KWIC index for UKTeX V94, issues 01--48
	created Mon Jan  9 11:08:40 GMT 1995 by

1.6:  musictex and oztex * (uktex.11)
2.0b:  the announce: release of lexitex * (uktex.28)
20--21:  final announcement: uktug latex2e conference, warwick, march * (uktex.09)
2nd:  announcement: lamport, * edition available to uktug members (uktex.28)
3.4:  announcing babel version * patch level 1 (uktex.25)
3.4:  announcing babel version * patch level 2 (uktex.26)
4alltex:  cd rom of * (for dos users) soon available (uktex.15)
6.0:  web2c * & friends available (uktex.04)
6.1:  re: web2c * et al. available (uktex.06)
6.1:  web2c * et al. available (uktex.06)
600dpi:  problems building * hplj fonts with emtex (uktex.36)
600dpi:  re: problems building * hplj fonts with emtex (uktex.37)
\bbb:  * font and latex3 (uktex.35)
\bbb:  re: * font and latex3 (uktex.35)
\multirow:  looking for ``*'' in tabular environment (uktex.42)
\multirow:  re: looking for ``*'' in tabular environment (uktex.44)
\newmathalphabet:  * problem in latex (uktex.16)
a.w:  "*. bingham": emtex (uktex.35)
address:  e-mail * (uktex.37)
adobe:  * fonts- source, anyone? (uktex.24)
afternoon:  uktug agm * programme: what's new in tex (uktex.38)
afternoon:  re: uktug agm * programme: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
afternoon:  re: uktug agm * programme: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
afternoon:  re: uktug agm * programme: what's new in tex (uktex.40)
agm:  announcement of uktug * and elections (uktex.25)
agm:  * and committee elections: reminder (uktex.35)
agm:  uktug * afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.38)
agm:  re: uktug * afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
agm:  re: uktug * afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
agm:  re: uktug * afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.40)
all:  ctan calling * latex style writers!! readme! (uktex.05)
already:  tex, how to detect * defined control sequences (uktex.47)
alternatives:  displayed equation with labelled * (uktex.22)
alternatives:  re: displayed equation with labelled * (uktex.23)
ams-latex:  problems with * (uktex.32)
ams-latex:  re: problems with * (uktex.32)
ams-latex:  re: problems with * (uktex.32)
ams-tex:  * amsppt.sty (uktex.01)
amsppt.sty:  ams-tex * (uktex.01)
amstex:  a puzzle: multline environments in * (from latex2e) (uktex.31)
announce:  the *: release of lexitex 2.0b (uktex.28)
announcement:  final *: uktug latex2e conference, warwick, march 20--21 (uktex.09)
announcement:  * of uktug agm and elections (uktex.25)
announcement:  *: move of uk ctan node (uktex.25)
announcement:  *: lamport, 2nd edition available to uktug members (uktex.28)
announcing:  * babel version 3.4 patch level 1 (uktex.25)
announcing:  * babel version 3.4 patch level 2 (uktex.26)
another:  yet * dvi previewer (uktex.09)
anyone:  adobe fonts- source, *? (uktex.24)
archive:  uk tex * now back online (uktex.14)
archive:  cyrillic fonts in the tex * (uktex.23)
archive:  re: cyrillic fonts in the tex * (uktex.24)
artikel:  latex2e version of *?, rapport?, boek test version available (uktex.06)
auctex:  what is *? (uktex.08)
awareness:  raising * (uktex.18)
axp:  tex for openvms *? (uktex.12)
axp:  re: tex for openvms *? (uktex.13)
babel:  announcing * version 3.4 patch level 1 (uktex.25)
babel:  announcing * version 3.4 patch level 2 (uktex.26)
back:  uk tex archive now * online (uktex.14)
beta-release:  fontinst v1.307 * (uktex.04)
betatest:  file handle problems with * emtex and novell netware (uktex.24)
betatest:  file handle problems with * emtex and novell netware (uktex.25)
betatest:  re: file handle problems with * emtex and novell netware (uktex.25)
betatest:  re: file handle problems with * emtex and novell netware (uktex.28)
better:  * way of including ps file? (uktex.44)
between:  filename compatibility * unix tex and mac textures (uktex.01)
bib:  * style using key as label? (uktex.37)
bib:  re: using more than one * file via bibtex (uktex.37)
bib:  re: using more than one * file via bibtex (uktex.37)
bib:  using more than one * file via bibtex (uktex.37)
bibcard:  * (uktex.17)
bibliography:  [wanted]: a * database manager (uktex.29)
bibliography:  q: preface & * in table of contents ? (uktex.29)
bibliography:  re: q: preface & * in table of contents ? (uktex.29)
bibliography:  re: [wanted]: a * database manager (uktex.30)
bibliography:  re: [wanted]: a * database manager (uktex.30)
bibliography:  re: q: preface & * in table of contents ? (uktex.30)
bibtex:  * problems (uktex.11)
bibtex:  * field size limits (uktex.30)
bibtex:  re: * field size limits (uktex.31)
bibtex:  * (uktex.35)
bibtex:  re: * (uktex.35)
bibtex:  re: using more than one bib file via * (uktex.37)
bibtex:  re: using more than one bib file via * (uktex.37)
bibtex:  using more than one bib file via * (uktex.37)
bibtex:  q: * and html (uktex.39)
bingham:  "a.w. *": emtex (uktex.35)
bitmap:  * files (uktex.19)
bitmap:  re: * files (uktex.20)
bj10sx:  problem with windows ghost script and * with sheet feeder (uktex.40)
bj200:  canon * dvi driver (uktex.02)
boek:  latex2e version of artikel?, rapport?, * test version available (uktex.06)
building:  problems * 600dpi hplj fonts with emtex (uktex.36)
building:  re: problems * 600dpi hplj fonts with emtex (uktex.37)
call:  eurotex '94: final * for papers (please circulate widely) (uktex.21)
calling:  ctan * all latex style writers!! readme! (uktex.05)
can't:  * find dir tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications (uktex.16)
can't:  re: * find dir tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications (uktex.16)
canon:  * bj200 dvi driver (uktex.02)
changes:  macros/latex* * on ctan (uktex.22)
changes:  fonts and typographical * in latex (uktex.40)
changes:  re: fonts and typographical * in latex (uktex.40)
charts:  excel * into latex (uktex.43)
checker:  spelling * for unix at ctan? (uktex.39)
chemical:  * drawings in latex? (uktex.22)
circle:  postscript versions of latex line and * fonts. (uktex.08)
circle:  re: postscript versions of latex line and * fonts. (uktex.09)
circulate:  eurotex '94: final call for papers (please * widely) (uktex.21)
colloquium:  latex style for iee * (uktex.40)
committee:  agm and * elections: reminder (uktex.35)
comp.text.tex:  re: texhax, uktex-digest, uk.tex and * (uktex.48)
comp.text.tex:  texhax, uktex-digest, uk.tex and * (uktex.48)
