%% This is the file OT1eu.etx, part of the MathInst package
%% (version 1.0, August, 1998) for math font 
%% generation.  (Author: Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu)

%%% @TeX-font-encoding-file{
%%%    author              = "Alan Jeffrey",
%%%    version             = "1.327",
%%%    date                = "01 June 1994",
%%%    time                = "16:39:59 BST",
%%%    filename            = "OT1.etx",
%%%    address             = "School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
%%%                           University of Sussex
%%%                           Brighton BN1 9QH
%%%                           UK",
%%%    FAX                 = "+44 273 678188",
%%%    email               = "alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk",
%%%    codetable           = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%    keywords            = "encoding, Cork, TeX, PostScript",
%%%    supported           = "yes",
%%%    abstract            = "This is the TeX text encoding as a TeX font 
%%%                           encoding file, for use with the fontinst 
%%%                           font installation package.",
%%%    package             = "fontinst",
%%%    dependencies        = "fontdoc.sty, ltugboat.sty",
%%% }



\title{The \TeX\ text encoding vector}
\author{Alan Jeffrey}
\date{01 June 1994}

%\address{School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences \\
%   University of Sussex \\
%   Falmer \\
%   Brighton \\
%   BN1 9QH \\
%   UK}




This document describes the \TeX\ text (OT1) encoding.

To use this encoding, you should define the following macros:

\item \verb|\lc{A}{a}| should return the name of a lower-case
   glyph, for example `{\tt a}' or `{\tt Asmall}'.

\item \verb|\uc{A}{a}| should return the name of an upper-case
   glyph, for example `{\tt A}' or `{\tt Amedium}'.

\item \verb|\lclig{FI}{fi}| should return the name of a lower-case
   ligature, for example `{\tt fi}' or `{\tt FIsmall}'.

\item \verb|\uclig{FI}{fi}| should return the name of an upper-case
   ligature, for example `{\tt FI}' or `{\tt FImedium}'.

\item \verb|\digit{zero}| should return the name of a digit, for
   example `{\tt zero}' or `{\tt zerooldstyle}'.

\item \verb|\tty| should be `y' if the encoding is \TeX\ typewriter 
   (cmtt) encoding, and `n' otherwise.
\item \verb|\currency| should be the name of the currency glyph, either 
   `sterling' or `dollar'.
These should all expand in the mouth, otherwise you may get error
For example, to get the standard upper and lower case font, you should
To get a caps and small caps font with old style digits and letter
spacing, you should define: 
To get an all-caps font with medium-cap composite letters and letter
spacing, you should define: 
This document describes the upper and lower case encoding.



\comment{\section{Default values}}


\if \tty y
   \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX TYPEWRITER TEXT}
   \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX TEXT}




\comment{\section{Default font dimensions}}

\setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}}              % italic slant
\setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}}                % interword space
   \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0}                           % interword stretch
   \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0}                           % interword shrink
   \setint{fontdimen(3)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{333}}% interword stretch
   \setint{fontdimen(4)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{333}}% interword shrink
\setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}}                  % x-height
\setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000}                           % quad
   \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}}             % extra space after .
   \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{333}}% extra space after .

\comment{\section{The encoding}
   There are 130 glyphs in this encoding.  128 of these are in Knuth's CM 
   encoding, and the other two are `\l' and `\L', which are composite 
   letters in CM, but are single glyphs in almost every other font.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Gamma$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Delta$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Theta$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Lambda$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Xi$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Pi$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Sigma$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Upsilon$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Phi$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Psi$'.}

   \comment{The greek letter `$\Omega$'.}

\if \tty y

   \comment{An upwards-facing arrow `$\uparrow$'.}

   \comment{A downwards-facing arrow `$\downarrow$'.}

   \comment{The `neutral' single quotation mark `{\tt\char`\'}', for use 
      with monowidth fonts.}

   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.}

   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.}


   \comment{The `ff' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a 
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fi' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a 
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fl' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a 
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffi' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a 
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffl' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a 
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as 

   \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as 
      `\=\j'.  Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.}

