston texserver please * disk quotas! (uktex.09) checkers: spell * (uktex.10) chess: * fonts in uk tex archive (uktex.05) circle: lcircle* and ** in emtex font libraries (uktex.10) citation: bibliography style sorted by * key (uktex.21) citation: re: bibliography style sorted by * key (uktex.21) citation: re: bibliography style sorted by * key (uktex.21) civilization: * at hull. (uktex.41) clients: apologies to uucp * of texserver (uktex.09) clients: would * of aston texserver please check disk quotas! (uktex.09) metafont bombs out on * (uktex.01) re: metafont bombs out on * (uktex digest v91 #1) (uktex.07) cmrule.dvi: re: victor eijkhout's `tex ruler': * (uktex.25) cmrule.dvi: re: victor eijkhout's `tex ruler': * (uktex.25) cmrule.dvi: victor eijkhout's `tex ruler': * (uktex.25) cmrule.dvi: re: victor eijkhout's `tex ruler': * (uktex.28) cms: dvips for * --- texdraw (uktex.36) code: re: tex for pc with source * (uktex.20) code: tex for pc with source * (uktex.20) column: resynchronizing double * text (uktex.04) columns: multicple * 91 (uktex.20) columns: can one use a \loop...\repeat to contribute * to an \halign? (uktex.34) come: play fair! - * on, chaps and chappesses! (uktex.25) command: french hyphenation and the \language * (uktex.11) command: re: french hyphenation and the \language * (uktex.11) commodore: tex on a * amiga (uktex.42) common: * files for oztex (uktex.07) community: formation of italic (irish tex and latex interest *) (uktex.09) commutative: fonts for * diagrams in lams-tex (uktex.43) compatibles: tex implementations for ibm pc and * (uktex.34) computers: * & typesetting: the state of the art (uktex.41) computers: re: * & typesetting: the state of the art (uktex.42) computers: re: * & typesetting, current state (uktex.44) computers: re: * & typesetting, current state (uktex.44) concerning: recent mailings * hyphenation exceptions in ams-tex 2.0 (uktex.27) conference: 6th european tex * & gutenberg'91 (uktex.02) conference: tug * proceedings summaries (uktex.09) conference: information on july tug *, etc in boston (as in tea-party) (uktex.24) contents: tugboat 12 #2, table of * (uktex.24) context: latex description lists with labelwidth depending on * (uktex.25) contribute: can one use a \loop...\repeat to * columns to an \halign? (uktex.34) contribution: arithmetic in tex -- a * (uktex.22) contribution: re: arithmetic in tex -- a * (uktex.22) contribution: re: arithmetic in tex -- a * (uktex.22) contribution: *: latex file shadow.sty (uktex.23) contribution: re: arithmetic in tex -- a * (uktex.23) contribution: archive *: longtable.sty (uktex.26) contributions: vax/vms * to the uk tex archive (uktex.05) control: verbatim with carriage * (uktex.25) conversion: rich text format * (uktex.09) convert: * msword to latex (crude but useful) (uktex.09) converting: * pk files to ps outlines (uktex.15) converting: re: * pk files to ps outlines (uktex.15) converting: re: * pk files to ps outlines (uktex.15) correction: re: memory used by emtex [*] (uktex.02) corrupted: emtex, dviscr and * preambles (uktex.26) courier: `blank space sign' in * (uktex.12) crude: convert msword to latex (* but useful) (uktex.09) crudetype: * 3.01 on aston archive. (uktex.19) crudetype: * 3.01 not only on aston archive. (uktex.20) csp: * macro package (uktex.34) current: * release of unix tex in uk archive (uktex.22) current: re: computers & typesetting, * state (uktex.44) current: re: computers & typesetting, * state (uktex.44) cweb: * (uktex.06) cweb: * for dos ?? (uktex.34) cyrillic: * fonts (uktex.11) cyrillicgothic: * font : addition to uk tex archive (uktex.05) dante: additions and changes to listserv and * ftp server (uktex.11) data: articles * (uktex.11) data: re: articles * (uktex.11) data: re: articles * (uktex.11) data: re: articles * (uktex.11) data: re: articles * (uktex.11) databases: managing bibtex *? (uktex.40) day: `training *' announcement (uktex.27) day: training * at rhbnc; 24th july, 1991 (this week!) (uktex.29) de-tex: * and ghostscript (uktex.17) de-tex: re: * and ghostscript (uktex.17) dedham: * q&a (uktex.22) dedicated: uk tex archive now has its own * host (uktex.04) defined: is pf in amslatex * incorrectly? (uktex.03) defining: * a named trasition (uktex.23) defining: re: * a named trasition (uktex.23) delatex: detex / * (uktex.02) depending: latex description lists with labelwidth * on context (uktex.25) description: latex * lists with labelwidth depending on context (uktex.25) desktop: * publishing in astronomy and space sciences (uktex.11) desktop: meeting announcement: * publishing in astronomy & space sciences (uktex.18) detex: * / delatex (uktex.02) detex: * on vaxes (uktex.25) devanagri: * fonts (uktex.25) device: beebe * drivers (uktex.02) device: agfa p400ps as tex output * (uktex.35) device-independent: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.14) device-independent: re: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.14) device-independent: re: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.14) device-independent: re: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.15) device-independent: re: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.15) device-independent: re: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.15) device-independent: re: primary * representation for graphs (uktex.16) diagrams: rail package for * and tex (uktex.09) diagrams: fonts for commutative * in lams-tex (uktex.43) dial: re: * in lines to aston (uktex.28) dial-up: * lines to uk tex archive? (uktex.26) directory: uk tex archive * listings (uktex.09) directory: font arrangements in * trees (uktex.16) directory: re: font arrangements in * trees (uktex.17) directory: re: font arrangements in * trees (uktex.34) discovered: possible tex bug * -- boxes and rules (uktex.44) disk: would clients of aston texserver please check * quotas! (uktex.09) distribution: latex *? (uktex.04) distribution: emtex * from aston (uktex.09) distribution: re: emtex * from aston (uktex.11) docs: multiple-language *. (uktex.43) docs: re: multiple-language *. (uktex.43) docs: re: multiple-language *. (uktex.43) document: marking changes to a * (uktex.21) document: re: marking changes to a * (uktex.21) document: marking changes to a * (uktex.22) document: * identification in latex (uktex.43) document: re: * identification in latex (uktex.44) documentation: emtex * (uktex.33) documents: new gnuemacs files for editing tex * (uktex.22) doing: running out of pool space when * lots of \input's (uktex.25) dollar: pound signs, * signs, dvips 5.41 (uktex.26) dos: cweb for * ?? (uktex.34) dos: dvi file manipulators for * (uktex.48) dot-matrix: printing wide text on wide-carriage * printers (uktex.13) dot-matrix: re: printing wide text on wide-carriage * printers (uktex.13) dot-matrix: re: printing wide text on wide-carriage * printers (uktex.13) dot-matrix: re: printing wide text on wide-carriage * printers (uktex.14) dot-matrix: * fonts (uktex.25) dot-matrix: looking for unix drivers for * printers (uktex.42) dot-matrix: re: looking for unix drivers for * printers (uktex.42) double: resynchronizing * column text (uktex.04) double: * horizontal line in latex (uktex.35) dpi: using bj10e with emtex at 360x360 * (uktex.30) draw: texcad' ability not to * vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.26) draw: re: texcad' ability not to * vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.27) drawing: * packages, x and tex. (uktex.37) drawing: * lines with latex (uktex.41) driver: dvi * for hp laserjet iii ? (uktex.05) driver: * for hgpl (hp7596a plotter) (uktex.15) driver: emtex * for hp laserjet? (uktex.37) drivers: beebe device * (uktex.02) drivers: dvi (dvieps) * for msdos environment (uktex.28) drivers: looking for unix * for dot-matrix printers (uktex.42) drivers: re: looking for unix * for dot-matrix printers (uktex.42) drivers: laser-printer * for vms (uktex.43) drop: * caps (uktex.43) dvi: * driver for hp laserjet iii ? (uktex.05) dvi: * to 24-pin (uktex.09) dvi: * preview on sun (uktex.23) dvi: * (dvieps) drivers for msdos environment (uktex.28) dvi: * file manipulators for dos (uktex.48) dvi-driver: atari st/mega/tt (tos): searching for * with landscape option (uktex.11) dvi-to-hpgl: * and texinfo (uktex.24) dvi-to-hpgl: re: * and texinfo (uktex.24) dvi-to-hpgl: re: * and texinfo (uktex.25) dvi2hpgl: * (uktex.32) dvidot: * (uktex.12) dvidriver: * for canon bubblejet wanted (uktex.35) dvidriver: re: * for canon bubblejet wanted (uktex.35) dvidvi: * for ms/dos (uktex.33) dvidvi: * and dviselect for msdos (uktex.47) dvieps: dvi (*) drivers for msdos environment (uktex.28) dvihplj: emtex * bug (uktex.17) dvihplj: re: emtex * bug (uktex digest v91 #17) (uktex.18) dvihplj: re: emtex * bug (uktex.18) dvihplj: printing selected pages with emtex's * (uktex.21) dvihplj: re: printing selected pages with emtex's * (uktex.21) dvipage: * on sun slcs/ipcs (uktex.02) dvips: re: seeking latest rocicki * (uktex.04) dvips: seeking latest rocicki * (uktex.04) dvips: * version 5.47 (uktex.05) dvips: *: addition to uk tex archive (uktex.05) dvips: * 5.47, pc executable, in aston archive (uktex.06) dvips: * (uktex.15) dvips: * / psfig (uktex.17) dvips: * on vms (uktex.17) dvips: re: * / psfig (uktex.17) dvips: re: * on vms (uktex.17) dvips: re: re: * on vms (uktex.17) dvips: pound signs, dollar signs, * 5.41 (uktex.26) dvips: * (uktex.29) dvips: re: using * (under vms) (uktex.29) dvips: re: using * (under vms) - postscript small caps (uktex.29) dvips: using * (under vms) - postscript small caps (uktex.29) dvips: mac figures, * and system 7 (uktex.30) dvips: * for cms --- texdraw (uktex.36) dvips: * (uktex.40) dvips: re: * (uktex.40) dvips: * for vax - bug and suggested fix (uktex.41) dvips: executable form of * program (uktex.46) dvips,dvi3ps: aring and {*} (uktex.18) dvips,dvi3ps: re: aring and {*} (uktex.18) dviscr: emtex, * and corrupted preambles (uktex.26) dviscr: emtex, *, paradise vga mono (uktex.36) dviselect: dvidvi and * for msdos (uktex.47) dvitoln03: announcing * v4.0 for vax/vms (uktex.09) dvitops: *: addition to uk tex archive (uktex.05) dvitops: re: * 1.2 on vms, anyone (uktex.12) dvitovdu: * (uktex.11) dvitovdu: re: * (uktex.11) dvitovdu: re: * (uktex.13) e-math: amsfonts for textures posted to * (uktex.42) incremental posting to * (uktex.37) eberhard: forward from * mattes: [use of pk founts under ms-dos] (uktex.09) eclipse,aos/vs: re: tex for dg * ? (uktex.30) eclipse,aos/vs: re: tex for dg * ? (uktex.30) eclipse,aos/vs: tex for dg * ? (uktex.30) editing: new gnuemacs files for * tex documents (uktex.22) edmac: * macros in uk tex archive (uktex.05) edmac: help with * (uktex.18) ega2mf: * has been added to the archive (uktex.21) eijkhout's: * tex ruler in uk tex archive (uktex.10) eijkhout's: re: victor * `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) eijkhout's: re: victor * `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) eijkhout's: victor * `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) eijkhout's: re: victor * `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.28) eindhoven: ntg's fun with tex meeting at * (uktex.43) elvish: * fonts available (uktex.26) em-tex: * (uktex.36) emtex's: printing selected pages with * dvihplj (uktex.21) emtex's: re: printing selected pages with * dvihplj (uktex.21) emtex: re: memory used by * [correction] (uktex.02) emtex: * (uktex.04) emtex: re: * (uktex.04) emtex: * distribution from aston (uktex.09) emtex: lcircle* and circle* in * font libraries (uktex.10) emtex: re: * distribution from aston (uktex.11) emtex: * font librarys (uktex.16) emtex: reflectedabout and * metafont (uktex.16) emtex: * dvihplj bug (uktex.17) emtex: * font libraries for fx and nec p6 printers (uktex.17) emtex: * (uktex.18) emtex: re: * (uktex.18) emtex: re: * dvihplj bug (uktex digest v91 #17) (uktex.18) emtex: re: * dvihplj bug (uktex.18) emtex: re: problem unzipping mf1 in * subdirectory (uktex.18) emtex: re: problem unzipping mf1 in * subdirectory (uktex.18) emtex: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, * and other matters (uktex.22) emtex: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, * and other matters (uktex.22) emtex: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, * and other matters (uktex.22) emtex: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, * and other matters (uktex.22) emtex: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, * and other matters (uktex.23) emtex: *, dviscr and corrupted preambles (uktex.26) emtex: * fli (uktex.27) emtex: * (uktex.29) emtex: graphics and * (uktex.29) emtex: re: * (uktex.29) emtex: re: * (uktex.29) emtex: graphics in * (uktex.30) emtex: using bj10e with * at 360x360 dpi (uktex.30) emtex: * documentation (uktex.33) emtex: * p6h fonts wanted (uktex.35) emtex: * (uktex.36) emtex: *, dviscr, paradise vga mono (uktex.36) emtex: * driver for hp laserjet? (uktex.37) emtex: re: * (uktex.37) emtex: re: *, pd-tex (uktex.37) emtex: postscript with * (uktex.41) emtex: re: postscript with * (uktex.41) emtex: re: postscript with * (uktex.42) emtex: fli files added to * suite (uktex.47) encapsulated: good reference for * postscript (uktex.08) encapsulated: making * postscript of a *single* character (uktex.20) encapsulated: re: making * postscript of a *single* character (uktex.20) encoding: why a new 7-bit * scheme is unnecessary (uktex.08) endnotes.sty: * : addition to uk tex archive (uktex.05) english: old * fonts (uktex.11) english: (uk *) hyphenation in tex and latex (uktex.25) english: re: (uk *) hyphenation in tex and latex (uktex.25) english: hyphenation, american, * and amsian (uktex.26) enough: when calling texserver, make sure you have * room!! (uktex.34) entries: basic question: where can i get some mode_def *? (uktex.08) environment: passing variable arguments to an * (uktex.23) environment: re: passing variable arguments to an * (uktex.23) environment: "ignore everything" * in latex? (uktex.25) environment: re: "ignore everything" * in latex? (uktex.25) environment: re: "ignore everything" * in latex? (uktex.25) environment: re: "ignore everything" * in latex? (uktex.25) environment: dvi (dvieps) drivers for msdos * (uktex.28) environments: optional arguments to * (uktex.24) eps: * from tex? (uktex.07) eps: re: * from tex? (uktex.07) eps: re: * from tex? (uktex.07) eps: re: * inclusion in tex. (uktex.10) eps: re: * inclusion in tex. (uktex.10) equations: re: * mac->dos (uktex.45) error: array.doc - index * (uktex.10) error: re: array.doc - index * (uktex.10) escape: hp pcl ascii * sequences. (uktex.42) etc: reviews of tex * in magazines. (uktex.11) etc: amslatex, theorem.sty, *, etc (uktex.23) etc: amslatex, theorem.sty, etc, * (uktex.23) etc: re: times roman, *, fonts (uktex.23) etc: re: times roman, *, fonts (uktex.23) etc: times roman, *, fonts (uktex.23) etc: information on july tug conference, * in boston (as in tea-party) (uktex.24) etc: times roman, *, fonts (uktex.24) eufm: problems with * fonts on 24-dot printers (uktex.26) euler: * fonts and mfjob (uktex.09) euler: re: * fonts and mfjob (uktex.10) euler/concrete: * (uktex.08) euler/concrete: re: * (uktex.08) european: 6th * tex conference & gutenberg'91 (uktex.02) everything: "ignore *" environment in latex? (uktex.25) everything: re: "ignore *" environment in latex? (uktex.25) everything: re: "ignore *" environment in latex? (uktex.25) everything: re: "ignore *" environment in latex? (uktex.25) everything: bug in *plain.tex (* in <almost *>) (uktex.26) evolve: uk tex users group meeting: tex and latex * (uktex.02) example.sty: * in uk tex archive (uktex.22) exceptions: hyphenation * in amstex (uktex.27) exceptions: recent mailings concerning hyphenation * in ams-tex 2.0 (uktex.27) excuse: re: why are .boo files bin? (* grammar) (uktex.02) excuse: why are .boo files bin? (* grammar) (uktex.02) executable: dvips 5.47, pc *, in aston archive (uktex.06) executable: msdos * for ghostscript held at aston (uktex.24) executable: * form of dvips program (uktex.46) expansion: latex macro * (uktex.30) expert: oztex and adobe * sets tfms (uktex.19) expert: re: oztex and adobe * sets tfms (uktex.19) extended: * 256 char cm fonts (uktex.11) extension: guru words on maths * fonts wanted (uktex.26) extension: re: guru words on maths * fonts wanted (uktex.26) extensions: updates to mainz * to latex (uktex.05) fair: play *! - come on, chaps and chappesses! (uktex.25) fancyheadings.sty: * (uktex.43) feature: i think this is a * in latex (uktex.22) few: musictex - a * questions (uktex.32) figures: (latex) changing header and footer when page is all * (uktex.10) figures: (latex) changing header and footer when page is all * (uktex.11) figures: mac *, dvips and system 7 (uktex.30) file: mltex v3 change * archived (uktex.03) file: contribution: latex * shadow.sty (uktex.23) file: tex * formats? (uktex.33) file: dvi * manipulators for dos (uktex.48) files: re: why are .boo * bin? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) files: why are .boo * bin? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) files: common * for oztex (uktex.07) files: official new lplain and splain * (uktex.09) files: re: splitting zip * (uktex.13) files: splitting zip * (uktex.13) files: re: splitting zip * (uktex.14) files: re: splitting zip * (uktex.14) files: converting pk * to ps outlines (uktex.15) files: re: converting pk * to ps outlines (uktex.15) files: re: converting pk * to ps outlines (uktex.15) files: tex/latex help * (uktex.15) files: new gnuemacs * for editing tex documents (uktex.22) files: cannot make tfm and pk *. (uktex.24) files: re: cannot make tfm and pk *. (uktex.25) files: amsfonts - tfm * incorrect? (uktex.27) files: re: amsfonts - tfm * incorrect? (uktex.27) files: update to the babel system of style * (uktex.27) files: new *: tbemacros.tex & tbesamples.tex (uktex.32) files: fli * added to emtex suite (uktex.47) fileserv: sfptopk, pktosfp, and mergesfp available on * (uktex.25) fix: dvips for vax - bug and suggested * (uktex.41) fixedfloat.sty: * (uktex.31) flaw: serious * in tugboat supplement (uktex.32) fli: emtex * (uktex.27) fli: * files added to emtex suite (uktex.47) float: headers and footers on * pages (uktex.11) float: re: headers and footers on * pages (uktex.11) floats: headers and footers on pages of * (uktex.11) floats: re: headers and footers on pages of * (uktex.11) flow-diagrams: macros for * and nassi-schneidermann available now from li (uktex.26) flowers: * (uktex.15) flynn's: re: peter * request for latex footnotes in a paragraph (uktex.21) fnpara.sty: * inserts spaces shock horror (uktex.34) font: cyrillicgothic * : addition to uk tex archive (uktex.05) font: problem with m & s * selection scheme (uktex.05) font: baselinestretch when using m & s * selection scheme (uktex.07) font: baselinestretch when using m & s * selection scheme (uktex.09) font: problem with m & s * selection scheme (uktex.09) font: lcircle* and circle* in emtex * libraries (uktex.10) font: * arrangements in directory trees (uktex.16) font: ams blackboard *. (uktex.16) font: emtex * librarys (uktex.16) font: re: ams blackboard *. (uktex.16) font: emtex * libraries for fx and nec p6 printers (uktex.17) font: re: * arrangements in directory trees (uktex.17) font: new * loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) font: re: new * loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) font: re: new * loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) font: re: new * loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) font: screen * (uktex.22) font: re: new * loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.23) font: help with obtaining some * libraries (uktex.28) font: re: help with obtaining some * libraries (uktex.28) font: re: help with obtaining some * libraries (uktex.29) font: virtual * use on the macintosh. (uktex.33) font: re: * arrangements in directory trees (uktex.34) font: monotype * outlines (uktex.36) font: m&s * selection scheme (uktex.45) font: re: m&s * selection scheme (uktex.45) fonts: re: help with tex * (uktex.01) fonts: chess * in uk tex archive (uktex.05) fonts: euler * and mfjob (uktex.09) fonts: re: euler * and mfjob (uktex.10) fonts: cyrillic * (uktex.11) fonts: extended 256 char cm * (uktex.11) fonts: old english * (uktex.11) fonts: outline * (uktex.11) fonts: lcircle* * in lj_? (uktex.12) fonts: a probe (source of haralambous' old german *) (uktex.15) fonts: yannis haralambous' old german * (uktex.17) fonts: re: source for ams * ? (uktex.19) fonts: source for ams * ? (uktex.19) fonts: re: times roman, etc, * (uktex.23) fonts: re: times roman, etc, * (uktex.23) fonts: times roman, etc, * (uktex.23) fonts: times roman, etc, * (uktex.24) fonts: devanagri * (uktex.25) fonts: dot-matrix * (uktex.25) fonts: elvish * available (uktex.26) fonts: guru words on maths extension * wanted (uktex.26) fonts: postscript * and latex (uktex.26) fonts: problems with eufm * on 24-dot printers (uktex.26) fonts: re: guru words on maths extension * wanted (uktex.26) fonts: hp * into postscript (uktex.27) fonts: re: postscript * and latex (uktex.27) fonts: emtex p6h * wanted (uktex.35) fonts: * for sparcprinter (uktex.41) fonts: re: * for sparcprinter (uktex.41) fonts: * for commutative diagrams in lams-tex (uktex.43) fonts: * from j.r.r.tolkien books (uktex.44) fonts: re: * from j.r.r.tolkien books (uktex.44) fonts: postscript->tex (was re: nice non-cm tex *?) (uktex.46) fonts: make * for tex (uktex.47) fonts: re: make * for tex (uktex.48) fonts: re: make * for tex (uktex.48) foot: * notes in latex tables (uktex.48) footer: (latex) changing header and * when page is all figures (uktex.10) footer: (latex) changing header and * when page is all figures (uktex.11) footers: headers and * on float pages (uktex.11) footers: headers and * on pages of floats (uktex.11) footers: re: headers and * on float pages (uktex.11) footers: re: headers and * on pages of floats (uktex.11) footnotes: re: * without the number (uktex.01) footnotes: * in latex (uktex.11) footnotes: * in the new style (uktex.11) footnotes: horizontal * (uktex.19) footnotes: re: peter flynn's request for latex * in a paragraph (uktex.21) footnotes: run-on * (uktex.27) form: executable * of dvips program (uktex.46) format: rich text * conversion (uktex.09) formation: * of italic (irish tex and latex interest community) (uktex.09) formats: tex file *? (uktex.33) forthcoming: * uk tex users group meetings (uktex.05) forthcoming: uk tex users' group: announcement of * meeting (uktex.13) forward: * from eberhard mattes: [use of pk founts under ms-dos] (uktex.09) founts: qms * (uktex.08) founts: use of pk * under ms-dos (uktex.08) founts: forward from eberhard mattes: [use of pk * under ms-dos] (uktex.09) founts: re: use of pk * under ms-dos (uktex.09) founts: use of pk * under ms-dos (uktex.09) freedoms: software * (uktex.22) french: * hyphenation and the \language command (uktex.11) french: re: * hyphenation and the \language command (uktex.11) ftnright.sty: * (uktex.15) ftnright.sty: re: * (uktex.18) ftp: additions and changes to listserv and dante * server (uktex.11) ftp-access: * to the archive from the internet? (uktex.07) ftp-access: re: * to the archive from the internet? (uktex.07) fuer: woerterbuch * tex (uktex.10) fun: ntg's * with tex meeting at eindhoven (uktex.43) generate: tools to * latex pictures... (uktex.10) generate: pc package to * mathematical graphs? (uktex.37) german: a probe (source of haralambous' old * fonts) (uktex.15) german: yannis haralambous' old * fonts (uktex.17) ghostscript: de-tex and * (uktex.17) ghostscript: re: de-tex and * (uktex.17) ghostscript: * v2.2 added to archive (uktex.23) ghostscript: msdos executable for * held at aston (uktex.24) ghostscript: *. (uktex.26) ginotosix: * program is now in the archive (uktex.36) glyphs: upright cm greek *: any offers? (uktex.24) glyphs: re: upright cm greek *: any offers? (uktex.25) gnuemacs: new * files for editing tex documents (uktex.22) good: * reference for encapsulated postscript (uktex.08) grammar: re: why are .boo files bin? (excuse *) (uktex.02) grammar: why are .boo files bin? (excuse *) (uktex.02) graphics: * in tex (uktex.18) graphics: * and latex (uktex.24) graphics: * and latex (uktex.25) graphics: re: * and latex (uktex.25) graphics: * and emtex (uktex.29) graphics: * in emtex (uktex.30) graphics: macdraw ii * in latex? (uktex.36) graphs: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.14) graphs: re: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.14) graphs: re: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.14) graphs: re: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.15) graphs: re: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.15) graphs: re: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.15) graphs: re: primary device-independent representation for * (uktex.16) graphs: pc package to generate mathematical *? (uktex.37) greek: * typesetting (uktex.06) greek: re: * typesetting (uktex.06) greek: * typesetting (uktex.09) greek: re: * typesetting (uktex.09) greek: problem with levy's * under mf v2.7 (vms) (uktex.16) greek: re: problem with levy's * under mf v2.7 (vms) (uktex.17) greek: upright cm * glyphs: any offers? (uktex.24) greek: re: upright cm * glyphs: any offers? (uktex.25) greek: * and tex (uktex.41) group: uk tex users * meeting: tex and latex evolve (uktex.02) group: uk tex users * workshop: you and latex3 (uktex.02) group: uk tex users *: texxer's question time (uktex.02) group: forthcoming uk tex users * meetings (uktex.05) group: uk tex users' *: announcement of forthcoming meeting (uktex.13) group: uk tex users' * meeting - 20 november (uktex.42) guide: re: beginner's * to latex (uktex.37) guru: * words on maths extension fonts wanted (uktex.26) guru: re: * words on maths extension fonts wanted (uktex.26) gutenberg'91: 6th european tex conference & * (uktex.02) haralambous: a probe (source of *' old german fonts) (uktex.15) haralambous: yannis *' old german fonts (uktex.17) has: uk tex archive now * its own dedicated host (uktex.04) has: ega2mf * been added to the archive (uktex.21) have: when calling texserver, make sure you * enough room!! (uktex.34) header: (latex) changing * and footer when page is all figures (uktex.10) header: (latex) changing * and footer when page is all figures (uktex.11) headers: * and footers on float pages (uktex.11) headers: * and footers on pages of floats (uktex.11) headers: re: * and footers on float pages (uktex.11) headers: re: * and footers on pages of floats (uktex.11) headers: * in latex (uktex.41) headers: * in latex (uktex v91 #41) (uktex.42) headers: re: * in latex (uktex.42) headers: re: * in latex (uktex.42) headers: re: * in latex (uktex.42) held: msdos executable for ghostscript * at aston (uktex.24) help: re: * with tex fonts (uktex.01) help: tex * systems (uktex.12) help: tex/latex * files (uktex.15) help: * with edmac (uktex.18) help: * with obtaining some font libraries (uktex.28) help: re: * with obtaining some font libraries (uktex.28) help: re: * with obtaining some font libraries (uktex.29) help: * with a new tex package (uktex.40) helvetica.afm: `*' anyone? (uktex.24) helvetica.afm: re: `*' anyone? (uktex.24) helvetica.afm: re: `*' anyone? (uktex.25) helvetica.afm: re: `*' anyone? (uktex.25) hewlett-packard: tex for * paws (uktex.19) hgpl: driver for * (hp7596a plotter) (uktex.15) horizontal: * footnotes (uktex.19) horizontal: double * line in latex (uktex.35) horror: fnpara.sty inserts spaces shock * (uktex.34) host: uk tex archive now has its own dedicated * (uktex.04) hp-ux: re: tex for * (uktex.21) hp-ux: tex for * (uktex.21) hp7596a: driver for hgpl (* plotter) (uktex.15) hull: civilization at *. (uktex.41) hyphenated: hyphenating * words (uktex.34) hyphenated: re: hyphenating * words (uktex.34) hyphenating: * hyphenated words (uktex.34) hyphenating: re: * hyphenated words (uktex.34) hyphenation: french * and the \language command (uktex.11) hyphenation: re: french * and the \language command (uktex.11) hyphenation: (uk english) * in tex and latex (uktex.25) hyphenation: re: (uk english) * in tex and latex (uktex.25) hyphenation: *, american, english and amsian (uktex.26) hyphenation: * (uktex.27) hyphenation: * exceptions in amstex (uktex.27) hyphenation: recent mailings concerning * exceptions in ams-tex 2.0 (uktex.27) hyphenation: problem with * (uktex.33) hyphenation: re: problem with * (uktex.33) hyphenation: re: problem with * (uktex.33) ibm: tex implementations for * pc and compatibles (uktex.34) ibm: re: tex for * rs6000? (uktex.40) ibm: tex for * rs6000? (uktex.40) identification: document * in latex (uktex.43) identification: re: document * in latex (uktex.44) ignore: "* everything" environment in latex? (uktex.25) ignore: re: "* everything" environment in latex? (uktex.25) ignore: re: "* everything" environment in latex? (uktex.25) ignore: re: "* everything" environment in latex? (uktex.25) iig: laserwriter * (uktex.45) iii: dvi driver for hp laserjet * ? (uktex.05) iiid: psprint to run on an hp laserjet * (with all the nice bits). (uktex.18) implementations: * of tex (uktex.30) implementations: re: * of tex (uktex.30) implementations: tex * for ibm pc and compatibles (uktex.34) inclusion: re: eps * in tex. (uktex.10) inclusion: re: eps * in tex. (uktex.10) incorrect: amsfonts - tfm files *? (uktex.27) incorrect: re: amsfonts - tfm files *? (uktex.27) incorrectly: is pf in amslatex defined *? (uktex.03) incremental: * posting to (uktex.37) index: array.doc - * error (uktex.10) index: re: array.doc - * error (uktex.10) index: texmag * (uktex.19) indexes: multiple * using latex book.sty (uktex.33) info: some * on the public account at (uktex.05) information: * on july tug conference, etc in boston (as in tea-party) (uktex.24) initex: sb30tex, tex, *, latex, \@outputpage problem (uktex.06) input: re: testing for numeric-only * (uktex.01) inserts: fnpara.sty * spaces shock horror (uktex.34) institute: * of mathematics and its applications (uktex.35) integral: re: cauchy principal value * operator (uktex.48) integrals: principal value * (uktex.46) integration: more on tex-ps * (uktex.28) integration: tex-ps * again (uktex.43) interactive: * access? (uktex.07) interest: formation of italic (irish tex and latex * community) (uktex.09) interface: x-based * for bibtex (uktex.05) interface: new version of bibcard, an x * for bibtex (uktex.11) internet: ftp-access to the archive from the *? (uktex.07) internet: re: ftp-access to the archive from the *? (uktex.07) into: hp fonts * postscript (uktex.27) irish: formation of italic (* tex and latex interest community) (uktex.09) iso: * latex style updated (uktex.37) iso: re: * latex style updated (uktex.37) italic: formation of * (irish tex and latex interest community) (uktex.09) items: new * in aston archive (uktex.25) its: uk tex archive now has * own dedicated host (uktex.04) its: institute of mathematics and * applications (uktex.35) j.r.r.tolkien: fonts from * books (uktex.44) j.r.r.tolkien: re: fonts from * books (uktex.44) japanese: *. (uktex.43) joachim: * schrod's changebar macros for plain tex (uktex.15) joswig: m. * and atari tex (uktex.10) july: information on * tug conference, etc in boston (as in tea-party) (uktex.24) july: training day at rhbnc; 24th *, 1991 (this week!) (uktex.29) key: bibliography style sorted by citation * (uktex.21) key: re: bibliography style sorted by citation * (uktex.21) key: re: bibliography style sorted by citation * (uktex.21) kingdom: software patents in the united * (uktex.32) labelwidth: latex description lists with * depending on context (uktex.25) lack: apologies for * of service (uktex.36) lams-tex: * for users of ams-tex (uktex.41) lams-tex: fonts for commutative diagrams in * (uktex.43) landscape: atari st/mega/tt (tos): searching for dvi-driver with * option (uktex.11) languages: asian * (uktex.42) languages: re: asian * (uktex.43) languages: re: asian * (uktex.43) large: * table, 2-columns, plaintex (uktex.47) laser: anyone tried the `newgen turbops series' * printers? (uktex.48) laser-printer: * drivers for vms (uktex.43) laserjet: dvi driver for hp * iii ? (uktex.05) laserjet: psprint to run on an hp * iiid (with all the nice bits). (uktex.18) laserjet: tex printing to * printer on vax/vms? (uktex.34) laserjet: emtex driver for hp *? (uktex.37) laserwriter: * iig (uktex.45) latest: re: seeking * rocicki dvips (uktex.04) latest: seeking * rocicki dvips (uktex.04) latex: uk tex users group meeting: tex and * evolve (uktex.02) latex: * distribution? (uktex.04) latex: updates to mainz extensions to * (uktex.05) latex: sb30tex, tex, initex, *, \@outputpage problem (uktex.06) latex: convert msword to * (crude but useful) (uktex.09) latex: formation of italic (irish tex and * interest