%%% @mffile{
%%%     filename="capbas.mf",
%%%     version="",
%%%     date="",
%%%     filetype="mf fontcreator",
%%%     package="m-capbas.arj"
%%%     author="Phons Bloemen (PhB)",
%%%     address="Eindhoven U. of Technology"
%%%     email="Internet: phons@ei.ele.tue.nl",
%%%     codetable="ISO/ASCII",
%%%     checksumtype="none",
%%%     checksum="0",
%%%     keywords="",
%%%     abstract="
%%%        Capital Baseball
%%%        Part of Capital Baseball package"
%%%     copyright="Copyleft (L) Phons Bloemen (PhB),
%%%        according to GNU public licence version 2 or later.
%%%        (1) Do not change this file (even its name)
%%%        (2) if you do make changes, first rename it to some
%%%            other name, and mark your changes clearly.",
%%%     }

font_size  2.5mm#;
em# :=0.25mm#;
%%% We are making a straight font

font_coding_scheme:="TeX text";
body_height#:=10em#;  % height of tallest characters
asc_height#:=10em#;    % height of lowercase ascenders
cap_height#:=10em#;    % height of caps
fig_height#:=10em#;    % height of numerals
x_height#:=10em#;    % height of lowercase without ascenders
math_axis#:=10em#;    % axis of symmetry for math symbols
bar_height#:=10em#;    % height of crossbar in lowercase e
comma_depth#:=0em#;    % depth of comma below baseline
desc_depth#:=0em#;    % depth of lowercase descenders
%% monospace := false;
%% font_setup;
font_normal_space 10 * em#;
font_quad 40em#;
font_extra_space 10 * em#;
boolean roundcapbas;
roundcapbas := false;
revcap := 1;

picture apen;

input capfon.mf;
input mftools.mf;

%%% Font Parameters
%%% tf   : size of the 'edges' in the font
%%% unit : unit length of the 'grid'.
%%% wdt  : size of grid. Character is 3x7, 4x7 or 5x7 units.

% A macro to generate a letter. The letters are defined on a
% 'grid'. This grid may be 'stretched', 'mirrored' and 'rotated'
% by a transform operator. This keeps the labels of the points
% equal. The capbasgrid function draws the grid. The letters
% themselved are created on the grid bij separate macros for each
% letter.
% This makes it easy to create different letterforms. Later, the
% letters may be 'pattern-filled' or 'outlined'.

def begincapbaschar(expr c,unit,wdt)(text t) =
beginchar((char c),wdt*unit*1.05em#,unit*7*1em#,0);
  z1 = (0.5w,0.5h);
  z0 = z1;
  tf := 0.25 * w / unit;
  t ;

begincapbaschar( 32,1.43,3)(dummy);

begincapbaschar( 48,1.43,4)(gencho(1));
begincapbaschar( 49,1.43,4)(genchone(1));
begincapbaschar( 50,1.43,4)(genchtwo(1));
begincapbaschar( 51,1.43,4)(genchthr(1));
begincapbaschar( 52,1.43,4)(genchfou(1));
begincapbaschar( 53,1.43,4)(genchfiv(1));
begincapbaschar( 54,1.43,4)(genchsix(1));
begincapbaschar( 55,1.43,4)(genchsev(1));
begincapbaschar( 56,1.43,4)(gencheig(1));
begincapbaschar( 57,1.43,4)(genchnin(1));
begincapbaschar( 64,1.43,4,genchij(1));
begincapbaschar( 65,1.43,4,gencha(1));
begincapbaschar( 66,1.43,4,genchb(1));
begincapbaschar( 67,1.43,4,genchc(1));
begincapbaschar( 68,1.43,4,genchd(1));
begincapbaschar( 69,1.43,4,genche(1));
begincapbaschar( 70,1.43,4,genchf(1));
begincapbaschar( 71,1.43,4,genchg(1));
begincapbaschar( 72,1.43,4,genchh(1));
begincapbaschar( 73,1.43,2,genchi(1));
begincapbaschar( 74,1.43,4,genchj(1));
begincapbaschar( 75,1.43,4,genchk(1));
begincapbaschar( 76,1.43,4,genchl(1));
begincapbaschar( 77,1.43,5,genchm(1));
begincapbaschar( 78,1.43,4,genchn(1));
begincapbaschar( 79,1.43,4,gencho(1));
begincapbaschar( 80,1.43,4,genchp(1));
begincapbaschar( 81,1.43,4,genchq(1));
begincapbaschar( 82,1.43,4,genchr(1));
begincapbaschar( 83,1.43,4,genchs(1));
begincapbaschar( 84,1.43,4,gencht(1));
begincapbaschar( 85,1.43,4,genchu(1));
begincapbaschar( 86,1.43,4,genchv(1));
begincapbaschar( 87,1.43,5,genchw(1));
begincapbaschar( 88,1.43,4,genchx(1));
begincapbaschar( 89,1.43,4,genchy(1));
begincapbaschar( 90,1.43,4,genchz(1));