compatibility:  filename * between unix tex and mac textures (uktex.01)
conference:  final announcement: uktug latex2e *, warwick, march 20--21 (uktex.09)
contents:  q: preface & bibliography in table of * ? (uktex.29)
contents:  re: q: preface & bibliography in table of * ? (uktex.29)
contents:  re: q: preface & bibliography in table of * ? (uktex.30)
control:  tex, how to detect already defined * sequences (uktex.47)
conversion:  latex to rtf file * utility (uktex.02)
copies:  limited number of * of the eurotex '94 proceedings available (uktex.47)
cork:  * encoding... (uktex.09)
ctan:  movement of german * host (uktex.04)
ctan:  * calling all latex style writers!! readme! (uktex.05)
ctan:  macros/latex* changes on * (uktex.22)
ctan:  announcement: move of uk * node (uktex.25)
ctan:  spelling checker for unix at *? (uktex.39)
ctan:  * management problems (uploads) (uktex.48)
cyrillic:  * fonts in the tex archive (uktex.23)
cyrillic:  re: * fonts in the tex archive (uktex.24)
database:  [wanted]: a bibliography * manager (uktex.29)
database:  re: [wanted]: a bibliography * manager (uktex.30)
database:  re: [wanted]: a bibliography * manager (uktex.30)  * at magstep half (uktex.03)  re: * at magstep half (uktex.03)
defined:  tex, how to detect already * control sequences (uktex.47)
delay:  time * in web2c-6.1 latex2e (uktex.42)
deskjet:  query: sun, hp * driver (uktex.03)
deskjet:  hp * driver for unix? (uktex.23)
deskjet:  re: hp * driver for unix? (uktex.24)
detect:  tex, how to * already defined control sequences (uktex.47)
devices:  tex output on high-resolution * (uktex.02)
dir:  can't find * tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications (uktex.16)
dir:  re: can't find * tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications (uktex.16)
directories:  multiple input * (uktex.22)
displayed:  * equation with labelled alternatives (uktex.22)
displayed:  re: * equation with labelled alternatives (uktex.23)
distribution:  uktug oztex * (uktex.19)
distribution:  re: uktug oztex * (uktex.20)
document:  re: multiple page postscript files in latex * (uktex.27)
document:  problem !? importing matlab ps file into latex * (uktex.29)
does:  mutex - * it work? (uktex.30)
dos:  cd rom of 4alltex (for * users) soon available (uktex.15)
dos:  re: file handle problems in * (was in emtex and novell netware (uktex.30)
dos:  latex2e for * (uktex.43)
dos:  re: latex2e for * (uktex.44)
download:  wish to * emtex for ms-dos (uktex.18)
download:  re: wish to * emtex for ms-dos (uktex.19)
dpi:  600 * fonts (uktex.21)
dpi:  re: 600 * fonts (uktex.22)
dpi:  re: 600 * fonts (uktex.22)
draft:  * of typeset version of the faq (uktex.42)
drawings:  chemical * in latex? (uktex.22)
driver:  canon bj200 dvi * (uktex.02)
driver:  query: sun, hp deskjet * (uktex.03)
driver:  hp deskjet * for unix? (uktex.23)
driver:  re: hp deskjet * for unix? (uktex.24)
driver:  hp laserjet 4p * for openvms? (uktex.40)
driver:  re: hp laserjet 4p * for openvms? (uktex.41)
drivers:  questions about dvi * and previewers (uktex.44)
duplex:  test for * postscript printer output <--- latex (uktex.21)
dvi:  canon bj200 * driver (uktex.02)
dvi:  yet another * previewer (uktex.09)
dvi:  questions about * drivers and previewers (uktex.44)
dvican:  * on unix (uktex.43)
dvidoc:  help with * please (uktex.39)
dvidvi:  * (uktex.18)
dvips:  font substitution in * (uktex.06)
dviscr:  problems with mfjob and * in emtex (uktex.02)
dviscr:  re: problems with mfjob and * in emtex & dc fonts (uktex.03)
dviscr:  re: problems with mfjob and * in emtex & dc fonts (uktex.03)
e-mail:  * address (uktex.37)
edition:  announcement: lamport, 2nd * available to uktug members (uktex.28)
elections:  announcement of uktug agm and * (uktex.25)
elections:  agm and committee *: reminder (uktex.35)
emphasis:  latex: * within emphasis (uktex.36)
emphasis:  latex: emphasis within * (uktex.36)
emphasis:  re: latex: * within emphasis (uktex.39)
emphasis:  re: latex: emphasis within * (uktex.39)
emtex:  problems with mfjob and dviscr in * (uktex.02)
emtex:  re: problems with mfjob and dviscr in * & dc fonts (uktex.03)
emtex:  re: problems with mfjob and dviscr in * & dc fonts (uktex.03)
emtex:  wish to download * for ms-dos (uktex.18)
emtex:  re: wish to download * for ms-dos (uktex.19)
emtex:  file handle problems with betatest * and novell netware (uktex.24)
emtex:  file handle problems with betatest * and novell netware (uktex.25)
emtex:  re: file handle problems with betatest * and novell netware (uktex.25)
emtex:  re: file handle problems with betatest * and novell netware (uktex.28)
emtex:  re: file handle problems in dos (was in * and novell netware (uktex.30)
emtex:  * (uktex.31)
emtex:  re: * (uktex.31)
emtex:  re: * (uktex.31)
emtex:  "a.w. bingham": * (uktex.35)
emtex:  * (uktex.35)
emtex:  problems building 600dpi hplj fonts with * (uktex.36)
emtex:  re: problems building 600dpi hplj fonts with * (uktex.37)
encoding:  cork *... (uktex.09)
endnote:  * (uktex.02)
environment:  looking for ``\multirow'' in tabular * (uktex.42)
environment:  re: looking for ``\multirow'' in tabular * (uktex.44)
environments:  a puzzle: multline * in amstex (from latex2e) (uktex.31)
epsig:  * mm meeting (fwd) (uktex.41)
epsig:  * mm meeting (uktex.41)
epson:  problem with printing using * fx 80 (uktex.37)
equation:  displayed * with labelled alternatives (uktex.22)
equation:  re: displayed * with labelled alternatives (uktex.23)
eshkar:  shibi *: latex2e (uktex.42)
eurotex:  * '94 (uktex.11)
eurotex:  * '94: final call for papers (please circulate widely) (uktex.21)
eurotex:  * '94: only two weeks left for registration! (uktex.31)
eurotex:  * '94; only two weeks remain for registration (uktex.32)
eurotex:  limited number of copies of the * '94 proceedings available (uktex.47)
every:  problem: tex omits * other word in wrapped lines (uktex.45)
excel:  * charts into latex (uktex.43)
family:  setting * trees (uktex.04)
faq:  draft of typeset version of the * (uktex.42)
fax:  query via * from poland (uktex.10)
fax:  * query on filters (uktex.11)
fax:  re: query via * from poland (uktex.11)
feeder:  problem with windows ghost script and bj10sx with sheet * (uktex.40)
field:  bibtex * size limits (uktex.30)
field:  re: bibtex * size limits (uktex.31)
file:  latex to rtf * conversion utility (uktex.02)
file:  when is a .pfb * not a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
file:  when is a .pfb * not a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