community) (uktex.09) latex: (*) changing header and footer when page is all figures (uktex.10) latex: * bug?? (uktex.10) latex: re: * bug?? (uktex.10) latex: re: query on * and tools (uktex.10) latex: tools to generate * pictures... (uktex.10) latex: (*) changing header and footer when page is all figures (uktex.11) latex: footnotes in * (uktex.11) latex: re: single-col abstract and title in * twocol style (uktex.12) latex: re: single-col abstract and title in * twocol style (uktex.12) latex: re: single-col abstract and title in * twocol style (uktex.12) latex: single-col abstract and title in * twocol style (uktex.12) latex: * for atari st? (uktex.18) latex: query on * and tools (uktex.18) latex: re: * for atari st? (uktex.18) latex: * for atari st? (uktex.19) latex: re: peter flynn's request for * footnotes in a paragraph (uktex.21) latex: i think this is a bug in * (uktex.22) latex: i think this is a feature in * (uktex.22) latex: contribution: * file shadow.sty (uktex.23) latex: graphics and * (uktex.24) latex: "ignore everything" environment in *? (uktex.25) latex: (uk english) hyphenation in tex and * (uktex.25) latex: * description lists with labelwidth depending on context (uktex.25) latex: graphics and * (uktex.25) latex: re: "ignore everything" environment in *? (uktex.25) latex: re: "ignore everything" environment in *? (uktex.25) latex: re: "ignore everything" environment in *? (uktex.25) latex: re: (uk english) hyphenation in tex and * (uktex.25) latex: re: graphics and * (uktex.25) latex: postscript fonts and * (uktex.26) latex: re: postscript fonts and * (uktex.27) latex: * macro expansion (uktex.30) latex: multiple indexes using * book.sty (uktex.33) latex: double horizontal line in * (uktex.35) latex: macdraw ii graphics in *? (uktex.36) latex: iso * style updated (uktex.37) latex: re: beginner's guide to * (uktex.37) latex: re: iso * style updated (uktex.37) latex: tex and * for the cbm amiga 500 (uktex.37) latex: drawing lines with * (uktex.41) latex: headers in * (uktex.41) latex: * (uktex.42) latex: headers in * (uktex v91 #41) (uktex.42) latex: re: headers in * (uktex.42) latex: re: headers in * (uktex.42) latex: re: headers in * (uktex.42) latex: document identification in * (uktex.43) latex: lecture notes and overheads in *? (uktex.44) latex: re: document identification in * (uktex.44) latex: re: lecture notes and overheads in *? (uktex.44) latex: writeing z with * (uktex.45) latex: foot notes in * tables (uktex.48) latex.contrib: additions to * (uktex.15) latex3: uk tex users group workshop: you and * (uktex.02) latmaster: re: vms 5.4-2 version of * (uktex.43) latmaster: vms 5.4-2 version of * (uktex.43) lcircle: ** and circle* in emtex font libraries (uktex.10) lcircle: ** fonts in lj_? (uktex.12) lecture: * notes and overheads in latex? (uktex.44) lecture: re: * notes and overheads in latex? (uktex.44) letter.sty: * with oldlfont.sty (uktex.23) letter.sty: * with oldlfont.sty (uktex.23) levy's: problem with * greek under mf v2.7 (vms) (uktex.16) levy's: re: problem with * greek under mf v2.7 (vms) (uktex.17) libraries: lcircle* and circle* in emtex font * (uktex.10) libraries: emtex font * for fx and nec p6 printers (uktex.17) libraries: postscript *? (uktex.20) libraries: re: postscript *? (uktex.20) libraries: re: postscript *? (uktex.21) libraries: help with obtaining some font * (uktex.28) libraries: re: help with obtaining some font * (uktex.28) libraries: re: help with obtaining some font * (uktex.29) librarys: emtex font * (uktex.16) line: double horizontal * in latex (uktex.35) lines: dial-up * to uk tex archive? (uktex.26) lines: re: dial in * to aston (uktex.28) lines: drawing * with latex (uktex.41) linotronic: output on the * (uktex.10) linotronic: output on the * (uktex.11) linotronic: re: output on the * (uktex.11) linotronic: * output (uktex.45) listings: uk tex archive directory * (uktex.09) lists: latex description * with labelwidth depending on context (uktex.25) lists: * in plain tex (uktex.40) lists: re: * in plain tex (uktex.40) listserv: additions and changes to * and dante ftp server (uktex.11) listserv@hearn: new version of supertabular.sty from * (uktex.32) literate: * programming in c (uktex.42) literate: re: * programming in c (uktex.43) loading: new font * mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) loading: re: new font * mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) loading: re: new font * mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) loading: re: new font * mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) loading: re: new font * mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.23) log: aston tex mail server * analysis at 1-jun-1991 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) log: (1156) aston tex mail server * analysis at 30-jun-1991 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) log: aston tex mail server * analysis at 31-aug-1991 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) log: aston tex mail server * analysis at 31-oct-1991 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) log: aston tex mail server * analysis at 30-nov-1991 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) longtable.sty: archive contribution: * (uktex.26) looking: * for unix drivers for dot-matrix printers (uktex.42) looking: re: * for unix drivers for dot-matrix printers (uktex.42) loss: apologies for * of service (uktex.08) lots: running out of pool space when doing * of \input's (uktex.25) lplain: official new * and splain files (uktex.09) lucida: * math metrics (uktex.26) m&s: * font selection scheme (uktex.45) m&s: re: * font selection scheme (uktex.45) mac: * figures, dvips and system 7 (uktex.30) mac->dos: re: equations * (uktex.45) macdraw: * ii graphics in latex? (uktex.36) macintosh: virtual font use on the *. (uktex.33) macro: latex * expansion (uktex.30) macro: csp * package (uktex.34) macros: edmac * in uk tex archive (uktex.05) macros: joachim schrod's changebar * for plain tex (uktex.15) macros: midnight * in uk tex archive (uktex.22) macros: re: midnight * (uktex.24) macros: * for flow-diagrams and nassi-schneidermann available now from li (uktex.26) magazines: reviews of tex etc in *. (uktex.11) mail: aston tex * server log analysis at 1-jun-1991 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) mail: (1156) aston tex * server log analysis at 30-jun-1991 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) mail: re: how do i * the tex server? (uktex.33) mail: aston tex * server log analysis at 31-aug-1991 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) mail: aston tex * server log analysis at 31-oct-1991 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) mail: aston tex * server log analysis at 30-nov-1991 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) mailings: recent * concerning hyphenation exceptions in ams-tex 2.0 (uktex.27) mainz: updates to * extensions to latex (uktex.05) make: cannot * tfm and pk files. (uktex.24) make: re: cannot * tfm and pk files. (uktex.25) make: when calling texserver, * sure you have enough room!! (uktex.34) make: * fonts for tex (uktex.47) make: re: * fonts for tex (uktex.48) make: re: * fonts for tex (uktex.48) making: * encapsulated postscript of a *single* character (uktex.20) making: re: * encapsulated postscript of a *single* character (uktex.20) managing: * bibtex databases? (uktex.40) manipulators: dvi file * for dos (uktex.48) manual: pictex * (uktex.02) manual: re: pictex * (uktex.02) manual: re: pictex * (uktex.02) manuals: pictex * (uktex.10) many: how * sorts of <space token>s are there? (part ii) (uktex.11) many: how * sorts of <space token>s are there? (uktex.11) marking: * changes to a document (uktex.21) marking: re: * changes to a document (uktex.21) marking: * changes to a document (uktex.22) math: lucida * metrics (uktex.26) mathematical: pc package to generate * graphs? (uktex.37) mathematics: institute of * and its applications (uktex.35) maths: times roman and * (uktex.19) maths: guru words on * extension fonts wanted (uktex.26) maths: re: guru words on * extension fonts wanted (uktex.26) matters: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other * (uktex.22) matters: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other * (uktex.22) matters: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other * (uktex.22) matters: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other * (uktex.22) matters: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other * (uktex.23) mattes: forward from eberhard *: [use of pk founts under ms-dos] (uktex.09) mechanism: new font loading *, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) mechanism: re: new font loading *, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) mechanism: re: new font loading *, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) mechanism: re: new font loading *, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) mechanism: re: new font loading *, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.23) meeting: uk tex users group *: tex and latex evolve (uktex.02) meeting: uk tex users' group: announcement of forthcoming * (uktex.13) meeting: * announcement: desktop publishing in astronomy & space sciences (uktex.18) meeting: uk tex users' group * - 20 november (uktex.42) meeting: ntg's fun with tex * at eindhoven (uktex.43) meetings: forthcoming uk tex users group * (uktex.05) memory: re: * used by emtex [correction] (uktex.02) mergesfp: sfptopk, pktosfp, and * available on fileserv (uktex.25) metafont: * bombs out on (uktex.01) metafont: re: * bombs out on (uktex digest v91 #1) (uktex.07) metafont: version 0.4 of * (uktex.13) metafont: reflectedabout and emtex * (uktex.16) metrics: lucida math * (uktex.26) mf1: re: problem unzipping * in emtex subdirectory (uktex.18) mf1: re: problem unzipping * in emtex subdirectory (uktex.18) mfjob: euler fonts and * (uktex.09) mfjob: re: euler fonts and * (uktex.10) midnight: * macros in uk tex archive (uktex.22) midnight: re: * macros (uktex.24) mltex: * v3 change file archived (uktex.03) mode_def: basic question: where can i get some * entries? (uktex.08) version 0.4 of metafont * (uktex.13) revised version of berry's * in aston archive (uktex.17) * version 0.8 released (uktex.42) re: * version 0.8 released (uktex.42) mono: emtex, dviscr, paradise vga * (uktex.36) monotype: * font outlines (uktex.36) more: * on tex-ps integration (uktex.28) more: * traffic statistics (uktex.48) ms-dos: use of pk founts under * (uktex.08) ms-dos: forward from eberhard mattes: [use of pk founts under *] (uktex.09) ms-dos: re: use of pk founts under * (uktex.09) ms-dos: use of pk founts under * (uktex.09) ms/dos: dvidvi for * (uktex.33) msbm10: * (uktex.16) msbm10: re: * (uktex.16) msdos: * executable for ghostscript held at aston (uktex.24) msdos: dvi (dvieps) drivers for * environment (uktex.28) msdos: dvidvi and dviselect for * (uktex.47) msword: convert * to latex (crude but useful) (uktex.09) multicple: * columns 91 (uktex.20) multiple: * indexes using latex book.sty (uktex.33) multiple-language: * docs. (uktex.43) multiple-language: re: * docs. (uktex.43) multiple-language: re: * docs. (uktex.43) musictex: * - a few questions (uktex.32) mv20000: tex on dg * (uktex.33) mvs: tex for * systems? (uktex.21) named: defining a * trasition (uktex.23) named: re: defining a * trasition (uktex.23) nassi-schneidermann: macros for flow-diagrams and * available now from li (uktex.26) nec: emtex font libraries for fx and * p6 printers (uktex.17) new: * service (uktex.05) new: * smaller.sty (uktex.06) new: why a * 7-bit encoding scheme is unnecessary (uktex.08) new: * smaller.sty (uktex.09) new: * version of xdvi (uktex.09) new: official * lplain and splain files (uktex.09) new: * release of rtf tools (uktex.11) new: * version of bibcard, an x interface for bibtex (uktex.11) new: footnotes in the * style (uktex.11) new: testing * software under vms (uktex.11) new: * version of bibtex changes for vms released (uktex.18) new: * version of verbatim style (uktex.20) new: * font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) new: * gnuemacs files for editing tex documents (uktex.22) new: re: * font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) new: re: * font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) new: re: * font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.22) new: re: * font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and other matters (uktex.23) new: * items in aston archive (uktex.25) new: * versions of ams-tex, ams-latex, and amsfonts (uktex.27) new: * files: tbemacros.tex & tbesamples.tex (uktex.32) new: * version of supertabular.sty from listserv@hearn (uktex.32) new: help with a * tex package (uktex.40) newgen: anyone tried the `* turbops series' laser printers? (uktex.48) newsletter: re: * (uktex.22) nfls: bracket sizes and *. (uktex.43) nfls: re: bracket sizes and *. (uktex.46) nfss: * (uktex.32) nice: psprint to run on an hp laserjet iiid (with all the * bits). (uktex.18) nice: postscript->tex (was re: * non-cm tex fonts?) (uktex.46) niftp: total * traffic for november 1991 on (uktex.48) non-cm: postscript->tex (was re: nice * tex fonts?) (uktex.46) not: crudetype 3.01 * only on aston archive. (uktex.20) not: texcad' ability * to draw vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.26) not: re: texcad' ability * to draw vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.27) not: university of washington (* washington university) (uktex.41) november: uk tex users' group meeting - 20 * (uktex.42) november: total niftp traffic for * 1991 on (uktex.48) ntg's: * fun with tex meeting at eindhoven (uktex.43) number: re: footnotes without the * (uktex.01) number: what is the pss * of (uktex.06) number: re: what is the pss * of (uktex.07) numeric-only: re: testing for * input (uktex.01) obtaining: help with * some font libraries (uktex.28) obtaining: re: help with * some font libraries (uktex.28) obtaining: re: help with * some font libraries (uktex.29) offers: upright cm greek glyphs: any *? (uktex.24) offers: re: upright cm greek glyphs: any *? (uktex.25) official: * new lplain and splain files (uktex.09) old: * english fonts (uktex.11) old: a probe (source of haralambous' * german fonts) (uktex.15) old: yannis haralambous' * german fonts (uktex.17) oldlfont.sty: letter.sty with * (uktex.23) oldlfont.sty: letter.sty with * (uktex.23) one: can * use a \loop...\repeat to contribute columns to an \halign? (uktex.34) only: crudetype 3.01 not * on aston archive. (uktex.20) operator: re: cauchy principal value integral * (uktex.48) option: atari st/mega/tt (tos): searching for dvi-driver with landscape * (uktex.11) option: verbatim style * update (uktex.45) optional: * arguments to environments (uktex.24) options: announcing the babel system of style * (uktex.21) other: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and * matters (uktex.22) other: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and * matters (uktex.22) other: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and * matters (uktex.22) other: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and * matters (uktex.22) other: re: new font loading mechanism, amslatex, emtex and * matters (uktex.23) out: metafont bombs * on (uktex.01) out: re: metafont bombs * on (uktex digest v91 #1) (uktex.07) out: running * of pool space when doing lots of \input's (uktex.25) outline: * fonts (uktex.11) outlines: converting pk files to ps * (uktex.15) outlines: re: converting pk files to ps * (uktex.15) outlines: re: converting pk files to ps * (uktex.15) outlines: monotype font * (uktex.36) output: 1270dpi * (uktex.06) output: re: 1270dpi * (uktex.06) output: * on the linotronic (uktex.10) output: * on the linotronic (uktex.11) output: re: * on the linotronic (uktex.11) output: agfa p400ps as tex * device (uktex.35) output: linotronic * (uktex.45) overheads: lecture notes and * in latex? (uktex.44) overheads: re: lecture notes and * in latex? (uktex.44) own: uk tex archive now has its * dedicated host (uktex.04) oxford: * thesis regulations (uktex.36) oztex: common files for * (uktex.07) oztex: * (uktex.10) oztex: re: * questions (uktex.11) oztex: * and adobe expert sets tfms (uktex.19) oztex: re: * and adobe expert sets tfms (uktex.19) p.377: problem from texbook * (uktex.04) p.377: re: problem from texbook * (uktex.06) p400ps: agfa * as tex output device (uktex.35) p6h: emtex * fonts wanted (uktex.35) package: rail * for diagrams and tex (uktex.09) package: tex * for arabic? (uktex.28) package: csp macro * (uktex.34) package: pc * to generate mathematical graphs? (uktex.37) package: help with a new tex * (uktex.40) packages: drawing *, x and tex. (uktex.37) page: (latex) changing header and footer when * is all figures (uktex.10) page: (latex) changing header and footer when * is all figures (uktex.11) pages: black borders around * (uktex.05) pages: headers and footers on * of floats (uktex.11) pages: headers and footers on float * (uktex.11) pages: re: headers and footers on * of floats (uktex.11) pages: re: headers and footers on float * (uktex.11) pages: printing selected * with emtex's dvihplj (uktex.21) pages: re: printing selected * with emtex's dvihplj (uktex.21) papers: call for *, tug92 (uktex.37) paradise: emtex, dviscr, * vga mono (uktex.36) paragraph: * spacing in suthesis.sty (uktex.18) paragraph: re: * spacing in suthesis.sty (uktex.18) paragraph: re: peter flynn's request for latex footnotes in a * (uktex.21) part: how many sorts of <space token>s are there? (* ii) (uktex.11) passing: * variable arguments to an environment (uktex.23) passing: re: * variable arguments to an environment (uktex.23) patents: software * in the uk (uktex.32) patents: software * in the united kingdom (uktex.32) paws: tex for hewlett-packard * (uktex.19) pbmtopk: * (uktex.12) pbmtopk: *, pktopbm (uktex.20) pcl: re: pk -> hp * (uktex.16) pcl: re: pk -> hp * (sfp) (uktex.17) pcl: hp * ascii escape sequences. (uktex.42) pcs: tex for * (uktex.12) pd-tex: re: emtex, * (uktex.37) peter: re: * flynn's request for latex footnotes in a paragraph (uktex.21) pictex: * manual (uktex.02) pictex: re: * manual (uktex.02) pictex: re: * manual (uktex.02) pictex: * manuals (uktex.10) pictures: tools to generate latex *... (uktex.10) pktopbm: pbmtopk, * (uktex.20) pktosfp: sfptopk, *, and mergesfp available on fileserv (uktex.25) plain: joachim schrod's changebar macros for * tex (uktex.15) plain: lists in * tex (uktex.40) plain: re: lists in * tex (uktex.40) plain.tex: bug in ** (* in <almost everything>) (uktex.26) plaintex: large table, 2-columns, * (uktex.47) play: * fair! - come on, chaps and chappesses! (uktex.25) please: would clients of aston texserver * check disk quotas! (uktex.09) plotter: driver for hgpl (hp7596a *) (uktex.15) pool: running out of * space when doing lots of \input's (uktex.25) possible: * tex bug discovered -- boxes and rules (uktex.44) posted: amsfonts for textures * to e-math (uktex.42) posting: incremental * to (uktex.37) postscript: good reference for encapsulated * (uktex.08) postscript: * libraries? (uktex.20) postscript: making encapsulated * of a *single* character (uktex.20) postscript: re: * libraries? (uktex.20) postscript: re: making encapsulated * of a *single* character (uktex.20) postscript: re: * libraries? (uktex.21) postscript: * fonts and latex (uktex.26) postscript: hp fonts into * (uktex.27) postscript: re: * fonts and latex (uktex.27) postscript: re: using dvips (under vms) - * small caps (uktex.29) postscript: using dvips (under vms) - * small caps (uktex.29) postscript: * with emtex (uktex.41) postscript: re: * with emtex (uktex.41) postscript: re: * with emtex (uktex.42) postscript->tex: * (was re: nice non-cm tex fonts?) (uktex.46) pound: * signs, dollar signs, dvips 5.41 (uktex.26) preambles: emtex, dviscr and corrupted * (uktex.26) preview: dvi * on sun (uktex.23) previewers: x11 * (uktex.04) primary: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.14) primary: re: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.14) primary: re: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.14) primary: re: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.15) primary: re: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.15) primary: re: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.15) primary: re: * device-independent representation for graphs (uktex.16) principal: * value integrals (uktex.46) principal: re: cauchy * value integral operator (uktex.48) printer: tex printing to laserjet * on vax/vms? (uktex.34) printers: printing wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix * (uktex.13) printers: re: printing wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix * (uktex.13) printers: re: printing wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix * (uktex.13) printers: re: printing wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix * (uktex.14) printers: emtex font libraries for fx and nec p6 * (uktex.17) printers: problems with eufm fonts on 24-dot * (uktex.26) printers: looking for unix drivers for dot-matrix * (uktex.42) printers: re: looking for unix drivers for dot-matrix * (uktex.42) printers: anyone tried the `newgen turbops series' laser *? (uktex.48) printing: * wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) printing: re: * wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) printing: re: * wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) printing: re: * wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.14) printing: * selected pages with emtex's dvihplj (uktex.21) printing: re: * selected pages with emtex's dvihplj (uktex.21) printing: tex * to laserjet printer on vax/vms? (uktex.34) probe: a * (source of haralambous' old german fonts) (uktex.15) proceedings: tug conference * summaries (uktex.09) program: ginotosix * is now in the archive (uktex.36) program: executable form of dvips * (uktex.46) programming: literate * in c (uktex.42) programming: re: literate * in c (uktex.43) psfig: dvips / * (uktex.17) psfig: re: dvips / * (uktex.17) psprint: * to run on an hp laserjet iiid (with all the nice bits). (uktex.18) pss: what is the * number of (uktex.06) pss: re: what is the * number of (uktex.07) pstopk: * (uktex.46) public: some info on the * account at (uktex.05) publishing: desktop * in astronomy and space sciences (uktex.11) publishing: meeting announcement: desktop * in astronomy & space sciences (uktex.18) pubs: * (uktex.28) q&a: dedham * (uktex.22) qms: * founts (uktex.08) query: re: * on latex and tools (uktex.10) query: * on latex and tools (uktex.18) questions: re: oztex * (uktex.11) questions: musictex - a few * (uktex.32) quotas: would clients of aston texserver please check disk *! (uktex.09) rail: * package for diagrams and tex (uktex.09) recent: * mailings concerning hyphenation exceptions in ams-tex 2.0 (uktex.27) record: re: vms * types and zapfile (uktex.34) record: re: vms * types and zapfile (uktex.34) record: setting the * straight (uktex.42) reference: good * for encapsulated postscript (uktex.08) references: chapter "*" (uktex.32) references: re: chapter ""*"" (uktex.32) references: chapter * (uktex.35) reflectedabout: * and emtex metafont (uktex.16) regulations: re: thesis * (uktex.22) regulations: thesis * (uktex.22) regulations: thesis * (uktex.23) regulations: oxford thesis * (uktex.36) release: new * of rtf tools (uktex.11) release: current * of unix tex in uk archive (uktex.22) released: new version of bibtex changes for vms * (uktex.18) released: version 0.8 * (uktex.42) released: re: version 0.8 * (uktex.42) releases: web2c * (uktex.26) representation: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.14) representation: re: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.14) representation: re: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.14) representation: re: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.15) representation: re: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.15) representation: re: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.15) representation: re: primary device-independent * for graphs (uktex.16) request: re: peter flynn's * for latex footnotes in a paragraph (uktex.21) resynchronizing: * double column text (uktex.04) reviews: * of tex etc in magazines. (uktex.11) revised: * version of berry's in aston archive (uktex.17) revtex: * (v2.0) in the archive (uktex.21) rhbnc: training day at *; 24th july, 1991 (this week!) (uktex.29) rich: * text format conversion (uktex.09) richard: * stallman talks in the uk (uktex.22) rnotolatex: *, anyone? (uktex.11) rocicki: re: seeking latest * dvips (uktex.04) rocicki: seeking latest * dvips (uktex.04) roman: times * and maths (uktex.19) roman: re: times *, etc, fonts (uktex.23) roman: re: times *, etc, fonts (uktex.23) roman: times *, etc, fonts (uktex.23) roman: times *, etc, fonts (uktex.24) room: when calling texserver, make sure you have enough *!! (uktex.34) rs/6000: re: tex for * aix? (uktex.25) rs/6000: tex for * aix? (uktex.25) rs6000: tex on * (uktex.26) rs6000: re: tex for ibm *? (uktex.40) rs6000: tex for ibm *? (uktex.40) rtf: new release of * tools (uktex.11) rtf: * tools (uktex.46) rtf: re: * tools (uktex.46) rtf: re: * tools (uktex.47) ruler: eijkhout's tex * in uk tex archive (uktex.10) ruler: re: victor eijkhout's `tex *': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) ruler: re: victor eijkhout's `tex *': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) ruler: victor eijkhout's `tex *': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) ruler: re: victor eijkhout's `tex *': cmrule.dvi (uktex.28) rules: possible tex bug discovered -- boxes and * (uktex.44) run: psprint to * on an hp laserjet iiid (with all the nice bits). (uktex.18) run-on: * footnotes (uktex.27) running: * out of pool space when doing lots of \input's (uktex.25) sb30tex: *, tex, initex, latex, \@outputpage problem (uktex.06) scheme: problem with m & s font selection * (uktex.05) scheme: baselinestretch when using m & s font selection * (uktex.07) scheme: why a new 7-bit encoding * is unnecessary (uktex.08) scheme: baselinestretch when using m & s font selection * (uktex.09) scheme: problem with m & s font selection * (uktex.09) scheme: m&s font selection * (uktex.45) scheme: re: m&s font selection * (uktex.45) schrod's: joachim * changebar macros for plain tex (uktex.15) sciences: desktop publishing in astronomy and space * (uktex.11) sciences: meeting announcement: desktop publishing in astronomy & space * (uktex.18) screen: * font (uktex.22) searching: atari st/mega/tt (tos): * for dvi-driver with landscape option (uktex.11) seeking: * latest rocicki dvips (uktex.04) seeking: re: * latest rocicki dvips (uktex.04) selected: printing * pages with emtex's dvihplj (uktex.21) selected: re: printing * pages with emtex's dvihplj (uktex.21) selection: problem with m & s font * scheme (uktex.05) selection: baselinestretch when using m & s font * scheme (uktex.07) selection: baselinestretch when using m & s font * scheme (uktex.09) selection: problem with m & s font * scheme (uktex.09) selection: m&s font * scheme (uktex.45) selection: re: m&s font * scheme (uktex.45) sequences: hp pcl ascii escape *. (uktex.42) series: anyone tried the `newgen turbops *' laser printers? (uktex.48) serious: * flaw in tugboat supplement (uktex.32) server: additions and changes to listserv and dante ftp * (uktex.11) server: aston tex mail * log analysis at 1-jun-1991 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) server: (1156) aston tex mail * log analysis at 30-jun-1991 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) server: re: how do i mail the tex *? (uktex.33) server: aston tex mail * log analysis at 31-aug-1991 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) server: aston tex mail * log analysis at 31-oct-1991 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) server: aston tex mail * log analysis at 30-nov-1991 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) service: new * (uktex.05) service: apologies for loss of * (uktex.08) service: apologies for lack of * (uktex.36) sets: oztex and adobe expert * tfms (uktex.19) sets: re: oztex and adobe expert * tfms (uktex.19) setting: * the record straight (uktex.42) sfp: re: pk -> hp pcl (*) (uktex.17) sfptopk: *, pktosfp, and mergesfp available on fileserv (uktex.25) shadow.sty: contribution: latex file * (uktex.23) shock: fnpara.sty inserts spaces * horror (uktex.34) sign: `blank space *' in courier (uktex.12) signs: pound *, dollar signs, dvips 5.41 (uktex.26) signs: pound signs, dollar *, dvips 5.41 (uktex.26) single: making encapsulated postscript of a *** character (uktex.20) single: re: making encapsulated postscript of a *** character (uktex.20) single-col: * abstract and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) single-col: re: * abstract and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) single-col: re: * abstract and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) single-col: re: * abstract and title in latex twocol style (uktex.12) sites: uk tex archive now accessible from uucp * (uktex.21) sizes: bracket * and nfls. (uktex.43) sizes: re: bracket * and nfls. (uktex.46) slcs/ipcs: dvipage on sun * (uktex.02) slope: texcad' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary * (uktex.26) slope: re: texcad' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary * (uktex.27) small: re: using dvips (under vms) - postscript * caps (uktex.29) small: using dvips (under vms) - postscript * caps (uktex.29) smaller.sty: new * (uktex.06) smaller.sty: new * (uktex.09) software: testing new * under vms (uktex.11) software: tex * (uktex.12) software: * freedoms (uktex.22) software: * patents in the uk (uktex.32) software: * patents in the united kingdom (uktex.32) some: * info on the public account at (uktex.05) some: basic question: where can i get * mode_def entries? (uktex.08) some: help with obtaining * font libraries (uktex.28) some: re: help with obtaining * font libraries (uktex.28) some: re: help with obtaining * font libraries (uktex.29) sorted: bibliography style * by citation key (uktex.21) sorted: re: bibliography style * by citation key (uktex.21) sorted: re: bibliography style * by citation key (uktex.21) sorts: how many * of <space token>s are there? (part ii) (uktex.11) sorts: how many * of <space token>s are there? (uktex.11) source: a probe (* of haralambous' old german fonts) (uktex.15) source: * for ams fonts ? (uktex.19) source: re: * for ams fonts ? (uktex.19) source: re: tex for pc with * code (uktex.20) source: tex for pc with * code (uktex.20) space: desktop publishing in astronomy and * sciences (uktex.11) space: how many sorts of <* token>s are there? (part ii) (uktex.11) space: how many sorts of <* token>s are there? (uktex.11) space: `blank * sign' in courier (uktex.12) space: meeting announcement: desktop publishing in astronomy & * sciences (uktex.18) space: running out of pool * when doing lots of \input's (uktex.25) spaces: fnpara.sty inserts * shock horror (uktex.34) spacing: paragraph * in suthesis.sty (uktex.18) spacing: re: paragraph * in suthesis.sty (uktex.18) span: tex on * (uktex.40) sparcprinter: fonts for * (uktex.41) sparcprinter: re: fonts for * (uktex.41) special: re: use of %* (uktex.17) special: re: use of %* (uktex.17) special: use of %* (uktex.17) special: re: use of %* (uktex.18) spell: * checkers (uktex.10) splain: official new lplain and * files (uktex.09) splitting: * zip files (uktex.13) splitting: re: * zip files (uktex.13) splitting: re: * zip files (uktex.14) splitting: re: * zip files (uktex.14) st/mega/tt: atari * (tos): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option (uktex.11) stallman: richard * talks in the uk (uktex.22) state: computers & typesetting: the * of the art (uktex.41) state: re: computers & typesetting: the * of the art (uktex.42) state: re: computers & typesetting, current * (uktex.44) state: re: computers & typesetting, current * (uktex.44) statistics: texserver * (uktex.18) statistics: more traffic * (uktex.48) straight: setting the record * (uktex.42) strikethrough: * (uktex.18) strikethrough: re: * (uktex.18) strikethrough: * (uktex.19) style: footnotes in the new * (uktex.11) style: re: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol * (uktex.12) style: re: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol * (uktex.12) style: re: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol * (uktex.12) style: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol * (uktex.12) style: new version of verbatim * (uktex.20) style: announcing the babel system of * options (uktex.21) style: bibliography * sorted by citation