   \comment{The grave accent `\`a'.}

   \comment{The acute accent `\'a'.}

   \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v a'.}

   \comment{The breve accent `\u a'.}

   \comment{The macron accent `\=a'.}

   \comment{The ring accent `\aa', fitted to be the same width as an
      upper case `A'.}

   \comment{The cedilla accent `\c a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\ss'.}

   \comment{The letter `\ae'.  This is a single letter, and should not be 
      faked with `ae'.}

   \comment{The letter `\oe'.  This is a single letter, and should not be 
      faked with `oe'.}

   \comment{The letter `\o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\AE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be 
      faked with `AE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\OE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be 
      faked with `OE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\o'.}
\if \tty y

   \comment{A visible space glyph `{\tt\char`\ }'.}


   \comment{The slash used to make `\l' and `\L'.  Since most fonts do
      not have a separate glyph for this, I've added ligatures to `\l'
      and `\L'.}


   \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.}

\if \tty y

   \comment{The `neutral' quotation mark `{\tt\char`\"}', included for 
      use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs.}


   \comment{An English double closing quote mark `\,''\,'.}


   \comment{The hash sign `\#'.}

   \comment{Either the dollar sign `\$' or the pound sign `\pounds', 
      depending on the font.}

   \comment{The percent sign `\%'.}

   \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.}

   \if \tty y \else \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \fi
   \comment{The English closing quotation mark `\,'\,'.}

   \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.}

   \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.}

   \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.}

   \comment{The addition sign `+'.}

   \comment{The comma `,'.}

   \if \tty y \else \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{rangedash} \fi
   \comment{The hyphen `-'.}

   \comment{The full point `.'.}

   \comment{The forward oblique `/'.}

   \comment{The number zero `0'.  This (and all the other numerals) may be 
      old style or ranging digits.}

   \comment{The number one `1'.}

   \comment{The number two `2'.}

   \comment{The number three `3'.}

   \comment{The number four `4'.}

   \comment{The number five `5'.}

   \comment{The number six `6'.}

   \comment{The number seven `7'.}

   \comment{The number eight `8'.}

   \comment{The number nine `9'.}

   \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.}

   \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.}

\if \tty y

   \comment{The less-than sign `$<$'.}

   \comment{The equals sign `='.}

   \comment{The greater-than sign `$>$'.}


   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.}

   \comment{The equals sign `='.}

   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.}


   \comment{The question mark `?'.}

   \comment{The at sign `@'.}

   \comment{The letter `{A}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{B}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{C}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{D}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{E}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{F}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{G}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{H}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{I}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{J}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{K}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{L}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{M}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{N}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{O}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{P}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{R}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{S}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{T}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{U}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{V}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{W}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{X}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Z}'.}

   \comment{The opening square bracket `['.}

\if \tty y

   \comment{The backwards oblique `$\backslash$'.}


   \comment{An English double opening quote mark `\,``\,'.}


   \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.}

   \comment{The circumflex accent `\^ a'.}

\if \tty y

   \comment{The ASCII underline character `{\tt\char`\_}', usually set on 
      the baseline.}


   \comment{The dot accent `\.a'.}


   \if \tty y \else \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \fi
   \comment{The English opening single quotation mark `\,`\,'.}

   \comment{The letter `{a}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{b}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{c}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{d}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{e}'.}

\if \tty y \else
   \comment{The letter `{f}'.}   

   \comment{The letter `{g}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{h}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{i}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{j}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{k}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{l}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{m}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{n}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{o}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{p}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{r}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{s}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{t}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{u}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{v}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{w}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{x}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{z}'.}

\if \tty y

   \comment{The opening curly brace `\{'.}

   \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `$|$'.  This is 
      included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer 

   \comment{The closing curly brace `\}'.}


   \comment{The number range dash `1--9'.  In a monowidth font, this 
      might be set as `{\tt 1{-}9}'.}

   \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.'  In a monowidth font, this 
      might be set as `{\tt Oh{-}{-}boy.}'}

   \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H a'.}


   \comment{The tilde accent `\~a'.}

   \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"a'.}

   \section{Non-standard ligatures}
   The `\l' and `\L' glyphs are not usually in the OT1 encoding, but
   they're needed for fonts which don't have a special `lslashslash'


   \comment{The letter `\L'.}


   \comment{The letter `\l'.}