file:  when is a .pfb file not a .pfb *? (uktex.09)
file:  when is a .pfb file not a .pfb *? (uktex.09)
file:  re: when is a .pfb * not a .pfb file? (uktex.10)
file:  re: when is a .pfb file not a .pfb *? (uktex.10)
file:  * handle problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.24)
file:  * handle problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.25)
file:  re: * handle problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.25)
file:  re: * handle problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.28)
file:  problem !? importing matlab ps * into latex document (uktex.29)
file:  style * for my thesis (uktex.29)
file:  re: * handle problems in dos (was in emtex and novell netware (uktex.30)
file:  re: using more than one bib * via bibtex (uktex.37)
file:  re: using more than one bib * via bibtex (uktex.37)
file:  using more than one bib * via bibtex (uktex.37)
file:  better way of including ps *? (uktex.44)
filename:  * compatibility between unix tex and mac textures (uktex.01)
files:  dc tfm * (uktex.02)
files:  re: dc tfm * (uktex.02)
files:  bitmap * (uktex.19)
files:  re: bitmap * (uktex.20)
files:  incorporating ps * ??? (uktex.21)
files:  re: incorporating ps * ??? (uktex.22)
files:  re: multiple page postscript * in latex document (uktex.27)
filters:  fax query on * (uktex.11)
final:  * announcement: uktug latex2e conference, warwick, march 20--21 (uktex.09)
final:  eurotex '94: * call for papers (please circulate widely) (uktex.21)
final:  * issue of uktex (uktex.48)
find:  can't * dir tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications (uktex.16)
find:  re: can't * dir tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications (uktex.16)
float:  * minor style (uktex.10)
float:  re: * minor style (uktex.11)
font:  * substitution in dvips (uktex.06)
font:  re: mac type1 * to .pfb/.pfa format (uktex.11)
font:  \bbb * and latex3 (uktex.35)
font:  re: \bbb * and latex3 (uktex.35)
fontinst:  * v1.307 beta-release (uktex.04)
fonts:  dc * (uktex.02)
fonts:  dc * and latex2e (uktex.03)
fonts:  re: dc * and latex2e (uktex.03)
fonts:  re: problems with mfjob and dviscr in emtex & dc * (uktex.03)
fonts:  re: problems with mfjob and dviscr in emtex & dc * (uktex.03)
fonts:  re: postscript * (uktex.06)
fonts:  re: postscript * (uktex.07)
fonts:  type 1 postscript * (uktex.07)
fonts:  postscript versions of latex line and circle *. (uktex.08)
fonts:  postscript virtual * (uktex.08)
fonts:  re: postscript * (uktex.08)
fonts:  re: type 1 postscript * (uktex.08)
fonts:  previewers (was: postscript *) (uktex.09)
fonts:  re: postscript versions of latex line and circle *. (uktex.09)
fonts:  re: postscript virtual * (uktex.09)
fonts:  macintosh format postscript * (uktex.10)
fonts:  re: macintosh format postscript * (uktex.10)
fonts:  re: macintosh format postscript * (uktex.11)
fonts:  uk tug meeting on latex * and graphics (uktex.20)
fonts:  600 dpi * (uktex.21)
fonts:  re: 600 dpi * (uktex.22)
fonts:  re: 600 dpi * (uktex.22)
fonts:  cyrillic * in the tex archive (uktex.23)
fonts:  adobe *- source, anyone? (uktex.24)
fonts:  re: cyrillic * in the tex archive (uktex.24)
fonts:  helvetica *? (uktex.25)
fonts:  re: helvetica *? (uktex.25)
fonts:  yinit * (uktex.34)
fonts:  problems building 600dpi hplj * with emtex (uktex.36)
fonts:  re: problems building 600dpi hplj * with emtex (uktex.37)
fonts:  `pcl' * on the hp laserjet 4 plus (uktex.39)
fonts:  * and typographical changes in latex (uktex.40)
fonts:  re: * and typographical changes in latex (uktex.40)
fonts:  ftp site for tex pk * (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
fonts:  re: ftp site for tex pk * (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
footnote:  plain tex * problem (uktex.19)
footnotes:  parskip into * (uktex.44)
footnotes:  re: parskip into * (uktex.46)
format:  macintosh * postscript fonts (uktex.10)
format:  re: macintosh * postscript fonts (uktex.10)
format:  re: mac type1 font to .pfb/.pfa * (uktex.11)
format:  re: macintosh * postscript fonts (uktex.11)
formuli:  line-breaking in mathematical * (uktex.36)
framemaker:  * -> tex (uktex.37)
friends:  web2c 6.0 & * available (uktex.04)
ftp:  * site for tex pk fonts (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
ftp:  re: * site for tex pk fonts (for unix system)? (uktex.42)  nfs problems to * (uktex.25)  re: nfs problems to * (uktex.25)
fwd:  epsig mm meeting (*) (uktex.41)
garbage:  * at start of printout (uktex.35)
garbage:  re: * at start of printout (uktex.35)
garbage:  re: * at start of printout (uktex.35)
garbage:  re: * at start of printout (uktex.35)
german:  movement of * ctan host (uktex.04)
ghost:  problem with windows * script and bj10sx with sheet feeder (uktex.40)
graphics:  uk tug meeting on latex fonts and * (uktex.20)
group:  wanted: new members for uk tex users * (uktex.46)
gtex:  installing * on pc. help!! (uktex.37)
gtex:  re: installing * on pc. help!! (uktex.37)
gtex:  re: installing * on pc. help!! (uktex.37)
gurus:  one for the *, i think.... (uktex.03)
gurus:  re: one for the *, i think.... (uktex.04)
half: at magstep * (uktex.03)
half:  re: at magstep * (uktex.03)
handle:  file * problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.24)
handle:  file * problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.25)
handle:  re: file * problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.25)
handle:  re: file * problems with betatest emtex and novell netware (uktex.28)
handle:  re: file * problems in dos (was in emtex and novell netware (uktex.30)
help:  * installing tex on vax/vms? (uktex.15)
help:  re: * installing tex on vax/vms? (uktex.15)
help:  installing gtex on pc. *!! (uktex.37)
help:  re: installing gtex on pc. *!! (uktex.37)
help:  re: installing gtex on pc. *!! (uktex.37)
help:  * with dvidoc please (uktex.39)
help:  musictex - need *! (uktex.44)
helvetica:  * fonts? (uktex.25)
helvetica:  re: * fonts? (uktex.25)
high-resolution:  tex output on * devices (uktex.02)
host:  movement of german ctan * (uktex.04)
hplj:  problems building 600dpi * fonts with emtex (uktex.36)
hplj:  re: problems building 600dpi * fonts with emtex (uktex.37)
html:  q: bibtex and * (uktex.39)
html:  latex to * (uktex.43)
iee:  latex style for * colloquium (uktex.40)
immortality:  temporary * offered (uktex.33)
importing:  problem !? * matlab ps file into latex document (uktex.29)
include:  multiple page postscrip *? (uktex.27)