key (uktex.21) style: re: bibliography * sorted by citation key (uktex.21) style: re: bibliography * sorted by citation key (uktex.21) style: update to the babel system of * files (uktex.27) style: iso latex * updated (uktex.37) style: re: iso latex * updated (uktex.37) style: verbatim * option update (uktex.45) subdirectory: re: problem unzipping mf1 in emtex * (uktex.18) subdirectory: re: problem unzipping mf1 in emtex * (uktex.18) suggested: dvips for vax - bug and * fix (uktex.41) suite: fli files added to emtex * (uktex.47) summaries: tug conference proceedings * (uktex.09) sun: dvipage on * slcs/ipcs (uktex.02) sun: dvi preview on * (uktex.23) sunos/xview: xdvi with * (uktex.10) sunos/xview: xdvi with * (uktex.10) sunos/xview: re: xdvi with * (__xtinherit) (uktex.11) supertabular.sty: new version of * from listserv@hearn (uktex.32) supplement: serious flaw in tugboat * (uktex.32) sure: when calling texserver, make * you have enough room!! (uktex.34) suthesis.sty: paragraph spacing in * (uktex.18) suthesis.sty: re: paragraph spacing in * (uktex.18) system: announcing the babel * of style options (uktex.21) system: the babel * (uktex.24) system: update to the babel * of style files (uktex.27) system: mac figures, dvips and * 7 (uktex.30) systems: tex help * (uktex.12) systems: tex for mvs *? (uktex.21) table: tugboat 12 #2, * of contents (uktex.24) table: large *, 2-columns, plaintex (uktex.47) tables: foot notes in latex * (uktex.48) talks: richard stallman * in the uk (uktex.22) tape: washington * (uktex.28) tbemacros.tex: new files: * & tbesamples.tex (uktex.32) tbesamples.tex: new files: tbemacros.tex & * (uktex.32) tea-party: information on july tug conference, etc in boston (as in *) (uktex.24) testing: re: * for numeric-only input (uktex.01) testing: * new software under vms (uktex.11) tex: re: help with * fonts (uktex.01) tex: * on archimedes (uktex.02) tex: 6th european * conference & gutenberg'91 (uktex.02) tex: uk * users group meeting: tex and latex evolve (uktex.02) tex: uk * users group workshop: you and latex3 (uktex.02) tex: uk * users group: texxer's question time (uktex.02) tex: uk tex users group meeting: * and latex evolve (uktex.02) tex: * and x (uktex.03) tex: amiga *? (uktex.03) tex: uk * archive now has its own dedicated host (uktex.04) tex: chess fonts in uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: cyrillicgothic font : addition to uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: dvips: addition to uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: dvitops: addition to uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: edmac macros in uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: endnotes.sty : addition to uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: forthcoming uk * users group meetings (uktex.05) tex: vax/vms contributions to the uk * archive (uktex.05) tex: sb30tex, *, initex, latex, \@outputpage problem (uktex.06) tex: eps from *? (uktex.07) tex: re: eps from *? (uktex.07) tex: re: eps from *? (uktex.07) tex: formation of italic (irish * and latex interest community) (uktex.09) tex: rail package for diagrams and * (uktex.09) tex: uk * archive directory listings (uktex.09) tex: eijkhout's * ruler in uk tex archive (uktex.10) tex: eijkhout's tex ruler in uk * archive (uktex.10) tex: m. joswig and atari * (uktex.10) tex: re: eps inclusion in *. (uktex.10) tex: re: eps inclusion in *. (uktex.10) tex: woerterbuch fuer * (uktex.10) tex: reviews of * etc in magazines. (uktex.11) tex: * (uktex.12) tex: * for pcs (uktex.12) tex: * help systems (uktex.12) tex: * software (uktex.12) tex: re: troff to * (uktex.12) tex: troff to * (uktex.12) tex: re: * trivia (uktex.13) tex: uk * users' group: announcement of forthcoming meeting (uktex.13) tex: joachim schrod's changebar macros for plain * (uktex.15) tex: * on the acorn archimedes (uktex.17) tex: graphics in * (uktex.18) tex: * for hewlett-packard paws (uktex.19) tex: * for pc with source code (uktex.20) tex: re: * for pc with source code (uktex.20) tex: * for hp-ux (uktex.21) tex: * for mvs systems? (uktex.21) tex: re: * for hp-ux (uktex.21) tex: uk * archive now accessible from uucp sites (uktex.21) tex: * v3.14 availability at aston (uktex.22) tex: arithmetic in * -- a contribution (uktex.22) tex: current release of unix * in uk archive (uktex.22) tex: example.sty in uk * archive (uktex.22) tex: midnight macros in uk * archive (uktex.22) tex: new gnuemacs files for editing * documents (uktex.22) tex: re: arithmetic in * -- a contribution (uktex.22) tex: re: arithmetic in * -- a contribution (uktex.22) tex: texdraw in uk * archive (uktex.22) tex: aston * mail server log analysis at 1-jun-1991 00:42:35.29 (uktex.23) tex: re: arithmetic in * -- a contribution (uktex.23) tex: (uk english) hyphenation in * and latex (uktex.25) tex: * for rs/6000 aix? (uktex.25) tex: re: (uk english) hyphenation in * and latex (uktex.25) tex: re: * for rs/6000 aix? (uktex.25) tex: re: victor eijkhout's `* ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) tex: re: victor eijkhout's `* ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) tex: victor eijkhout's `* ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) tex: * on rs6000 (uktex.26) tex: dial-up lines to uk * archive? (uktex.26) tex: (1156) aston * mail server log analysis at 30-jun-1991 23:39:49.03 (uktex.27) tex: archimedes * (uktex.27) tex: * for the atari-st? (uktex.28) tex: * package for arabic? (uktex.28) tex: re: victor eijkhout's `* ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.28) tex: arabic in * (uktex.29) tex: re: * (uktex.29) tex: re: * for the atari-st? (uktex.29) tex: * for dg eclipse,aos/vs ? (uktex.30) tex: implementations of * (uktex.30) tex: re: * for dg eclipse,aos/vs ? (uktex.30) tex: re: * for dg eclipse,aos/vs ? (uktex.30) tex: re: implementations of * (uktex.30) tex: * file formats? (uktex.33) tex: * on dg mv20000 (uktex.33) tex: re: how do i mail the * server? (uktex.33) tex: * implementations for ibm pc and compatibles (uktex.34) tex: * printing to laserjet printer on vax/vms? (uktex.34) tex: agfa p400ps as * output device (uktex.35) tex: aston * mail server log analysis at 31-aug-1991 23:40:30.06 (uktex.35) tex: upgrading of the uk * archive at aston university (uktex.35) tex: * (uktex.36) tex: * and the aston archive (uktex.36) tex: * (uktex.37) tex: * and latex for the cbm amiga 500 (uktex.37) tex: drawing packages, x and *. (uktex.37) tex: * for ibm rs6000? (uktex.40) tex: * on span (uktex.40) tex: * on ultrix (uktex.40) tex: help with a new * package (uktex.40) tex: lists in plain * (uktex.40) tex: re: * for ibm rs6000? (uktex.40) tex: re: * on ultrix (uktex.40) tex: re: * problem (uktex.40) tex: re: lists in plain * (uktex.40) tex: aston * mail server log analysis at 31-oct-1991 23:17:23.91 (uktex.41) tex: greek and * (uktex.41) tex: * (uktex.42) tex: * on a commodore amiga (uktex.42) tex: re: * (uktex.42) tex: uk * users' group meeting - 20 november (uktex.42) tex: ntg's fun with * meeting at eindhoven (uktex.43) tex: possible * bug discovered -- boxes and rules (uktex.44) tex: atari * (uktex.45) tex: aston * mail server log analysis at 30-nov-1991 23:23:23.84 (uktex.46) tex: postscript->tex (was re: nice non-cm * fonts?) (uktex.46) tex: re: atari * (uktex.46) tex: make fonts for * (uktex.47) tex: re: make fonts for * (uktex.48) tex: re: make fonts for * (uktex.48) tex-archive.digests.tugboat: update: [*] (uktex.35) tex-compatible: * tools for a pc (uktex.17) tex-compatible: re: * tools for a pc (uktex.17) tex-ps: more on * integration (uktex.28) tex-ps: * integration again (uktex.43) what is the pss number of * (uktex.06) re: what is the pss number of * (uktex.07) tex/latex: * help files (uktex.15) texbook: problem from * p.377 (uktex.04) texbook: re: problem from * p.377 (uktex.06) texcad: * (uktex.13) texcad: *' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.26) texcad: re: *' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope (uktex.27) texdraw: * in uk tex archive (uktex.22) texdraw: dvips for cms --- * (uktex.36) texinfo: dvi-to-hpgl and * (uktex.24) texinfo: re: dvi-to-hpgl and * (uktex.24) texinfo: * (uktex.25) texinfo: * at aston (uktex.25) texinfo: re: dvi-to-hpgl and * (uktex.25) texmag: * index (uktex.19) texserver: apologies to uucp clients of * (uktex.09) texserver: would clients of aston * please check disk quotas! (uktex.09) texserver: * statistics (uktex.18) texserver: when calling *, make sure you have enough room!! (uktex.34) text: resynchronizing double column * (uktex.04) text: rich * format conversion (uktex.09) text: printing wide * on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) text: re: printing wide * on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) text: re: printing wide * on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) text: re: printing wide * on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.14) textures: amsfonts for * posted to e-math (uktex.42) texxer's: uk tex users group: * question time (uktex.02) tfm: cannot make * and pk files. (uktex.24) tfm: re: cannot make * and pk files. (uktex.25) tfm: amsfonts - * files incorrect? (uktex.27) tfm: re: amsfonts - * files incorrect? (uktex.27) tfms: oztex and adobe expert sets * (uktex.19) tfms: re: oztex and adobe expert sets * (uktex.19) theorem.sty: amslatex, *, etc, etc (uktex.23) thesis: * regulations (uktex.22) thesis: re: * regulations (uktex.22) thesis: * regulations (uktex.23) thesis: oxford * regulations (uktex.36) think: i * this is a bug in latex (uktex.22) think: i * this is a feature in latex (uktex.22) this: i think * is a bug in latex (uktex.22) this: i think * is a feature in latex (uktex.22) this: training day at rhbnc; 24th july, 1991 (* week!) (uktex.29) tib: * (uktex.16) tib: * (re: uktex digest v91 #16) (uktex.17) tib: * and \input (uktex.24) time: uk tex users group: texxer's question * (uktex.02) times: * roman and maths (uktex.19) times: * roman, etc, fonts (uktex.23) times: re: * roman, etc, fonts (uktex.23) times: re: * roman, etc, fonts (uktex.23) times: * roman, etc, fonts (uktex.24) title: re: single-col abstract and * in latex twocol style (uktex.12) title: re: single-col abstract and * in latex twocol style (uktex.12) title: re: single-col abstract and * in latex twocol style (uktex.12) title: single-col abstract and * in latex twocol style (uktex.12) token>s: how many sorts of <space * are there? (part ii) (uktex.11) token>s: how many sorts of <space * are there? (uktex.11) tools: * to generate latex pictures... (uktex.10) tools: re: query on latex and * (uktex.10) tools: new release of rtf * (uktex.11) tools: re: tex-compatible * for a pc (uktex.17) tools: tex-compatible * for a pc (uktex.17) tools: query on latex and * (uktex.18) tools: re: rtf * (uktex.46) tools: rtf * (uktex.46) tools: re: rtf * (uktex.47) tos: atari st/mega/tt (*): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option (uktex.11) total: * niftp traffic for november 1991 on (uktex.48) traffic: more * statistics (uktex.48) traffic: total niftp * for november 1991 on (uktex.48) training: `* day' announcement (uktex.27) training: * day at rhbnc; 24th july, 1991 (this week!) (uktex.29) trasition: defining a named * (uktex.23) trasition: re: defining a named * (uktex.23) trees: font arrangements in directory * (uktex.16) trees: re: font arrangements in directory * (uktex.17) trees: re: font arrangements in directory * (uktex.34) tried: anyone * the `newgen turbops series' laser printers? (uktex.48) trivia: re: tex * (uktex.13) troff: * to tex (uktex.12) troff: re: * to tex (uktex.12) tug: * conference proceedings summaries (uktex.09) tug: information on july * conference, etc in boston (as in tea-party) (uktex.24) tug92: call for papers, * (uktex.37) tugboat: * 12 #2, table of contents (uktex.24) tugboat: serious flaw in * supplement (uktex.32) turbops: anyone tried the `newgen * series' laser printers? (uktex.48) twocol: re: single-col abstract and title in latex * style (uktex.12) twocol: re: single-col abstract and title in latex * style (uktex.12) twocol: re: single-col abstract and title in latex * style (uktex.12) twocol: single-col abstract and title in latex * style (uktex.12) types: re: vms record * and zapfile (uktex.34) types: re: vms record * and zapfile (uktex.34) typesetting: greek * (uktex.06) typesetting: re: greek * (uktex.06) typesetting: greek * (uktex.09) typesetting: re: greek * (uktex.09) typesetting: computers & *: the state of the art (uktex.41) typesetting: re: computers & *: the state of the art (uktex.42) typesetting: re: computers & *, current state (uktex.44) typesetting: re: computers & *, current state (uktex.44) some info on the public account at * (uktex.05) more * traffic statistics (uktex.48) total niftp traffic for november 1991 on * (uktex.48) uktex: re: metafont bombs out on (* digest v91 #1) (uktex.07) uktex: re: * digest v90 #43 (uktex.08) uktex: tib (re: * digest v91 #16) (uktex.17) uktex: re: emtex dvihplj bug (* digest v91 #17) (uktex.18) uktex: headers in latex (* v91 #41) (uktex.42) ultrix: re: tex on * (uktex.40) ultrix: tex on * (uktex.40) under: use of pk founts * ms-dos (uktex.08) under: forward from eberhard mattes: [use of pk founts * ms-dos] (uktex.09) under: re: use of pk founts * ms-dos (uktex.09) under: use of pk founts * ms-dos (uktex.09) under: testing new software * vms (uktex.11) under: problem with levy's greek * mf v2.7 (vms) (uktex.16) under: re: problem with levy's greek * mf v2.7 (vms) (uktex.17) under: re: using dvips (* vms) (uktex.29) under: re: using dvips (* vms) - postscript small caps (uktex.29) under: using dvips (* vms) - postscript small caps (uktex.29) united: software patents in the * kingdom (uktex.32) university: upgrading of the uk tex archive at aston * (uktex.35) university: * of washington (not washington university) (uktex.41) university: university of washington (not washington *) (uktex.41) unix: current release of * tex in uk archive (uktex.22) unix: looking for * drivers for dot-matrix printers (uktex.42) unix: re: looking for * drivers for dot-matrix printers (uktex.42) unnecessary: why a new 7-bit encoding scheme is * (uktex.08) unzipping: re: problem * mf1 in emtex subdirectory (uktex.18) unzipping: re: problem * mf1 in emtex subdirectory (uktex.18) update: * to the babel system of style files (uktex.27) update: *: [tex-archive.digests.tugboat] (uktex.35) update: verbatim style option * (uktex.45) updated: iso latex style * (uktex.37) updated: re: iso latex style * (uktex.37) updates: * to mainz extensions to latex (uktex.05) upgrading: * of the uk tex archive at aston university (uktex.35) upright: * cm greek glyphs: any offers? (uktex.24) upright: re: * cm greek glyphs: any offers? (uktex.25) use: * of pk founts under ms-dos (uktex.08) use: * of pk founts under ms-dos (uktex.09) use: forward from eberhard mattes: [* of pk founts under ms-dos] (uktex.09) use: re: * of pk founts under ms-dos (uktex.09) use: * of %special (uktex.17) use: re: * of %special (uktex.17) use: re: * of %special (uktex.17) use: * of \footnotemark (uktex.18) use: re: * of %special (uktex.18) use: re: * of \footnotemark (uktex.19) use: re: * of \footnotemark (uktex.19) use: re: * of \footnotemark (uktex.19) use: re: * of \footnotemark (uktex.19) use: virtual font * on the macintosh. (uktex.33) use: can one * a \loop...\repeat to contribute columns to an \halign? (uktex.34) used: re: memory * by emtex [correction] (uktex.02) useful: convert msword to latex (crude but *) (uktex.09) users: uk tex * group meeting: tex and latex evolve (uktex.02) users: uk tex * group workshop: you and latex3 (uktex.02) users: uk tex * group: texxer's question time (uktex.02) users: forthcoming uk tex * group meetings (uktex.05) users: uk tex *' group: announcement of forthcoming meeting (uktex.13) users: lams-tex for * of ams-tex (uktex.41) users: uk tex *' group meeting - 20 november (uktex.42) uucp: apologies to * clients of texserver (uktex.09) uucp: uk tex archive now accessible from * sites (uktex.21) v2.0: revtex (*) in the archive (uktex.21) v2.2: ghostscript * added to archive (uktex.23) v2.7: problem with levy's greek under mf * (vms) (uktex.16) v2.7: re: problem with levy's greek under mf * (vms) (uktex.17) v3.14: tex * availability at aston (uktex.22) v4.0: announcing dvitoln03 * for vax/vms (uktex.09) value: principal * integrals (uktex.46) value: re: cauchy principal * integral operator (uktex.48) variable: passing * arguments to an environment (uktex.23) variable: re: passing * arguments to an environment (uktex.23) vax: dvips for * - bug and suggested fix (uktex.41) vax/vms: * contributions to the uk tex archive (uktex.05) vax/vms: announcing dvitoln03 v4.0 for * (uktex.09) vax/vms: tex printing to laserjet printer on *? (uktex.34) vaxes: detex on * (uktex.25) vector-tex: * (uktex.23) vectors: texcad' ability not to draw * of arbitrary slope (uktex.26) vectors: re: texcad' ability not to draw * of arbitrary slope (uktex.27) verbatim: new version of * style (uktex.20) verbatim: * with carriage control (uktex.25) verbatim: * style option update (uktex.45) version: dvips * 5.47 (uktex.05) version: new * of xdvi (uktex.09) version: new * of bibcard, an x interface for bibtex (uktex.11) version: * 0.4 of metafont (uktex.13) version: revised * of berry's in aston archive (uktex.17) version: new * of bibtex changes for vms released (uktex.18) version: new * of verbatim style (uktex.20) version: new * of supertabular.sty from listserv@hearn (uktex.32) version: * 0.8 released (uktex.42) version: re: * 0.8 released (uktex.42) version: re: vms 5.4-2 * of latmaster (uktex.43) version: vms 5.4-2 * of latmaster (uktex.43) versions: new * of ams-tex, ams-latex, and amsfonts (uktex.27) vga: emtex, dviscr, paradise * mono (uktex.36) victor: * eijkhout's `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) victor: re: * eijkhout's `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) victor: re: * eijkhout's `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.25) victor: re: * eijkhout's `tex ruler': cmrule.dvi (uktex.28) virtual: * font use on the macintosh. (uktex.33) vms: testing new software under * (uktex.11) vms: re: dvitops 1.2 on *, anyone (uktex.12) vms: problem with levy's greek under mf v2.7 (*) (uktex.16) vms: dvips on * (uktex.17) vms: re: dvips on * (uktex.17) vms: re: problem with levy's greek under mf v2.7 (*) (uktex.17) vms: re: re: dvips on * (uktex.17) vms: new version of bibtex changes for * released (uktex.18) vms: re: using dvips (under *) (uktex.29) vms: re: using dvips (under *) - postscript small caps (uktex.29) vms: using dvips (under *) - postscript small caps (uktex.29) vms: binaries on * - zapfile problems? (uktex.33) vms: re: * record types and zapfile (uktex.34) vms: re: * record types and zapfile (uktex.34) vms: * 5.4-2 version of latmaster (uktex.43) vms: laser-printer drivers for * (uktex.43) vms: re: * 5.4-2 version of latmaster (uktex.43) washington: * tape (uktex.28) washington: university of * (not washington university) (uktex.41) washington: university of washington (not * university) (uktex.41) web2c: * releases (uktex.26) week: training day at rhbnc; 24th july, 1991 (this *!) (uktex.29) what: * is the pss number of (uktex.06) what: re: * is the pss number of (uktex.07) when: baselinestretch * using m & s font selection scheme (uktex.07) when: baselinestretch * using m & s font selection scheme (uktex.09) when: (latex) changing header and footer * page is all figures (uktex.10) when: (latex) changing header and footer * page is all figures (uktex.11) when: running out of pool space * doing lots of \input's (uktex.25) when: * calling texserver, make sure you have enough room!! (uktex.34) why: * are .boo files bin? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) why: re: * are .boo files bin? (excuse grammar) (uktex.02) why: * a new 7-bit encoding scheme is unnecessary (uktex.08) wide: printing * text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) wide: re: printing * text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) wide: re: printing * text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) wide: re: printing * text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (uktex.14) wide-carriage: printing wide text on * dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) wide-carriage: re: printing wide text on * dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) wide-carriage: re: printing wide text on * dot-matrix printers (uktex.13) wide-carriage: re: printing wide text on * dot-matrix printers (uktex.14) without: re: footnotes * the number (uktex.01) * screen font (uktex.22) woerterbuch: * fuer tex (uktex.10) words: guru * on maths extension fonts wanted (uktex.26) words: re: guru * on maths extension fonts wanted (uktex.26) words: hyphenating hyphenated * (uktex.34) words: re: hyphenating hyphenated * (uktex.34) workshop: uk tex users group *: you and latex3 (uktex.02) would: * clients of aston texserver please check disk quotas! (uktex.09) wp2latex.pas: * (uktex.33) writeing: * z with latex (uktex.45) x-based: * interface for bibtex (uktex.05) x11: * previewers (uktex.04) xdvi: new version of * (uktex.09) xdvi: * with sunos/xview (uktex.10) xdvi: * with sunos/xview (uktex.10) xdvi: re: * with sunos/xview (__xtinherit) (uktex.11) xtinherit: re: xdvi with sunos/xview (__*) (uktex.11) yannis: * haralambous' old german fonts (uktex.17) you: uk tex users group workshop: * and latex3 (uktex.02) you: when calling texserver, make sure * have enough room!! (uktex.34) zapfile: binaries on vms - * problems? (uktex.33) zapfile: re: vms record types and * (uktex.34) zapfile: re: vms record types and * (uktex.34) zip: re: splitting * files (uktex.13) zip: splitting * files (uktex.13) zip: re: splitting * files (uktex.14) zip: re: splitting * files (uktex.14)