%% The following file was referenced in TTN 2,1:13 (Ch. Thiele)

% English version last revised on  27 febr. 1995
% Claudio Beccari -- Dipartimento di Elettronica
% Politecnico di Torino,  Torino, Italy
% Purpose:
% The program prepares a table of all the font characters in a 
% 128-symbol table similar to the ones that appear in the TeXbook
% Instructions at the end
\newcount\Nfont \Nfont=1 \newtoks\Mfont %\newtoks\nomefont
\typein[\Font]{Font name [to finish enter stop] }

\gdef;{\char\bEc\global\advance\bEc by 1&}
\gdef\MakeActive{\catcode`\"=\active \catcode`\;=\active \catcode`\'=\active}
\gdef\firstline{  & '0 & '1 & '2 & '3 & '4 & '5 & '6 & '7 &  \cr }
\gdef\lastline{   & "8 & "9 & "A & "B & "C & "D & "E & "F & }

{\rm Font: \Font.}\\[20pt]
\end{center}\advance\Nfont 1\introduci}

% It runs under LaTeX and is interactive so as to let you prepare
% as many font tables as you whish in just one run
% Usage:
% Run the program by entering
% latex fonttab
% The program will prompt you for a font name:
% Font name [to finish enter stop]
% \Font=
% Enter the font name you want to try, for example cmu10
% The program will produce the font table corresponding to the chosen font
% and will ask you another font name; keep entering as many font names you
% want and finish by entering the word stop at the font name prompt.
% That's it.			       ^^^^
% When you have your .dvi file "fonttab.dvi"  print it by means of
% your printer driver. Be aware that you might have the font metric file (.tfm)
% for the chosen font, but you might lack the corresponding pixel files, so
% that your table will be empty or contain a subtitution font according to
% your setup.