including:  better way of * ps file? (uktex.44)
incorporating:  * ps files ??? (uktex.21)
incorporating:  re: * ps files ??? (uktex.22)
increasing:  [q] * tex parameters in unix tex... (uktex.36)
increasing:  re: [q] * tex parameters in unix tex... (uktex.36)
ink-jet:  recommended * printers? (uktex.17)
input:  multiple * directories (uktex.22)
inserting:  * space (uktex.37)
inserting:  re: * space (uktex.39)
inserting:  re: * space (uktex.39)
installation:  wanted: tex/latex * and training (uktex.44)
installation:  latex * (uktex.45)
installation:  re: latex * (uktex.45)
installing:  help * tex on vax/vms? (uktex.15)
installing:  re: help * tex on vax/vms? (uktex.15)
installing:  * gtex on pc. help!! (uktex.37)
installing:  re: * gtex on pc. help!! (uktex.37)
installing:  re: * gtex on pc. help!! (uktex.37)
integral:  * sign (uktex.18)
internet:  publishing on the * (uktex.23)
into:  rotating too wide for a4 portrait table * landscape (uktex.08)
into:  re: rotating too wide for a4 portrait table * landscape (uktex.09)
into:  problem !? importing matlab ps file * latex document (uktex.29)
into:  excel charts * latex (uktex.43)
into:  parskip * footnotes (uktex.44)
into:  re: parskip * footnotes (uktex.46)
introduction:  short * to latex 2e (uktex.43)
irritating:  * problem with lps20 postscript printer. (uktex.05)
issue:  final * of uktex (uktex.48)
key:  bib style using * as label? (uktex.37)
label:  bib style using key as *? (uktex.37)
labelled:  displayed equation with * alternatives (uktex.22)
labelled:  re: displayed equation with * alternatives (uktex.23)
lamport:  announcement: *, 2nd edition available to uktug members (uktex.28)
landscape:  rotating too wide for a4 portrait table into * (uktex.08)
landscape:  re: rotating too wide for a4 portrait table into * (uktex.09)
laserjet:  `pcl' fonts on the hp * 4 plus (uktex.39)
laserjet:  hp * 4p driver for openvms? (uktex.40)
laserjet:  re: hp * 4p driver for openvms? (uktex.41)
latex:  * to rtf file conversion utility (uktex.02)
latex:  ctan calling all * style writers!! readme! (uktex.05)
latex:  postscript versions of * line and circle fonts. (uktex.08)
latex:  re: postscript versions of * line and circle fonts. (uktex.09)
latex:  \newmathalphabet problem in * (uktex.16)
latex:  uk tug meeting on * fonts and graphics (uktex.20)
latex:  test for duplex postscript printer output <--- * (uktex.21)
latex:  * questions (uktex.22)
latex:  chemical drawings in *? (uktex.22)
latex:  tex and * (uktex.22)
latex:  re: * questions (uktex.23)
latex:  the new * (uktex.23)
latex:  re: the new * (uktex.24)
latex:  re: multiple page postscript files in * document (uktex.27)
latex:  problem !? importing matlab ps file into * document (uktex.29)
latex:  problems with * 2e (uktex.29)
latex:  re: problems with * 2e (uktex.30)
latex:  re: problems with * 2e (uktex.30)
latex:  * training (uktex.36)
latex:  *: emphasis within emphasis (uktex.36)
latex:  * 2e (uktex.39)
latex:  pc version of *? (uktex.39)
latex:  re: *: emphasis within emphasis (uktex.39)
latex:  re: pc version of *? (uktex.39)
latex:  * style for iee colloquium (uktex.40)
latex:  **uk**: slackware * problems (pound sign) (uktex.40)
latex:  fonts and typographical changes in * (uktex.40)
latex:  re: **uk**: slackware * problems (pound sign) (uktex.40)
latex:  re: **uk**: slackware * problems (pound sign) (uktex.40)
latex:  re: fonts and typographical changes in * (uktex.40)
latex:  * to html (uktex.43)
latex:  excel charts into * (uktex.43)
latex:  pfe as shell for *? (uktex.43)
latex:  short introduction to * 2e (uktex.43)
latex:  re: pfe as shell for * (uktex.44)
latex:  * installation (uktex.45)
latex:  re: * installation (uktex.45)
latex:  winter * release (uktex.48)
latex2e:  dc fonts and * (uktex.03)
latex2e:  re: dc fonts and * (uktex.03)
latex2e:  query re * (uktex.04)
latex2e:  * (uktex.05)
latex2e:  re: query re * (uktex.05)
latex2e:  * version of artikel?, rapport?, boek test version available (uktex.06)
latex2e:  * -- second test release available (uktex.07)
latex2e:  * and packages/classes (uktex.07)
latex2e:  re: * and packages/classes (uktex.08)
latex2e:  re: * and packages/classes (uktex.08)
latex2e:  final announcement: uktug * conference, warwick, march 20--21 (uktex.09)
latex2e:  * + psnfss2e (uktex.23)
latex2e:  re: * + psnfss2e (uktex.24)
latex2e:  re: * + psnfss2e (uktex.26)
latex2e:  a puzzle: multline environments in amstex (from *) (uktex.31)
latex2e:  * (uktex.42)
latex2e:  * for msdos? (uktex.42)
latex2e:  re: * (uktex.42)
latex2e:  shibi eshkar: * (uktex.42)
latex2e:  time delay in web2c-6.1 * (uktex.42)
latex2e:  * for dos (uktex.43)
latex2e:  re: * for dos (uktex.44)
latex3:  \bbb font and * (uktex.35)
latex3:  re: \bbb font and * (uktex.35)
left:  eurotex '94: only two weeks * for registration! (uktex.31)
level:  announcing babel version 3.4 patch * 1 (uktex.25)
level:  announcing babel version 3.4 patch * 2 (uktex.26)
lexibib:  lexitex / * release (uktex.30)
lexibib:  lexitex / * release (uktex.30)
lexitex:  the announce: release of * 2.0b (uktex.28)
lexitex:  * / lexibib release (uktex.30)
lexitex:  * / lexibib release (uktex.30)
limitations:  tex memory * (uktex.08)
limitations:  re: tex memory * (uktex.09)
limited:  * number of copies of the eurotex '94 proceedings available (uktex.47)
limits:  bibtex field size * (uktex.30)
limits:  re: bibtex field size * (uktex.31)
line:  postscript versions of latex * and circle fonts. (uktex.08)
line:  re: postscript versions of latex * and circle fonts. (uktex.09)
line-breaking:  * in mathematical formuli (uktex.36)
lines:  problem: tex omits every other word in wrapped * (uktex.45)
location:  * of shortvrb.sty (uktex.19)
location:  re: * of shortvrb.sty (uktex.20)
looking:  * for ``\multirow'' in tabular environment (uktex.42)
looking:  re: * for ``\multirow'' in tabular environment (uktex.44)
lps20:  irritating problem with * postscript printer. (uktex.05)
lshort2e.tex:  * uploaded (uktex.43)
mac:  filename compatibility between unix tex and * textures (uktex.01)
mac:  re: * type1 font to .pfb/.pfa format (uktex.11)
macintosh:  * format postscript fonts (uktex.10)
macintosh:  re: * format postscript fonts (uktex.10)
macintosh:  re: * format postscript fonts (uktex.11)
macros:  psboxit * (uktex.32)
macros:  postscript * (uktex.33)
macros:  re: postscript * (uktex.33)
macros:  re: postscript * (uktex.33)
macros:  re: postscript * (uktex.33)
macros:  re: psboxit * (uktex.33)
macros:  re: postscript * (uktex.34)
macros:  re: postscript * (uktex.34)
macros:  re: postscript * (uktex.34)
macros/latex:  ** changes on ctan (uktex.22)
magstep: at * half (uktex.03)
magstep:  re: at * half (uktex.03)
maketexpk:  [q] get * to use /tmp (uktex.42)
making:  re: * slides (uktex.25)
management:  ctan * problems (uploads) (uktex.48)
manager:  [wanted]: a bibliography database * (uktex.29)
manager:  re: [wanted]: a bibliography database * (uktex.30)
manager:  re: [wanted]: a bibliography database * (uktex.30)
march:  final announcement: uktug latex2e conference, warwick, * 20--21 (uktex.09)
mathematical:  line-breaking in * formuli (uktex.36)
mathtype:  migrating from ms word and * to tex? (uktex.20)
matlab:  problem !? importing * ps file into latex document (uktex.29)
meeting:  q&a panel session at uktug psfonts * (uktex.02)
meeting:  uk tug * on latex fonts and graphics (uktex.20)
meeting:  epsig mm * (fwd) (uktex.41)
meeting:  epsig mm * (uktex.41)
members:  announcement: lamport, 2nd edition available to uktug * (uktex.28)
members:  wanted: new * for uk tex users group (uktex.46)
memory:  tex * limitations (uktex.08)
memory:  re: tex * limitations (uktex.09)
merger:  proposed * of uktex with texhax (uktex.42)
merger:  texhax/uktex * opinions (uktex.47)
metafont:  truetype vs. * (uktex.41)
metapost:  * (uktex.18)
metapost:  re: * (uktex.19)
mfjob:  problems with * and dviscr in emtex (uktex.02)
mfjob:  re: problems with * and dviscr in emtex & dc fonts (uktex.03)
mfjob:  re: problems with * and dviscr in emtex & dc fonts (uktex.03)
migrating:  * from ms word and mathtype to tex? (uktex.20)
minor:  float * style (uktex.10)
minor:  re: float * style (uktex.11)
more:  re: using * than one bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
more:  re: using * than one bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
more:  using * than one bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
move:  announcement: * of uk ctan node (uktex.25)
movement:  * of german ctan host (uktex.04)
ms-dos:  wish to download emtex for * (uktex.18)
ms-dos:  re: wish to download emtex for * (uktex.19)
msdos:  latex2e for *? (uktex.42)
multiple:  * input directories (uktex.22)
multiple:  * page postscrip include? (uktex.27)
multiple:  re: * page postscript files in latex document (uktex.27)
multline:  a puzzle: * environments in amstex (from latex2e) (uktex.31)
musictex:  * and oztex 1.6 (uktex.11)
musictex:  * - need help! (uktex.44)
mutex:  * - does it work? (uktex.30)
netware:  file handle problems with betatest emtex and novell * (uktex.24)
netware:  file handle problems with betatest emtex and novell * (uktex.25)
netware:  re: file handle problems with betatest emtex and novell * (uktex.25)
netware:  re: file handle problems with betatest emtex and novell * (uktex.28)
netware:  re: file handle problems in dos (was in emtex and novell * (uktex.30)
new:  the * latex (uktex.23)
new:  re: the * latex (uktex.24)
new:  uktug agm afternoon programme: what's * in tex (uktex.38)
new:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: what's * in tex (uktex.39)
new:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: what's * in tex (uktex.39)
new:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: what's * in tex (uktex.40)
new:  wanted: * members for uk tex users group (uktex.46)
newsgroup:  the status of the `uk.tex' * (uktex.31)
nfs:  * problems to (uktex.25)
nfs:  re: * problems to (uktex.25)
nfssfonts:  * (uktex.37)
node:  announcement: move of uk ctan * (uktex.25)
not:  when is a .pfb file * a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
not:  when is a .pfb file * a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
not:  re: when is a .pfb file * a .pfb file? (uktex.10)
novell:  file handle problems with betatest emtex and * netware (uktex.24)
novell:  file handle problems with betatest emtex and * netware (uktex.25)
novell:  re: file handle problems with betatest emtex and * netware (uktex.25)
novell:  re: file handle problems with betatest emtex and * netware (uktex.28)
novell:  re: file handle problems in dos (was in emtex and * netware (uktex.30)
number:  limited * of copies of the eurotex '94 proceedings available (uktex.47)
offered:  temporary immortality * (uktex.33)
omits:  problem: tex * every other word in wrapped lines (uktex.45)
one:  * for the gurus, i think.... (uktex.03)
one:  re: * for the gurus, i think.... (uktex.04)
one:  re: using more than * bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
one:  re: using more than * bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
one:  using more than * bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
online:  uk tex archive now back * (uktex.14)
only:  eurotex '94: * two weeks left for registration! (uktex.31)
only:  eurotex '94; * two weeks remain for registration (uktex.32)
openvms:  tex for * axp? (uktex.12)
openvms:  re: tex for * axp? (uktex.13)
openvms:  hp laserjet 4p driver for *? (uktex.40)
openvms:  re: hp laserjet 4p driver for *? (uktex.41)
opinions:  texhax/uktex merger * (uktex.47)
other:  problem: tex omits every * word in wrapped lines (uktex.45)
output:  tex * on high-resolution devices (uktex.02)
output:  test for duplex postscript printer * <--- latex (uktex.21)
oztex:  musictex and * 1.6 (uktex.11)
oztex:  uktug * distribution (uktex.19)
oztex:  re: uktug * distribution (uktex.20)
oztex:  * (uktex.43)
oztex:  r.c. reed: * (uktex.43)
packages/classes:  latex2e and * (uktex.07)
packages/classes:  re: latex2e and * (uktex.08)
packages/classes:  re: latex2e and * (uktex.08)
page:  multiple * postscrip include? (uktex.27)
page:  re: multiple * postscript files in latex document (uktex.27)
pages:  how to print side by side * (uktex.23)
pages:  re: how to print side by side * (uktex.24)
pages:  re: how to print side by side * (uktex.24)
panel:  q&a * session at uktug psfonts meeting (uktex.02)
papers:  eurotex '94: final call for * (please circulate widely) (uktex.21)
parameters:  [q] increasing tex * in unix tex... (uktex.36)
parameters:  re: [q] increasing tex * in unix tex... (uktex.36)
parskip:  * into footnotes (uktex.44)
parskip:  re: * into footnotes (uktex.46)
patch:  announcing babel version 3.4 * level 1 (uktex.25)
patch:  announcing babel version 3.4 * level 2 (uktex.26)
pcl:  `*' fonts on the hp laserjet 4 plus (uktex.39)
pdp11:  tex for * (uktex.15)
pdp11:  * tex (uktex.19)
pdp11:  re: * tex (uktex.20)
pfb:  when is a .* file not a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
pfb:  when is a .* file not a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
pfb:  when is a .pfb file not a .* file? (uktex.09)
pfb:  when is a .pfb file not a .* file? (uktex.09)
pfb:  re: when is a .* file not a .pfb file? (uktex.10)
pfb:  re: when is a .pfb file not a .* file? (uktex.10)
pfb/.pfa:  re: mac type1 font to .* format (uktex.11)
pfe:  * as shell for latex? (uktex.43)
pfe:  re: * as shell for latex (uktex.44)
plain:  * tex footnote problem (uktex.19)
please:  eurotex '94: final call for papers (* circulate widely) (uktex.21)
please:  help with dvidoc * (uktex.39)
plus:  `pcl' fonts on the hp laserjet 4 * (uktex.39)
poland:  query via fax from * (uktex.10)
poland:  re: query via fax from * (uktex.11)
portrait:  rotating too wide for a4 * table into landscape (uktex.08)
portrait:  re: rotating too wide for a4 * table into landscape (uktex.09)
postscrip:  multiple page * include? (uktex.27)
postscript:  irritating problem with lps20 * printer. (uktex.05)
postscript:  re: * fonts (uktex.06)
postscript:  re: * fonts (uktex.07)
postscript:  type 1 * fonts (uktex.07)
postscript:  * versions of latex line and circle fonts. (uktex.08)
postscript:  * virtual fonts (uktex.08)
postscript:  re: * fonts (uktex.08)
postscript:  re: type 1 * fonts (uktex.08)
postscript:  previewers (was: * fonts) (uktex.09)
postscript:  re: * versions of latex line and circle fonts. (uktex.09)
postscript:  re: * virtual fonts (uktex.09)
postscript:  macintosh format * fonts (uktex.10)
postscript:  re: macintosh format * fonts (uktex.10)
postscript:  re: macintosh format * fonts (uktex.11)
postscript:  test for duplex * printer output <--- latex (uktex.21)
postscript:  re: multiple page * files in latex document (uktex.27)
postscript:  * macros (uktex.33)
postscript:  re: * macros (uktex.33)
postscript:  re: * macros (uktex.33)
postscript:  re: * macros (uktex.33)
postscript:  re: * macros (uktex.34)
postscript:  re: * macros (uktex.34)
postscript:  re: * macros (uktex.34)
pound:  **uk**: slackware latex problems (* sign) (uktex.40)
pound:  re: **uk**: slackware latex problems (* sign) (uktex.40)
pound:  re: **uk**: slackware latex problems (* sign) (uktex.40)
preface:  q: * & bibliography in table of contents ? (uktex.29)
preface:  re: q: * & bibliography in table of contents ? (uktex.29)
preface:  re: q: * & bibliography in table of contents ? (uktex.30)
previewer:  yet another dvi * (uktex.09)
previewers:  * (was: postscript fonts) (uktex.09)
previewers:  questions about dvi drivers and * (uktex.44)
previewing:  * tex/postscript (uktex.04)
previewing:  re: * tex/postscript (uktex.05)
print:  how to * side by side pages (uktex.23)
print:  re: how to * side by side pages (uktex.24)
print:  re: how to * side by side pages (uktex.24)
printer:  irritating problem with lps20 postscript *. (uktex.05)
printer:  test for duplex postscript * output <--- latex (uktex.21)
printers:  recommended ink-jet *? (uktex.17)
printing:  problem with * using epson fx 80 (uktex.37)
printout:  garbage at start of * (uktex.35)
printout:  re: garbage at start of * (uktex.35)
printout:  re: garbage at start of * (uktex.35)
printout:  re: garbage at start of * (uktex.35)
proceedings:  limited number of copies of the eurotex '94 * available (uktex.47)
programme:  uktug agm afternoon *: what's new in tex (uktex.38)
programme:  re: uktug agm afternoon *: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
programme:  re: uktug agm afternoon *: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
programme:  re: uktug agm afternoon *: what's new in tex (uktex.40)
proposed:  * merger of uktex with texhax (uktex.42)
psboxit:  * macros (uktex.32)
psboxit:  re: * macros (uktex.33)
psfonts:  q&a panel session at uktug * meeting (uktex.02)
psnfss2e:  latex2e + * (uktex.23)
psnfss2e:  re: latex2e + * (uktex.24)
psnfss2e:  re: latex2e + * (uktex.26)
publishing:  * on the internet (uktex.23)
puzzle:  a *: multline environments in amstex (from latex2e) (uktex.31)
q&a:  * panel session at uktug psfonts meeting (uktex.02)
query:  *: sun, hp deskjet driver (uktex.03)
query:  * re latex2e (uktex.04)
query:  re: * re latex2e (uktex.05)
query:  * via fax from poland (uktex.10)
query:  fax * on filters (uktex.11)
query:  re: * via fax from poland (uktex.11)
questions:  latex * (uktex.22)
questions:  re: latex * (uktex.23)
questions:  * about dvi drivers and previewers (uktex.44)
r.c:  *. reed: oztex (uktex.43)
raising:  * awareness (uktex.18)
rapport:  latex2e version of artikel?, *?, boek test version available (uktex.06)
re:inserting:  * space (uktex.39)
readme:  ctan calling all latex style writers!! *! (uktex.05)
recommended:  * ink-jet printers? (uktex.17)
reed:  r.c. *: oztex (uktex.43)
registration:  eurotex '94: only two weeks left for *! (uktex.31)
registration:  eurotex '94; only two weeks remain for * (uktex.32)
release:  latex2e -- second test * available (uktex.07)
release:  the announce: * of lexitex 2.0b (uktex.28)
release:  lexitex / lexibib * (uktex.30)
release:  lexitex / lexibib * (uktex.30)
release:  winter latex * (uktex.48)
remain:  eurotex '94; only two weeks * for registration (uktex.32)
reminder:  agm and committee elections: * (uktex.35)
rom:  cd * of 4alltex (for dos users) soon available (uktex.15)
rotating:  * too wide for a4 portrait table into landscape (uktex.08)
rotating:  re: * too wide for a4 portrait table into landscape (uktex.09)
rtf:  latex to * file conversion utility (uktex.02)
script:  problem with windows ghost * and bj10sx with sheet feeder (uktex.40)
second:  latex2e -- * test release available (uktex.07)
sequences:  tex, how to detect already defined control * (uktex.47)
session:  q&a panel * at uktug psfonts meeting (uktex.02)
setfigfont:  * (uktex.27)
setting:  * family trees (uktex.04)
sheet:  problem with windows ghost script and bj10sx with * feeder (uktex.40)
shell:  pfe as * for latex? (uktex.43)
shell:  re: pfe as * for latex (uktex.44)
shibi:  * eshkar: latex2e (uktex.42)
short:  * introduction to latex 2e (uktex.43)
shortvrb.sty:  location of * (uktex.19)
shortvrb.sty:  re: location of * (uktex.20)
side:  how to print * by side pages (uktex.23)
side:  how to print side by * pages (uktex.23)
side:  re: how to print * by side pages (uktex.24)
side:  re: how to print * by side pages (uktex.24)
side:  re: how to print side by * pages (uktex.24)
side:  re: how to print side by * pages (uktex.24)
sign:  integral * (uktex.18)
sign:  **uk**: slackware latex problems (pound *) (uktex.40)
sign:  re: **uk**: slackware latex problems (pound *) (uktex.40)
sign:  re: **uk**: slackware latex problems (pound *) (uktex.40)
site:  ftp * for tex pk fonts (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
site:  re: ftp * for tex pk fonts (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
size:  bibtex field * limits (uktex.30)
size:  re: bibtex field * limits (uktex.31)
slackware:  **uk**: * latex problems (pound sign) (uktex.40)
slackware:  re: **uk**: * latex problems (pound sign) (uktex.40)
slackware:  re: **uk**: * latex problems (pound sign) (uktex.40)
slides:  re: making * (uktex.25)
soon:  cd rom of 4alltex (for dos users) * available (uktex.15)
source:  adobe fonts- *, anyone? (uktex.24)
space:  inserting * (uktex.37)
space:  re: inserting * (uktex.39)
space:  re: inserting * (uktex.39)
space:  re:inserting * (uktex.39)
spelling:  * checker for unix at ctan? (uktex.39)
start:  garbage at * of printout (uktex.35)
start:  re: garbage at * of printout (uktex.35)
start:  re: garbage at * of printout (uktex.35)
start:  re: garbage at * of printout (uktex.35)
status:  the * of the `uk.tex' newsgroup (uktex.31)
style:  ctan calling all latex * writers!! readme! (uktex.05)
style:  float minor * (uktex.10)
style:  re: float minor * (uktex.11)
style:  * file for my thesis (uktex.29)
style:  bib * using key as label? (uktex.37)
style:  latex * for iee colloquium (uktex.40)
substitution:  font * in dvips (uktex.06)
sun:  query: *, hp deskjet driver (uktex.03)
system:  ftp site for tex pk fonts (for unix *)? (uktex.42)
system:  re: ftp site for tex pk fonts (for unix *)? (uktex.42)
table:  rotating too wide for a4 portrait * into landscape (uktex.08)
table:  re: rotating too wide for a4 portrait * into landscape (uktex.09)
table:  q: preface & bibliography in * of contents ? (uktex.29)
table:  re: q: preface & bibliography in * of contents ? (uktex.29)
table:  re: q: preface & bibliography in * of contents ? (uktex.30)
tabular:  looking for ``\multirow'' in * environment (uktex.42)
tabular:  re: looking for ``\multirow'' in * environment (uktex.44)
temporary:  * immortality offered (uktex.33)
test:  latex2e version of artikel?, rapport?, boek * version available (uktex.06)
test:  latex2e -- second * release available (uktex.07)
test:  * for duplex postscript printer output <--- latex (uktex.21)
tex:  filename compatibility between unix * and mac textures (uktex.01)
tex:  * output on high-resolution devices (uktex.02)
tex:  * for windows (uktex.08)
tex:  * memory limitations (uktex.08)
tex:  re: * for windows (uktex.09)
tex:  re: * for windows (uktex.09)
tex:  re: * memory limitations (uktex.09)
tex:  * for openvms axp? (uktex.12)
tex:  re: * for openvms axp? (uktex.13)
tex:  uk * archive now back online (uktex.14)
tex:  * for pdp11 (uktex.15)
tex:  help installing * on vax/vms? (uktex.15)
tex:  re: help installing * on vax/vms? (uktex.15)
tex:  * for vax/vms? (uktex.18)
tex:  pdp11 * (uktex.19)
tex:  plain * footnote problem (uktex.19)
tex:  re: * for vax/vms? (uktex.19)
tex:  migrating from ms word and mathtype to *? (uktex.20)
tex:  re: pdp11 * (uktex.20)
tex:  * and latex (uktex.22)
tex:  cyrillic fonts in the * archive (uktex.23)
tex:  re: cyrillic fonts in the * archive (uktex.24)
tex:  [q] increasing * parameters in unix tex... (uktex.36)
tex:  [q] increasing tex parameters in unix *... (uktex.36)
tex:  re: [q] increasing * parameters in unix tex... (uktex.36)
tex:  re: [q] increasing tex parameters in unix *... (uktex.36)
tex:  framemaker -> * (uktex.37)
tex:  uktug agm afternoon programme: what's new in * (uktex.38)
tex:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: what's new in * (uktex.39)
tex:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: what's new in * (uktex.39)
tex:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: what's new in * (uktex.40)
tex:  ftp site for * pk fonts (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
tex:  re: ftp site for * pk fonts (for unix system)? (uktex.42)
tex:  problem: * omits every other word in wrapped lines (uktex.45)
tex:  wanted: new members for uk * users group (uktex.46)
tex:  *, how to detect already defined control sequences (uktex.47)
tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications:  can't find dir * (uktex.16)
tex-archive.latex.contrib.publications:  re: can't find dir * (uktex.16)
tex/latex:  wanted: * installation and training (uktex.44)
tex/postscript:  previewing * (uktex.04)
tex/postscript:  re: previewing * (uktex.05)
texcad:  re: wanted: * for pc (uktex.37)
texcad:  wanted: * for pc (uktex.37)
texhax/uktex:  * merger opinions (uktex.47)
textures:  filename compatibility between unix tex and mac * (uktex.01)
tfm:  dc * files (uktex.02)
tfm:  re: dc * files (uktex.02)
tgrind:  * (uktex.24)
than:  re: using more * one bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
than:  re: using more * one bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
than:  using more * one bib file via bibtex (uktex.37)
thesis:  style file for my * (uktex.29)
think:  one for the gurus, i *.... (uktex.03)
think:  re: one for the gurus, i *.... (uktex.04)
time:  * delay in web2c-6.1 latex2e (uktex.42)
tmp:  [q] get maketexpk to use /* (uktex.42)
too:  rotating * wide for a4 portrait table into landscape (uktex.08)
too:  re: rotating * wide for a4 portrait table into landscape (uktex.09)
training:  latex * (uktex.36)
training:  wanted: tex/latex installation and * (uktex.44)
trees:  setting family * (uktex.04)
truetype:  * vs. metafont (uktex.41)
ttf:  * (uktex.22)
tug:  uk * meeting on latex fonts and graphics (uktex.20)
two:  eurotex '94: only * weeks left for registration! (uktex.31)
two:  eurotex '94; only * weeks remain for registration (uktex.32)
type:  * 1 postscript fonts (uktex.07)
type:  re: * 1 postscript fonts (uktex.08)
type1:  re: mac * font to .pfb/.pfa format (uktex.11)
typeset:  draft of * version of the faq (uktex.42)
typographical:  fonts and * changes in latex (uktex.40)
typographical:  re: fonts and * changes in latex (uktex.40)
uk.tex:  the status of the `*' newsgroup (uktex.31)
uk.tex:  re: texhax, uktex-digest, * and comp.text.tex (uktex.48)
uk.tex:  texhax, uktex-digest, * and comp.text.tex (uktex.48)
uktex:  * digest v94 #01 (uktex.01)
uktex:  * digest v94 #02 (uktex.02)
uktex:  * digest v94 #03 (uktex.03)
uktex:  * digest v94 #04 (uktex.04)
uktex:  * digest v94 #05 (uktex.05)
uktex:  * digest v94 #06 (uktex.06)
uktex:  * digest v94 #07 (uktex.07)
uktex:  * digest v94 #08 (uktex.08)
uktex:  * digest v94 #09 (uktex.09)
uktex:  * digest v94 #10 (uktex.10)
uktex:  * digest v94 #11 (uktex.11)
uktex:  * digest v94 #12 (uktex.12)
uktex:  * digest v94 #13 (uktex.13)
uktex:  * digest v94 #14 (uktex.14)
uktex:  * digest v94 #15 (uktex.15)
uktex:  * digest v94 #16 (uktex.16)
uktex:  * digest v94 #17 (uktex.17)
uktex:  * digest v94 #18 (uktex.18)
uktex:  * digest v94 #19 (uktex.19)
uktex:  * digest v94 #20 (uktex.20)
uktex:  * digest v94 #21 (uktex.21)
uktex:  * digest v94 #22 (uktex.22)
uktex:  * digest v94 #23 (uktex.23)
uktex:  * digest v94 #24 (uktex.24)
uktex:  * digest v94 #25 (uktex.25)
uktex:  * digest v94 #26 (uktex.26)
uktex:  * digest v94 #27 (uktex.27)
uktex:  * digest v94 #28 (uktex.28)
uktex:  * digest v94 #29 (uktex.29)
uktex:  * digest v94 #30 (uktex.30)
uktex:  * digest v94 #31 (uktex.31)
uktex:  * digest v94 #32 (uktex.32)
uktex:  * digest v94 #33 (uktex.33)
uktex:  * digest v94 #34 (uktex.34)
uktex:  * digest v94 #35 (uktex.35)
uktex:  * digest v94 #36 (uktex.36)
uktex:  * digest v94 #37 (uktex.37)
uktex:  * digest v94 #38 (uktex.38)
uktex:  * digest v94 #39 (uktex.39)
uktex:  * digest v94 #40 (uktex.40)
uktex:  * digest v94 #41 (uktex.41)
uktex:  * digest v94 #42 (uktex.42)
uktex:  proposed merger of * with texhax (uktex.42)
uktex:  * digest v94 #43 (uktex.43)
uktex:  * digest v94 #44 (uktex.44)
uktex:  * digest v94 #45 (uktex.45)
uktex:  * digest v94 #46 (uktex.46)
uktex:  * digest v94 #47 (uktex.47)
uktex:  * digest v94 #48 (uktex.48)
uktex:  final issue of * (uktex.48)
uktex-digest:  re: texhax, *, uk.tex and comp.text.tex (uktex.48)
uktex-digest:  texhax, *, uk.tex and comp.text.tex (uktex.48)
uktug:  q&a panel session at * psfonts meeting (uktex.02)
uktug:  final announcement: * latex2e conference, warwick, march 20--21 (uktex.09)
uktug:  * oztex distribution (uktex.19)
uktug:  re: * oztex distribution (uktex.20)
uktug:  announcement of * agm and elections (uktex.25)
uktug:  announcement: lamport, 2nd edition available to * members (uktex.28)
uktug:  * agm afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.38)
uktug:  re: * agm afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
uktug:  re: * agm afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.39)
uktug:  re: * agm afternoon programme: what's new in tex (uktex.40)
unix:  filename compatibility between * tex and mac textures (uktex.01)
unix:  hp deskjet driver for *? (uktex.23)
unix:  re: hp deskjet driver for *? (uktex.24)
unix:  [q] increasing tex parameters in * tex... (uktex.36)
unix:  re: [q] increasing tex parameters in * tex... (uktex.36)
unix:  spelling checker for * at ctan? (uktex.39)
unix:  ftp site for tex pk fonts (for * system)? (uktex.42)
unix:  re: ftp site for tex pk fonts (for * system)? (uktex.42)
unix:  dvican on * (uktex.43)
uploaded:  lshort2e.tex * (uktex.43)
uploads:  ctan management problems (*) (uktex.48)
use:  [q] get maketexpk to * /tmp (uktex.42)
users:  cd rom of 4alltex (for dos *) soon available (uktex.15)
users:  wanted: new members for uk tex * group (uktex.46)
utility:  latex to rtf file conversion * (uktex.02)
v1.307:  fontinst * beta-release (uktex.04)
vax/vms:  help installing tex on *? (uktex.15)
vax/vms:  re: help installing tex on *? (uktex.15)
vax/vms:  tex for *? (uktex.18)
vax/vms:  re: tex for *? (uktex.19)
version:  latex2e * of artikel?, rapport?, boek test version available (uktex.06)
version:  latex2e version of artikel?, rapport?, boek test * available (uktex.06)
version:  announcing babel * 3.4 patch level 1 (uktex.25)
version:  announcing babel * 3.4 patch level 2 (uktex.26)
version:  pc * of latex? (uktex.39)
version:  re: pc * of latex? (uktex.39)
version:  draft of typeset * of the faq (uktex.42)
versions:  postscript * of latex line and circle fonts. (uktex.08)
versions:  re: postscript * of latex line and circle fonts. (uktex.09)
via:  query * fax from poland (uktex.10)
via:  re: query * fax from poland (uktex.11)
via:  re: using more than one bib file * bibtex (uktex.37)
via:  re: using more than one bib file * bibtex (uktex.37)
via:  using more than one bib file * bibtex (uktex.37)
virtual:  postscript * fonts (uktex.08)
virtual:  re: postscript * fonts (uktex.09)
vpage:  re: where is *? (uktex.31)
vpage:  where is *? (uktex.31)
warwick:  final announcement: uktug latex2e conference, *, march 20--21 (uktex.09)
way:  better * of including ps file? (uktex.44)
web2c:  * 6.0 & friends available (uktex.04)
web2c:  * 6.1 et al. available (uktex.06)
web2c:  re: * 6.1 et al. available (uktex.06)
web2c-6.1:  time delay in * latex2e (uktex.42)
weeks:  eurotex '94: only two * left for registration! (uktex.31)
weeks:  eurotex '94; only two * remain for registration (uktex.32)
what's:  uktug agm afternoon programme: * new in tex (uktex.38)
what's:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: * new in tex (uktex.39)
what's:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: * new in tex (uktex.39)
what's:  re: uktug agm afternoon programme: * new in tex (uktex.40)
what:  * is auctex? (uktex.08)
when:  * is a .pfb file not a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
when:  * is a .pfb file not a .pfb file? (uktex.09)
when:  re: * is a .pfb file not a .pfb file? (uktex.10)
wide:  rotating too * for a4 portrait table into landscape (uktex.08)
wide:  re: rotating too * for a4 portrait table into landscape (uktex.09)
widely:  eurotex '94: final call for papers (please circulate *) (uktex.21)
windows:  tex for * (uktex.08)
windows:  re: tex for * (uktex.09)
windows:  re: tex for * (uktex.09)
windows:  problem with * ghost script and bj10sx with sheet feeder (uktex.40)
winter:  * latex release (uktex.48)
wish:  * to download emtex for ms-dos (uktex.18)
wish:  re: * to download emtex for ms-dos (uktex.19)
within:  latex: emphasis * emphasis (uktex.36)
within:  re: latex: emphasis * emphasis (uktex.39)
word:  migrating from ms * and mathtype to tex? (uktex.20)
word:  problem: tex omits every other * in wrapped lines (uktex.45)
work:  mutex - does it *? (uktex.30)
wrapped:  problem: tex omits every other word in * lines (uktex.45)
writers:  ctan calling all latex style *!! readme! (uktex.05)
yet:  * another dvi previewer (uktex.09)
yinit:  * fonts (uktex.34)